Title: Whack your Boss
1 Whack Your Boss Proverbs for
Verbal Slapping
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2When two say you are drunk, it is best to go to
sleep. (Yiddish Proverb)
3You may force a horse to the water but you
cannot make him drink. (Danish Proverb)
4Mice cease to fear cat when she is too old.
5A single stone is enough for a house of glass.
6We measure others with our own yardstick.
(Greek Proverb)
7Every power is subject to another power.
(African-Shona Proverb)
8The axe forgets but the cut log does not.
(African-Shona Proverb)
9Authority does not depend upon age.
(African-Ovambo Proverb)
10The strength of fish is in the water.
(African-Shona Proverb)
11Reverence ceases once the blood is spilt.
(Irish Proverb)
12It is the old cows notion that she never was
a calf. (French Proverb)
13One beggar likes not that another has two
wallets. (Danish Proverb)
14A stinking person does not know
his own foul odor. (
Japanese Proverb)
15The vulture scents the carcass however high in
the air he may be.
(African-Yoruba Proverb)
16Power and violence shut the mouth.
(Maltese Proverb)
17Innocent actions carry their own warrant with
them. (English Proverb)
18Only he who treads on the fire feels it.
(Libyan Proverb)
19He who demands, does not command.
(Italian Proverb)
20The best pears fall into the pigs
mouths. (Italian Proverb)
21When the heart is full of lust, the mouth is
full of lies. (Scottish Proverb)
22Find more proverbs about life here
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