Title: Koha, Evergreen, and Voyager: A Comparison of Their OPACs
1Koha, Evergreen, and Voyager A Comparison of
Their OPACs
- Ten Years of Experience, A Future of
Possibilities - VALE / NJ ACRL/ NJLA CUS Tenth Annual Users'
Conference Friday, January 9, 2009 - Sharon Yang, Melissa A. Hofmann, and Meghan Weeks
- Rider University Libraries
2Overview of the Presentation
- Introduction
- Open Source GNU GPL
- Open Source ILS
- Koha and Evergreen
- Ten visions for the Next Generation Catalog
- Comparison of the OPACs of Koha, Evergreen, and
Voyager based on the ten visions - Conclusion
3Introduction Open Source GNU GPL
- GNU General Public License
- GNU is a recursive acronym for "GNU's Not Unix"
- Free to run, study, modify, and redistribute the
software - Support is not free
- Other open source licenses
- Mozilla Public License
- Creative Commons licenses
- BSD License
- Apache Software License
- GNU Free Documentation License
4Introduction Why Open Source ILS?
- Financial considerations
- Ability to tailor to fit local needs or
customization - No restrictions on use
- User driven vs. profit driven
- Dissatisfaction with current ILS and vendors
- No vendor lock-in
5Introduction Open Source ILS
- Avanti MicroLCS (http//www.avantilibrarysystems.c
om/) - Emilda, Finland (http//www.emilda.org)
- Evergreen, US (http//evergreen-ils.org/)
- Koha, New Zealand (http//koha.org)
- Learning Access ILS, US (www.learningaccess.org)
- NewGenLib, India (http//www.verussolutions.biz)
- OpenBiblio (http//obiblio.sourceforge.net/)
- PhpMyLibrary, Philippines (http//phpmylibrary.com
/pml/) - PMB (PhpMyBibli), France (http//www.sigb.net)
- PYTHEAS, US (http//web2.uwindsor.ca/library/leddy
/people/art/pytheas/index.html) - OPALS, US (http//www.opals-na.org/opals-fac.html)
- WebLIS, UNESCO Poland (http//www.unesco.org/isi
s/) - In conceptual stage
- OLE The Open Library Environment
6Introduction Open Source OPACs
- VuFind
- http//www.vufind.org
- Blacklight
- http//blacklight.rubyforge.org/
- XC Extensible Catalog
- http//www.extensiblecatalog.org
7Introduction Koha Evergreen
- English language
- More mature that other open source ILSs
- More complete functions/modules
- More users
- Available technical support and planned future
8Comparison Koha, Evergreen, and Voyager
Koha Evergreen Voyager
First developed 1999 2005 1994
First implemented by a US library 2002 2006 1994
First became a turnkey system with technical support 2006 2006 1994
Number of libraries as of 1/09 400 305 1179
9Introduction Status Quo
- How many libraries?
- Koha 400 (9 academic libraries)
- Evergreen 305 (1 academic library)
- Voyager 1179
- Who provides support/services?
- Koha Liblime and others
- Evergreen Equinox and others
- Voyager Ex Libris
- Why do libraries hesitate?
- Hard to install and some parts do not work
- Lack of good documentation
- Lack of functionality
10OPAC Comparison Koha, Evergreen, and Voyager
- A thorough process of evaluating an integrated
library system(ILS) today would not be complete
without also weighing the open source ILS
products against their proprietary counterparts."
- Marshall Breeding, Chapter 4, "Open Source
Integrated Library Systems"
11Ten Visions for the Next Generation Catalog
- In addition to all the features of a legacy
catalog, the Next Generation Catalog should also
include the following (Breeding 2007) - Single point of entry for all library information
- State-of-the-art web interface
- Enriched content
- Faceted navigation
- Keyword searching
- Relevancy
- Did you mean?
- Recommendations/related materials
- User contribution ratings, reviews, comments,
and tagging - RSS feeds
12Comparison A Single Point of Entry for All
Library Information
- A single search box that includes all traditional
ILS content and the full text of all the
electronic resources to which a library
subscribes (Breeding 2007). Article full text
level access. - Demonstration
- Koha ?
- Evergreen ?
- Voyager ?
13Comparison State-of-the-Art Web Interface
- Library catalogs should be intuitive interfaces
and visually appealing sites that compare well
with other Internet search engines (Breeding
2007). - Demonstration
- Koha ?
- Evergreen ?
- Voyager ?
14Comparison Enriched Content
- In addition to printed materials, enriched
content includes images of book jackets, movie
cases, table of contents, summaries, reviews,
etc. - Demonstration
- Koha ?
- Evergreen ?
- Voyager ?
15Comparison Faceted Navigation
- Use of facets to narrow the search results. It
allows users to interact with an information
resource by discovering the information held
within rather than having to guess in advance. - Demonstration
- Koha ?
- Evergreen ?
- Voyager ?
16Comparison Keyword Searching
- A simple keyword search box with a link to
advanced search for libraries. - Demonstration
- Koha ?
- Evergreen ?
- Voyager ?
17Comparison Relevancy
- In addition to relevancy based on the frequency
and positions of a keyword, a library catalog
should also consider other factors such as the
number of times an item has been checked out, the
number of copies in a library, the number of
times an item has been cited, etc. - Demonstration
- Koha ?
- Evergreen ?
- Voyager ?
18Comparison Did you mean?
- A technique to detect common spelling errors in a
query and suggest possible search terms. Goes
beyond a simple spell-check. - Demonstration
- Koha ??
- Evergreen ?
- Voyager ?
19Comparison Recommendations
- A library catalog will recommend materials when
it does not hold an item a user is looking for. - Demonstration
- Koha ?
- Evergreen ?
- Voyager ?
20Comparison User Contributions
- A resource isnt just a one-way presentation of
information, but rather invites user
participation and involvement such as reviews,
comments, summaries, tag clouds. (Breeding 2007) - Demonstration
- Koha ?
- Evergreen ?
- Voyager ?
21Comparison RSS Feed
- RSS stands for really simple syndication or rich
site summary. When incorporated into a librarys
catalog, it can broadcast new additions or other
information to users. - Demonstration
- Koha ?
- Evergreen ?
- Voyager ?
22Koha Evergreen Voyager
Single point of entry for all library information ? ? ?
State-of-the-art Web Interface ? ? ?
Enriched Content ? ? ?
Faceted Navigation ? ? ?
Keyword Searching ? ? ?
Relevancy ? ? ?
Did you mean? ?? ? ?
Recommendations ? ? ?
User Contributions ? ? ?
RSS Feed ? ? ?
23Features that need work
- Navigation
- Koha (must use Internet browser)
- Subject heading browse
- Voyager (both a starts with and keyword in
heading browse) vs. Koha (poor) and Evergreen
(none) - Advanced search
- AND, OR, NOT options available/explicit?
- Highlighting of search terms
24Conclusion Who Is Closer to Next Generation
- Koha (6/7 out of 10)
- Voyager (4 out of 10)
- Evergreen (3 out of 10)
25Questions Answers
- The next presentation will cover
- A comparison of staff modules of Koha, Evergreen,
and Voyager - Technologies behind the scene
- Cost analysis
- Recommendations
- Anderson, J.D. and Hofmann, M.A. 2006. A fully
faceted syntax for Library of Congress Subject
Headings. Cataloging Classification Quarterly
43(1), 7-38. - Boss, R.W. 2008. Open source integrated library
system software PDF document. Retrieved
December 26, 2008 from Public Library Association
ons/platechnotes - Breeding, M. 2008. Automation Marketplace 2008
Opportunity Out of Turmoil. Library Journal 133
(6), 32-38. - Breeding, M. 2007. Next-generation library
catalogs. Library Technology Reports 43 (4). - Riewe, L. M. (2008). Survey of Open Source
Integrated Library Systems. Unpublished master's
thesis, San José State University, 210 North 4th
Street San Jose, CA 95112 . Retrieved
January/February, 2009, from http//users.sfo.co
m/lmr/ils-survey.html - Wikipedia the Free encyclopedia. 2008.
Integrated Library System. Retrieved December
29, 2008 from http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki