Response to Intervention in General, Remedial, and Special - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Response to Intervention in General, Remedial, and Special


Response to Intervention in General, Remedial, and Special Education Bill Rynn Regional Consultant Exceptional Children s Division N C Department of Public Instruction – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Response to Intervention in General, Remedial, and Special

Response to Intervention in General, Remedial,
and Special Education
Bill Rynn Regional Consultant Exceptional
Childrens Division N C Department of Public
Instruction November 19, 2008
CreditsThe following leaders in the RTI
movement are credited with much of the
information in this presentationGeorge
BatscheLiz CrawfordDan Reschly
NC DPI Definition
  • The practice of providing high quality
    instruction matched to student need, monitoring
    progress frequently to make decisions about
    changes in instruction or goals and applying
    child response data to important educational
  • Response to Intervention Policy
    Considerations and Implementation,

What Is Response to Intervention (RTI)?
  • Scientifically-based instruction/interventions
    matched to student needs
  • Formative evaluation including frequent progress
    monitoring in relation to benchmarks, with
    decision rules applied
  • Decisions driven by student RTI, including genl
    ed instruction/intervention, remedial
    services/individual interventions, sp ed
    eligibility, placement, annual review and exit
  • Implementation requires Allocating (aligning)
    resources to deliver effective interventions that
    produce improved child outcomes

RTI Model Differences
  • Restricted vs Comprehensive System Wide
  • LD Identification
  • Do Tiers I and II, then traditional evaluation
  • Or Use RTI in eligibility determination and in
    the design, implementation, and evaluation of
  • Academic only or Academic and Behavior
  • False dichotomies Standard Protocol vs Problem
    Solving vs Recognition of Both
  • Choices determined by nature of problem
  • Use of both in many situations

Purpose of the RTI Process
  • Improve results in academic, behavioral, and
    emotional regulation domains, through
  • High quality interventions
  • Formative evaluation
  • Student results drive decisions about needs and
    intensity of interventions
  • Improve, eliminate disproportionate
  • Identification of disabilities through procedures
    that are valid and connected to effective special
    ed interventions
  • Improve special education results and increase
    exit from sp ed
  • Prevention and early identification-intervention

Building Consensus
I a shift to a new paradigm like RTI does not
simply involve accepting a new set of skills. It
also involves giving up certain beliefs in favor
of others. .What beliefs might you have to
give up in order to embrace RTI? What about your
staff? Your colleagues?
Why RTI?
  • Dissatisfaction with ach. results
  • Expensive programs with undocumented benefits,
    General Ed. Title I and Sp Ed
  • Poor overall outcomes re benchmark tests,
    graduate rates, early adult outcomes
  • Overrepresentation in sp ed
  • Disjointed programs across general, remedial and
    special ed.-compromised outcomes and wasted

RtI is.
  • Process that uses all resources within a school
  • Well-integrated system of instruction and
  • Guided by student outcome data
  • Early intervention
  • Prevention of academic and
  • behavioral problems

RtI is.
  • Whole school working together
  • Using resources and expertise to help all
  • Regular monitoring of success/needs
  • Data driven instruction !

RtI is.
  • Multi-step process
  • High-quality, research-based instruction and
  • Varying levels of intensity
  • Match interventions to
  • students needs

Implementation of RtI
  • Three Components
  • Prevention
  • Intervention
  • Component of SLD determination

RtI is Not.
  • A packaged program
  • A curriculum
  • Special Ed
  • Just for eligibility identification

Old Assumptions, cont.
  • Unique Treatment Methods and Teacher Training by
    Disability But, Same methods work for virtually
    all High Incidence I SWD, LD, ED, EMR
  • IQ Essential to Accurate Classification-BUT Same
    kids found with problem solving processes and
  • Identifying Disability and Sp Ed Placement Solves
  • Dubious Effects of Special Education

Some things do not make sense
Progression of Research, Policy, and Legal
  • RESEARCH Scientific research with practice
    demonstrations leading to
  • POLICY Multiple policy analyses in presented in
    prestigious reports leading to
  • FEDERAL LAW Multiple layers of Federal legal
    requirements leading to
  • STATE LAW Changes in state rules leading to
  • SCALING UP Scaling up efforts in states

Commonalties in Policy Recommendations
  • Accountability-Improved results for all students
    and better results are possible!! (Gloeckler)
  • Integration of general, remedial, and sp ed
    through multiple tiers of intervention
  • Scientifically-based interventions with problem
  • Progress monitoring with formative evaluation
  • Decisions at all levels driven by child response
    to intervention
  • Abandon IQ-Achievement discrepancy in LD

Major Legal Themes (NCLB, IDEA)
  • Scientifically-based instruction
  • More frequent assessment, progress monitoring,
    formative evaluation
  • Well integrated multiple tiers of Intervention
  • Decisions driven by child responses to
    instruction-intervention in general, remedial,
    and special education
  • Alignment of resources to enhance positive

Changes in Legal RequirementsIDEA (2004)
  • (A) IN GENERAL.Notwithstanding section 607(b),
    when determining whether a child has a specific
    learning disability as defined in section 602, a
    local educational agency shall not be required to
    take into consideration whether a child has a
    severe discrepancy between achievement and
    intellectual ability in oral expression,
    listening comprehension, written expression,
    basic reading skill, reading comprehension,
    mathematical calculation, or mathematical

Response to Intervention (IDEA, 2004)
  • (B) ADDITIONAL AUTHORITY.In deter- mining
    whether a child has a specific learning
    disability, a local educational agency may use a
    process that determines if the child responds to
    scientific, research-based intervention as a part
    of the evaluation procedures described in
    paragraphs (2) and (3).
  • Does response to intervention appear in the law?

Final Regulation
  • (b must consider, as part of the evaluation
    described data that demonstrates that
  • (1) Prior to, or as a part of the referral
    process, the child was provided appropriate
    high-quality, research-based instruction in
    regular education settings, consistent with
    section 1111(b)(8)(D) and (E) of the ESEA,
    including that the instruction was delivered by
    qualified personnel and
  • (2) Data-based documentation of repeated
    assessments of achievement at reasonable
    intervals, reflecting formal assessment of
    student progress during instruction, was provided
    to the child's parents.

Prevention-Early Intervention
  • LEA can use 15 of federal IDEA funds to support
    prevention and early identification-treatment
  • Purpose minimize over-identification and
    unnecessary sp ed referrals
  • Provide academic and behavioral supports and
    professional development re early literacy and
  • MUST use the 15 if LEA has significant

Multiple Tiers Implemented Through Progress
Monitoring and Formative Evaluation (Sugai,
Horner, Gresham, 2002)
Enter a School-Wide Systems for Student Success
  • Intensive, Individual Interventions
  • Individual and Small Groups
  • Intense, Prolonged Interventions

Where we started
Level IV IEP Consideration
Level III Consultation with the Problem Solving
Action Team
Level II Consultation With Other Resources
Level I Consultation Between Teachers-Parents
Amount of Resources Needed to Solve Problem
Intensity of Problem
Basic Problem Solving (Teachers and School Teams)
(Heartland Area Education Agency, Johnston, IA)
Define the Problem (Screening and Diagnostic
What is the problem and why is it happening?
Develop a Plan (Goal Setting and Planning)
Evaluate (Progress Monitoring Assessment)
What are we going to do?
Did our plan work?
Implement Plan (Treatment Integrity)
Carry out the intervention
Does the thing work?
Dont mess with it!
Did you mess with it?
You Idiot!
Will you catch hell?
Hide it!
Does anyone else know?
You poor slob!
Ignore it
Can you blame somebody else?
Standard Treatment Protocol Approach To
  • The standard treatment is for the student to
    receive a validated, intense intervention
  • The bad news is that all students receive the
    same intervention
  • The good news is that the interventions are
    well-specified, sequenced with clear outcomes
  • The interventions are more likely to be delivered
    with fidelity training is consistent
  • Increases the consistency of services easy to
    check for implementation

What types of interventions?
  • Standard Treatment Protocol Interventions
  • From scientific-based education research
  • Evidence-based Interventions
  • From education research
  • Experiential-based Interventions
  • From best practice with like students

Multi-Tiered Academic Interventions of Increasing
Intensity and Measurement Precision
  • Tier I General Education All students
    Effective instruction, 80-85 at benchmarks
  • Tier II Standard Protocol and Problem Solving
    (about 10 to 20 weeks) Small group and
    individualized interventions
  • Decision Making Continue Program, Modifications,
    Comprehensive Evaluation??
  • Tier III More Intensive, Sustained Instruction
    in General
  • Key Mechanism Formative Evaluation
  • Tier IV Repeat the process and/or refer to
    Special Education

Formative Evaluation
  • Frequent assessment of progress
  • Referenced to goals based on benchmarks toward
    passing state tests
  • Decision rules regarding modification of goals or
    instructional programs
  • All decisions about student needs and
    instructional intensity are based on child RTI

Characteristics of Effective Formative Evaluation
  • Direct measures of skills
  • Natural settings
  • Efficient re costs and time required
  • Sensitive to small increments of growth in
    relevant skills
  • Results can be graphed in relation to goals
  • Reliable in terms of stability
  • Valid re relationship to broad indicators of
  • Example CBM oral reading fluency and reading

Tier I General Education, Universal Stage,
Primary Prevention
  • Academics and Behavior
  • Scientifically-based
  • Explicit instruction
  • Systematic intervention
  • Inter-related, reciprocal relationships, mutually
  • Discuss separately here, but acknowledge the
    essential inter-relationship of academics and

Tier I Academic Interventions
  • Scientifically-based instruction in reading
  • Curricula-content-Big ideas, e.g., reading
  • Phonemic Awareness
  • Alphabetic principles
  • Fluency
  • Vocabulary
  • Comprehension
  • Study of IHEs pre-service preparation in rdg
  • 14 of 72 taught all 5 components and many taught
    none, see http//

Tier I Academic Interventions
  • Teaching Methodology Explicit Instruction
  • Modeling, guided practice, practice to
    automaticity, integration You do it with
    feedback, You do it independently, You do it
  • Frequent responding with feedback, Brisk pace
  • Systematic Instruction
  • Sequential, Hierarchical
  • Include all reading components each day
  • Beat the odds teachers http//

Tier I Assessment Academics
  • Routine Assessment of Progress
  • Screen all students, begin in kindergarten 3
    times per year with appropriate early literacy
  • More intense instruction and monitoring within
    classroom for students below trajectories toward
    passing state benchmark tests
  • Grouping, instructional materials, time,
    paraprofessionals Pat Vadasy at U of WA
  • Increase assessment to 2 Xs per month

Reading Benchmarks (DIBELS)
Foundations of CBM
  • Deno Mirkin (1977) Breakthrough
  • Brief samples of behavior
  • Use of oral reading fluency samples
  • Production per unit of time
  • Fluency and accuracy combined
  • Words read correct per minute
  • Math-digits correct
  • Spelling-letters correct

Importance of Standardized CBM Procedures
  • Standardized meaning uniformity in
    administration, scoring, interpretation
  • Prerequisite to use of data in
  • Determining risk status within classroom or
  • Measuring change for individuals or groups
  • Predicting later performance

Oral Reading Fluency
  • What is it?
  • Reading aloud fluently and accurately from text.
  • Why do it?
  • Indicator of proficiency in reading that is
    sensitive to growth
  • Highly correlated with performance on
    standardized tests and tests of comprehension
  • Provides information that may be used to evaluate
    effects of instruction
  • Word Calling Myth

Middle and High School RTI Applications
  • Same principles and goals Improve Results
  • Evidence-based interventions matched to student
    needs implemented with good fidelity
  • Data-based, progress monitoring with formative
    evaluation, that is, data on initial status,
    goals related to benchmarks, progress monitoring
    against goals, and changes in interventions based
    on progress
  • Decisions based on student responses to

Middle and High School RTI Applications Frequent
Goals at Middle and High School
  • Academic skills deficits
  • Teach skills in basic areas including reading and
  • See Florida web site for teaching reading to
    adolescents at
  • CBM used, progress at gt 1 word correct growth per
    week, goals, graphs, formative evaluation, etc.
  • Significant needs for basic instruction

Middle and High School RTI Applications Effort
and Work Completion
  • Can Do But Wont Do
  • Unintended reinforcement for poor effort and low
  • Interventions do improve both effort and
  • Data are critical!!!
  • Data followed by interventions, etc.

Middle and High School RTI Applications School
Involvement and Drop Out
  • Drop out not an event, but a process
  • Encouragement to leave or to stay??
  • Drop out prevention measures
  • Find at risk kids
  • Ensure teacher encouragement, someone who cares,
    monitors, encourages
  • Formal programs like Check and Connect

Middle and High School RTI Applications Problem
Solving Example
  • Drop Out
  • Scientifically-based interventions
  • Identify proxies for drop out to permit early
    intervention, e. g., school attendance,
    disciplinary referrals, failing courses, etc.
  • Gather data on current conditions
  • Establish goals
  • Implement interventions
  • Monitor progress and change intervention if
    results do not meet reasonable goals

Summary of Tier I
  • Universal level, all students
  • Scientifically-based, right content and direct
  • Greater intensity and increased measurement
    precision for students below benchmark
  • Criterion for success? 80 to 85 are at or above
  • Assess classrooms, schools, districts
  • Identify students needing additional assistance

Tier II Academic and Behavioral Interventions
  • Individual behavior interventions in general
    education that meet all criteria for problem
  • Individual or small group academic interventions,
  • Standard protocol interventions (reading)
  • Individualized academic
  • Evidence based practices.

Tier II Behavior Problem Solving Criteria cont.
  • Development of an intervention plan that is
    written, systematic, and based on
    scientifically-based instructional or behavioral
    intervention principles
  • Development of an intervention plan that is
    written, systematic, and based on
    scientifically-based instructional or behavioral
    intervention principles
  • Implementation of the plan with treatment
    fidelity checks

Tier II Academic Interventions (Vaughn et al.,
2003 Exceptional Children)
  • Goals Move performance to benchmark trajectories
    and, If needed, consider more intensive
  • Example of Tier II academic intervention
  • Small group, N4-5, pull out, similar needs
  • 30 to 35 minutes per day in addition to classroom
  • Progress monitoring weekly
  • 10 to 20 weeks of instruction
  • 5-component reading interventions, with emphasis
    on weak components

Tier II Academics and Behavior
  • Targeted individual interventions in classrooms
    and in standard protocol academic settings
  • Behavior (attention and on task) predict outcomes
    of academic interventions)
  • Standard protocol interventions use a point
    system to prompt and reinforce task engagement
  • Improved behavior often is crucial to persistence
    of academic interventions effects over time and
    generalization to classroom settings

Standard Protocol Reading Models for Tier II
  • http// U Texas,
  • http// Florida State Torgesen
  • Reading five domains taught each day
  • Direct instruction
  • Weekly progress monitoring
  • Individual graphs, progress against goals
    referenced to benchmarks
  • Decisions determined by student response
  • Fade Tier II and return to general education
  • Consider Tier III based on insufficient response

Graph Current Status
Words Correct Per Minute
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
Determine Goal Class1.5 wd growth per week
Egbert Goal 2 wd growth per week
Words Correct Per Minute
Egbert goal line
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
Monitor Egberts Progress Relative to Goal
Words Correct Per Minute
Egbert goal line
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
Formative Evaluation Change Intervention
Change Intervention
Words Correct Per Minute
Egbert goal line
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
Continue Intervention and Monitor Progress
Change Intervention
Words Correct Per Minute
Egbert goal line
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
Raise Goal to 2.5 WCM Growth
Change Intervention
Change Goal
Words Correct Per Minute
Egbert goal line
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
Continue Intervention and Monitor Progress
Change Intervention
Change Goal
Fade Tier II
Words Correct Per Minute
Egbert goal line
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
Decisions Re Egbert
  • Fade Tier II academic intervention
  • Reduce number of weekly sessions
  • Monitor progress to ensure continued progress
  • Evaluate behavioral intervention (not shown here)
  • Depending on results, consider enhancing, fading,
    or discontinuing
  • Do NOT consider more intensive interventions

Case II Egberta, Academic Intervention
  • Egberta (Egberts twin sister)
  • Similar performance in reading
  • No behavioral issues, described as quiet,
    cooperative child who tries hard and does not
    disrupt the class
  • Would not have been referred by teacher, but
    discovered through universal screening

Egberta Determine Goal Class1.5 wd growth per
week Egberta Goal 2 wd growth per week
Words Correct Per Minute
Egbert goal line
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
Tier III
  • Intended for students who do not respond at Tier
  • Provide more intensive individualized and/or
    small group research-based
  • Instruction/intervention targeted to eliminate
    discrepancies in student performance in deficit
  • Regular Education offerings plus training on
    specific curriculum and progress monitoring
  • Scientifically-based, right content and direct
  • Expand Problem Solving Team to include
    diagnostician or other support personnel

Monitor Egbertas Progress Relative to Goal
Words Correct Per Minute
Egberta goal line
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
Change Egbertas Intervention
Change Intervention
Words Correct Per Minute
Egberta goal line
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
Implement Revised Intervention and Continue to
Monitor Progress
Change Intervention
Words Correct Per Minute
Egberta goal line
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
Implement Second Intervention Revision
Change Intervention
Words Correct Per Minute
Egberta goal line
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
Gap Not Closing Consider Eligibility and More
Intensive Interventions
Change Intervention
Class WCM54
Words Correct Per Minute
Egberta WCM32
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
Egberta Consideration of Eligibility
  • Levels Difference Large performance differences
    compared to peers and benchmark expectations in
    relevant domains of behavior
  • Rate Difference Large differences in rate of
    learning compared to peers and trajectories
    toward benchmark standards when provided with
    high quality interventions implemented over a
    significant period
  • Documented Adverse Impact on Education
  • Documented Need for Special Education
  • Exit Criteria
  • Exclusion Factors Rule out MR etc.

What is a Comprehensive Evaluation
  • Note Federal Regulation,
  • (g) The child is assessed in all areas related
    to the suspected disability, including, if
    appropriate, health, vision, hearing, social and
    emotional status, general intelligence, academic
    performance, communicative status, and motor
    abilities. (34 C.F.R. 300.532
  • Meaning? Note if appropriate

Federal Requirements
  • Multiple domains must be considered
  • Screening in multiple domains followed by, if
  • If potential educationally related deficits are
    suggested by screening, THEN
  • In depth assessment in the domain
  • Principle If screening suggests adequate
    functioning, then in depth assessment is wasteful
    and irrelevant

Comprehensive Evaluation After Tier III
Comprehensive Evaluation After Tier III
Comprehensive Evaluation Post Tier III
Special Education Eligibility Determination Using
  • Recall problems with current system
  • Integrate identification with treatment
  • Level of skills
  • Pattern of skills, deficits and strengths
  • Evaluation of progress
  • Evaluation of outcomes
  • Enhance effectiveness of special education

Old Models of SLD Identification
  • Problems with severe discrepancy criteria
  • Unreliable (especially stability of discrepancy
  • Invalid (IQ discrepant poor readers do NOT
    respond better than IQ non-discrepant poor
    readers to reading instruction)
  • Causes Harm (Wait to Fail)

Old Models of SLD continued
  • Cognitive processing option ??
  • Scatter is normal, virtually all children will
    show significant strengths and weaknesses
  • Pattern of cognitive processes unrelated to
  • More accurate SLD identification
  • Improved instruction
  • Improved child outcomes
  • No scientifically-based studies showing benefits
    of designing instruction from cognitive profiles
  • Vested interests? and Burden of proof

Cognitive Processing Strengths and Weaknesses
  • ALL children have strengths and weaknesses
  • Normal readers? Not referred despite cognitive
    strengths and weaknesses
  • Poor readers? May be referred and, if so,
    cognitive strengths and weaknesses will be found
  • So what??
  • Improve accuracy of identification?
  • Improve interventions?
  • Cash validity is not sufficient

RTI in Special Education Programs
  • Special education programs should be,
  • Scientifically based
  • Matched to student need
  • Progress monitoring against goals (exit criteria)
  • Formative evaluation
  • Goal of passing benchmark tests, exiting
  • Current special education programs????

Special Education for Students with High
Incidence Disabilities
  • High Incidence Disabilities
  • Mild Mental Retardation
  • Emotional Disturbance
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Other Health Impaired-Attention Deficit
    Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Rate is 1 or more of the general student

High Incidence Disabilities
  • School age identification
  • Usually not identified as adults
  • Teacher referral due to poor achievement plus,
    for many, disruptive behavior
  • No identifiable biological anomaly, normal
  • Reading is a major concern for most (70-80)

Specially Designed Instruction
  • Uniqueness of special education is NOT in
    different methodologies BUT IS IN
  • Intensity, frequency of progress monitoring and
    formative evaluation, precision of goals, and
    specificity of instruction
  • Intensity involves time, group size
  • Specificity of instruction, thoroughness of
    skills specification, intentional teaching,
    integration with other skills
  • Application of explicit, systematic instructional

Special Education Final Remarks
  • Special education can be effective
  • Set of services brought to students, not a place
  • Integrated with general education curriculum
  • Strong accountability
  • Implementation of scientifically based
    interventions with
  • Specification of goals
  • Frequent progress monitoring
  • Formative evaluation
  • Exit criteria

Critical Skills/Competencies
  • Problem solving-interviewing skills
  • Behavior assessment including CBM
  • Powerful instructional interventions
  • Powerful behavior change interventions
  • Relationship skills
  • Tailoring assessment to referral concerns

Leadership is about one thing
  • Having a mission and relentlessly pursuing it

Reschly RTITaken Directly From Opening Talk at
RtI Innovations 2008, Utah, Given by Dave Tilly
and Jeff Grimes
PSM/RtI ContentAll Personnel
  • Understanding of
  • National, state, district policies regarding RtI
  • Link between NCLB, IDEA 04, AYP and RtI
  • Beliefs, knowledge and skills that support
    implementation of RtI
  • Steps in the PSM, multilevel RtI model, and how
    eligibility is determined using RtI
  • Fundamental utility of using progress monitoring

Reschly RTITaken Directly From Talk at RtI
Innovations 2008, Utah, Given by George Batsche
Role of District Leaders
  • Give permission for model
  • Provide a vision for outcome-based service
  • Reinforce effective practices
  • Expect accountability
  • Provide tangible support for effort
  • Training
  • Coaching
  • Technology
  • Policies

Reschly RTITaken Directly From Talk at RtI
Innovations 2008, Utah, Given by George Batsche
District Leaders Content Knowledge
  • Understanding of
  • Professional development delivery model that best
    supports implementation
  • Staff and budget requirements to integrate
    general and special education services for the
    implementation of RtI
  • Relationship between implementation and
    expectations for improved student performance
  • Barriers that will occur and that must be
    addressed during implementation
  • Use of, and support for, technology necessary to
    ensure efficient and effective implementation
  • Essential stages of change and variables
    necessary for the smooth transition to the use of
    PSM and RtI

Reschly RTITaken Directly From Talk at RtI
Innovations 2008, Utah, Given by George Batsche
Role of the Principal
  • Sets vision for problem-solving process
  • Supports development of expectations
  • Responsible for allocation of resources
  • Facilitates priority setting
  • Ensures follow-up
  • Supports program evaluation
  • Monitors staff support/climate

Reschly RTITaken Directly From Talk at RtI
Innovations 2008, Utah, Given by George Batsche
The PrincipalContent Knowledge
  • Understanding of
  • Need for universal, supplemental and intensive
    instructional strategies and interventions
  • Components of a successful PDP
  • Need for and skills in data-based decision-making
    and the need to share outcome data frequently
  • Need to publicly recognize the relationship
    between staff efforts and student outcomes
  • Need to involve and inform parents of the
    essential elements of RtI and their role in the

Reschly RTITaken Directly From Talk at RtI
Innovations 2008, Utah, Given by George Batsche
Role of the Facilitator
  • Ensures pre-meeting preparation
  • Reviews steps in process and desired outcomes
  • Facilitates movement through steps
  • Facilitates consensus building
  • Sets follow-up schedule/communication
  • Creates evaluation criteria/protocol
  • Ensures parent involvement

Reschly RTITaken Directly From Talk at RtI
Innovations 2008, Utah, Given by George Batsche
What is a Team?Facilitators Vision
  • Agreement through CONSENSUS
  • We agree to try and see
  • No one person is an expert-a show maker or a show
  • People stay focused on common goal-Development of
    Effective Interventions
  • Interpersonal conflicts do not affect outcome
  • This is about the student
  • We are seeking an significant improvement-not a
  • Resources must be managed well
  • Primary resource is time

Reschly RTITaken Directly From Talk at RtI
Innovations 2008, Utah, Given by George Batsche
Role of Participants
  • Review Request for Assistance forms prior to
  • Complete individual problem-solving
  • Attitude of consensus building
  • Understand data
  • Research interventions for problem area

Reschly RTITaken Directly From Talk at RtI
Innovations 2008, Utah, Given by George Batsche
The ParticipantsContent Knowledge
  • An understanding of
  • The relationship between RtI and student
  • Need to increase the range of empirically
    validated instructional practices in the general
    education classroom
  • Uses of the problem-solving method
  • Technology and other supports available and
    necessary to implement RtI
  • Administrative and leadership support necessary
    to maximize the implementation of RtI
  • Need to provide practical models and examples
    with sufficient student outcome data
  • Need for demonstration and guided practice

Reschly RTITaken Directly From Talk at RtI
Innovations 2008, Utah, Given by George Batsche
Student Services StaffContent Knowledge
  • An understanding of
  • The different models for evaluating student
    performance differences and their impact on the
    development of instructional and assessment
  • Evaluation strategies to assess instructional
    quality in general and special education
    classrooms and programs
  • CBM and related continuous progress monitoring
    technologies to relate individual student
    performance to instructional quality data
  • Need for and models of social support and the
    role of support staff in the provision of that
    support for school staff
  • Specific training in coaching, mentoring and data
    management strategies

Reschly RTITaken Directly From Talk at RtI
Innovations 2008, Utah, Given by George Batsche
Role of Parent
  • Review Request for Assistance form prior to
  • Complete individual problem solving
  • Prioritize concerns
  • Attitude of consensus building

Reschly RTITaken Directly From Talk at RtI
Innovations 2008, Utah, Given by George Batsche
Student Involvement
  • Increases motivation of student
  • Reduces teacher load
  • Teaches self-responsibility

Reschly RTITaken Directly From Talk at RtI
Innovations 2008, Utah, Given by George Batsche
Impact on LeadersA Change in Focus
  • Student progress, not labels are most important
  • All students compared to general education
  • All students affect AYP
  • A students response to intervention is the most
    important data
  • Academic Engaged Time is the currency of
  • Training and coaching must be focused on Problem
    Solving Model
  • Increase the use of technology
  • Interventions must be evidence-based

Reschly RTITaken Directly From Talk at RtI
Innovations 2008, Utah, Given by George Batsche
Staff Support
  • Risk-free or risky environment?
  • Expectations may be most important factor
  • Alternative not Less

Reschly RTITaken Directly From Talk at RtI
Innovations 2008, Utah, Given by George Batsche
District LevelInfrastructure
Reschly RTITaken Directly From Opening Talk at
RtI Innovations 2008, Utah, Given by Dave Tilly
and Jeff Grimes
School Building LevelInfrastructure
Reschly RTITaken Directly From Opening Talk at
RtI Innovations 2008, Utah, Given by Dave Tilly
and Jeff Grimes
Purpose of Blueprints
  • Think of blueprints for your house
  • They tell you
  • Where to put the walls
  • Where to put the windows
  • How the framing should come togther
  • Where the plumbing and electrical run
  • They Dont tell you
  • What color to paint the walls
  • What furniture to buy
  • Where to hang your pictures

Reschly RTITaken Directly From Talk at RtI
Innovations 2008, Utah, Given by Judy Elliott
Blueprint Content
  • All of the blueprints are organized around the
    predictable stages of RtI Implementation
  • Consensus building building consensus among
    potential implementers on what RtI is and why to
    do it
  • Infrastructure building building the skills,
    structures and strategies locall to support
    comprehensive RtI practices
  • Implementation building the frameworks to
    sustain RtI practice over time once initial
    infrastructure building is complete

Reschly RTITaken Directly From Talk at RtI
Innovations 2008, Utah, Given by Judy Elliott
Stages of Implementing Problem Solving/RtI
  • Consensus
  • Belief is shared
  • Vision is agreed upon
  • Implementation requirements understood
  • Infrastructure Development
  • Analyzing and Reconciling Regulations
  • Training/Technical Assistance
  • Model (e.g., Standard Protocol)
  • Tier I and II intervention systems
  • E.g., K-3 Academic Support Plan
  • Data Management
  • Technology support
  • Decision-making criteria established
  • Implementation

Objectives for Consensus Building at the District
Level NASDSE, p. 5
  • Develop a shared vision that Response to
    Intervention (RtI) is an all education
    initiative led by general education and that RtI
    and problem-solving will result in more
    productive and equitable outcomes for students.
  • Identify the administrative support structures
    necessary for systemic planning and
    implementation of RtI.
  • Identify the stakeholders in the district, inform
    them about RtI and assure the stakeholders that
    their input will be considered in the development
    of the infrastructure.
  • Develop a common understanding regarding the
    scope of RTI implementation.

Reschly RTITaken Directly From NASDSE District
Level Blueprint, page 5
Objectives for Infrastructure Building at the
District Level (NASDSE, p. 10)
  • Have all the components required for RtI roll
    out in place.
  • Define the policies and procedures regarding how
    to implement RtI and problem-solving.
  • Complete a needs assessment to identify areas of
    strength and areas of need related to an RtI
  • Outline an evaluation plan and identify the data
    management system(s) that will be used to support
    RtI implementation.
  • Develop a plan to define how the district, at all
    levels, will support the implementation of RtI
    through systemic technical assistance and
    professional development.

Reschly RTITaken Directly From NASDSE District
Level Blueprint, page 10
Objectives for Implementation at the District
Level (NASDSE, p. 20)
  • The district will have the necessary systemic
    supports in place to ensure successful
    implementation of RtI.
  • The district will implement a multi-year
    implementation and professional development plan
    that provides ongoing and sustained support for
    RtI implementation.
  • The district will use a systemic evaluation plan
    to assess the impact of RtI on student, site,
    district and personnel outcomes.

Reschly RTITaken Directly From NASDSE District
Level Blueprint, page 20
The many gotta haves Common Language and
Common Understanding
  • Working knowledge and skill of the problem
    solving model
  • Working knowledge of the Tiered system of
  • Skill in use of data to make instructional
  • Working knowledge of how to create decisions
    rules for tiered intervention
  • Ability to link assessment data to robust
    instruction and behavior interventions
  • Skill to seek and implement evidence based
  • Ability to speak your truth

Reschly RTITaken Directly From Talk at RtI
Innovations 2008, Utah, Given by Judy Elliott
  • This is not about another new initiative
  • This is about integrating what we know works!!
  • You dont need more resources the same number
    of resources who service kids who look like can
    service kids who look like

Reschly RTITaken Directly From Talk at RtI
Innovations 2008, Utah, Given by Judy Elliott
What do we know about systems change?
  • Communicate a clear and common vision
  • Planned and pursued in a systematic manner over
  • One size does NOT fit all
  • Professional development is critical
  • Outcome evaluation is NON-NEGOTIABLE!

Why have past initiatives failed?
  • Failure to achieve CONSENSUS
  • School culture is ignored
  • Purpose unclear
  • Lack of ongoing communication
  • Unrealistic expectations of initial success
  • Failure to measure and analyze progress
  • Participants not involved in planning

Consensus Building
  • Educators will embrace new ideas when two
    conditions exist
  • They understand the NEED for the idea
  • They perceive that they either have the SKILLS to
    implement the idea OR they have the SUPPORT to
    develop the skills

How can we work smarter?
  • Explain the why
  • Provide a clear vision
  • Explain the scope and sequence
  • Start listening
  • Provide incentives

Leadership Teams
  • Given all of these leadership things weve talked
  • Whats your leadership role?
  • Whats the first thing youre going to do when
    you get back to your districts/schools?

Reschly RTITaken Directly From Opening Talk at
RtI Innovations 2008, Utah, Given by Dave Tilly
and Jeff Grimes
Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together
is progress. Working together is success.

Henry Ford
Reschly RTITaken Directly From Opening Talk at
RtI Innovations 2008, Utah, Given by Dave Tilly
and Jeff Grimes
Continuing Education Problem solving and system
  • Reschly, D. J., Tilly, W. D. III, Grimes, J. P.
    (Eds.). (1999). Special education in transition
    Functional assessment and noncategorical
    programming. Longmont, CO Sopris West.
  • Bergan, J. R., Kratochwill, T. R. (1990).
    Behavioral consultation and therapy. New York
  • Shinn, M. R. (Ed.). (1989). Curriculum-based
    measurement Assessing special children. New
    York Guilford Press.

Continuing Education CBM, CBE, Behavioral
  • Shinn, M. R. (Ed.) (1998). Advanced applications
    of curriculum-based measurement New York
    Guilford Press.
  • Shapiro, E. S. (Ed.) (1996). Academic skills
    problems Direct assessment and intervention (2nd
    Ed.). New York Guilford Press.
  • Shapiro, E. S., Kratochwill, T. R. (Eds.).
    (2000). Behavioral assessment in schools
    Theory, research, and clinical applications (2nd
    Ed.). New York Guilford Press.

Continuing Education Academic and Behavioral
  • Sulzer-Azaroff, B., Mayer, G. R. (1991).
    Behavior analysis for lasting change. Fort
    Worth, TX Holt, Rinehart, Winston.
  • Howell, K. Nolet, V. (2000). Curriculum-based
    evaluation Teaching and decision making (3rd
    Ed.). Atlanta, GA Wadsworth.
  • Shinn, M.R., Walker, H.M., Stoner, G. (2002). 
    Interventions for academic and behaviors problems
    II  Preventive and remedial approaches. 
    Bethesda, MD NASP

Who Can Help?
Sherry Abernethy NCDPI RTI Coordinator Your Regional EC
Consultant (Northwest) Bill Rynn Your Regional Literacy
Consultant www.ncpublicschools/ Your
Regional Behavioral Consultant www.ncpublicschools
/ Thank you for all you do for children
in North Carolina!
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