Title: Water Jet Assisted Liposuction (BodyJet) and Fat Grafting
1Water Jet Assisted Liposuction (BodyJet) and Fat
- LLC NIKE-MED Satellite Symposium
- Moscow - 13th of December 2012
WAL Water-Assisted Liposcution
Water-Jet Assisted Liposuction J-AFT
Jet-Assisted Fat Transfer BEAULITM
Berlin Autologous Lipotransfer A method for
large-volume fat grafts by means of
water-assisted liposuction (BodyJetR) and
reinjection of the fat after separation from
superfluous water by means of the LipoCollectorR
3- My Person
- History of Fat Transfer
- Principles of Fatgrafting
- Patient Selection and Information
- Precautions
- Anaesthesia
- Fatgrafting with WAL/BodyJet (HumanMed)
- Fat Collecting /LipoCollector (HumanMed)
- Fat Injection
- Complications
- My Results
- Conclusion
4- My Person
- History of Fat Transfer
- Principles of Fatgrafting
- Patient Selection and Information
- Precautions
- Anaesthesia
- Fatgrafting with WAL/BodyJet (HumanMed)
- Fat Collecting /LipoCollector (HumanMed)
- Fat Injection
- Complications
- My Results
- Conclusion
5Dr. Daniel MünchLiposuction since 1993 (5000
Op)Fat Transfer since 2010 (110
6- My Person
- History of Fat Transfer
- Principles of Fatgrafting
- Patient Selection and Information
- Precautions
- Anaesthesia
- Fatgrafting with WAL/BodyJet (HumanMed)
- Fat Collecting /LipoCollector (HumanMed)
- Fat Injection
- Complications
- My Results
- Conclusion
7Gustav Adolf Neuber (1850-1932)
First Report on Fat Auto-Grafting in Humans in
8Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Chirurgie, April 12-15, 1893
9- Holländer, 1910 Partial breast reconstruction
through injection of autologous adipose tissue - Peer, 1950 Study of Loss of weigth and volume in
human fat graft - After Introduction of liposuction Fischer,
Illouz, Fournier (1983) adipose tissue
transplantation come into vogue
10- Strong upswing in scientific investigation of
autologous fat transfer with publications and
research by Chajchir (1986, 1989), Coleman (1998,
2001), Delay (2005, 2009) and Rigotti (2008,
2009) - Results depend essentially on the methode
11. structural fat grafting is going to
revolutionize breast surgery and completely
change the way plastic surgeons deal with the
female breast."-- Sydney Coleman, M.D.
Original technique (LipoStructure) used by
Coleman in bilateral breast enlargement took at
least 5 7 h
12- Coleman Successfull transplant of fat is
possible in principle - Problem facility for harvesting large quantities
in realistic surgery time
13WAL Technique for cell friendly harvesting of
fat cell particles which would reduce operation
time and result in a high integration rate
Reinjection of the fat after separation from
superfluous water by means of the LipoCollectorR
Water-Jet Assisted Liposuction (BodyJetR )
14- My Person
- History of Fat Transfer
- Principles of Fatgrafting
- Patient Selection and Information
- Precautions
- Anaesthesia
- Fatgrafting with WAL/BodyJet (HumanMed)
- Fat Collecting /LipoCollector (HumanMed)
- Fat Injection
- Complications
- My Results
- Conclusion
15Fat Grafting Methode should be
- Clinically safe
- Easy to perform
- Fast to perform
- Render reproducible results
16Blood supply
Size of the fat droplets
0-300µm survival
300-550µm regeneration
550µm necrosis/cysts
17Fat droplets of until1mm diameter are save
max. 1mm
18- My Person
- History of Fat Transfer
- Principles of Fatgrafting
- Patient Selection and Information
- Precautions
- Anaesthesia
- Fatgrafting with WAL/BodyJet (HumanMed)
- Fat Collecting /LipoCollector (HumanMed)
- Fat Injection
- Complications
- My Results
- Conclusion
19Patient Selection
20Patient Selection
21Patient Selection
Patients with lipodystrophy in the trunk/thighs
and small breasts is are good candidates
22Patient Selection be aware
- Slim, young women with small breasts and tight
skin envelope, BMI under 19 - Unrealistic expections
- Is there enough fat (and money) for later
transfers? - Prevoius surgery, scarring
- Weight loss after the transfer
23Patient Information Volume gain
- 200ml injected Volume
- 75 pure Fat, 25 Water Volume 150ml
- Uptake 70 Volume 105ml
Volume gain about half of the injected
volume Shrinking max. loss in 3 weeks, final
result in 2-3 months
24Volume gain
Not Absorbed
200ml injected Volume
Pure Fat
105ml Volume gain
Volume gain
25Volume gain
26Patient Information
- General information about possible cyst formation
or calcification - Mammogram
- Infections
- Bleeding
27- My Person
- History of Fat Transfer
- Principles of Fatgrafting
- Patient Selection and Information
- Precautions
- Anaesthesia
- Fatgrafting with WAL/BodyJet (HumanMed)
- Fat Collecting /LipoCollector (HumanMed)
- Fat Injection
- Complications
- My Results
- Conclusion
28Prevent Cooling
- Klein Solution 350C
- Patient warming blankets (Inditherm, Bair Hugger)
- Antibiotic for 7 days
- Low dose Liq. for 3 days
30- My Person
- History of Fat Transfer
- Principles of Fatgrafting
- Patient Selection and Information
- Precautions
- Anaesthesia
- Fatgrafting with WAL/BodyJet (HumanMed)
- Fat Collecting /LipoCollector (HumanMed)
- Fat Injection
- Complications
- My Results
- Conclusion
31Klein Standard Tumescence Solution
(Body temperature)
32Infiltration(Cannula 2mm)
33Additional Analgesia
- Entonox (50 nitrous oxide 50 oxygen)
- Analgesic anxiolytic agent
- Effective
- Rapide
- Patient acceptable
- Safe (no anesthesiologist!)
34- My Person
- History of Fat Transfer
- Principles of Fatgrafting
- Patient Selection and Information
- Precautions
- Anaesthesia
- Fatgrafting with WAL/BodyJet (HumanMed)
- Fat Collecting /LipoCollector (HumanMed)
- Fat Injection
- Complications
- My Results
- Conclusion
36Water Jet Harvest
- Water carries the delicate fat tissue (pulsing
water jet, 30bar, 90ml/min, 300 angle) - Small openings (0,9mm) tiny parcels of fatty
tissue - Reduced negative pressure (-0,5bar)
- Gentle movements
37Infiltration and aspiration
38Water Jet Harvest
- Residue of 30 fluid permits easy reinjection and
leads to a uniform distribution of the fat in the
tissue - Duration of the invervention only 1 ½ - 2 h
Ueberreiter BEAULI Thieme 2010
39Water Jet Harvest
- Water Jet Liposuction yields harvested fat of
consistent quality (immediatly re-use without
centrifugation) - Small cell packages containing adipocytes and
pre-adipocytes are transferred
40No Seperation of Stem Cells
- 500ml of fat must be extracted in addition
- The enzymatic preparation process takes 3h
- Additional costs
41- My Person
- History of Fat Transfer
- Principles of Fatgrafting
- Patient Selection and Information
- Precautions
- Anaesthesia
- Fatgrafting with WAL/BodyJet (HumanMed)
- Fat Collecting/LipoCollector (HumanMed)
- Fat Injection
- Complications
- My Results
- Conclusion
42Lipo Collector
From Patient
to BodyJet
Prefilter (removing fibrous elements)
Sieve (Seperate fat/fluid)
Ueberreiter BEAULI Thieme 2010
45Lipo Collector
46- My Person
- History of Fat Transfer
- Principles of Fatgrafting
- Patient Selection and Information
- Precautions
- Anaesthesia
- Fatgrafting with WAL/BodyJet (HumanMed)
- Fat Collecting /LipoCollector (HumanMed)
- Fat Injection
- Complications
- My Results
- Conclusion
47Fat Injection
- Cannula
- Diameter 2.00mm
- Lenght 150mm
- 2 Lateral Eyes
48Fat Filling
- 2/3 in the subcutis
- 1/3 in the muscle and retroglandular
- Not in the glandular tissue
- Decollté
- Compensating for asymmetry
49Fat Filling
- 2/3 in the subcutis
- 1/3 in the muscle and retroglandular
- Not in the glandular tissue
- Decollté
- Compensating for asymmetry
50Cave seeding fat lumps
51Yoshimura/Autologous Fat Transfer Shifmann (Edit)
Springer 2010
- Fan shaped
- Several planes
- Rotating the cannula
- Strung like pearls
- 3D-Filling
- Not overfill (to much fat kills the
fat) - Patient in a upright 450 position
52- Fan shaped
- Several planes
- Rotating the cannula
- Strung like pearls
- 3D-Filling
- Not overfill (to much fat kills the
fat) - Patient in a upright 450 position
53Fat Filling
Leave the breats soft to much fat leads to
necrosis! High pressure Reduced circulation
For more volume 2 Operations
- Injection site Plaster Strip
- Circular cotton bandage around the chest to avoid
local cooling for 3 days
- No bra or a wide nursing bra without any
compression - Antibiotic for 3 days (Cephalosporin)
- Analgesics (Paracetamol)
56- My Person
- History of Fat Transfer
- Principles of Fatgrafting
- Patient Selection and Information
- Precautions
- Anaesthesia
- Fatgrafting with WAL/BodyJet (HumanMed)
- Fat Collecting /LipoCollector (HumanMed)
- Fat Injection
- Complications
- My Results
- Conclusion
- Large portions of fat
- Poor perfusion Necrosis
- Pressure
- Oil Cysts
- Calcifications
With the use of digital mammography MRI such
changes can be easily distinguished from
malignant changes
- Haematoma formation
- Infections
- Subcutaneous granulomas
59Risk of Developing Breast Cancer
- Cancer originates in the glands, outside the
subcutaneous adipose tissue - In current state of data, an increased risk of
cancer through fat transfer is unlikely and has
not been recorded to date
60Task Force ASPS
1987 The Committee is unanimous in deploring
the use of autologous fat injection in breast
1992 strongly condems the use of fat injection
for breast enlargement.
61Task Force ASPS
2009 Fat graft can be considered a safe method
of breast augmentation. The need of sterile
technique should be emphasized.
62Task Force ASPS
2009 The result may vary depending on the
surgeons technique and experience with the
There are no reports sugesting an increased risk
of malignacy associated with fat grafting.
Plastic and Reconstr Surg 2009, 1241 p 272-80
63- My Person
- History of Fat Transfer
- Principles of Fatgrafting
- Patient Selection and Information
- Precautions
- Anästhesia
- Fatgrafting with WAL/BodyJet (HumanMed)
- Fat Collecting /LipoCollector (HumanMed)
- Fat Injection
- Complications
- My Results
- Conclusion
64Large volume fat transfers for Breastaugmentation
my experience
- One surgeon study
- September 2010 May 2012
- 93 Breast-Transfer Operations
- 81 Patients
- Age 19 - 62 years (Ø 36,5 years)
- BMI 18,6 29,8 (Ø 22,7)
65Large volume fat transfers for Breastaugmentation
my experience
- 45 Patients correction of asymmetrie
- 3 Patients unilateral
- 11 Patients twice
- 1 Patient three times
- Injected Volume 140 ml 540 ml (Ø 340ml)
- Follow up 1 20 months (Ø 5,1 months)
- No Complications
66Patient Satisfaction
67Subjective Assessment
68- My Person
- History of Fat Transfer
- Principles of Fatgrafting
- Patient Selection and Information
- Precautions
- Anaesthesia
- Fatgrafting with WAL/BodyJet (HumanMed)
- Fat Collecting /LipoCollector (HumanMed)
- Fat Injection
- Complications
- My Results
- Conclusion
69J-AFT Advantages
- Simple collection process
- Gentle water-Jet releases fat
- Low suction force
- No centrifugation, no washing
- Avoids excess handling of fat
- No exposure to oxygen
- No waiting fat is ready for transfer
- Excellent natural filler, no scars
70- Good selected patients are very happy
- after 110 procedures no complications
- naturally improvement in breast size and form,
more firmness and fullness for every patient
- Unrealistic expectations (great volume, desire
absolute increase of cup size) - Denial of multiple procedures
- Dislike liposuction
- BMI under 19
- Stay modest more
- seeds on the same ground do not mean better
harvest - overfilling ? necrosis overgrafting ?
loosing fat
- J-AFT using WAL (BodyJet) combined with
LipoCollector for harvesting, filtering and
transferring of autologous fat tissue represents
a very efficient unique technology for fat