Title: Graduation Project title
1 Graduation Project title DESIGN OF FACULITY
2Main topics
- Chapter one Introduction
- General
- Materials
- Loads
- Codes and standards
- Building structural system
3Main topics
- Chapter two Preliminary Design
- Slab systems and design
- Beam design
- Column design
4Main topics
- Chapter Three Three Dimensional Structural
Analysis and Design - General
- Property/Stiffness Modification Factors
- Structural Model Verification
- Design of Slabs
- Design of Beams
- Design of Columns
- Design of Footings
- Design of stair and shear wall
5Chapter One
- General
- This is a graduation project that introduces
analysis and design of reinforced concrete
structure. This structure is the building of
faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
in the Arab American University in Jenin. The
building was analyzed and designed using the
primary principles of structure by using the most
modern analysis of structures, three dimensional
structural analyses and design. - The building is composed of two blocks, block 1
consists of four floors with an area of 685.75 m2
and block 2 consists of four floors with an area
of 667.5 m2.
6Chapter One
- The ground floor includes chambers, lectures
halls and academics offices. - The first floor includes cafeteria, chambers,
lectures halls and academics offices. - The second floor includes lectures halls, manual
drawing rooms, networks lab, communications lab,
computers lab, engineering workshop and services
center. - And the third floor includes library and reading
halls. - The elevation for each floor is equal to 3.85 m,
and the total height of building is equal 17.2 m.
7Chapter One
8Chapter One
- Materials
- Structural elements
- Concrete
- The cylindrical compressive strength of
concrete at 28 days, fc is 240 kg/cm2 which is
equivalent to fcu of 300kg/m2 cube test. - Steel
- The yield strength of the used reinforcing bars
fy is 4200kg/cm2. - There are non structural materials that are used
in the structure which are - Blocks.
- Masonry stone.
- Tiles.
- Filling under tiles.
9Chapter One
- Loads
- There are two main types of loads
- Gravity loads
- Live load It comes from the people, machines
and any movable objects in the buildings. The
amount of live load depends on the type of the
structure. In this project the live load is - 0.3 ton/m2 (class room).
- 0.5 ton/ m2 (corridors and stairs)
- 0.6 ton/ m2 (library).
- 0.2ton/m 2 (roof).
- 2.5ton/m2 (stair roof)
- Dead load it is consisting of own weight
of the structure and any permanent components.
The super imposed dead load is 0.5 ton/m2. - Snow loads this project constructed in Jenin
that no snow in this area, so snow load will be
10Chapter One
- Lateral load
- Seismic loads
- The structure is located in Jenin area which is
classified as zone 2B according to Palestine
seismic zones. - The UBC97 code seismic parameters are as follows
- The seismic zone factor, Z 0.2.
- The soil is very dense soil and soft rock, so the
soil type is Sc. - The importance factor, I 1.0 .
- The ductility factor, R 5.6.
- The seismic coefficient, Ca0.24.
- The seismic coefficient, Cv0.32.
11(No Transcript)
12Chapter One
- Codes and Standards
- The structure is designed using practice codes
and specifications that control the design
process and variables. - The following codes and standards are used in
this study - ACI 318-05 American concrete institute
provisions for reinforced concrete structure
design. - UBC-97 code which is used here for seismic load
parameters determination. - IBC 2009 Code which is used here for line load
determination. - ASTM For material specifications.
13Chapter One
- Building Structural System
- The slabs structural system is formed of one
way and two way ribbed slabs with hidden interior
beams and drop perimeter beams. The beams are
supported by separate columns which are the main
vertical structural elements. The building
structural system is formed of perimeter and
stair case shear walls which is the main lateral
forces resisting structural system, in addition
to the building frames of beams and columns.
14Chapter Two
Preliminary Design
15Chapter Two
Preliminary Design
- Slab Systems and Design
- Two way ribbed slab
- The deflection is the most important factor that
controls the slab thickness, Minimum thickness of
two way ribbed slab typically ranged from
(L/21-L/25). - hmin L/24 930/24 38.75 cm, use 40cm
16Chapter Two
Preliminary Design
- Dead load
- Slab own weight 0.8 ton/m2
- Masonry Wall own weight 1.77 ton/m
- Super imposed load0.5 ton/m2
- The moment in ribs are distributed in two
directions. The value of moment in each direction
depends on the loads, panel aspect ratio, panel
continuity, and beam-slab relative stiffness. - In this chapter one panel was designed, panel
dimension 9.2mX7m so the load distribution - L short/L long7/9.20.76
- The short direction takes 0.75 of load and the
long take 0.25.
17Chapter Two
Preliminary Design
- Ribbed in the Short direction
- Wu (2.04)(0.75) 1.53 ton/m2 0.842ton/rib.
- Mn-ve 4.58 ton.m.
- Rn 22.32
- ?? 5.64 x10-3 gt??min
- As3.13 cm2.
- Use 2 ?14.
- Mn ve 3.28 ton.m.
- Rn 4.36
- ?? 5.21x10-4.
- As1cm2
- As min 1.733 cm2.
- Use 2 ?12
18Chapter Two
Preliminary Design
- Ribs in long direction
- Wu (2.04)(0.25) 0.51 ton/m2 0.28 ton/rib.
- Mn 2.67 ton.m.
- Rn 12.99
- ?? 3.210-3 lt ??min
- As 1.85 cm2.
- Use 2 ?12.
- Mn 1.9 ton.m.
- Rn 2.82
- ?? (6.67)(10-4)
- As (0.667)(10-3)(55)(37) 1.36 cm2.
- As-min (3.3)(10-3)(15)(35) 1.85 cm2 gt As
1.36 cm2 ? use As-min 1.85 cm2. - Use 2 ?12.
19Chapter Two
Preliminary Design
- One way ribbed slab
- Own weight (0.4)(1)(0.32)(1.2)
(0.15)(1)(0.32)(2.5) (1)(0.55)(0.08)(2.5)
0.385 ton/m2 0.7 ton/rib
20Chapter Two
Preliminary Design
- Beam design
- Generally, concrete beams have a rectangular
cross section since it is easy to be constructed
in the field - All beams must be able to resist shear, bending
moments, and torsional stresses
21Chapter Two
Preliminary Design
- Beam4
- Beam width 80 cm, and depth 40 cm.
22Chapter Two
Preliminary Design
23Chapter Two
Preliminary Design
24Chapter Two
Preliminary Design
- Beam4
- Design for flexure
- Negative moment
- Mu-ve 33.88 ton.m.
- Mn 37.64 ton.m.
- ?? 0.0102 gt ??min
- As 28.6 cm2.
- Use 8 ?22
- Positive moment
- Muve 42.86 ton.m.
- Mn 47.62 ton.m.
- ?? 0.0134 gt ??min
- As 37.6 cm2.
- Use 10 ? 22
25Chapter Two
Preliminary Design
- Beam4
- Design for Shear
- Vu 30.05 ton.
- ? Vc 17.24 ton
- Vu gt ? Vc shear reinforcement required
- for Av/S 0.067
- SAv/(Av/S) 1.57/0.067 23.43 cm lt max d/2
26.5 - Use 1?10/20 cm
- For Av/S 0.120
- S 1.57/0.120 13.1 cm lt max
- Use 1?10/13 cm
26Chapter Two
Preliminary Design
- Column Design
- Columns are structural elements used primarily
to support axial compressive loads, that coming
from slabs or beams above. - Practically columns are subjected not to axial
loads but also to moment from direct loading or
end rotation.
27Chapter Two
Preliminary Design
- Column 26
- Pu (57.64)(4) 230.56 ton.(57.64 reaction
from SAP2000) - Assume dimension (40cmX60cm)
- r (0.3)(0.6) 0.18
- Kl/r(1)(3.65)/0.18 20.28 34.
- So its short column.
- Assume ? ?min 1
- Ag (0.4)(0.6) 0.24m2.
- ? Pn 304.46 ton 230.56 ton. ?so the column
is safe to carry axial load.
28Chapter Two
Preliminary Design
- Column 26
- Check for buckling
- ? Pcr (0.7)(p2)(20)(105)(0.4)(0.6)(0.43)/(12)
/((1)(3.65))2 - ? Pcr 1327 ton 230.56 ton. ? ok
- As (0.01)(60)(40) 24cm2.
- use 12 ? 16, Figure 2.12
- Shear reinforcement
- ties spacing lt 30cm
- lt(16)(1.6)25.6cm
- lt(48)(1)48cm
- Use 2 ?/25cm.
29Chapter Three Three Dimensional Structural
Analysis and Design
- General
- This chapter includes 3D model for the first and
second block in the project. The sections for
slabs, beams, and columns are defined. - Structural analysis comprises of set of physical
and mathematical laws required to study and
predict the behavior of structures under a given
set of actions. The structural analysis of the
model is aimed to determine the external
reactions at the supports and the internal forces
like bending moments, shear forces, and normal
forces for the different members. Theses internal
member forces are used to design the cross
section of three elements.
30Chapter Three Three Dimensional Structural
Analysis and Design
Property/Stiffness Modification Factors
31Chapter Three Three Dimensional Structural
Analysis and Design
One way slab system(y-direction) Membrane
f11modifier(A2/A3) 0.044/0.22 0.2 Membrane
f22 modifier (A1/A3) 0.092/0.22
0.418 Membrane f12 modifier (A2/A3)
0.044/0.22 0.2 Bending m11 modifier 0.25(
I2/ I3) 0.25(2.3467e-5/2.933e-3)
0.002 Bending m22 modifier 0.25( I1/ I3)
0.25(2.3467e-5/2.933e-3) 0.139 Bending m12
modifier 0.25( I2/ I3) 0.25(2.3467e-5/2.933e
-3) 0.002 Shear v13 modifier (A2/A3)
0.044/0.22 0.2 Shear v23 modifier (A1/A3)
0.092/0.22 0.4 18 Mass m modifier (M 1 way
rib / M solid) (0.7/1) 0.7 Weight w modifier
(9.81M 1 way rib/ 9.81M solid) (0.7/1) 0.7
32Chapter Three Three Dimensional Structural
Analysis and Design
Check equilibrium Block one The total
building dead load 6920.94ton The total
building live load 1235.132ton From SAP2000
total dead load 6781.38ton Total live
load 1230.26ton Error in dead load2.02 lt
5 ok. Error in live load 0.40 lt 5
33Chapter Three Three Dimensional Structural
Analysis and Design
Check equilibrium Block Two The total
building dead load 7789.2ton The total
building live load 1374.6 ton From SAP2000
total dead load 7612.3ton Total live
load 1372.73ton Error in dead load2.27 lt
5 ok. Error in live load 0.17 lt 5
34Chapter Three Three Dimensional Structural
Analysis and Design
Compatibility check
35Chapter Three Three Dimensional Structural
Analysis and Design
Compatibility check
36Chapter Three Three Dimensional Structural
Analysis and Design
37Chapter Three Three Dimensional Structural
Analysis and Design
38Chapter Three Three Dimensional Structural
Analysis and Design
39Chapter Three Three Dimensional Structural
Analysis and Design
Footing Footings are defined as the
substructure whose function is to transmit safely
the concentrated column or wall reactions to the
soil stratum. footings which used in this project
can be classified into the following types 1)
Isolated footing they have rectangular, square,
or circular shape. This type of footing is used
for small loads, and/or large soil allowable
bearing capacity. 2) Combined footing it is
used to connect two columns if columns are very
close to each other, or to connect edge column
with interior column to have uniform pressure
footing. 3) Wall footing it is a continuous
footing along the length of the wall.
40(No Transcript)
41Chapter Three Three Dimensional Structural
Analysis and Design
42Chapter Three Three Dimensional Structural
Analysis and Design
43Chapter Three Three Dimensional Structural
Analysis and Design
Design Of Shear Walls ?Shear walls are vertical
elements of the horizontal force resisting
system Shear walls should be located on each
level of the structure, to form an effective box
structure, equal length shear walls are preferred
to be placed symmetrically on all exterior walls
of the building. Shear walls must provide the
necessary lateral strength to resist horizontal
earthquake forces. When shear walls are strong
enough, they will transfer these horizontal
forces to the next element in the load path below
44Chapter Three Three Dimensional Structural
Analysis and Design
Shear wall (SW 6) Vertical reinforcement Pu
300 ton, Mu 1150 ton.m ?min 0.0012 , h 8.1
m , b 0.2 m. As min 19.44 cm2 As min for each
face 19.44/2 9.72 cm2 Use 1 ?12 / 25
cm. Horizontal reinforcement ?min 0.002 , h
8.1 m , b 0.2 m. As min 32.4 cm2 As min for
each face 32.4/2 16.2 cm2 Use 1 ?12 / 25
cm. As result, for all shear walls Vertical
reinforcement Use 1 ?12 / 25 cm. Horizontal
reinforcement Use 1 ?12 / 25 cm
45Chapter Three Three Dimensional Structural
Analysis and Design
Design Of Stairs In this section stairs was
designed, started by estimating the dead load and
live load for this stairs, then performed and
analyzed as simply model by SAP2000 program and
took the deflection, shear and moment on
it. Thickness of slab One end continuous t
L/24 t 4.7/24 0.196 m, use 20 cm thickness
46Chapter Three Three Dimensional Structural
Analysis and Design
47Chapter Three Three Dimensional Structural
Analysis and Design
Section A-A reinforcement
48Thanks for listening