Title: CSE 502 Graduate Computer Architecture Lec 15
1CSE 502 Graduate Computer Architecture Lec 15
MidTerm Review
- Larry Wittie
- Computer Science, StonyBrook University
- http//www.cs.sunysb.edu/cse502 and lw
- Slides adapted from David Patterson, UC-Berkeley
2Review Some Basic Unit Definitions
- Kilobyte (KB) 210 (1,024) or 103 (1,000 or
thousand) Bytes (a 500-page book) - Megabyte (MB) 220 (1,048,576) or 106
(million) Bytes (1 wall of 1000 books) - Gigabyte (GB) 230 (1,073,741,824) or 109
(billion) Bytes (a 1000-wall library) - Terabyte (TB) 240 (1.100 x 1012) or 1012
(trillion) Bytes (1000 big libraries) - Petabyte (PB) 250 (1.126 x 1015) or 1015
(quadrillion) Bytes (½ hr satellite data) - Exabyte 260 (1.153 x 1018) or 1018
(quintillion) Bytes (40 days 1 satellites
data) - Remember that 8 bits 1 Byte
- millisec (ms) 10-3 (a thousandth of a)
second light goes 300 kilometers - ?icrosec (?s) 10-6 (a millionth of a)
second light goes 300 meters - nanosec (ns) 10-9 (a billionth of a)
second light goes 30 cm, 1 foot - picosec (ps) 10-12 (a trillionth of a)
second light goes 300 ?m, 6 hairs - femtosec (fs) 10-15 (one quadrillionth)
second light goes 300 nm, 1 cell - attosec 10-18 (one quintillionth of a)
second light goes 0.3 nm, 1 atom
3CSE 502 Graduate Computer Architecture Lec 1-2
- Introduction
- Larry Wittie
- Computer Science, StonyBrook University
- http//www.cs.sunysb.edu/cse502 and lw
- Slides adapted from David Patterson, UC-Berkeley
4Crossroads Uniprocessor Performance
From Hennessy and Patterson, Computer
Architecture A Quantitative Approach, 4th
edition, October, 2006
- VAX 25/year 1978 to 1986
- RISC x86 52/year 1986 to 2002
- RISC x86 ??/year 2002 to 2006
51) Taking Advantage of Parallelism
- Increasing throughput of server computer via
multiple processors or multiple disks - Detailed HW design
- Carry lookahead adders uses parallelism to speed
up computing sums from linear to logarithmic in
number of bits per operand - Multiple memory banks searched in parallel in
set-associative caches - Pipelining overlap instruction execution to
reduce the total time to complete an instruction
sequence. - Not every instruction depends on immediate
predecessor ? executing instructions
completely/partially in parallel possible - Classic 5-stage pipeline 1) Instruction Fetch
(Ifetch), 2) Register Read (Reg), 3) Execute
(ALU), 4) Data Memory Access (Dmem), 5)
Register Write (Reg)
6Pipelined Instruction Execution Is Faster
7Limits to Pipelining
- Hazards prevent next instruction from executing
during its designated clock cycle - Structural hazards attempt to use the same
hardware to do two different things at once - Data hazards Instruction depends on result of
prior instruction still in the pipeline - Control hazards Caused by delay between the
fetching of instructions and decisions about
changes in control flow (branches and jumps).
Time (clock cycles)
I n s t r. O r d e r
82) The Principle of Locality gt Caches ()
- The Principle of Locality
- Programs access a relatively small portion of the
address space at any instant of time. - Two Different Types of Locality
- Temporal Locality (Locality in Time) If an item
is referenced, it will tend to be referenced
again soon (e.g., loops, reuse) - Spatial Locality (Locality in Space) If an item
is referenced, items whose addresses are close by
tend to be referenced soon (e.g., straight-line
code, array access) - For 30 years, HW has relied on locality for
memory perf.
9Levels of the Memory Hierarchy
Capacity Access Time Cost
Staging Xfer Unit
CPU Registers 100s Bytes 300 500 ps (0.3-0.5 ns)
Upper Level
prog./compiler 1-8 bytes
Instr. Operands
L1 Cache
L1 and L2 Cache 10s-100s K Bytes 1 ns - 10
ns 1000s/ GByte
cache cntlr 32-64 bytes
L2 Cache
cache cntlr 64-128 bytes
Main Memory G Bytes 80ns- 200ns 100/ GByte
OS 4K-8K bytes
Disk 10s T Bytes, 10 ms (10,000,000 ns) 0.25
/ GByte
user/operator Mbytes
Tape Vault Semi-infinite sec-min 1 / GByte
Lower Level
103) Focus on the Common CaseMake Frequent Case
Fast and Rest Right
- Common sense guides computer design
- Since its engineering, common sense is valuable
- In making a design trade-off, favor the frequent
case over the infrequent case - E.g., Instruction fetch and decode unit used more
frequently than multiplier, so optimize it first - E.g., If database server has 50 disks /
processor, storage dependability dominates system
dependability, so optimize it 1st - Frequent case is often simpler and can be done
faster than the infrequent case - E.g., overflow is rare when adding 2 numbers, so
improve performance by optimizing more common
case of no overflow - May slow down overflow, but overall performance
improved by optimizing for the normal case - What is frequent case and how much performance
improved by making case faster gt Amdahls Law
114) Amdahls Law - Partial Enhancement Limits
Best to ever achieve
- Example An I/O bound server gets a new CPU that
is 10X faster, but 60 of server time is spent
waiting for I/O.
A 10X faster CPU allures, but the server is only
1.6X faster.
125) Processor performance equation
Inst count
Cycle time
- CPU time Inst Count x CPI x Clock Cycle
- Program X
- Compiler X (X)
- Inst. Set. X X
- Organization X X
- Technology X
13What Determines a Clock Cycle?
Latch or register
combinational logic
- At transition edge(s) of each clock pulse, state
devices sample and save their present input
signals - Past 1 cycle time for signals to pass 10
levels of gates - Today determined by numerous time-of-flight
issues gate delays - clock propagation, wire lengths, drivers
14?.Latency Lags ?.Bandwidth (for last 20 yrs)
- Performance Milestones
- Processor 286, 386, 486, Pentium, Pentium
Pro, Pentium 4 (21x,2250x) - Ethernet 10Mb, 100Mb, 1000Mb, 10000 Mb/s
(16x,1000x) - Memory Module 16bit plain DRAM, Page Mode DRAM,
32b, 64b, SDRAM, DDR SDRAM (4x,120x) - Disk 3600, 5400, 7200, 10000, 15000 RPM (8x,
(Latency simple operation w/o contention,
15Summary of Technology Trends
- For disk, LAN, memory, and microprocessor,
bandwidth improves by more than the square of
latency improvement - In the time that bandwidth doubles, latency
improves by no more than 1.2X to 1.4X - Lag of gains for latency vs bandwidth probably
even larger in real systems, as bandwidth gains
multiplied by replicated components - Multiple processors in a cluster or even on a
chip - Multiple disks in a disk array
- Multiple memory modules in a large memory
- Simultaneous communication in switched local area
networks (LANs) - HW and SW developers should innovate assuming
Latency Lags Bandwidth - If everything improves at the same rate, then
nothing really changes - When rates vary, good designs require real
16Define and quantify power ( 1 / 2)
- For CMOS chips, traditional dominant energy use
has been in switching transistors, called dynamic
- For mobile devices, energy is a better metric
- For a fixed task, slowing clock rate (the
switching frequency) reduces power, but not
energy - Capacitive load is function of number of
transistors connected to output and the
technology, which determines the capacitance of
wires and transistors - Dropping voltage helps both, so ICs went from 5V
to 1V - To save energy dynamic power, most CPUs now
turn off clock of inactive modules (e.g. Fltg.
Pt. Arith. Unit)
- If a 15 voltage reduction causes a 15 reduction
in frequency, what is the impact on dynamic
power? - New power/old 0.852 x 0.85 0.853 0.614 39
- Because leakage current flows even when a
transistor is off, now static power important too
17Define and quantity dependability (2/3)
- Module reliability measure of continuous
service accomplishment (or time to failure). - Mean Time To Failure (MTTF) measures Reliability
- Failures In Time (FIT) 1/MTTF, the failure rate
- Usually reported as failures per billion hours of
operation - Definition Performance
- Performance is in units of things-done per second
- bigger is better
- If we are primarily concerned with response time
- " X is N times faster than Y" means
The Speedup N mushroom The BIG Time
the little time
18And in conclusion
- Computer Science at the crossroads from
sequential to parallel computing - Salvation requires innovation in many fields,
including computer architecture - An architect must track extrapolate technology
- Bandwidth in disks, DRAM, networks, and
processors improves by at least as much as the
square of the improvement in Latency - Quantify dynamic and static power
- Capacitance x Voltage2 x frequency, Energy vs.
power - Quantify dependability
- Reliability (MTTF, FIT), Availability (99.9)
- Quantify and summarize performance
- Ratios, Geometric Mean, Multiplicative Standard
Deviation - Read Chapter 1, then Appendix A
19CSE 502 Graduate Computer Architecture Lec 3-5
Performance Instruction Pipelining Review
- Larry Wittie
- Computer Science, StonyBrook University
- http//www.cs.sunysb.edu/cse502 and lw
- Slides adapted from David Patterson, UC-Berkeley
20A "Typical" RISC ISA
- 32-bit fixed format instruction (3 formats)
- 32 32-bit GPR (R0 contains zero, DP take pair)
- 3-address, reg-reg arithmetic instruction
- Single address mode for load/store base
displacement - no indirection (since it needs another memory
access) - Simple branch conditions (e.g., single-bit 0 or
not?) - (Delayed branch - ineffective in deep pipelines)
see SPARC, MIPS, HP PA-Risc, DEC Alpha, IBM
PowerPC, CDC 6600, CDC 7600, Cray-1,
Cray-2, Cray-3
21Example MIPS
Register-Register R Format Arithmetic
Register-Immediate I Format All immediate
arithmetic ops
Branch I Format Moderate relative distance
conditional branches
Jump / Call J Format Long distance jumps
225-Stage MIPS Datapath(has pipeline latches)
Figure A.3, Page A-9
Memory Access
Instruction Fetch
Execute Addr. Calc
Write Back
Instr. Decode Reg. Fetch
Next PC
Reg File
Data Memory
Sign Extend
WB Data
- Data stationary control
- local decode for each instruction phase /
pipeline stage
23Code SpeedUp Equation for Pipelining
For simple RISC pipeline, Ideal CPI 1
24Data Hazard on Register R1 (If No
Forwarding)Figure A.6, Page A-17
Time (clock cycles)
No forwarding needed since write reg in 1st half
cycle, read reg in 2nd half cycle.
25Three Generic Data Hazards
- Read After Write (RAW) InstrJ tries to read
operand before InstrI writes it - Caused by a Dependence (in compiler
nomenclature). This hazard results from an
actual need for communicating a new data value.
I add r1,r2,r3 J sub r4,r1,r3
26Three Generic Data Hazards
- Write After Read (WAR) InstrJ writes operand
before InstrI reads it - Called an anti-dependence by compiler
writers.This results from reuse of the name
r1. - Cannot happen in MIPS 5 stage pipeline because
- All instructions take 5 stages, and
- Register reads are always in stage 2, and
- Register writes are always in stage 5
27Three Generic Data Hazards
- Write After Write (WAW) InstrJ writes operand
before InstrI writes it. - Called an output dependence by compiler
writersThis also results from the reuse of name
r1. - Cannot happen in MIPS 5 stage pipeline because
- All instructions take 5 stages, and
- Register writes are always in stage 5
- Will see WAR and WAW in more complicated pipes
28Forwarding to Avoid Data HazardFigure A.7, Page
Forwarding of ALU outputs needed as ALU inputs 1
2 cycles later.
Forwarding of LW MEM outputs to SW MEM or ALU
inputs 1 or 2 cycles later.
Time (clock cycles)
Need no forwarding since write reg is in 1st half
cycle, read reg in 2nd half cycle.
29HW Datapath Changes (in red) for
ForwardingFigure A.23, Page A-37
To forward ALU, MEM 2 cycles to ALU
To forward ALU output 1 cycle to ALU inputs
(From LW Data Memory)
Data Memory
(From ALU)
To forward MEM 1 cycle to SW MEM input
What circuit detects and resolves this hazard?
30Forwarding Avoids ALU-ALU LW-SW Data
HazardsFigure A.8, Page A-20
Time (clock cycles)
31LW-ALU Data Hazard Even with Forwarding Figure
A.9, Page A-21
Time (clock cycles)
No forwarding needed since write reg in 1st half
cycle, read reg in 2nd half cycle.
32Data Hazard Even with Forwarding(Similar to
Figure A.10, Page A-21)
Time (clock cycles)
No forwarding needed since write reg in 1st half
cycle, read reg in 2nd half cycle.
I n s t r. O r d e r
lw r1, 0(r2)
sub r4,r1,r6
and r6,r1,r7
or r8,r1,r9
How is this hazard detected?
33Software Scheduling to Avoid Load Hazards
Try producing fast code with no stalls for a
b c d e f assuming a, b, c, d ,e, and f
are in memory. Slow code LW Rb,b LW
Rc,c ADD Ra,Rb,Rc SW a,Ra LW Re,e
LW Rf,f SUB Rd,Re,Rf SW d,Rd
- Fast code (no stalls)
- LW Rb,b
- LW Rc,c
- LW Re,e
- ADD Ra,Rb,Rc
- LW Rf,f
- SW a,Ra
- SUB Rd,Re,Rf
- SW d,Rd
Stall gt
Stall gt
Compiler optimizes for performance. Hardware
checks for safety.
345-Stage MIPS Datapath(has pipeline latches)
Figure A.3, Page A-9
Memory Access
Instruction Fetch
Execute Addr. Calc
Write Back
Instr. Decode Reg. Fetch
Next PC
Reg File
Data Memory
Sign Extend
WB Data
- Simple design put branch completion in stage 4
35Control Hazard on Branch - Three Cycle Stall
What do you do with the 3 instructions in
between? How do you do it? Where is the commit?
36Branch Stall Impact if Commit in Stage 4
- If CPI 1 and 15 of instructions are branches,
Stall 3 cycles gt new CPI 1.45! - Two-part solution
- Determine sooner whether branch taken or not, AND
- Compute taken branch address earlier
- MIPS branch tests if register 0 or ? 0
- MIPS Solution
- Move zero_test to ID/RF (Instr Decode Register
Fetch) stage (2, 4MEM) - Add extra adder to calculate new PC (Program
Counter) in ID/RF stage - Result is 1 clock cycle penalty for branch versus
3 when decided in MEM
37Pipelined MIPS DatapathFigure A.24, page A-38
Memory Access
Instruction Fetch
Execute Addr. Calc
Write Back
Instr. Decode Reg. Fetch
Next PC
Reg File
Data Memory
Sign Extend
The fast_branch design needs a longer stage 2
cycle time, so the clock is slower for all stages.
WB Data
- Interplay of instruction set design and cycle
38Four Branch Hazard Alternatives
- 1 Stall until branch direction is clear
- 2 Predict Branch Not Taken
- Execute the next instructions in sequence
- PC4 already calculated, so use it to get next
instruction - Nullify bad instructions in pipeline if branch is
actually taken - Nullify easier since pipeline state updates are
late (MEM, WB) - 47 MIPS branches not taken on average
- 3 Predict Branch Taken
- 53 MIPS branches taken on average
- But have not calculated branch target address in
MIPS - MIPS still incurs 1 cycle branch penalty
- Other machines branch target known before outcome
39Four Branch Hazard Alternatives
- 4 Delayed Branch
- Define branch to take place AFTER a following
instruction - branch instruction sequential
successor1 sequential successor2 ........ seque
ntial successorn - branch target if taken
- 1 slot delay allows proper decision and branch
target address in 5 stage pipeline - MIPS 1st used this (Later versions of MIPS did
not pipeline deeper)
Branch delay of length n
40And In Conclusion Control and Pipelining
- Quantify and summarize performance
- Ratios, Geometric Mean, Multiplicative Standard
Deviation - FP Benchmarks age, disks fail, single-point
failure - Control via State Machines and Microprogramming
- Just overlap tasks easy if tasks are independent
- Speed Up ? Pipeline Depth if ideal CPI is 1,
then - Hazards limit performance on computers
- Structural need more HW resources
- Data (RAW,WAR,WAW) need forwarding, compiler
scheduling - Control delayed branch or branch
(taken/not-taken) prediction - Exceptions and interrupts add complexity
- Next time Read Appendix C
- No class Tuesday 9/29/09, when Monday classes
will run.
41CSE 502 Graduate Computer Architecture Lec 6-7
Memory Hierarchy Review
- Larry Wittie
- Computer Science, StonyBrook University
- http//www.cs.sunysb.edu/cse502 and lw
- Slides adapted from David Patterson, UC-Berkeley
42Since 1980, CPU has outpaced DRAM ...
Q. How do architects address this gap?
A. Put smaller, faster cache memories between
CPU and DRAM. Create a memory hierarchy.
Performance (1/latency)
CPU 60 per yr 2X in 1.5 yrs
DRAM 9 per yr 2X in 10 yrs
431977 DRAM faster than microprocessors
44Memory Hierarchy Apple iMac G5
07 Reg L1 Inst L1 Data L2 DRAM Disk
Size 1K 64K 32K 512K 256M 80G
Latency Cycles, Time 1, 0.6 ns 3, 1.9 ns 3, 1.9 ns 11, 6.9 ns 88, 55 ns 107, 12 ms
Goal Illusion of large, fast, cheap memory
Let programs address a memory space that scales
to the disk size, at a speed that is usually
nearly as fast as register access
45iMacs PowerPC 970 (G5) All caches on-chip
46The Principle of Locality
- The Principle of Locality
- Program access a relatively small portion of the
address space at any instant of time. - Two Different Types of Locality
- Temporal Locality (Locality in Time) If an item
is referenced, it will tend to be referenced
again soon (e.g., loops, reuse) - Spatial Locality (Locality in Space) If an item
is referenced, items whose addresses are close by
tend to be referenced soon (e.g., straightline
code, array access) - For last 15 years, HW has relied on locality for
Locality is a property of programs which is
exploited in machine design.
47Programs with locality cache well ...
Memory Address (one dot per access)
Donald J. Hatfield, Jeanette Gerald Program
Restructuring for Virtual Memory. IBM Systems
Journal 10(3) 168-192 (1971)
48Memory Hierarchy Terminology
- Hit data appears in some block in the upper
level (example Block X) - Hit Rate the fraction of memory accesses found
in the upper level - Hit Time Time to access the upper level which
consists of - RAM access time Time to determine hit/miss
- Miss data needs to be retrieved from a block in
the lower level (Block Y) - Miss Rate 1 - (Hit Rate)
- Miss Penalty Time to replace a block in the
upper level - Time to deliver the block to the upper level
- Hit Time ltlt Miss Penalty(500 instructions on
49Cache Measures
- Hit rate fraction found in that level
- So high that usually talk about Miss rate
- Miss rate fallacy as MIPS to CPU performance,
miss rate to average memory access time in
memory - Average memory-access time Hit time Miss
rate x Miss penalty (ns or clocks) - Miss penalty time to replace a block from lower
level, including time to replace in CPU - replacement time time to make upper-level room
for block - access time time to lower level
- f(latency to lower level)
- transfer time time to transfer block
- f(BW between upper lower levels)
504 Questions for Memory Hierarchy
- Q1 Where can a block be placed in the upper
level? (Block placement) - Q2 How is a block found if it is in the upper
level? (Block identification) - Q3 Which block should be replaced on a miss?
(Block replacement) - Q4 What happens on a write? (Write strategy)
51Q1 Where can a block be placed in the upper
- Block 12 placed in 8 block cache
- Fully associative, direct mapped, 2-way set
associative - S.A. Mapping Block Number Modulo (Number of
Direct Mapped (12 mod 8) 4
2-Way Assoc (12 mod 4) 0
Full Mapped
52Q2 How find block if in upper level cache?
Bits 18b tag 8b index 256 entries/cache
4b 16 wds/block 2b 4 Byte/wd
- Bits (One-way) Direct Mapped Cache
Data Capacity 16KB - 256 x 512 / 8
- Index gt cache entry
- Location of all
- possible blocks
- Tag for each block
- No need to check
- index, block-offset
- Increasing
- associativity
- Shrinks index
- expands tag size
- Bit Fields in Memory Address Used to Access
Cache Word - Virtual Memory
- Cache Block
53Q3 Which block to replace after a miss? (After
start up, cache is nearly always full)
- Easy if Direct Mapped (only 1 block 1 way per
index) - If Set Associative or Fully Associative, must
choose - Random (Ran) Easy to
implement, but not best if only 2-way - LRU (Least Recently Used) LRU is best, but hard
to implement if gt8-way - Also other LRU approximations better than Random
- Miss Rates for 3 Cache Sizes Associativities
- Associativity 2-way 4-way
8-way - DataSize LRU Ran LRU Ran
LRU Ran - 16 KB 5.2 5.7 4.7 5.3
4.4 5.0 - 64 KB 1.9 2.0 1.5 1.7
1.4 1.5 - 256 KB 1.15 1.17 1.13 1.13
1.12 1.12 - Random picks gt same low miss rate as LRU for
large caches
54Q4 Write policy What happens on a write?
Write-Through Write-Back
Policy Data written to cache block is also written to next lower-level memory Write new data only to the cache Update lower level just before a written block leaves cache, i.e., is removed
Debugging Easier Harder
Can read misses force writes? No Yes (may slow read)
Do repeated writes touch lower level? Yes, memory busier No
Additional option -- let writes to an un-cached
address allocate a new cache line
(write-allocate), else just Write-Through.
55 Write Buffers for Write-Through Caches
Q. Why a write buffer ?
A. So CPU not stall for writes
Q. Why a buffer, why not just one register ?
A. Bursts of writes are common.
Q. Are Read After Write (RAW) hazards an issue
for write buffer?
A. Yes! Drain buffer before next read or check
buffer addresses before read-miss.
565 Basic Cache Optimizations
- Reducing Miss Rate
- Larger Block size (reduce Compulsory, cold,
misses) - Larger Cache size (reduce Capacity misses)
- Higher Associativity (reduce Conflict misses) (
and multiprocessors have cache Coherence misses)
(4 Cs) - Reducing Miss Penalty
- Multilevel Caches total miss rate p(local miss
rate) - Reducing Hit Time (minimal cache latency)
- Giving Reads Priority over Writes, since CPU
waiting - Read completes before earlier writes in
write buffer
57The Limits of Physical Addressing
Simple addressing method of archaic pre-1978
Machine language programs had to be aware of the
machine organization
No way to prevent a program from accessing any
machine resource
58Solution Add a Layer of Indirection
Virtual Addresses
Physical Addresses
Main Memory
Address Translation
All user programs run in an standardized virtual
address space starting at zero
Needs fast(!) Address Translation hardware,
managed by the operating system (OS), maps
virtual address to physical memory
Hardware supports modern OS features Memory
protection, Address translation, Sharing
59Three Advantages of Virtual Memory
- Translation
- Program can be given consistent view of memory,
even though physical memory is scrambled (pages
of programs in any order in physical RAM) - Makes multithreading reasonable (now used a lot!)
- Only the most important part of each program
(the Working Set) must be in physical memory at
any one time. - Contiguous structures (like stacks) use only as
much physical memory as necessary, yet still can
grow later as needed without recopying. - Protection (most important now)
- Different threads (or processes) protected from
each other. - Different pages can be given special behavior
- (Read Only, Invisible to user programs, Not
cached). - Kernel and OS data are protected from access by
User programs - Very important for protection from malicious
programs - Sharing
- Can map same physical page to multiple
users(Shared memory)
60Details of Page Table
Page Table
(Byte offset same in VA PA)
virtual address
- Page table maps virtual page numbers to physical
frames (PTE Page Table Entry) - Virtual memory gt treats memory ? cache for disk
61All page tables may not fit in memory!
A table for 4KB pages for a 32-bit physical
address space (max 4GB) has 1M entries
Each process needs its own address space tables!
Top-level table wired (stays) in main memory
Only a subset of the 1024 second-level tables are
in main memory rest are on disk or unallocated
62MIPS Address Translation How does it work?
Physical Addresses
Virtual Addresses
TLB also contains protection bits for virtual
Fast common case If virtual address is in TLB,
process has permission to read/write it.
63Can TLB translation overlap cache indexing?
Virtual Page Number Page Offset
Tag Part of Physical Addr Physical Page Number Index Byte Select
Cache Block
Cache Block
A. Inflexibility. Size of cache limited by page
64Problems With Overlapped TLB Access
Overlapped access only works so long as the
address bits used to index into the cache
do not change as the result of VA
translation This usually limits overlapping to
small caches, large page sizes, or high
n-way set associative caches if you want a large
capacity cache Example suppose everything the
same except that the cache is increased to
8 KBytes instead of 4 KB
cache index
This bit is changed by VA translation, but it is
needed for cache lookup.
virt page
Solutions go to 8KByte page sizes
go to 2-way set associative cache or SW
guarantee VA13PA13
2-way set assoc cache
65Can CPU use virtual addresses for cache?
Virtual Addresses
Physical Addresses
Translation Look-Aside Buffer (TLB)
Main Memory
Only use TLB on a cache miss !
Downside a subtle, fatal problem. What is it?
A. Synonym problem. If two address spaces share a
physical frame, data may be in cache twice.
Maintaining consistency is a nightmare.
66Summary 1/3 The Cache Design Space
- Several interacting dimensions
- cache size
- block size
- associativity
- replacement policy
- write-through vs write-back
- write allocation
- The optimal choice is a compromise
- depends on access characteristics
- workload
- use (I-cache, D-cache, TLB)
- depends on technology / cost
- Simplicity often wins
Cache Size
Block Size
Factor A
Factor B
67Summary 2/3 Caches
- The Principle of Locality
- Program access a relatively small portion of the
address space at any instant of time. - Temporal Locality Locality in Time
- Spatial Locality Locality in Space
- Three Major Uniprocessor Categories of Cache
Misses - Compulsory Misses sad facts of life. Example
cold start misses. - Capacity Misses increase cache size
- Conflict Misses increase cache size and/or
associativity. Nightmare Scenario ping pong
effect! - Write Policy Write Through vs. Write Back
- Today CPU time is a function of (ops, cache
misses) vs. just f(ops) Increasing performance
affects Compilers, Data structures, and
68Summary 3/3 TLB, Virtual Memory
- Page tables map virtual address to physical
address - TLBs are important for fast translation
- TLB misses are significant in processor
performance - funny times, as most systems cannot access all of
2nd level cache without TLB misses! - Caches, TLBs, Virtual Memory all understood by
examining how they deal with 4 questions 1)
Where can block be placed?2) How is block found?
3) What block is replaced on miss? 4) How are
writes handled? - Today VM allows many processes to share single
memory without having to swap all processes to
disk today VM protection is more important than
memory hierarchy benefits, but computers are
still insecure - Short in-class openbook quiz on appendices A-C
Chapter 1 near start of next (9/24) class. Bring
a calculator. - (Please put your best email address on your
69CSE 502 Graduate Computer Architecture Lec 8-10
Instruction Level Parallelism
- Larry Wittie
- Computer Science, StonyBrook University
- http//www.cs.sunysb.edu/cse502 and lw
- Slides adapted from David Patterson, UC-Berkeley
70Recall from Pipelining Review
- Pipeline CPI Ideal pipeline CPI Structural
Stalls Data Hazard Stalls Control Stalls - Ideal pipeline CPI measure of the maximum
performance attainable by the implementation - Structural hazards HW cannot support this
combination of instructions - Data hazards Instruction depends on result of
prior instruction still in the pipeline - Control hazards Caused by delay between the
fetching of instructions and decisions about
changes in control flow (branches and jumps)
71Instruction Level Parallelism
- Instruction-Level Parallelism (ILP) overlap the
execution of instructions to improve performance - 2 approaches to exploit ILP
- 1) Rely on hardware to help discover and exploit
the parallelism dynamically (e.g., Pentium 4, AMD
Opteron, IBM Power) , and - 2) Rely on software technology to find
parallelism, statically at compile-time (e.g.,
Itanium 2) - Next 3 lectures on this topic
72Instruction-Level Parallelism (ILP)
- Basic Block (BB) ILP is quite small
- BB a straight-line code sequence with no
branches in except to the entry and no branches
out except at the exit - average dynamic branch frequency 15 to 25 gt 4
to 7 instructions execute between a pair of
branches - other problem instructions in a BB are likely to
depend on each other - To obtain substantial performance enhancements,
we must exploit ILP across multiple basic blocks - Simplest loop-level parallelism to exploit
parallelism among iterations of a loop. E.g., - for (j0 jlt1000 jj1)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â xj1
xj1 yj1 - for (i0 ilt1000 ii4)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â xI1
xI1 yI1 xI2 xI2 yI2 - xI3 xI3 yI3 xI4 xI4
yI4 - //Vector HW can make this run much faster.
73Loop-Level Parallelism
- Exploit loop-level parallelism to find run-time
parallelism by unrolling loops either via - dynamic branch prediction by CPU hardware or
- static loop unrolling by a compiler
- (Other ways vectors parallelism - covered
later) - Determining instruction dependence is critical to
Loop Level Parallelism - If two instructions are
- parallel, they can execute simultaneously in a
pipeline of arbitrary depth without causing any
stalls (assuming no structural hazards) - dependent, they are not parallel and must be
executed in order, although they may often be
partially overlapped
74ILP and Data Dependencies, Hazards
- HW/SW must preserve program order give the same
results as if instructions were executed
sequentially in the original order of the source
program - Dependences are a property of programs
- The presence of a dependence indicates the
potential for a hazard, but the existence of an
actual hazard and the length of any stall are
properties of the pipeline - Importance of the data dependencies
- 1) Indicate the possibility of a hazard
- 2) Determine the order in which results must be
calculated - 3) Set upper bounds on how much parallelism can
- possibly be exploited
- HW/SW goal exploit parallelism by preserving
program order only where it affects the outcome
of the program
75Name Dependence 1 Anti-dependence
- Name dependence when two instructions use the
same register or memory location, called a name,
but no data flow between the instructions using
that name there are 2 versions of name
dependence, which may cause WAR and WAW hazards,
if a name such as r1 is reused - 1. InstrJ may wrongly write operand r1 before
InstrI reads it - This anti-dependence of compiler writers may
cause a Write After Read (WAR) hazard in a
pipeline. - 2. InstrJ may wrongly write operand r1 before
InstrI writes it - This output dependence of compiler writers may
cause a Write After Write (WAW) hazard in a
pipeline. - Instructions with a name dependence can execute
simultaneously if one name is changed by a
compiler or by register-renaming in HW.
76Carefully Violate Control Dependencies
- Every instruction is control dependent on some
set of branches, and, in general, these control
dependencies must be preserved to preserve
program order - if p1
- S1
- if p2
- S2
- S1 is control dependent on proposition p1, and S2
is control dependent on p2 but not on p1. - Control dependence need not always be preserved
- Control dependences can be violated by executing
instructions that should not have been, if doing
so does not affect program results - Instead, two properties critical to program
correctness are - exception behavior and
- data flow
77Exception Behavior Is Important
- Preserving exception behavior ? any changes in
instruction execution order must not change how
exceptions are raised in program (? no new
exceptions) - Example DADDU R2,R3,R4 BEQZ R2,L1 LW R1,-1(R
2)L1 - (Assume branches are not delayed)
- What is the problem with moving LW before BEQZ?
- Array overflow what if R20, so -1R2 is out
of program memory bounds?
78Data Flow Of Values Must Be Preserved
- Data flow actual flow of data values from
instructions that produce results to those that
consume them - branches make flow dynamic (since we know
details only at runtime) must determine which
instruction is supplier of data - Example
R7,R1,R8 - OR input R1 depends on which of DADDU or DSUBU?
Must preserve data flow on execution
79FP Loop Where are the Hazards?
- for (i1000 igt0 ii1)
- xi xi s
- First translate into MIPS code
- -To simplify loop end, assume 8 is lowest
address, F2s, and R1 starts with address for
- Loop L.D F0,0(R1) F0vector element xi
- ADD.D F4,F0,F2 add scalar from F2 s
- S.D 0(R1),F4 store result back into xi
- DADDUI R1,R1,-8 decrement pointer 8B
(DblWd) - BNEZ R1,Loop branch R1!zero
80FP Loop Showing Stalls
1 Loop L.D F0,0(R1) F0vector element
2 stall 3 ADD.D F4,F0,F2 add scalar in F2
4 stall 5 stall 6 S.D 0(R1),F4 store
result 7 DADDUI R1,R1,-8 decrement pointer 8B
(DW) 8 stall assume cannot forward to branch
9 BNEZ R1,Loop branch R1!zero
produce result use result stalls
between FP ALU op Other FP ALU op 3FP ALU
op Store double 2 Load double FP ALU
op 1Load double Store double
0Integer op Integer op 0
- Loop every 9 clock cycles. How reorder code to
minimize stalls?
81Revised FP Loop Minimizing Stalls
Original 9 cycle per loop code 1 Loop L.D
F0,0(R1) F0vector element 2 stall 3 ADD.D
F4,F0,F2 add scalar in F2 4 stall 5 stall
6 S.D 0(R1),F4 store result 7 DADDUI
R1,R1,-8 decrement pointer 8B 8 stall
assume cannot forward to branch 9
BNEZ R1,Loop branch R1!zero
1 Loop L.D F0,0(R1) 2 DADDUI R1,R1,-8
3 ADD.D F4,F0,F2 4 stall 5 stall
6 S.D 8(R1),F4 altered offset 0gt8 when moved
Swap DADDUI and S.D change address offset of S.D
produce result use result stalls
between FP ALU op Other FP ALU op 3FP ALU
op Store double 2 Load double FP ALU
op 1Load double Store double
0Integer op Integer op 0
- Loop takes 7 clock cycles, but just 3 for
execution (L.D, ADD.D,S.D), 4 for loop overhead
How make faster?
82Unroll Loop Four Times (straightforward way
gives 7gt6.75 cycles)
1 cycle stall
1 Loop L.D F0,0(R1) 3 ADD.D F4,F0,F2 6 S.D 0(R1),
F4 drop DADDUI BNEZ 7 L.D F6,-8(R1) 9 ADD.D F8
,F6,F2 12 S.D -8(R1),F8 drop DADDUI
BNEZ 13 L.D F10,-16(R1) 15 ADD.D F12,F10,F2 18 S.D
-16(R1),F12 drop DADDUI BNEZ 19 L.D F14,-24(R
1) 21 ADD.D F16,F14,F2 24 S.D -24(R1),F16 25 DADDU
I R1,R1,-32 alter to 48 27 BNEZ R1,LOOP Four
loops take 27 clock cycles, or 6.75 per
iteration (Assumes R1 is a multiple of 4)
- How rewrite loop to minimize stalls?
2 cycles stall
1 cycle stall
83Unrolled Loop That Minimizes (0) Stalls
1 Loop L.D F0,0(R1) 2 L.D F6,-8(R1) 3 L.D F10,-16
(R1) 4 L.D F14,-24(R1) 5 ADD.D F4,F0,F2 6 ADD.D F8
,F6,F2 7 ADD.D F12,F10,F2 8 ADD.D F16,F14,F2 9 S.D
0(R1),F4 10 S.D -8(R1),F8 11 S.D -16(R1),F12 12 D
ADDUI R1,R1,-32 13 S.D 8(R1),F16 8-32
-24 14 BNEZ R1,LOOP Four loops take 14 clock
cycles, or 3.5 per loop.
- 1 Loop L.D F0,0(R1)
- 3 ADD.D F4,F0,F2
- S.D 0(R1),F4
- 7 L.D F6,-8(R1)
- 9 ADD.D F8,F6,F2
- 12 S.D -8(R1),F8
- 13 L.D F10,-16(R1)
- 15 ADD.D F12,F10,F2
- 18 S.D -16(R1),F12
- 19 L.D F14,-24(R1)
- 21 ADD.D F16,F14,F2
- 24 S.D -24(R1),F16
- 25 DADDUI R1,R1,-32 48
- 27 cycles
- m means cycle m 1 stall
- n means cycle n 2 stalls
84Loop Unrolling Detail - Strip Mining
- Do not usually know upper bound of loop
- Suppose it is n, and we would like to unroll the
loop to make k copies of the body - Instead of a single unrolled loop, we generate a
pair of consecutive loops - 1st executes (n mod k) times and has a body that
is the original loop called strip mining
of a loop - 2nd is the unrolled body surrounded by an outer
loop that iterates ( n/k ) times - For large values of n, most of the execution time
will be spent in the n/k unrolled loops
85Five Loop Unrolling Decisions
- Requires understanding how one instruction
depends on another and how the instructions can
be changed or reordered given the dependences - Determine if loop unrolling can be useful by
finding that loop iterations are independent
(except for loop maintenance code) - Use different registers to avoid unnecessary
constraints forced by using the same registers
for different computations - Eliminate the extra test and branch instructions
and adjust the loop termination and iteration
increment/decrement code - Determine that loads and stores in unrolled loop
can be interchanged by observing that loads and
stores from different iterations are independent - Transformation requires analyzing memory
addresses and finding that no pairs refer to the
same address - Schedule (reorder) the code, preserving any
dependences needed to yield the same result as
the original code
86Three Limits to Loop Unrolling
- Decrease in amount of overhead amortized with
each extra unrolling - Amdahls Law
- Growth in code size
- For larger loops, size is a concern if it
increases the instruction cache miss rate - Register pressure potential shortfall in
registers created by aggressive unrolling and
scheduling - If not possible to allocate all live values to
registers, code may lose some or all of the
advantages of loop unrolling - Software pipelining is an older compiler
technique to unroll loops systematically. - Loop unrolling reduces the impact of branches on
pipelines another way is branch prediction.
87 _
_ Compiler Software-Pipelining of VSV Loop
Software pipelining structure tolerates the long
latencies of FltgPt operations l.s, mul.s,
s.s are single precision (SP) floating-pt. Load,
Multiply, Store. At start r1addr V(0),
r2addrV(last)4, f0 scalar SP fltg
multiplier. Instructions in iteration box are in
reverse order, from different iterations. If have
separate FltgPt function boxes for L, M, S, can
overlap S M L triples. Bg marks prologue
starting iterated code En marks epilogue to
finish code.
l.s f2,0(r1) mul.s f4,f0,f2 s.s f4,0(r1) addi
r1,r1,4 bne r1,r2,Lp l.s f2,0(r1) mul.s
f4,f0,f2 s.s f4,0(r1) addi r1,r1,4 bne
r1,r2,Lp l.s f2,0(r1) mul.s f4,f0,f2 s.s
f4,0(r1) addi r1,r1,4 bne r1,r2,Lp
Bg addi r1,r1,8 l.s f2,-8(r1) mul.s
f4,f0,f2 l.s f2,-4(r1) Lp s.s
f4,-8(r1) mul.s f4,f0,f2 l.s f2,0(r1)
addi r1,r1,4 bne r1,r2,Lp En s.s
f4,-4(r1) mul.s f4,f0,f2 s.s f4,0(r1)
I TIME ? T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 E 1 L M S R 2
L M S A 3 L M S T 4 L M S I 5
L M S O 6 L M S N
88Dynamic (Run-Time) Branch Prediction
- Why does prediction work?
- Underlying algorithm has regularities
- Data that is being operated on has regularities
- Instruction sequences have redundancies that are
artifacts of way that humans/compilers solve
problems - Is dynamic branch prediction better than static
prediction? - Seems to be
- There are a small number of important branches in
programs which have dynamic behavior - Performance Æ’(accuracy, cost of misprediction)
- Branch History Table Lower bits of PC address
index table of 1-bit values - Says whether or not branch taken last time
- No address check
- Problem 1-bit BHT will cause two mispredictions
per loop, (Average for loops is 9 iterations
before exit) - End of loop case, when it exits instead of
looping as before - First time through loop on next time through
code, when it predicts exit instead of looping
89Dynamic Branch Prediction With 2 Bits
- Solution 2-bit scheme where change prediction
only if get misprediction twice - Red stop, not taken
- Green go, taken
- Adds hysteresis to decision making process
90Branch History Table (BHT) Accuracy
- Mispredict because either
- Make wrong guess for that branch
- Got branch history of wrong branch when index the
table (same low address bits used for index). - 4096 entry
- BH table
Floating Point
91Correlated Branch Prediction
- Idea record m most recently executed branches
as taken or not taken, and use that pattern to
select the proper n-bit branch history table - Global Branch History m-bit shift register
keeping Taken/Not_Taken status of last m branches
anywhere. - In general, (m,n) predictor means use record of
last m global branches to select between 2m local
branch history tables, each with n-bit counters - Thus, the old 2-bit BHT is a (0,2) predictor
- Each entry in table has m n-bit predictors.
92Correlating Branch Predictors
(2,2) predictor with 16 sets of four 2-bit
predictions Behavior of most recent 2 branches
selects between four predictions for next branch,
updating just that prediction
Branch address
2-bits per branch predictor
2-bit global branch history
93Accuracy of Different Schemes
4096 Entries 2-bit BHT (4096) Unlimited Entries
2-bit BHT 1024 Entries (2,2) BHT (4096)
Frequency of Mispredictions
4,096 entries 2-bits per entry
Unlimited entries 2-bits/entry
1,024 entries (2,2)
94Tournament Predictors
- Multilevel branch predictor
- Use n-bit saturating counter to choose between
predictors - Usual choice is between global and local
95Comparing Predictors (Fig. 2.8)
- Advantage tournament predictor can select the
right predictor for a particular branch - Particularly crucial for integer benchmarks.
- A typical tournament predictor will select the
global predictor almost 40 of the time for the
SPEC Integer benchmarks and less than 15 of the
time for the SPEC FP benchmarks
6.8 2-bit 3.7 Corr, 2.6 Tourn.
96Branch Target Buffers (BTB)
- Branch target calculation is costly and stalls
the instruction fetch one or more cycles. - BTB stores branch PCs and target PCs the same way
as caches store addresses and data blocks. - The PC of a branch is sent to the BTB
- When a match is found the corresponding Predicted
target PC is returned - If the branch is predicted to be Taken,
instruction fetch continues at the returned
predicted PC
97Branch Target Buffers
98Dynamic Branch Prediction Summary
- Prediction becoming important part of execution
- Branch History Table 2 bits for loop accuracy
- Correlation Recently executed branches
correlated with next branch - Either different branches (GA)
- Or different executions of same branches (PA)
- Tournament predictors take insight to next level,
by using multiple predictors - usually one based on global information and one
based on local information, and combining them
with a selector - In 2006, tournament predictors using ? 30K bits
are in processors like the Power5 and Pentium 4 - Branch Target Buffer include branch address
99Advantages of Dynamic Scheduling
- Dynamic scheduling - hardware rearranges the
instruction execution to reduce stalls while
maintaining data flow and exception behavior - It handles cases in which dependences were
unknown at compile time - it allows the processor to tolerate unpredictable
delays such as cache misses, by executing other
code while waiting for the miss to resolve - It allows code compiled for one pipeline to run
efficiently on a different pipeline - It simplifies the compiler
- Hardware speculation, a technique with
significant performance advantages, builds on
dynamic scheduling (next lecture)
100HW Schemes Instruction Parallelism
- Key idea Allow instructions behind stall to
proceed DIVD F0,F2,F4 ADDD F10,F0,F8 SUBD F12,F
8,F14 - Enables out-of-order execution and allows
out-of-order completion (e.g., SUBD before slow
DIVD) - In a dynamically scheduled pipeline, all
instructions still pass through issue stage in
order (in-order issue) - Will distinguish when an instruction begins
execution from when it completes execution
between the two times, the instruction is in
execution - Note Dynamic scheduling creates WAR and WAW
hazards and makes exception handling harder
101Dynamic Scheduling Step 1
- Simple pipeline had only one stage to check both
structural and data hazards Instruction Decode
(ID), also called Instruction Issue - Split the ID pipe stage of simple 5-stage
pipeline into 2 stages to make a 6-stage
pipeline - IssueDecode instructions, check for structural
hazards - Read operandsWait until no data hazards, then
read operands
102A Dynamic Algorithm Tomasulos
- For IBM 360/91 (before caches!)
- ? Long memory latency
- Goal High Performance without special compilers
- Small number of floating point registers (4 in
360) prevented interesting compiler scheduling of
operations - This led Tomasulo to try to figure out how
effectively to get more registers renaming in
hardware! - Why Study a 1966 Computer?
- The descendants of this have flourished!
- Alpha 21264, Pentium 4, AMD Opteron, Power 5,
103Tomasulo Algorithm
- Control buffers distributed with Function Units
(FU) - FU buffers called reservation stations have
pending operands - Registers in instructions replaced by values or
pointers to reservation stations(RSs) called
register renaming - Renaming avoids WAR, WAW hazards
- More reservation stations than registers, so can
do optimizations compilers cannot do without
access to the additional internal registers, the
reservation stations. - Results from RSs as leave each FU sent to waiting
RSs, not through registers, but over a Common
Data Bus that broadcasts results to all FUs and
their waiting RSs - Avoids RAW hazards by executing an instruction
only when its operands are available - Load and Stores treated as FUs with RSs as well
- Integer instructions can go past branches
(predict taken), allowing FP ops beyond basic
block in FP queue
104Tomasulo Organization
FP Registers
From Mem
FP Ops Queue
Load Buffers
Load1 Load2 Load3 Load4 Load5 Load6
Store Buffers
Add1 Add2 Add3
Mult1 Mult2
Reservation Stations
To Mem
FP adders
FP multipliers
Common Data Bus (CDB)
105Three Stages of Tomasulo Algorithm
- 1. Issueget instruction from FP Op Queue
- If reservation station free (no structural
hazard), control issues instr sends operands
(renames registers). - 2. Executeoperate on operands (EX)
- When both operands ready, start to execute if
not ready, watch Common Data Bus for result - 3. Write resultfinish execution (WB)
- Write on Common Data Bus to all awaiting units
mark reservation station available - Normal data bus data destination (go to bus)
- Common data bus data source (come from bus)
- 64 bits of data 4 bits of Functional Unit
source address - Write if matches expected Functional Unit
(produces result) - Does the broadcast
- Example speed After start EX 2 clocks for LD
3 for Fl .pt. ,- 10 for 40 for /.
106Reservation Station Components
- Op Operation to perform in the unit (e.g., or
) - Vj, Vk Value of source operands for Op
- Each store buffer has a V field, for the result
to be stored - Qj, Qk Reservation stations producing source
registers (value to be written) - Note Qj,Qk0 gt ready
- Store buffers only have Qi for RS producing
result - Busy Indicates reservation station or FU is
busy -
- Register result statusIndicates which
functional unit will write each register, if one
exists. Blank when no pending instructions that
will write that register.
107Why Can Tomasulo Overlap Iterations Of Loops?
- Register renaming
- Multiple iterations use different physical
destinations for registers (dynamic loop
unrolling). - Reservation stations
- Permit instruction issue to advance past integer
control flow operations - Also buffer old values of registers - totally
avoiding the WAR stall - Other perspective Tomasulo building data flow
dependency graph on the fly
108Tomasulos Scheme Two Major Advantages
- Distribution of the hazard detection logic
- distributed reservation stations and the CDBus
- If multiple instructions waiting on single result
and each instruction has other operand, then
instructions can be released simultaneously by
broadcast on CDB - If a centralized register file were used, the
units would have to read their results from the
registers when register buses are available - Elimination of stalls for WAW and WAR hazards
109Tomasulo Drawbacks
- Complexity
- delays of 360/91, MIPS 10000, Alpha 21264, IBM
PPC 620 (in CAAQA 2/e, before it was in
silicon!) - Many associative stores (CDB) at high speed
- Performance limited by Common Data Bus
- Each CDB must go to multip