Title: Summer Food in the City
1Summer Food in the City
- Annie Kirschner
- Oregon Hunger Relief Task Force
- 503-517-2099 or annie_at_oregonhunger.org
2Change in Childhood Poverty 1993-2003
3Summer Food Basics
- Summer meal sites are located in predominantly
low-income neighborhoods, where at least 50 of
students qualify for free or reduced price school
meals. - Program is designed to replace subsidized school
meals during the summer break, ensuring kids
return to school healthy and ready to learn. - Open sites serve all youth 18 and younger, with
no registration or proof of income required.
4Portland Summer Food sites
5History of OHRTF Involvement
6Urban Challenges
- Awareness- 4 out of 5 food box recipients had not
heard of the Summer Food Program - Access- Unsafe and insufficient feeding site
locations to meet ever growing need. - Coordination of services- Vast array of
stakeholders, providers, partners and participant.
7Summer Food participation increase in Multnomah
8Percentage of eligible children participating in
the Summer Food Program
9Urban Responses Awareness
- Old attitude If theyre hungry they will come
- New Make feeding sites as visible, easy to find
and alluring as a garage sale!
10(No Transcript)
11Outreach to diverse audiences
12? Multiple mediums are good, like bus ads and
banners. ? But even in the city, word of mouth
was the 1 way people heard about the program.
13Connecting awareness to participation
14Urban Response Access
15Link program to transportation
16Urban response Coordination of Services
17Utilize vast array of potential partners
18Expanding Efforts to Suburban Areas