Title: Summary
1Let's be...
2Writing a Summary
- When you write a summary you
- Tell the most important parts of the text.
- Use your own words.
3Read the article on the following page. Write a
summary of the article in the text box to the
left. When you have finished, copy and paste the
summary into the text box on the magnifying glass
on the last slide.
- The oldest living creature on the planet, a
176-year-old tortoise died. She was owned by
Steve Irwin from Animal Planet. He and his family
are very sad. Charles Darwin brought her to
England from the Galapagos Island many years ago
before she made her way to Australia.
4June 26, 2006
5Read the article on the following page. Write a
summary of the article in the text box to the
left. When you have finished, copy and paste the
summary into the text box on the magnifying glass
on the last slide.
- The oldest living creature on the planet, a
176-year-old tortoise died. She was owned by
Steve Irwin from Animal Planet. He and his family
are very sad. Charles Darwin brought her to
England from the Galapagos Island many years ago
before she made her way to Australia.
6The oldest living creature on the planet, a
176-year-old tortoise died. She was owned by
Steve Irwin from Animal Planet. He and his family
are very sad. Charles Darwin brought her to
England from the Galapagos Island many years ago
before she made her way to Australia.
7The oldest living creature on the planet, a
176-year-old tortoise died. She was owned by
Steve Irwin from Animal Planet. He and his family
are very sad. Charles Darwin brought her to
England from the Galapagos Island many years ago
before she made her way to Australia.
8Read the article Big Move for Manatees on the
following page. Write a summary of the article in
the text box to the left. When you have finished,
copy and paste the summary into the text box on
the magnifying glass on the last slide. Resize
the text box if necessary to fit on the
magnifying glass. Print only the last slide.
Write your name in the text box before you print!