Title: The Gender Equality Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina
1The Gender Equality Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Ana Vukovic, director of the
- Gender Center of the Federation BiH
2Gender Equality Law of BIH
- Regulates, protects and promotes gender equality
and guarantees equal opportunities for all male
and female citizens, in both the public and
private spheres, and prevents their direct or
indirect discrimination on the basis of sex.
(article 1.) - Full gender equality is guaranteed in all social
spheres, and particularly in the areas of
education, economy, employment and work, social
and health care, sport, culture, public life and
media, regardless of their marital and family
status. (article 2.)
3International documents
- The Convention on the elimination of all forms of
discrimination against women (CEDAW) - The International agreement on the political and
civil rights - Recommendation Rec (2003)3 of the Council of
Ministers Board of the European Council
4Gender Equality Law in BiH- Discrimination -
- Discrimination on the basis of sex and sexual
orientation is prohibited. - Discrimination on the basis of sex with respect
to this law represents every legal or factual,
direct or indirect, discriminating, privileging,
excluding or limiting of a person on the basis of
the persons sex, which impairs or denies the
individuals the acknowledgement, or the
exercising and enjoying of their human rights and
freedoms in the political, educational, social,
cultural, sport, civil and any other area of
public life. - Discrimination can be direct or indirect.
5Examples of direct and indirect discrimination
- Example 1. Direct discrimination -
- Unequal treatment of men and women in the
creation of candidate lists for the most
responsible executive functions (e.g. if the
statute of a political party includes a
stipulation such as the party will not offer
female candidates for the most responsible
executive functions). - Example 2.
- Referring to men and women in a belittling,
insulting and humiliating manner on the basis of
sex while they are exercising a particular
function (e.g. the press statement by a female
delegate about her younger male colleague He is
playing smart Alec all the time, coming up with
various suggestions where you can see it in his
face that he has no idea what he is talking
about). - Example 1. Indirect discrimination -
- Unequal treatment of male and female candidates
during the presentation of the party program in
the pre-election period (e.g. although it is
stated in the party documents that the party
programs will be presented by all candidates, in
the practice male candidates frequently present
their programs in the prime time and in the main
venues, while female candidates for the most part
have to put up with less attractive or popular
dates and venues.
6Examples of affirmative/special temporary
- Norms, criteria and practices that can be
objectively justified by referring to the
necessity of attaining lawful goals proportionate
to the undertaken necessary or justified measures
will not be considered as discrimination. - The Law allows for the introduction of
special/affirmative measures with the goal of
promoting gender equality and equity, eliminating
the existing inequality and ensuring protection
of sexes on the basis of their biological
determination. - Example 1.
- Regulation embedded in Article 4. 19. of the BIH
Election Law. - Example 2.
- Passing normative acts which determine that
women on maternity leave are not liable to paying
off credit instalments.
7Gender Equality Law of BiH Public life
- State bodies and local governance bodies,
managerial bodies of corporate companies,
political parties and other non-profit
organizations will commit themselves to ensuring
and promoting equal representation of sexes in
the governing and decision-making processes. - Adopting programs of measures designed to improve
representation of sexes in the governing organs
on all levels. - Ratio of men and women in the governing bodies on
all levels, including the judiciary, legislative
and executive power, will be based on the
principle of equal representation of sexes. - (Article 15.)
8Gender Equality Law of BiH- Obligations of
authorities -
- Adopting programs of measures directed toward
achieving gender equality in all areas and on all
governance levels - Passing new laws or the amendments to the
existing laws so as to harmonize them with the
regulations of this Law - Ensuring judiciary, civil and penal protection in
all cases related to the violation of the Law - Ensuring the keeping of gender-disaggregated data
in all economic subjects, private and state-owned
enterprises, state and public organizations and
institutions, as well as ensuring the access to
such information.
9Current state of gender equality in BiH
10Current state of gender equality in BiH
11Current state of gender equality in BiH
12Current state of gender equality in BiH
13Current state of gender equality in BiH
14Current state of gender equality in BiH
15Current state of gender equality in BiH
16Local elections 2008
17Local elections 2008
18Local elections 2008
19Local elections 2008
20Local elections 2008 Elected municipal majors
21- Integrating international standards concerning
equal representation of women and men in the
decision-making process.
22The situation following the full implementation
of the Gender Equality Law of BIH
HERZEGOVINA Hakije Kulenovica 12 71 000
Sarajevo Tel. 033/665-883 Fax. 033/265-200 www.fge
nderc.com.ba E-mail fgenderc_at_bih.net.ba