Title: Vehicle Efficiency Incentives formerly known as Feebate
1Vehicle Efficiency Incentives(formerly known as
- Atiyah Curmally
- Kathleen Esposito
- Brown University
- Center for Environmental Studies
- December 3, 2002
- Received data from the DMV
- - 1,037,205 records
- Decided to use Model Year 2001
- Fields used Year, Zip code, Make, Model, Weight,
Body type, VIN number, Class, Fuel efficiency,
and Price
32001 Class Distribution, RI
4 US Sales vs. RI Sales
5Fuel Efficiency Profile Average Fuel efficiency
22.45 mpg
Average price 23,836 - range 9,390 - 170,779
6Fuel Efficiency Range
Best Insight _at_ 64 mpg Runner Up Prius _at_ 48
mpg (Best non-hybrid Civic _at_ 38)
Worst Hummer _at_ 9 mpg Runner Up Excursion _at_
7Average Performers
Toyota Camry _at_ 27 mpg
Ford F-150 _at_ 16 mpg
VW Passat Wagon _at_ 23 mpg
8Distribution of Vehicles in RI
9(No Transcript)
102-Tier Program
118-Tier Program
1212-Tier Program
13Scenario 1
- Target 23 mpg
- Fee 500 for each mpg below the target
- Total Fees 62,481,000 collected
- Amount for administration 2,000,000
- Rebate 500 for each mpg above the target
- Total Rebates 44,099,000 rewarded
- Capped at 5,000 in each direction
- Contingency Fees 16,382,000
14Scenario 2
- Target 23 mpg
- Fee Sliding scale 2 10 on the purchase price
based on mpg below the target - Total Fees 39,657,286 collected
- Amount for administration 2,000,000
- Rebate Sliding scale 2 10 on the purchase
price based on mpg above the target - Total Rebates 13,394,853 rewarded
- Contingency Fees 24,262,433
15Scenario 3
- Target 23 mpg
- Fee Sliding scale 2 10 on the purchase price
based on mpg below the target - Total Fees 39,657,286 collected
- Amount for administration 2,000,000
- Rebate Redistribution of fees collected based on
mpg above the target - Total Rebates 28,533,355 rewarded
- Contingency Fees 9,123,931
16Changes in Data Management
- Adopt uniform system of data entry
- Year
- Make
- Model
- Fuel Efficiency
- Purchase Price
- Retain a copy of each Model years registered
vehicles - Use more effective VIN decoding software
17Potential Future Analysis
- Use the Tellus Stock Turnover model to see where
RI 2001 Model registrations will need to go in
order to attain the desired carbon reductions by
18Vehicle Efficiency Incentive Act
- Carbon emissions based
- Leased Vehicles
- Edge Effects
- Equity Concerns
- Safety Concerns
- Propose new name for the Feebate Program
- Examples
- Homeland Security Vehicle Efficiency Incentive
Act - Bad Examples
- Tax for Fuel Conservation (Ontario)
- An Act to Promote the Application of Scientific
Principles and Technical Advances to Increase
Automobile Efficiency and Reduce Global Warming