Anastasia LoukaitouSideris - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Anastasia LoukaitouSideris


... have been installed at strategic points (platforms, ticket gates, restrooms) ... British Transport Police (BTP) for all railway systems in Great Britain ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Anastasia LoukaitouSideris


Rail Transit Security in an International Context
Security Issues and Impacts Conference UCLA, June
1, 2006
  • Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris
  • Department of Urban Planning, UCLA
  • A Collaborative Research Project
  • UCLA Department of Urban Planning
  • UC Berkeley Institute of Transportation Studies

  • For those intending to kill in quantity and
  • willing to kill indiscriminately,
  • public transit offers an ideal target
  • While air transport security has been given great
    attention, urban transport systems carry more
    people and depend on open, accessible design to
    function well

Public Transit Terrorist Incidents
  • Over 900 incidents since 1920
  • Two-thirds intended to kill people rather than
    just to disrupt service
  • More than one-third of attacks actually produced
  • Of fatal incidents, three-quarters produced
    multiple deaths, and one quarter produced ten or
    more deaths

Since 1990 more than 40 of all terrorist attacks
in the entire world have been on transportation
Stages in Security Planning
  • Stage 1 Planning, Design, Building
  • Stage 2 Planning for Incident Response
  • Stage 3 Immediate Response to Incidents
  • Stage 4 Long-Term Recovery and Adoption of
    New Rules Procedures

Components of the Project
  • Review of the literature on transit terrorist
  • Survey of 113 U.S. transit agencies
  • Case studies of U.S. transit systems New York,
    Washington, D.C.
  • International case studies London, Madrid,
    Paris, Tokyo

A Great Deal to Learn From International
  • London after IRA attacks
  • Japan after sarin gas attacks
  • Paris after GIA bombings
  • Madrid after Al-Queda attack

Scope of Research
  • Comparing strategies of transit agencies in U.S.
    and around the world
  • Contrasting transit security processes of
    different transit authorities and ministries
  • Evaluating transit station design for security
  • Assessing lessons learned from actual attacks in
    different contexts for future response

Survey of Domestic Transit Operators
  • The survey looked at the perceptions and
    experiences after the 9-11 attacks, in four
    distinct areas of transit security planning
  • Policing
  • Security hardware and technology
  • Public education/user outreach
  • Environmental design strategies
  • 113 transit agencies responded (44 of agencies
  • 108 cities in 40 different states

Most Recent Incidents Experienced By Systems
Vulnerability of System Modes to Attack
Vulnerability of System Components
Threat and Vulnerability Assessments
  • Of 113 agencies, 85 have conducted some level of
    threat and vulnerability assessment of key system
  • Almost half (46) of systems have conducted
    comprehensive security assessments
  • Among agencies who have not conducted assessments
    (n11), reasons given for not doing so included
    lack of resources, agency in the process of
    planning assessment, and one respondent claimed
    that his agency was not a high value target

Frequency of Assessments
  • A third of agencies reported doing assessments at
    least once a year
  • Other agencies did not have regular policy
    conduct assessments as deemed necessary
  • 70 have conducted an assessment in the last 3

Importance of Strategies in Security Planning
Perceived Effectiveness of Strategies
CPTED Strategies and Transit Security
  • More than two-thirds (69) of respondents
    familiar with crime prevention through
    environmental design (CPTED)
  • 58 of the transit systems employ CPTED
  • Familiarity and use of CPTED was higher among
    systems with rail

Components where CPTED Strategies are used
Components of Rail Systems where CPTED strategies
are used
General Survey Conclusions
  • Significant attacks are so far rare in the US
    although transit agencies have received at times
    credible threats
  • Attention to transit security increased
    significantly after 9-11 CPTED and information
    and outreach was given much more attention after
  • Survey findings reflect fundamental dilemmas of
    transit security planning systems inherently
    open and vulnerable, but security has increased
    dramatically in the past decade

International Case Studies Research Questions
  • How are transportation systems in different
    cities of the world handling transit security?
  • What mix of strategies do they use?
  • Do they perceive crime prevention through
    environmental design as a valid security
  • What lessons can U.S. transit systems learn from
    the international experience?

International Fieldwork
  • Interviews with transit managers, transit
    officials responsible for security, architects,
    and engineers designing the operation of transit
    systems in 4 cities.
  • Visits to stations of case study systems and
    their control and command centers
  • Visits to model stations with state of the art
    measures of security (Alto del Arenal in Madrid,
    METEORs Gare de Lyon, and St. Lazare on the EOLE
    line in Paris).

  • Previous attacks more limited in scope.
  • Recognition that threat is different today.
  • Security has become more of a goal than a
    reality. The primary goal is to create a feeling
    of security rather than reduce the risk to zero,
    which is practically impossible.

Paris A Hierarchical System of Security- A Web
of Plans
  • Government plans for civil security under the
    authority of Prefet Plan Rouge
  • In each region, local communities of security
    composed of police, local government officials,
    and transit operators
  • After Algerian attacks of 1995, Vigipirate Plan
    for periods of high alert in Paris
  • Security Audits and prioritization of security
    needs by French Ministry of Transport
  • Security plans for specific types of threats
    (chemical, biological, radioactive
  • Security measures by transit operators (SNCF and

ParisKey Security Emphasis
  • Comprehensiveness, coordination, communication,
    adoption of a systemic approach to security,
    integration of different strategies
  • Coordination transcends national borders.
    Pan-European cooperation through the
    International Union of Transportation (UITP)

Line 14 - MeteorIntegration of Security
  • Security Technology Computerized trains under a
    command center which can communicate with each
    train. Glass doors on platforms, adjustable locks
    on trains, remote control CCTV cameras
  • Policing Uniformed and civilian-clothed staff
    and police on platforms and trains.
  • Information Campaigns

Integration of Security Strategies
  • Design Wide, straight passageways, corridors,
    and platforms, limited exits, use of natural and
    artificial lighting, shatter proof fiberglass,
    transparent and resistant materials, transparent

  • Sarin attack came as a shock to the safe
    society of Japan it was perceived as an
    isolated incident, an indiscriminate large-scale
    murder not a terrorist incident
  • 9-11 attacks forced the Japanese to perceive
    terrorism as a very serious threat to their
    transit systems

TokyoResponsibility on Transit Operators
  • Minimal role of the national government in
    issuing security regulations or implementing
    transit security improvements
  • National government issues at times security
    suggestions and guidance memos
  • Broad security directives and strategies are
    decided by the Board of Directors of transit
    companies smaller security issues are decided
    upon by the Safety Affairs Division of each

TokyoTransit Security Strategies
  • Policing and patrolling by staff, private
    security guards, municipal police

TokyoTransit Security Strategies
  • User outreach through posters, stickers and
    public announcements

TokyoTransit Security Strategies
  • Security technologies with security cameras and
    CCTV technology. Since sarin attack 2,200
    security cameras have been installed at strategic
    points (platforms, ticket gates, restrooms)
  • Alarm and security buttons

TokyoTransit Security Strategies
  • Design strategies only considered after 9-11
  • Efforts to minimize dead space
  • Make inaccessible certain station areas
  • Locate restrooms away from secluded spaces make
    walls out of translucent materials
  • Remove trashcans and cigarette receptacles
  • New train windows open more easily
  • Fireproof train materials

  • Very comprehensive system of security directives
    and standards due to the series of terrorist
    attacks by IRA in last 30 years
  • The Al-Queda attacks were perceived as a
    different brand of terrorism and have injected a
    new sense of urgency

LondonA Layered Network of Security
  • National Level Two national committees under the
    Department of Transport Rail Safety and
    Standards Board (sets safety standards) and
    TRANSEC (regulates airports, ports, and railway
  • Regional Level Transport for London (TfL)
    facilitates emergency planning and response of
    transportation agencies in the greater London
  • Industry-wide
  • British Transport Police (BTP) for all railway
    systems in Great Britain
  • Network Rail (nonprofit) owns and controls
    railway infrastructure deals with the security
    of stations and infrastructure
  • Transit Operators operate their own Security
    Division, which oversees implementation of
    security standards and suggests enhancements

LondonKey Security Emphasis
  • Interagency coordination Regular meetings of
    representatives from each agency
  • Coordination with European agencies to share best
  • Not much collaboration with American transport

LondonTransit Security Strategies
  • Mix of security technology, customer outreach,
    policing, and design strategies
  • I dont think one of these strategies sits on
    its own. Youve got to do each one. And youve
    got to have an element of each one in terms of
    combating terrorism
  • London Underground official

LondonTransit Security Strategies
  • Security technology 6,000 CCTV cameras, some
    connected to alarms, and some with recording
    capabilities some skepticism about their
  • Policing and staff vigilance 630 officers in
    London Underground in 2004
  • Information and outreach has resulted in
    significant vigilance by the public reports of
    10,000 unattended items every month!

LondonTransit Security Strategies
  • Design strategies emerged in the last decade
  • Elimination of concealment spaces (vending
    machines and phone booths with sloping tops)
  • Securing in-between spaces (walkways, escalators,
    elevators, storage and power supply rooms)
  • Many decentralized control rooms for the system.
  • Redesigned trash receptacles (see-through plastic)

  • Long experience with terrorism because of ETA
  • New understanding of terrorism after 3-11-04
    attack as indiscriminate, international,

MadridTriple Layer of Security National
Municipal Transit Operator
  • National Level Ministry of Defense provides
    information about threats Ministry of Interior
    instigates security regulations and standards
    Civil Guard protects Metro Madrid.
  • Local Level Municipal police protects Metro
    Madrid Consorcio Regional de Tranportes de
    Madrid (CRTM) coordinates transportation
  • Transit Operators Operate security departments,
    contract private security officers
  • Association holding bi-monthly meetings of
    representatives of local and regional agencies
    dealing with security.

MadridTransit Security Strategies
  • Security Technology
  • Retrofit of Metro Madrid and RENFE stations with
    anti-intrusion and detection systems, and video
    and security cameras.
  • Scanning system of passengers of high-speed (AVE)
  • Command and control center

MadridTransit Security Strategies
  • Public Outreach Only training of employees
    absence of warning posters and advice for the
  • Policing Combination of private and municipal
    police forces, and national forces for Metro

MadridTransit Security Strategies
  • Design Strategies Design guidelines for new
  • Limited entrance points
  • Clearly visible, open corridors, platforms,
    waiting areas
  • Avoidance of underground passages and
    footbridges, and winding corridors

MadridDesign Strategies (cont)
  • Elimination of dark zones
  • Panoramic elevators
  • No space on top or underneath vending machines
  • Transparent materials in station design
  • Good lighting

Ten Lessons Learned
  • Public transit systems are inherently vulnerable
    to terrorist attacks they cannot be closed and
    secured like other parts of the transportation
  • The threat of transit terrorism is probably not
    universal most attacks in the western world have
    been on largest systems in the largest cities.
  • Transit managers are struggling to balance the
    costs and benefits of increased security against
    the costs and benefits of attracting passengers.
  • Close coordination among government, security and
    transit sectors is critical to effective

Ten Lessons Learned
  • Despite significant progress in increasing
    coordination, much work remains (particularly in
    the U.S.).
  • Standardization of emergency training, security
    audits, and guidelines, and disaster preparedness
    procedures is important.
  • Passenger education is a challenge Informed
    passengers can increase safety, fearful
    passengers may stop using transit.

Ten Lessons Learned
  • Anti-terrorism efforts have had as a positive
    side-effect the reduction of person and property
    crime in transit systems.
  • The role of crime prevention through
    environmental design is waxing.
  • Transit agencies have been more likely to adopt
    comprehensive, multi-pronged approaches to
    security after 9-11.

You can have the cleanest trains in the world,
you can have the most luminous trains in the
world, and you can have the most comfortable
trains in the world, and you can have the most
punctual trains in the world. But when you go in
a train and do not feel safe you are not going to
use that train. Manuel Rodriguez Simons,
Director of Security and Civil Protection, RENFE,
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