Title: NSF Funding in the Obama Era: A Personal View
1NSF Funding in the Obama EraA Personal View
Haym Hirsh Department of Computer ScienceRutgers
University Division of Information and
Intelligent SystemsComputer and Information
Science and Engineering
2NSF Overview
- Created in 1950
- Only non-mission Federal funding agency
supports all fields of science and engineering
(except for research focused on disease-related
outcomes) - Proposal selection relying on peer review
- Management relies on rotators
- Current budget 6 billion
3National Science Foundation Organization
Office of the Director
Biological Sciences (BIO)
Geosciences (GEO)
Computer and Information Sciences Engineering
Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS)
Education and Human Resources (EHR)
Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE)
Engineering (ENG)
Offices (OCI, OIA, OISE, OPP)
4NSFs Academic Footprint
- 20 of all federally supported basic research
conducted by America's colleges and universities
Percent Total Funding
5Recent Funding History
- Fall 2005 Rising Above the Gathering Storm
- Policy-makers should increase the national
investment in basic research by 10 percent each
year over the next seven years. - January 2006 American Competitiveness Initiative
- Double funding for NSF, DOE Office of Science,
and NIST over a ten-year window (7 per year) - February 2006 NSF FY07 request 7.9 increase
6Civics 101
7Recent Funding History
- Fall 2005 Rising Above the Gathering Storm
- Policy-makers should increase the national
investment in basic research by 10 percent each
year over the next seven years. - January 2006 American Competitiveness Initiative
- Double funding for NSF, DOE Office of Science,
and NIST over a ten-year window (7 per year) - February 2006 NSF FY07 request 7.9 increase
- February 2007 NSF FY08 request 6.8 increase
- March 2007 NSF FY07 appropriation 6.0
increase - August 2007 COMPETES Act
- Double funding for NSF over seven years
- January 2008 NSF FY08 appropriation 2.5
8NSF in the Obama Era
- February 2008
- Barack Obama and Joe Biden will double budgets
of key science agencies such as the National
Institutes of Health, the National Science
Foundation, the Department of Energys Office of
Science, and the National Institute of Standards
and Technology over the next ten years. - December 2008 Cabinet announcements
- Energy Steven Chu
- Defense Robert M. Gates
9Rising above the Gathering StormCommittee
- Norman R. Augustine
- Craig Barrett
- Gail Cassell
- Steven Chu
- Robert M. Gates
- Nancy Grasmick
- Charles O. Holliday Jr.
- Shirley Jackson
- Anita Jones
- Joshua Lederberg
- Rick Levin
- Dan Mote
- Cherry Murray
- Peter ODonnell Jr
- Lee R. Raymond
- Robert C. Richardson
- P. Roy Vagelos
- Charles M. Vest
- George Whitesides
- Richard Zare
10Rising above the Gathering StormCommittee
- Norman R. Augustine
- Craig Barrett
- Gail Cassell
- Steven Chu
- Robert M. Gates
- Nancy Grasmick
- Charles O. Holliday Jr.
- Shirley Jackson
- Anita Jones
- Joshua Lederberg
- Rick Levin
- Dan Mote
- Cherry Murray
- Peter ODonnell Jr
- Lee R. Raymond
- Robert C. Richardson
- P. Roy Vagelos
- Charles M. Vest
- George Whitesides
- Richard Zare
11NSF in the Obama Era
- February 2008
- Barack Obama and Joe Biden will double budgets
of key science agencies such as the National
Institutes of Health, the National Science
Foundation, the Department of Energys Office of
Science, and the National Institute of Standards
and Technology over the next ten years. - December 2008 Cabinet announcements
- Energy Steven Chu
- Defense Robert M. Gates
- February 2009
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act includes
3 billion for NSF - February 2009 NSF FY10 request 16 over FY08
- March 2009 NSF FY09 appropriation 7 increase
12Science in the Obama Era
- Employ Science, Technology and Innovation to
Solve Our Nation's Most Pressing
Problems(www.ostp.gov) - Education
- Energy and environment
- Healthcare Healthcare IT
- Public safety networks
- Agriculture
- Manufacturing
- Space
- Information technology
- National security
- 21st century government
- Stay tuned for the Presidents FY10 budget details
13- Stay tuned for the Presidents FY10 budget
14NSF in the Obama Era
- February 2008
- Barack Obama and Joe Biden will double budgets
of key science agencies such as the National
Institutes of Health, the National Science
Foundation, the Department of Energys Office of
Science, and the National Institute of Standards
and Technology over the next ten years. - December 2008 Cabinet announcements
- Energy Steven Chu
- Defense Robert M. Gates
- February 2009
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act includes
3 billion for NSF - February 2009 NSF FY10 request 16 over FY08
- March 2009 NSF FY09 appropriation 7 increase
15NSF in the Obama Era
- February 2008
- Barack Obama and Joe Biden will double budgets
of key science agencies such as the National
Institutes of Health, the National Science
Foundation, the Department of Energys Office of
Science, and the National Institute of Standards
and Technology over the next ten years. - December 2008 Cabinet announcements
- Energy Steven Chu
- Defense Robert M. Gates
- February 2009
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act includes
3 billion for NSF - February 2009 NSF FY10 request 16 over FY08
- March 2009 NSF FY09 appropriation 7 increase
16ARRA _at_ NSF
- 2B in Research and Related Activities
- Focus on FY09 decisions
- New PIs
- Jobs undergraduates, graduates, postdocs
- High risk/high return research
- Durations 3-5 years
- Spent in FY09
- There will be special reporting requirements on
awards receiving ARRA funds
17ARRA _at_ NSF
- Major Research Instrumentation Program (300M)
- Funds state-of-the-art research instrumentation
- FY09 competition 3/institution, 4M max
- Academic Research Infrastructure Program (200M)
- laboratory construction grants modernizing
infrastructure - Major Research Equipment and Facilities
Construction (400M) - acquisition, construction, and commissioning of
major research facilities and equipment that
provide unique capabilities at the frontiers of
science and engineering - Science Masters Program (15M)
18Dos and Donts for NSF
19NSF Dos and Donts
- Be true to the science
- It wont be funded if it isnt an exciting
project - Submit your best ideas, not all your ideas
- Spend more time on key proposals
- Dont build a negative reputation
- Dont write a trust me proposal
- Ramp up your funding
- Propose a project that matches your proposed
duration - Dont propose a 1 year or 10 year project for a
3-year program
20NSF Dos and Donts
- Think about the reviewers
- Its not for them to figure out your brilliant
idea, it is for you to make it impossible to miss
it - Your reviewers may not all be in your narrow area
- You are not writing a paper
- Grab the reader within 3 pages or youre likely
21NSF Dos and Donts
- Proofread (and print a sample!) before final
submission - Reviewers HATE missing references, typos, etc.
it reflects lack of appreciation of their time - It is YOUR responsibility if the budget has an
error that puts it over budget limits, uses the
wrong font, goes over on pages, wont print, etc. - Seek feedback from colleagues with NSF awards or
who have spent time at NSF - Work hard on your Project Summary
- Affects where it is reviewed, reviewers selected,
22NSF Dos and Donts
- Do not submit multiple similar proposals to
different programs at the same time - Read the solicitation
- Dont ask for an extension
- Contact Program Directors
- To understand reviews and decision
- For help figuring out the home for an idea
- If unhappy with reviews, dont complain, explain
- Ask to serve on a panel
- Ask about EAGERs
23- A good proposal is a good idea, well
expressed, with a clear indication of methods for
pursuing the idea, evaluating the findings,
making them known to all who need to know, and
indicating the broader impacts of the activity.