By: Engr. Irfan Ahmed Halepoto - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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By: Engr. Irfan Ahmed Halepoto


Instrumentation & Power Electronic Systems LECTURE#11 THYRISTOR FUNDAMENTALS By: Engr. Irfan Ahmed Halepoto snubber circuit (continue ) Before SCR is fired by ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: By: Engr. Irfan Ahmed Halepoto

Instrumentation Power Electronic Systems
By Engr. Irfan Ahmed Halepoto
Limitation of power semiconductor devices
  • Majority carrier devices, like Schottky diode,
    MOSFET exhibit very fast switching responses,
    controlled essentially by the charging of the
    device capacitances.
  • However, forward voltage drops of these devices
    increases quickly with increasing breakdown
  • Minority carrier devices, like BJT, IGBT can
    exhibit high breakdown voltages with relatively
    low forward voltage drop.
  • But they can have longer switching times due to
    stored minority charges.
  • Energy is lost during switching transitions, due
    to a variety of mechanisms.
  • The resulting average power loss, or switching
    loss, is equal to this energy loss multiplied by
    the switching frequency.
  • So need of a mechanism to have a compensation
    between these issues.

  • Thyristor, a three terminal, four layers solid
    state semiconductor device, each layer consisting
    of alternately N-type or P-type material, i.e
    P-N-P-N, that can handle high currents and high
    voltages, with better switching speed and
    improved breakdown voltage .
  • Name thyristor, is derived by a combination of
    the capital letters from THYRatron and
  • Thyristor has characteristics similar to a
    thyratron tube which is a type of gas filled
    tube used as a high energy electrical switch and
    controlled rectifier.
  • But from the construction view point, a thyristor
    (pnpn device) belongs to transistor (pnp or npn
    device) family.
  • This means that thyristor is a solid state device
    like a transistor and has characteristics similar
    to that of a thyratron tube.

  • Thyristor (famous as Silicon Control
    Rectifier-SCR) can handle high currents and high
  • Typical rating are 1.5kA 10kV which responds to
    15MW power handling capacity.
  • This power can be controlled by a gate current of
    about 1A only.
  • Thyristor a three terminal (Anode, Cathode and
    Gate), three junctions and four layers
    solid-state semiconductor device, with silicon
    doped alternate material with P-N-P-N structure.
  • Thyristor act as bistable switches.
  • It conducts when gate receives a current pulse,
    and continue to conduct as long as forward biased
    (till device voltage is not reversed).
  • They stay ON once they are triggered, and will go
    OFF only if current is too low or when triggered

Thyristor Schematic Representation
Two-Transistor Model of Thyristors
Two-Transistor Model of Thyristors
  • Two-transistor model is obtained by bisecting the
    two middle layers in two separate halves.
  • Junctions J1J2 J2-J3 constitute pnp npn
    transistors separately.
  • In transistors off-state, IC is related to IE as
  • where a is the common-base current gain and ICB0
    is collector-base leakage current of transistor.
  • For transistor Q1, IC1 a1 Ia   ICBO1
  • Similarly, for transistor Q2, the collector
    current IC2 is given by
  • IC2 a2 Ik   ICBO2 .. ( 02)
  • Sum of two collector currents given by Eqs. (01)
    (02) is equal to the external circuit current
    Ia entering at anode terminal A. There fore  
  • Ia IC1 IC2
  • Ia a1 Ia ICBO1 a2 Ik   ICBO2 ...
  • When gate current is applied, then Ik Ia Ig .
  • Substituting this value of Ik in Eq. (03) gives
  • Ia a1 Ia ICBO1 a2 (Ia Ig )   ICBO2
  • Or Ia a2 Ig ICBO1 ICBO2 /1-( a1 a2)

Thyristor Internal constructional view
Thyristor- Operation Principle
  • Thyristor has three p-n junctions (J1, J2, J3
    from the anode).
  • When anode is at a positive potential (VAK) w.r.t
    cathode with no voltage applied at the gate,
    junctions J1 J3 are forward biased, while
    junction J2 is reverse biased.
  • As J2 is reverse biased, no conduction takes
    place, so thyristor is in forward blocking state
    (OFF state).
  • Now if VAK (forward voltage) is increased w.r.t
    cathode, forward leakage current will flow
    through the device.
  • When this forward voltage reaches a value of
    breakdown voltage (VBO) of the thyristor, forward
    leakage current will reach saturation and reverse
    biased junction (J2) will have avalanche
    breakdown and thyristor starts conducting (ON
    state), known as forward conducting state .
  • If Cathode is made more positive w.r.t anode,
    Junction J1 J3 will be reverse biased and
    junction J2 will be forward biased.
  • A small reverse leakage current flows, this state
    is known as reverse blocking state.
  • As cathode is made more and more positive, stage
    is reached when both junctions A C will be
    breakdown, this voltage is referd as reverse
    breakdown voltage (OFF state), and device is in
    reverse blocking state

Characteristics of Thyristors
Thyristor Operating modes
  • Thyristors have three modes
  • Forward blocking mode Anode is positive w.r.t
    cathode, but the anode voltage is less than the
    break over voltage (VBO) .
  • only leakage current flows, so thyristor is not
    conducting .
  • Forward conducting mode When anode voltage
    becomes greater than VBO, thyristor switches from
    forward blocking to forward conduction state, a
    large forward current flows.
  • If the IGIG1, thyristor can be turned ON even
    when anode voltage is less than VBO.
  • The current must be more than the latching
    current (IL).
  • If the current reduced less than the holding
    current (IH), thyristor switches back to forward
    blocking state.
  • Reverse blocking mode When cathode is more
    positive than anode , small reverse leakage
    current flows.
  • However if cathode voltage is increased to
    reverse breakdown voltage , Avalanche breakdown
    occurs and large current flows.

Thyristor turn-ON methods
  • Thyristor turning ON is also known as Triggering.
  • With anode positive with respect to cathode, a
    thyristor can be turned ON by any one of the
    following techniques
  • Forward voltage triggering         
  • Gate triggering
  • dv/dt triggering
  • Temperature triggering
  • Light triggering

Forward Voltage Triggering
  • When breakover voltage (VBO) across a thyristor
    is exceeded than the rated maximum voltage of
    the device, thyristor turns ON.
  • At the breakover voltage the value of the
    thyristor anode current is called the latching
    current (IL) .
  • Breakover voltage triggering is not normally used
    as a triggering method, and most circuit designs
    attempt to avoid its occurrence.
  • When a thyristor is triggered by exceeding VBO,
    the fall time of the forward voltage is quite low
    (about 1/20th of the time taken when the
    thyristor is gate-triggered).
  • However, a thyristor switches faster with VBO
    turn-ON than with gate turn-ON, so permitted
    di/dt for breakover voltage turn-on is lower.

Gate Triggering
  • Turning ON of thyristors by gate triggering is
    simple and efficient method of firing the forward
    biased SCRs.
  • In Gate Triggering, thyristor with forward
    breakover voltage (VBO), higher than the normal
    working voltage is chosen.
  • This means that thyristor will remain in forward
    blocking state with normal working voltage across
    anode and cathode with gate open.
  • Whenever thyristors turn-ON is required, a
    positive gate voltage b/w gate and cathode is
  • With gate current established, charges are
    injected into the inner p layer and voltage at
    which forward breakover occurs is reduced.
  • Forward voltage at which device switches to
    on-state depends upon the magnitude of gate
  • Higher the gate current, lower is the forward
    breakover voltage .
  • When positive gate current is applied, gate P
    layer is flooded with electrons from cathode, as
    cathode N layer is heavily doped as compared to
    gate P layer.
  • As the thyristor is forward biased, some of these
    electrons reach junction J2.
  • As a result, width of depletion layer around
    junction J2 is reduced.
  • This causes junction J2 to breakdown at an
    applied voltage lower than forward breakover
    voltage VB0.
  • If magnitude of gate current is increased, more
    electrons will reach junction J2, thus thyristor
    will get turned ON at a much lower forward
    applied voltage.

dv/dt triggering
  • With forward voltage across anode cathode of a
    thyristor, two outer junctions (A C) are
    forward biased but the inner junction (J2) is
    reverse biased.
  • The reversed biased junction J2 behaves like a
    capacitor because of the space-charge present
  • As p-n junction has capacitance, so larger the
    junction area the larger the capacitance.
  • If a voltage ramp is applied across the
    anode-to-cathode, a current will flow in the
    device to charge the device capacitance according
    to the relation
  • If the charging current becomes large enough,
    density of moving current carriers in the device
    induces switch-on.
  • This method of triggering is not desirable
    because high charging current (Ic) may damage
    the thyristor.

Temperature Triggering
  • During forward blocking, most of the applied
    voltage appears across reverse biased junction
  • This voltage across junction J2 associated with
    leakage current may raise the temperature of this
  • With increase in temperature, leakage current
    through junction J2 further increases.
  • This cumulative process may turn on the SCR at
    some high temperature.
  • High temperature triggering may cause Thermal
    runaway and is generally avoided.

Light Triggering
  • In this method light particles (photons) are made
    to strike the reverse biased junction, which
    causes an increase in the number of electron hole
    pairs and triggering of the thyristor.
  • For light-triggered SCRs, a slot (niche) is made
    in the inner p-layer.
  • When it is irradiated, free charge carriers are
    generated just like when gate signal is applied
    b/w gate and cathode.
  • Pulse light of appropriate wavelength is guided
    by optical fibers for irradiation.
  • If the intensity of this light thrown on the
    recess exceeds a certain value, forward-biased
    SCR is turned on. Such a thyristor is known as
    light-activated SCR (LASCR).
  • Light-triggered thyristors is mostly used in
    high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission

Thyristor Gate Control Methods
  • An easy method to switch ON a SCR into conduction
    is to apply a proper positive signal to the gate.
  • This signal should be applied when the thyristor
    is forward biased and should be removed after the
    device has been switched ON.
  • Thyristor turn ON time should be in range of 1-4
    micro seconds, while turn-OFF time must be
    between 8-50 micro seconds.
  • Thyristor gate signal can be of three
  • D.C Gate signal
  • A.c Gate Signal
  • Pulse

Thyristor Gate Control Methods
  • D.C Gate signal Application of a d.c gate signal
    causes the flow of gate current which triggers
    the SCR.
  • Disadvantage is that the gate signal has to be
    continuously applied, resulting in power loss.
  • Gate control circuit is also not isolated from
    the main power circuit.
  • A.C Gate Signal In this method a phase - shifted
    a.c voltage derived from the mains supplies the
    gate signal.
  • Instant of firing can be controlled by phase
    angle control of the gate signal.
  • Pulse Here the SCR is triggered by the
    application of a positive pulse of correct
  • For Thyristors it is important to switched ON at
    proper instants in a certain sequence.
  • This can be done by train of the high frequency
    pulses at proper instants through a logic
  • A pulse transformer is used for circuit
  • Here, the gate looses are very low because the
    drive is discontinuous.

Thyristor Commutation
  • Commutation Process of turning off a conducting
  • Current Commutation
  • Voltage Commutation
  • A thyristor can be turned ON by applying a
    positive voltage of about a volt or a current of
    a few tens of milliamps at the gate-cathode
  • But SCR cannot be turned OFF via the gate
  • It will turn-off only after the anode current is
    negated either naturally or using forced
    commutation techniques.
  • These methods of turn-off do not refer to those
    cases where the anode current is gradually
    reduced below Holding Current level manually or
    through a slow process.
  • Once the SCR is turned ON, it remains ON even
    after removal of the gate signal, as long as a
    minimum current, the Holding Current (IH), is
    maintained in the main or rectifier circuit.

Thyristor Turn-off Mechanism
  • In all practical cases, a negative current flows
    through the device.
  • This current returns to zero only after the
    reverse recovery time (trr) , when the SCR is
    said to have regained its reverse blocking
  • The device can block a forward voltage only after
    a further tfr, the forward recovery time has
  • Consequently, the SCR must continue to be
    reverse-biased for a minimum of tfr trr tq,
    the rated turn-off time of the device.
  • The external circuit must therefore reverse bias
    the SCR for a time toff gt tq.
  • Subsequently, the reapplied forward biasing
    voltage must rise at a dv/dt lt dv/dt (reapplied)
    rated. This dv/dt is less than the static

Thyristor Commutation Classification
  • Commutation can be classified as
  • Natural commutation
  • Forced commutation

Line Commutation (Natural Commutation)
  • Occurs only in AC circuits.
  • Natural Commutation of thyristor takes place in
  • AC Voltage Regulators
  • Phase controlled rectifiers
  • Cycloconverters

Thyristor Turn-Off Line-Commutated Thyristor
Forced Commutation
  • Applied to d.c circuits.
  • If a thyristor is used in a DC circuit, when
    first turned on, it will stay on until the
    current goes to zero. To turn off the thyristor
    it is possible to use a Forced commutation
    circuit. The circuit creates a reverse voltage
    over the thyristor (and a small reverse current)
    for a short time, but long enough to turn off the
  • A simple circuit consist of a precharged
    capacitor and a switch (e.g. another thyristor)
    parallel to the thyristor. When the switch is
    closed, the current is supplied by the capacitor
    for a short while. This cause a reversed voltage
    over the thyristor, and the thyristor is turned
  • Commutation is achieved by reverse biasing
    thyristor or reducing the thysristor current
    below the holding current value.
  • Commutating elements such as inductor, capacitors
    are used for commutation purpose.
  • Force commutation is applied to choppers and
  • Force Commutation methods
  • Class A- Resonant Load
  • Class B- Self commutation
  • Class C- Auxiliary commutation
  • Class D- Complimentary commutation
  • Class E- External pulse commutation

Thyristor Turn-Off Forced- Commutated Thyristor
Thyristor Turn-ON time for a resistive Load
Thyristor Turn -OFF time for a resistive Load
THYRISTOR turn-ON turn-OFF Characteristics
Thyristor protection circuits
  • Reliable operation of a thyristor demands that
    its specified ratings are not exceeded.
  • In practice, a thyristor may be subjected to
    overvoltages or overcurrents. During SCR turn-on,
    di/dt may be prohibitively large.
  • There may be false triggering of SCR by high
    value of dv/dt.
  • A spurious signal across gate-cathode terminals
    may lead to unwanted turn-on.
  • A thyristor must be protected against all such
    abnormal conditions for satisfactory and reliable
    operation of SCR circuit and the equipment.
  • SCRs are very delicate devices, their protection
    against abnormal operating conditions is,
    therefore, essential.
  • The object of this section is to discuss various
    techniques adopted for the protection of SCRs.
  • di/dt protection.
  • dv/dtprotection.

di/dt protection
  • When a thyristor is forward biased and is turned
    on by a gate pulse, conduction of anode current
    begins in the immediate neighbourhood of the
    gate-cathode junction.
  • Thereafter, the current spreads across the whole
    area of junction.
  • The thyristor design permits the spread of
    conduction to the whole junction area as rapidly
    as possible.
  • However, if the rate of rise of anode current,
    i.e. di/dt, is large as compared to the spread
    velocity of carriers, local hot spots will be
    formed near the gate connection on account of
    high current density.
  • This localized heating may destroy the thyristor.
    Therefore, the rate of rise of anode current at
    the time of turn-on must be kept below the
    specified limiting value.
  • The value of di/dt can be maintained below
    acceptable limit by using a small inductor,
    called di/dt inductor, in series with the anode
    circuit. Typical di/dt limit values of SCRs are
    20-500 A/µ sec.
  • Local spot heating can also be avoided by
    ensuring that the conduction spreads to the whole
    area as rapidly as possible.
  • This can be achieved by applying a gate current
    nearer to (but never greater than) the maximum
    specified gate current.

di/dt Protection
  • A thyristor requires a minimum time to spread the
    current conduction uniformly throughout the
  • Otherwise, a localized hot-spot heating may
    occur due to high current density.

dv/dt protection
  • With forward voltage across the anode cathode
    of a thyristor, the two outer junctions (A C)
    are forward biased but the inner junction (J2) is
    reverse biased.
  • The reversed biased junction J2 behaves like a
    capacitor because of the space-charge present
  • Let the capacitance of this junction be Cj. For
    any capacitor, i C dv/dt.
  • In case it is assumed that entire forward voltage
    va appears across reverse biased junction J2 then
    charging current across the junction is given by
  • i dQ/dt d(Cj Va )/dt
  • iCj (d Va /dt) Va(d Cj /dt)
  • i Cj dva /dt
  • This charging or displacement current across
    junction J2 is collector currents of Q2 and Q1
    Currents IC2, IC1 will induce emitter current in
    Q2, Q1.
  • In case rate of rise of anode voltage is large,
    the emitter currents will be large and as a
    result, a1 a2 will approach unity leading to
    eventual switching action of the thyristor.
  • If the rate of rise of forward voltage dVa/dt is
    high, the charging current i will be more. This
    charging current plays the role of gate current
    and turns on the SCR even when gate signal is
  • Such phenomena of turning-on a thyristor, called
    dv/dt turn-on must be avoided as it leads to
    false operation of the thyristor circuit.
  • For controllable operation of the thyristor, the
    rate of rise of forward anode to cathode voltage
    dVa/dt must be kept below the specified rated
  • Typical values of dv/dt are 20 500 V/µsec.
    False turn-on of a thyristor by large dv/dt can
    be prevented by using a snubber circuit in
    parallel with the device.

Snubber circuit
  • A snubber circuit consists of a series
    combination of resistance Rs and capacitance Cs
    in parallel with the thyristor as shown in Fig.
  • Strictly speaking, a capacitor Cs in parallel
    with the device is sufficient to prevent unwanted
    dv/dt triggering of the SCR.
  • When switch S is closed, a sudden voltage appears
    across the circuit. Capacitor Cs behaves like a
    short circuit, therefore voltage across SCR is
  • With the passage of time, voltage across Cs
    builds up at a slow rate such that dv/dt across
    Cs and therefore across SCR is less than the
    specified maximum dv/dt rating of the device.
  • Here the question arises that if Cs is enough to
    prevent accidental turn-on of the device by
    dv/dt, what is the need of putting Rs in series
    with Cs ? The answer to this is as under.

snubber circuit (continue)
  • Before SCR is fired by gate pulse, Cs charges to
    full voltage Vs. When the SCR is turned on,
    capacitor discharges through the SCR and sends a
    current equal to Vs / (resistance of local path
    formed by Cs and SCR).
  • As this resistance is quite low, the turn-on
    di/dt will tend to be excessive and as a result,
    SCR may be destroyed. In order to limit the
    magnitude of discharge current, a resistance Rs
    is inserted in series with Cs as shown in Fig.
  • Now when SCR is turned on, initial discharge
    current Vs/Rs is relatively small and turn-on
    di/dt is reduced.
  • In actual practice Rs, Cs and the load circuit
    parameters should be such that dv/dt across Cs
    during its charging is less than the specified
    dv/dt rating of the SCR and discharge current at
    the turn-on of SCR is within reasonable limits.
  • Normally, Rs Cs and load circuit parameters form
    an underdamped circuit so that dv/dt is limited
    to acceptable values.

Thyristor Family Members
  • SCR Silicon Controlled Rectifier
  • DIAC Diode on Alternating Current
  • TRIAC Triode for Alternating Current
  • SCS Silicon Control Switch
  • SUS Silicon Unilateral Switch
  • SBS Silicon Bidirectional Switch
  • SIS Silicon Induction Switch
  • LASCS Light Activated Silicon Control Switch
  • LASCR Light Activated Silicon Control Rectifier
  • SITh Static Induction Thyristor
  • RCT Reverse Conducting Thyristor
  • GTO Gate Turn-Off thyristor
  • MCT MOSFET Controlled Thyristor
  • ETOs Emitter Turn ON thyristor

Silicon-Controlled Rectifier (SCR)
  • SCR is a synonym of thyristor
  • SCR is a four-layer pnpn device.
  • Has 3 terminals anode, cathode, and gate.
  • In off state, it has a very high resistance.
  • In on state, there is a small on (forward)
  • Applications motor controls, time-delay
    circuits, heater controls, phase controls, etc.

Turning the SCR ON Method and its Characteristics
  • The SCR can be turned on by exceeding the forward
    breakover voltage or by gate current.
  • Notice that the gate current controls the amount
    of forward breakover voltage required for turning
    it on.
  • VBR(F) decreases as IG is increased.
  • The positive pulse of current at the gate turns
    on Q2 providing a path for IB1.
  • Q1 then turns on providing more base current for
    Q2 even after the trigger is removed.
  • Thus, the device stays on (latches).

Turning SCR Off
  • The SCR will conduct as long as forward current
    exceeds IH.
  • There are two ways to drop the SCR out of
  • Anode Current Interruption
  • Forced Commutation.

Turning SCR Off Anode Current Interruption
  • Anode current can be interrupted by breaking the
    anode current path , providing a path around the
    SCR, or dropping the anode voltage to the point
    that IA lt IH.

Turning The SCR Off Force Commutation
  • Force commutation uses an external circuit to
    momentarily force current in the opposite
    direction to forward conduction.
  • SCRs are commonly used in ac circuits, which
    forces the SCR out of conduction when the ac

SCR Characteristics Ratings
  • Forward- breakover voltage, VBR(F) voltage at
    which SCR enters forward-conduction (ON) region.
  • Holding current, IH value of anode current for
    SCR to remain in on region.
  • Gate trigger current, IGT value of gate current
    to switch SCR on.
  • Average forward current, IF (avg) maximum
    continuous anode current (dc) that the SCR can
  • Reverse-breakdown voltage, VBR(R) maximum
    reverse voltage before SCR breaks into avalanche.

SCR Applications - dc motor control
  • SCRs are used in a variety of power control
  • One of the most common applications is to use it
    in ac circuits to control a dc motor or appliance
    because the SCR can both rectify and control.
  • The SCR is triggered on the positive cycle and
    turns off on the negative cycle.
  • A circuit like this is useful for speed control
    for fans or power tools and other related

SCR Applications- crowbar circuits
  • Another application for SCRs is in crowbar
    circuits (which get their name from the idea of
    putting a crowbar across a voltage source and
    shorting it out!)
  • The purpose of a crowbar circuit is to shut down
    a power supply in case of over-voltage.
  • Once triggered, the SCR latches on.
  • The SCR can handle a large current, which causes
    the fuse (or circuit breaker) to open.

DIAC (diode for alternating current)
  • The DIAC is a five-layer device trigger diode
    that conducts current only after its breakdown
    voltage has been exceeded momentarily.
  • When this occurs, the resistance of the diode
    abruptly decreases, leading to a sharp decrease
    in the voltage drop across the diode and,
    usually, a sharp increase in current flow through
    the diode.
  • The diode remains "in conduction" until the
    current flow through it drops below a value
    characteristic for the device, called the holding
  • Below this value, the diode switches back to its
    high-resistance (non-conducting) state.
  • This behavior is bidirectional, meaning typically
    the same for both directions of current flow .
  • their terminals are not labeled as anode and
    cathode but as A1 and A2 or MT1 ("Main Terminal")
    and MT2.
  • Most DIACs have a breakdown voltage around 30 V.
  • DIACs have no gate electrode, unlike some other
    thyristors they are commonly used to trigger,
    such as TRIACs.
  • diac is normally used in ac circuits
  • The drawback of the diac is that it cannot be
    triggered at just any point in the ac power
    cycle it triggers at its preset breakover
    voltage only. If we could add a gate to the diac,
    we could have variable control of the trigger
    point, and therefore a greater degree of control
    over just how much power will be applied to the
    line-powered device.

DIAC (diode for alternating current)
TRIAC (Triode for Alternating Current)
  • Triac is five layer device that is able to pass
    current bidirectionally and is therefore behaves
    as an a.c. power control device.
  • In triac , the main connections are simply named
    main terminal 1 (MT1) and main terminal 2 (MT2).
  • The gate designation still applies, and is still
    used as it was with the SCR.
  • The useful feature of the triac is that it not
    only carries current in either direction, but the
    gate trigger pulse can be either polarity
    regardless of the polarity of the main applied
  • The gate can inject either free electrons or
    holes into the body of the triac to trigger
    conduction either way.
  • So triac is referred to as a "four-quadrant"
  • Triac is used in an ac environment, so it will
    always turn off when the applied voltage reaches
    zero at the end of the current half-cycle.
  • If we apply a turn-on pulse at some controllable
    point after the start of each half cycle, we can
    directly control what percentage of that
    half-cycle gets applied to the load, which is
    typically connected in series with MT2.
  • This makes the triac an ideal candidate for light
    dimmer controls and motor speed controls. This is
    a common application for triacs.

Triac operation
  • The triac can be considered as two thyristors
    connected in antiparallel as shown in Fig .
  • The single gate terminal is common to both
  • The main terminals MT1 and MT2 are connected to
    both p and n regions of the device and the
    current path through the layers of the device
    depends upon the polarity of the applied voltage
    between the main terminals.
  • The device polarity is usually described with
    reference to MT1, where the term MT2 denotes
    that terminal MT2 is positive with respect to
    terminal MT1.

The Gate Turn-Off Thyristor (GTO)
GTOs Schematic representation
GTO Turn-on and Turn-off Pulses
Thyristor Summary
  • A thyristor is a latching device and it can be
    turned on with a small gate pulse, typically
    100µs .
  • Thyristors are generally off by line commutation
    due to the natural behavior of the input ac line
  • During the turn-off process, thyristors must be
    subjected to a reverse voltage for a certain
    minimum time known the turn-off.

Summary Thyristors
  • The thyristor family
  • double injection yields lowest forward voltage
    drop in high voltage devices.
  • More difficult to parallel than MOSFETs and IGBTs
  • The SCR
  • highest voltage and current ratings, low cost,
    passive turn-off transition
  • The GTO
  • intermediate ratings (less than SCR, somewhat
    more than IGBT). Slower than IGBT.
  • Slower than MCT.
  • Difficult to drive.
  • The MCT
  • So far, ratings lower than IGBT.
  • Slower than IGBT.
  • Easy to drive.
  • Still emerging devices?

Thyristor (SCR)
v-i characteristics
  • If the forward breakover voltage (Vbo) is
    exceeded, the SCR self-triggers into the
    conducting state.
  • The presence of gate current will reduce Vbo.
  • Normal conditions for thyristors to turn on
  • the device is in forward blocking state (i.e Vak
    is positive)
  • a positive gate current (Ig) is applied at the
  • Once conducting, the anode current is latched.
    Vak collapses to normal forward volt-drop,
    typically 1.5-3V.
  • In reverse -biased mode, the SCR behaves like a

Thyristor Conduction
vo _
  • Thyristor cannot be turned off by applying
    negative gate current. It can only be turned off
    if Ia goes negative (reverse)
  • This happens when negative portion of the of
    sine-wave occurs (natural commutation).
  • Another method of turning off is known as forced
  • The anode current is diverted to another

Types of thyristors
  • Phase controlled
  • rectifying line frequency voltage and current for
    ac and dc motor drives
  • large voltage (up to 7kV) and current (up to 4kA)
  • low on-state voltage drop (1.5 to 3V)
  • Inverter grade
  • used in inverter and chopper
  • Quite fast. Can be turned-on using
    force-commutation method.
  • Light activated
  • Similar to phase controlled, but triggered by
    pulse of light.
  • Normally very high power ratings
  • Dual polarity thyristors
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