Chapter 18 Solubility and Complex-Ion Equilibria - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 18 Solubility and Complex-Ion Equilibria


Solubility and Complex-Ion Equilibria Dr. Peter Warburton Solubility equilibria MmXx (s) m Mn+ (aq) + x Xy- (aq ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 18 Solubility and Complex-Ion Equilibria

Chapter 18 Solubility and Complex-Ion Equilibria
  • Dr. Peter Warburton
  • http//

Solubility equilibria
  • MmXx (s) ? m Mn (aq) x Xy- (aq)
  • The equilibrium is established when we have a
    saturated solution of ions forming the solid and
    solid is dissociating to form the ions in
    solution. The rates of these processes must be
    equal. (eqm definition)

Solubility equilibria
  • For a dissolution process, we give the
    equilibrium constant expression the name
    solubility product (constant) Ksp. For
  • MmXx (s) ? m Mn (aq) x Xy- (aq)
  • Ksp Mnm Xy-x

Ksp is an equilibrium constant
  • Since Ksp is an equilibrium constant we MUST
  • refer to a specific balanced equation
  • (by definition this balanced equation is one mole
    of solid becoming aqueous ions)
  • at a specific temperature.

  • Write the expressions of Ksp of
  • a) AgCl
  • b) PbI2
  • c) Ca3(PO4)2
  • d) Cr(OH)3

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  • If a saturated solution of BaSO4 is prepared by
    dissolving solid BaSO4 in water, and Ba2
    1.05 x 10-5 mol?L-1, what is the Ksp for BaSO4?

Molar solubility
  • If we know the Ksp value for a solid, we can
    calculate the molar solubility, which is the
    number of moles of the solid that can dissolve in
    a given amount of solvent before the solution
    becomes saturated.
  • The molar solubility leads to the solubility (by
    using the molar mass) which is the mass of the
    solid that can dissolve in a given amount of
    solvent before the solution becomes saturated.

Molar solubility
  • Alternatively, if we know the
  • molar solubility
  • OR
  • the molar mass and the solubility
  • we can calculate
  • the Ksp for the solid.

Molar solubility
  • A good (but NOT physically correct) way to think
    about molar solubility is to treat our solid
    dissolution AS IF there are two separate
  • The molar solubility has the same value as the
    concentration of aqueous MmXx after the first
    step. We can figure out this concentration based
    on concentrations of ions in the second step.

  • A handbook lists the aqueous solubility of AgOCN
    as 7 mg per 100 mL at 20 ?C. What is the Ksp of
    AgOCN at 20 ?C? The molar mass of AgOCN is
    149.885 g?mol-1.

Answer Ksp 2 x 10-7
  • A handbook lists the aqueous solubility of
    lithium phosphate (Li3PO4) as 0.034 g per 100 mL
    at 18 ?C. What is the Ksp of lithium phosphate
    at 18 ?C? The molar mass of Li3PO4 is 115.794

Answer Ksp 2.0 x 10-9
  • Which has the greater molar solubility
  • AgCl with Ksp 1.8 x 10-10
  • or
  • Ag2CrO4 with Ksp 1.1 x 10-12?

Answer The molar solubility of AgCl is 1.3 x
10-5 M while the molar solubility of Ag2CrO4 is
6.5 x 10-5 M. Silver chromate has a higher molar
  • How many milligrams of BaSO4 (molar mass is
    233.391 g?mol-1) are dissolved in a 225 mL sample
    of saturated aqueous barium sulphate? Ksp 1.1
    x 10-10 at 25 ?C.

Answer mass 0.55 mg
The common-ion effect
  • MmXx (s) ? m Mn (aq) x Xy- (aq)
  • If we have dissolved a solid in pure water and we
    add to this solution another solution containing
    one of the common ions, then Le Chataliers
    Principle tells us what will happen
  • The presence of the common-ion in the added
    solution will force the dissolution reaction to
    the left, meaning more solid will form!

The common-ion effect
The common-ion effect
  • MmXx (s) ? m Mn (aq) x Xy- (aq)
  • If instead of dissolving a solid in pure water we
    try and dissolve it into a solution that already
    contains one of the common ions, then Le
    Chataliers Principle tells us what will happen
  • The presence of the common-ion already in
    solution will force the dissolution reaction to
    the left, meaning less solid will dissolve than
    would dissolve in pure water!

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  • Calculate the molar solubility of MgF2 (Ksp 7.4
    x 10-11) in pure water and in 0.10 mol?L-1 MgCl2
    at 25 C.

Answer The molar solubility is 2.6 x 10-4 M in
pure water and 1.4 x 10-5 M in 0.10 M magnesium
  • What is the the molar solubility of Fe(OH)3 (Ksp
    4 x 10-38) in a buffered solution with pH
    8.20 at 25 C.

Answer The molar solubility is 1 x 10-20 M in
the buffered solution.
Limitations of Ksp
  • If our solid is more than slightly soluble then
    we really should use the activities of our ions
    in solution rather than concentrations.
  • These two measures are nearly the same for very
    dilute ion concentrations, but can become quite
    different at higher concentrations!

The diverse (uncommon) ion effect
  • The activities of ions tend to be LESS than the
    concentration value as the total ionic
    concentration increases.

The diverse (uncommon) ion effect
  • Adding a salt that does NOT feature a common ion
    to the solution will tend to decrease the
    activity (the effective concentration) of the
    ions in solution.
  • The ion concentrations appear smaller than they
    should be at equilibrium so more solid dissolves
    to reach the appropriate equilibrium

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Ion-pair formation and Ksp
  • We assume in Ksp calculations that the solid
    dissociates completely into ions in solution.
  • If this is not true, then the ionic
    concentrations we measure do not include
    dissolved but undissociated molecules or ion
    pairs which come from solid dissolution.

Ion-pair formation and Ksp
  • Positive ions and negative ions are attracted to
    each other and so they can form an ion pair that
    has a chemical identity different from each of
    the individual ions!

Ion-pair formation and Ksp
  • Say we measure a molar solubility for magnesium
    fluoride to be 4 x 10-3 M and assume that
  • Mg2 4 x 10-3 M and
  • F- 8 x 10-3 M
  • to give a
  • calculated Ksp of 3 x 10-7

Ion-pair formation and Ksp
  • IN REALITY the presence of undissociated MgF2
  • and MgF- ion pairs
  • means that not all of the solid that has
    dissolved is found as free ions, so our ionic
    concentrations are LOWER than we assumed, and so
    Ksp is actually smaller than we calculated.

Simultaneous equilibria
  • Weve seen in reference to Le Chataliers
    Principle that if more than one reaction can take
    place in a container, then the reactions might
    not be able to be treated independently. Other
    equilibrium processes may affect the solubility
    of the solid and lead to miscalculated Ksp values.

Simultaneous equilibria
  • For example, weve seen that AgI becomes more
    soluble when we add ammonia because of the
    formation of a complex of silver ions and
  • Well look more closely at complex formation a
    little later.

Assessing the limitations of Ksp
  • Most tabulated Ksp values are actually based on
    activities, and not concentrations.
  • We use concentrations in our examples, so our
    calculations represent an ideal, and not reality.
  • Generally we could be in error by over 100 times!

Criteria for precipitation and its completeness
  • Can we predict if a solid will form if we mix two
    solutions of different ions?
  • Consider the mixing of two different solutions,
    one with Ca2 ions and one with F- ions. A
    formation of solid is the dissolution reaction in
    reverse, so we can express the reaction using the
    dissolution equation
  • CaF2 (s) ? Ca2 (aq) 2 F- (aq) Ksp Ca2

Criteria for precipitation and its completeness
  • When we mix the solutions
  • (BE CAREFUL mixing ALWAYS changes the
    concentrations of both our ions!)
  • the system is most likely not at equilibrium.
  • Like in other equilibrum problems, we can use a
    reaction quotient Qsp (often called the ion
    product) to tell us in which direction the system
    must go to reach equilibrium
  • Qsp Ca2 F-2

Criteria for precipitation and its completeness
If Qsp gt Ksp, the solution is supersaturated, so
the system is not at equilibrium. The
concentration of the ions is greater than it
would be at equilibrium, and so the reaction
wants to shift from ions towards the solid. We
expect precipitation to occur! If Qsp Ksp, the
solution is saturated, and the system is at
equilibrium. No precipitation occurs!
Criteria for precipitation and its completeness
If Qsp lt Ksp, the solution is unsaturated, so the
system is not at equilibrium. The concentration
of the ions is less than it would be at
equilibrium, and so the reaction wants to shift
from solid towards the ions. No precipitation
can occur!
Mixing and equilibrium take time!
We must wait until dilution is completed and
equilibrium is established BEFORE we say
precipitation occurred!
  • Will a precipitate form when 0.150 L of 0.10
    mol?L-1 Pb(NO3)2 and 0.100 L of 0.20 mol?L-1 NaCl
    are mixed?
  • Ksp of PbCl2 is 1.2 x 10-5

Answer Qsp 3.8 x 10-4 gt Ksp so precipitation
should occur.
  • How many drops (1 drop 0.05 mL) of 0.20 M KI
    must we add to 100.0 mL of 0.010 M Pb(NO3)2 to
    get precipitation of lead iodide to start?
  • Ksp of PbI2 is 7.1 x 10-9

Answer We require at least 9 drops.
Complete precipitation
  • Generally we treat precipitation as complete if
    99.9 of the original ion concentration has been
    lost to the precipitate.
  • For example, if our initial Pb2 is 0.10 M,
    then precipitation by adding I- is complete when
    our solution contains a Pb2 less than 1 x 10-4

  • A typical Ca2 concentration in seawater is 0.010
    M. Will the precipitation of Ca(OH)2 be complete
    from a seawater sample in which OH- is
    maintained at 0.040 M?
  • Ksp of Ca(OH)2 is 5.5 x 10-6

Answer Since the final Ca2 is 3.4 x 10-3 M,
which is 34 of 0.010 M, the precipitation is
not complete.
  • What OH- should be maintained in a solution if,
    after precipitation of Mg2 as solid magnesium
    hydroxide, the remaining Mg2 is to be at a
    level of 1?g?L-1?
  • Molar mass Mg is 24.305 g?mol-1
  • Ksp of Mg(OH)2 is 1.8 x 10-11

Answer OH- needed is 1.6 x 10-2 M.
Fractional precipitation
  • If we have a solution with
  • both CrO42- ions and Br- ions
  • and add a large amount of Ag ions at once,
  • then both Ag2CrO4 and AgBr
  • will precipitate
  • in our container at the same time.

Fractional precipitation
  • If we slowly add the Ag solution instead the
    solid with the significantly lower molar
    solubility (AgBr in this case do the
    calculations to check this for yourself)
  • will precipitate first
  • and consume the added Ag preferentially.

Fractional precipitation
  • In other words,
  • the concentration of Ag
  • CAN NOT become large enough
  • to precipitate Ag2CrO4
  • until the AgBr
  • precipitation is complete.

Fractional precipitation
  • AgNO3 is slowly added to a solution with Cl-
    0.115 M and Br- 0.264 M. What percent of the
    Br- remains unprecipitated at the point at which
    AgCl (s) begins to precipitate?
  • Ksp values
  • AgCl 1.8 x 10-10 AgBr 5.0 x 10-13

Answer 0.12 of Br- remains.
Solubility and pH
  • If a solid dissolves to give a basic anion in
    solution, addition of strong acid will increase
    the solubility of the solid.
  • CaCO3 (s) ? Ca2 (aq) CO32- (aq) Ksp 2.8 x
  • Carbonate, CO32-, is a basic anion that will
    react with a proton to give HCO3-
  • CO32- (aq) H3O (aq) ? HCO3- (aq) H2O (l)

Solubility and pH
  • CO32- (aq) H3O (aq) ? HCO3- (aq) H2O (l)
  • This reaction will shift to the right (products)
    as the pH becomes more acidic which means CO32-
    (aq) decreases. However, in our first
    equilibrium IT ALSO MUST DECREASE so the first
    equilibrium will also shift to the right to
  • More solid will dissolve!

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Adding equilibria
  • A better way to state the effect of pH on
    solubility comes when we add dissolution and weak
    base strong acid reactions together
  • CaCO3 (s) ? Ca2 (aq) CO32- (aq)
  • Ksp 2.8 x 10-9
  • CO32- (aq) H3O (aq) ? HCO3- (aq) H2O (l)
  • K Kb x 1/Kw (2.1 x 10-4) x (1.0 x 1014)
  • K 2.1 x 1010

Adding equilibria
  • CaCO3 (s) H3O (aq) ?
  • Ca2 (aq) HCO3- (aq) H2O (l)
  • K K x Ksp (2.1 x 1010) x (2.8 x 10-9)
  • K 59
  • The solubility of the solid will increase in the
    presence of H3O!

  • Will a precipitate of Fe(OH)3 form from a
    solution that is 0.013 M Fe3 in a buffer
    solution that is 0.150 M acetic acid 0.250 M
  • Ksp Fe(OH)3 4 x 10-38 Ka 1.8 x 10-5

Answer Since Qsp is 1 x 10-29, then
precipitation will occur since QspgtKsp.
  • What minimum NH4 must be present to prevent
    precipitation of Mn(OH)2 (s) from a solution that
    is 0.0050 M MnCl2 and 0.025 M NH3? For Mn(OH)2
    Ksp 1.9 x 10-13 and Kb for NH3 is 1.8 x 10-5.

Answer NH4 gt 0.073 M
Formation of complex ions
  • Solubility of a solid increases if there is the
    ability to form a complex ion.
  • An example of a complex ion is Ag(NH3)2.
  • Such complexes affect solubility by reducing the
    concentration of the cation so that the
    dissolution reaction must shift to the products
    to replace the cation concentration to
    re-establish equilibrium.

Formation of complex ions
  • Ag (aq) 2 NH3 (aq) ? Ag(NH3)2 (aq) Kf 1.7
    x 107
  • AgCl (s) ? Ag (aq) Cl- (aq) Ksp 1.8 x
  • In the presence of ammonia, the dissolution of
    AgCl can be expressed by the sum of these two
  • 2 NH3 (aq) AgCl (s) ? Ag(NH3)2 (aq) Cl- (aq)
  • K Kf x Ksp 1.7 x 107 x 1.8 x 10-10 3.1 x

Formation of complex ions
  • We see the dissolution of AgCl occurs to a
    greater level of completion
  • in the presence of ammonia
  • (K 3.1 x 10-3)
  • than it does in pure water
  • (Ksp 1.8 x 10-10).

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Qualitative cation analysis
  • Qualitative analysis is concerned with what do
    we have? and NOT how much do we have?
  • If we want to identify what cations we have in a
    solution, we can use a series of precipitation
    reactions in a certain order to tell us.

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Groups of precipitated ions
  • 1) Chloride group
  • Pb2, Ag, Hg22
  • 2) Hydrogen Sulphide group-
  • Pb2, Hg2, Bi3, Cu2, Cd2, As3, Sn2, Sb3
  • 3) Ammonium sulphide group
  • Mn2, Fe2, Fe3, Ni2, Co2, Al3, Zn2, Cr3
  • 4) Carbonate group
  • Mg2, Ca2, Sr2, Ba2
  • 5) Soluble group
  • Na, K, NH4

Reactions with hydrogen chloride
  • Most metal ions form soluble salts with chloride
    EXCEPT Pb2, Hg22, and Ag. Adding aqueous HCl
    to our unknown solution will let us now if we
    have one or more of these ions because we will
    get white precipitate(s). If we want to know if
    we have more than one of these ions, we do
    further tests on the precipitated solids

Further tests for insoluble chlorides
  • In a) we have a mixture of AgCl, Hg2Cl2, and
  • If we add ammonia, any AgCl should dissolve
    because of complex ion formation
  • AgCl (s) 2 NH3 (aq) ?
  • Ag(NH3)2 (aq) Cl- (aq)

Further tests for insoluble chlorides
  • Also after adding ammonia (b), any Hg2Cl2 will
    give us a grey solid that is a mixture of black
    liquid Hg and white solid HgNH2Cl
  • Hg2Cl2 (s) 2 NH3 (aq) ?
  • Hg (l) HgNH2Cl (s) NH4Cl (aq)
  • black white

Further tests for insoluble chlorides
  • Adding chromate (CrO42-) (c) to a Pb2 solution
    derived by heating the precipitate solutions
    (its the most soluble) will give a yellow
    precipitate - PbCrO4
  • Pb2 (aq) CrO42- (aq) ?
  • PbCrO4(s)

Reactions with hydrogen sulfide
  • S2- is capable of giving precipitates of many
  • H2S is a potential source of S2- in solution
    because it is a diprotic acid
  • H2S (aq) H2O (l) ? H3O (aq) HS- (aq)
  • Ka1 1.0 x 10-7
  • HS- (aq) H2O (l) ? H3O (aq) S2- (aq)
  • Ka2 1 x 10-19

Reactions with hydrogen sulfide
  • However, in acidic solution (with HCl), some of
    the precipitates dissolve, leaving behind
  • PbS, HgS, Bi2S3, CuS, CdS, As2S3, SnS, Sb2S3
  • In basic solution (by adding ammonia) these
    precipitates dissolve, leaving behind
  • MnS, FeS, Fe(OH)3, NiS, CoS, Al(OH)3, ZnS, Cr(OH)3

Reactions with carbonate
  • Addition of carbonate ion (CO32-) in basic
    solution (usually with an ammonia-ammonium
    buffer) will precipitate the alkali earth metal
    carbonates (see Chapter 21)
  • CaCO3, MgCO3, SrCO3, BaCO3

The soluble group
  • Any ions left in solution after the first four
    reaction groups are tested for are the cations of
    soluble salts
  • Na, K, and NH4
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