Born Learning: Tools to Advance Early Childhood Campaigns - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Born Learning: Tools to Advance Early Childhood Campaigns


Born Learning: Tools to Advance Early Childhood Campaigns Why is United Way Involved In Early Learning? United Way of America is transforming itself from fundraiser ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Born Learning: Tools to Advance Early Childhood Campaigns

Born Learning Tools to Advance Early Childhood
Why is United Way Involved In Early Learning?
  • United Way of America is transforming itself
  • from fundraiser to community leader
  • focused on galvanizing communities to change
  • bringing unique strengths to the table
  • leadership collaboration
  • business relationships
  • community need insight
  • funding

United Ways Have Long Been Engaged
  • 80 United Ways support early learning
  • funding agencies serving children
  • advocating for early learning policy
  • leading early learning community impact
  • United Ways Success By 6
  • 350 local state public-private-nonprofit
    partnerships working to boost school readiness
  • Americas largest network of early learning
  • 17 years of local innovation that works

Its All About Economic Opportunity
  • Early learning is one of United Way of Americas
    top 3
  • strategic initiatives
  • because we know its essential to break the
  • of poverty to build a foundation of success.
  • UWA wants to renorm thinking around early

The Unacceptable Gap
  • Half of Americas kindergarteners are coming to
    school behind
  • The most vulnerable children are at least 1-2
    years behind
  • By the age of 5, many children in high-risk
    environments are already developmentally behind
  • This gap only grows over time -- undermining
    school readiness and success in life.
  • -- Dr. Craig Ramey, Center for
    Health Education, Georgetown University

Parents Caregivers Need Help Information
  • Parents caregivers dramatically undervalue
    their role in school readiness -- 1 in 3
    incorrectly believe their loving interaction has
    little impact on their childs learning capacity.
  • (2000 study done by Civitas, Zero To Three
  • Caregivers know the early years matter, but dont
    know exactly what to do to promote early learning
    and dont think they have time to do what it
  • (Ad Council UWA public opinion research, 2004)

The UWA Response
  • Thats why United Way is investing in a public
  • engagement campaign to give parents, caregivers
  • communities tools to support school readiness
  • Goal is to help parents, caregivers communities
  • create early learning opportunities for young

Q. What Is Born Learning?
  • One strategy to reach family, friends neighbor
  • Unique national-to-local effort national
    visibility (44 million worth in 1st year)
    designed for local adaptation
  • Free community engagement toolbox available to
    any state or local early learning coalition
  • 500 online tools, tips templates to support
    public awareness, caregiver education community
  • A. All of the above

Born Learning Headlines
  • News Flash 1 Born Learning leverages new
    research saying that relationships are the engine
    of a childs development not flash cards or
    fancy toys
  • News Flash 2 It gives any early learning
    coalition pre-packaged, research-based tools to
    support community change
  • You dont have to be a United Way
  • But more than half the United Ways engaged in
    early learning are using Born Learning tools
  • News Flash 3 Its a free, multi-media toolkit
    thats continually updated to help you engage
    your community

Built on Partnership
  • United Way of America
  • Families and Work Institute
  • The Ad Council
  • 660 local state Born Learning campaigns
  • Strong partnerships corporate support
  • Publix and Nationwide illustrate corporate
  • Dolly Partons Imagination Library and First Book
  • Association of Childrens Museums
  • American Academy of Pediatrics
  • National League of Cities
  • Birth to Five Policy Alliance

The Message Framework Everyday Moments
  • Telling stressed, overwhelmed parents,
    grandparents caregivers that early learning
    isnt hard or expensiveits nurturing
    relationships that matter
  • Communicating that children are active
    participants in their own learningliterally born
    learning and heres how you can support
  • Targeting adults impacting children in the early
  • Helping adults create environments to support a
    childs social, emotional, cognitive development
    at home, in child care in the community

  • Awareness, education community action

Awareness Opportunities
  • PR tools online to help you generate headlines
  • Media relations tips event ideas, messaging,
    swiss cheese press releases editorial
    columns, parent column with tips
  • Two rounds of Ad Council PSAs to 24,000 media
  • TV, radio, print, billboard, Web ads (localizable
    by United Ways)
  • Top 10 Ad Council performer
  • Exceeding Ad Council average of 30 million in
    donated media per year
  • Estimated 6 million parents have seen the ads
  • 55 of those who recall ads say theyre changing
  • Ads are driving action 300,000 visits to Web

Education Parent/Caregiver Outreach
  • Continually updated product line of
    research-based material
  • Downloadable localizable to promote you,
    partners sponsors
  • Its reaching people
  • Almost 4 million parents reached directly through
    state local Born Learning campaigns
  • Lowball estimates of almost 2 million children
    impacted by late 2007
  • Estimated 10 million educational materials
  • Helps you maximize with strategic distribution
    tips tools
  • Ideas strategies to reach targets, especially
    vulnerable populations
  • Mostly written for 3rd-grade reading level
  • Virtually all in Spanish (along with Spanish PSAs
    Web site)
  • Only cost is printing

Community Action Opportunities
  • Online community engagement guide tools
  • Details stats on early learning
  • Links to latest expert research
  • Outline of research basis strategy behind Born
  • Fact sheets with graphs research that make the
  • Communication tools to persuade business leaders
  • Best practices from across the country proven
    to work

Make The Case to BusinessCommunications Toolkit
  • Designed for tested with
  • business leaders
  • Why Early Learning Matters
  • Adaptable PowerPoint brochure
  • Drop-in policy slides
  • Champion Action Tips with specific asks
  • User Guide offers best outreach strategies
  • Flash Video for emailing
  • Online Birth to Five Policy Library

Why Early Learning Matters brochure online,
adaptable free (you print)
Seven Levels of Born Learning Engagement
PSA Placement Working with media to ensure local placement of PSAs
Public Relations Reaching out to reporters editors Getting media coverage of the issue
Localizing basic fulfillment Localizing material Sending material to callers upon request
Opportunity-based distribution Looking for opportunities to distribute material Not engaging in direct contact with parents or caregivers
Third-party distribution Asking trusted advisors to talk about the materials Asking advisors to help parents apply the concepts
Strategic intentional outreach Communicating campaign messages materials to target audiences where they live, play, work, shop, worship etc.
Using campaign as community change tool Strategic, proactive media material distribution activities focused on results Using campaign in integrated strategy to make community change, including public policy and system change
Whats Happening On the Ground?
  • Generating new energy, partners focus on early
  • Increasing parent outreach education
  • Greenville home visitors using materials as
    parent coaching tools
  • Brownsville incorporating into
    neighborhood-based meriendas
  • Involving new community partners
  • Topeka partnering with movie theaters
  • Engaging hospitals, pediatricians state
  • Highland City, FL doctors offices are Born
    Learning kiosks
  • Enlisting new champions
  • Atlanta reaching out through pastors pulpits
  • Generating new sponsors
  • New attention by TV stations, major employers
  • Enrolling the business community
  • Employers turning break rooms into family support

How Can Born Learning Support You?
  • Has tools to support strategic goals of any
    coalition or organization focused on early
  • Local United Ways can use Born Learning to help
  • Raise awareness with or without a SB6
  • Build knowledge of parenting child development
  • Connect with business leaders around early
  • Helps you engage your community in early learning
  • Tools templates to boost visibility of issue
    can boost support
  • Step-by-step community engagement tools on
    Campaign Central
  • on

Driving to National Parent Behavior Outcomes
  • All components of campaign PSAs, material, Web
  • drive toward national outcomes for parents
  • Extending language literacy through talking,
    reading, telling stories, writing, singing
    rhyming with children
  • Responsive care giving through responding
    sensitively to childrens needs, establishing
    routines, sharing love affection, talking
    lovingly with young children
  • Reinforcing the valuable role of parents
    informal caregivers in supporting early learning
  • Using everyday moments fun, loving interaction
    to reinforce learning

Born Learning Evaluation
  • Regular awareness tracking (Ad Council) measures
  • perceived awareness and importance of the issue
  • changes in attitudes and beliefs
  • key changes in behavior that promote early
  • Outcome output activity tracking tools,
    templates online support available
  • including activity tracking tools, evaluation
    models, measurements more (on
  • The bottom line its changing parent
    caregiver behavior
  • 55 who saw ads are using everyday moments more
    to support learning

  • Parent caregiver
  • material

Born Learning Products
  • A line of research-based, high-quality products
    for parents, grandparents caregivers support
    advertising and Web messages and offer specific
    support to caregivers on key topics.
  • Created and market-tested with consumers by
  • Content approved by national panel of early
    childhood experts

Born Learning Product Overview
  • Registered Born Learning campaigns get
    pre-designed toolbox of materials to localize,
    print and distribute
  • Grocery list fridge pad with parent tips for
    in-store learning
  • Language literacy activity card booklets
  • Playbook brochure equates play with learning
  • Kid Basics snapshot cards with action steps
  • Your Child _at_ series on ages stages (birth5)
  • Parent Tools offer interactive supports
  • Poster spells out 5 keys to early learning, ties
    with parenting video series of stickers on
    each idea
  • Parenting grandparenting videos Talaris

Fridge Tip Pad
  • Grocery store tip pad
  • 15 parent tips for usein grocery store
  • Magnetic pad
  • English Spanish
  • Localizable

Recipes for Learning
  • 60 different language
  • literacy activity cards
  • Bound as booklet
  • Organized into activities for
  • infants, toddlers and
  • preschoolers
  • English and Spanish
  • Localizable

More Recipes for Learning
Playbook Brochure
  • 5-panel brochure helps make the most of a childs
  • Also available in Spanish and downloadable PDF

Kid Basics Card Ring
  • 9 topical cards providing quick facts and
    recommended action stepsTopics well
    visits,connecting with kids, child care, sleep,
    play, dads, discipline, feeding, literacy
  • Also available in Spanish in
  • downloadable PDF format

Your Child _at_ Series
  • 10 covering ages stages (English Spanish)
  • Birth
  • 2 months
  • 4-6 months
  • 6-12 months
  • 12-18 months
  • 18-24 months
  • 24-36 months
  • 3 years
  • 4 years
  • 5 years
  • Includes seal from American Academy of Pediatrics
  • Low-literacy version available

Parent Tools
  • 12 guides for parents checklists, logs and
    ideas/activitiesTopics include child care,
    feeding, sleep, fathering, activities with
    grandparents, making reading fun understanding
    your childs feelingsAlso in Spanish

Five Key Ideas Poster
  • 11 x 17 poster highlighting key messages about
    creating a nurturing environment for a young
  • Ideal for child care centers
  • Also available in
  • low-literacy format
  • 15 x 25 supersize
  • Spanish
  • Can be used together with 5 Key Ideas stickers
    Begin with Love video

Parenting Grandparenting Videos
  • Begin with Love Grandparenting DVD
  • Two 30-minute videos aimed at new
  • parents (narrated by Oprah)
  • grandparents (narrated by Maya
  • Angelou)
  • Offers tips for connecting with young children
  • Focused on responsive caregiving
  • language literacy outcomes
  • Packaging can be localized
  • Begin With Love endorsed by American Academy of

Talaris Interstitials
  • 30 and 60 videos that model parent
  • behavior provide action steps
  • Topics storytelling, reading, print awareness
  • 3 English / 1 Spanish
  • Co-produced by Civitas
  • Talaris Research Institute
  • Ideal for doctors offices, parent resource
    centers etc
  • (cannot be used on broadcast TV)
  • Packaging can be localized

Learning On The Go Tips
  • On the Web
  • at
  • And in downloadable PDF with
  • Learning On The Go tips

Maximizing Born Learning for Community Impact
  • If your focus is on raising awareness
  • TV, radio and billboard messages increase
    visibility and raise awareness about early
  • If localized, PSAs raise visibility of your
    initiative as an early childhood leader
  • With news coverage, speaking opportunities
    opinion leader outreach, key messages begin to
    reach business leaders and the people with
    authority to change systems and policies.

Maximizing Born Learning for Community Impact
  • If your focus is on parent education
  • Parent tools - made available where families
    live, work, play, pray and shop - can increase
    understanding about how children learn and what
    adults can do to shape their learning
  • PSA or parent education videos in clinic waiting
    rooms, faith communities, retail outlets, etc.
    help caregivers develop a deeper knowledge about
    what they can do to help their young children
  • If parent tools are also integrated in parenting
    classes or home visits explained by trusted
    advisors (i.e. pediatricians and faith leaders),
    it drives parent/caregiver behaviors that support
    early learning.

Maximizing Born Learning for Community Impact
  • If your focus is on changing systems
  • Integrate parent tools, Mind in the Making, and
    evaluation in local Head Start programs for
  • Launch an Imagination Library project and send
    parent tools to all enrollees (along with list of
    parent training resources)
  • Convince your states health department to
    include parent tools, Mind in the Making and
    evaluation in home visiting programs across the
  • Work with your local Association for Education of
    Young Children to train child care providers to
    promote early learning using the parent tools
  • Establish a support group system for family,
    friend and neighbor caregivers that includes
    education and social engagement. Use the
    research and parent tools as conversation

Maximizing Born Learning for Community Impact
  • If your focus is on public policy
  • PSAs and research-based tools will elevate
    visibility of your initiative
  • Media tools and templates will help expand your
    sphere of influence
  • Community mobilization tools will help you garner
    needed allies from the non-profit and advocacy
    community as well as build grass-roots support
  • Opinion leader tools will help you enlist
    business leaders as champions and advocates
  • Research-based messages, tools,and templates will
    help you equip business leaders to influence
    policy makers

How To Get it All? Available to any registered
Born Learning Campaign, along with 500
awareness, education engagement tips, tools and
templates on Campaign Central on
Any registered Born Learning campaign can get
strategy, ideas step-by-step help to engage
communities around early learning
For more on Born Learning
  • Check out parent tips at
  • Learn more about United Way Success By 6s
    support of early learning
  • http//
  • Contact Rachel Perry
  • Communications Director
  • United Way Success By 6
  • (828) 254-5503

  • Thank
  • You
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