Title: Instructionally Supportive Assessment
1Instructionally Supportive Assessment
- What is instructionally supportive assessment?
- How can assessment be used to improve student
learning? - UEA Annual Conference
- Brett D. Moulding
- Utah Office of Education
- Director of Curriculum and Instruction
2- Instructionally Supportive Assessment
- What is instructionally supportive assessment?
- Aligns to Curriculum Standards-Goals-Objectives
- Focuses on Essential Concepts
- Assesses Important Meaningful Knowledge
- Provides Significant and Meaningful Information
for Instruction
3Assess Students UnderstandingMeaningful
Essential Worth Retaining Big Ideas Key
Concepts Hopefully this knowledge is described
in the Core
- Assessment should be aligned to the Core
- Assess the Intended Learning Outcomes
- Assessments should assess students depth of
understanding of the big ideas, concepts, and
themes - Reflect good instruction
- Assess across content areas those skills that are
common to all curriculums
4What is Important Knowledge
- Identify the three essential concepts/skills that
you want students to know and be able to do - (write them down)
- Select one circle
- What evidence would you accept that your students
know or can do _____?
5How can assessment be used to improve student
6Fundamental Theorem of LearningCurriculum /
Instruction / Assessment/ Learning
- Students learn what is taught
- Knowledge builds upon previous knowledge and
experiences - Learning objectives have value
- Aligning instruction to intended learning
outcomes increases the chance of students
learning the intended learning objectives - Assessing target objective will improve
instruction - hence learning
7Model for Instruction in UtahUsing Assessment of
Learning to Inform Instruction
Classroom Assessments
Utah Core Curriculum Fine ArtsHealth/PE Social
Studies Information Technology TLC Library Media
Teacher Observation of Students
Assessments Accompanying Instructional Materials
Math Language Arts Reading/Writing Science
CRTs Iowa Test BSCT Direct Writing
8What does research tell us
- Target essential concepts
- Connect learning
- Align instruction to learning objectives
- Information available to learner and teacher
- Quality feedback improves learning
- Nature of the effective feedback
- Meaningful and specific
- Prompt
- Detailed
- Constructive
9Attributes of knowledge that is retained and used
- Logical
- Memorable
- Applicable
- Connected to prior knowledge
- Used as part of thinking
- Big Ideas
10Good Assessment
- Quality classroom assessment requires a
significant amount of time to develop, assess and
evaluate - Good assessment leads to meaningful evaluation
- Multiple lines of evidence improve instructional
decisions - Make wise decisions from data
- There is error in all measurement - Since your
goal is to have meaningful information about
student learning in your classroom you should
strive to have assessment that reduces assessment
error and is used for the purpose for which it is
- How can assessment be used in your school to
improve instruction? - Who needs to understand instructionally
supportive assessment in your school? - What needs to change in your school to improve
feedback to students and teacher that will
improve student achievement?
12- What is instructionally supportive assessment?
- How can assessment be used to improve student
13- A good teacher must be able to put himself in the
place of those who find learning hard.--Eliphas
Levi - If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we
should teach the way they learn.--Ignacio 'Nacho'
Estrada - If kids come to us educators/teachers from
strong, healthy functioning families, it makes
our job easier. If they do not come to us from
strong, healthy, functioning families, it makes
our job more important.--Barbara Colorose - It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken
joy in creative expression and knowledge.--Albert
Einstein - The job of a teacher is to excite in the young a
boundless sense of curiosity about life, so that
the growing child shall come to apprehend it with
an excitement tempered by awe and wonder.--John
Garrett - The man who can make hard things easy is the
educator.--Ralph Waldo Emerson - A teacher affects eternity he can never tell
where his influence stops.--Henry Brooks Adams - A teacher enlarges people in all sorts of ways
besides just his subject matter.--Wallace Stegner
(Crossing To Safety) - The teacher who is attempting to teach without
inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is
hammering on cold iron.--Horace Mann - A teacher's day is half bureaucracy, half crisis,
half monotony and one-eighth epiphany. Never mind
the arithmetic.--Susan Ohanian (Ask Ms. Class) - Teaching is not a lost art, but the regard for it
is a lost tradition.--Jacques Barzun (Teacher in
America) - Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them
what counts is best.--Bob Talbert - What nobler profession than to touch the next
generation--to see children hold your
understanding in their eyes, your hope in their
lives, your world in their hands. In their
success, you find your own and so to them you
give your all.--Unknown ("The Essence of
Teaching") - What was the duty of the teacher if not to
inspire?--Bharati Mukhejee ("Buried Lives" The
Middleman) - The whole art of teaching is only the art of
awakening the natural curiosity of young minds
for the purpose of satisfying it
afterwards.--Anatole France - The whole secret of the teacher's force lies in
the conviction that man are convertible.--Ralph
Waldo Emerson (Journals)
14- Inspired teachers ... cannot be ordered by the
gross from the factory. They must be discovered
one by one, and brought home from the woods and
swamps like orchids. They must be placed in a
conservatory, not in a carpenter shop and they
must be honored and trusted.--John Jay Chapman