Title: Stimulating Green Growth in India: Policy Architecture
1Stimulating Green Growth in IndiaPolicy
- Green Economy for Poverty Reduction Innovation
and Scale - 17th Poverty Environment Partnership (PEP)
Meeting - K. Vijaya Lakshmi
- Development Alternatives
- Feb 6th-9th,2012
- Orcha,(M.P) India
2Indias Development Trajectoryessential focus
economic growth and poverty alleviation
- Pre 1970
- Asset Creation Redistribution
- 1970s and 1980s
- Income and Employment Generation
- 1990s
- Liberalization and Globalization
- Environment Awareness and Integration
- Post 2000
- Towards Inclusive Growth
- Climate Awareness and Integration
3Poverty Alleviation Key Findings
- India made steady progress in alleviating
poverty, but not enough to achieve the MDGs - High levels of inequality based on caste and
gender -exacerbate the poverty of vulnerable
groups - Inequalities structural in nature, keeping groups
trapped, making them unable to take advantage of
economic growth - Culturally rooted systems perpetuate inequality
- Women within lower groups are the worse affected
- Agriculture sector brought down levels of poverty
from 55 in early 1970s to about 35today - Balance needed between Agri sector and productive
employment in nonagricultural sectors (Kirit
Parikh) - Reaching the poorest, the marginalized and the
most vulnerable
4Impact of Climate Change on India
- 700 million rural population directly depended on
climate sensitive sectors and natural resources - Low adaptive capacity
- 2.7- 4.3C temperature increase over India by the
2080s (IPCC, 2007) - Changes in rainfall pattern
- India's 7,517 km coastline will be particularly
hard-hit by storm surges and sea-level rise - Increase in the frequency and intensity of
droughts and floods creating food security risk
5Emerging Challenges and Imperatives
- Steering a Rapidly Developing Economy
- Macro-economic Issues
- Globalisation and International Trade
- Integrating Poor and Vulnerable Communities
- Internal Security and Inclusive Growth
- Migration and Trans-boundary Issues
- Arresting Ecosystems Degradation and Climate
6Current Policy Responses
- By Government
- Central Government
- PMs Advisory Council and NAPCC
- 12th Five Year Plan, 14th Finance Commission
- Announcement of Voluntary Emissions Intensity
Reduction - Nuclear Energy?
- State and Local Governments
- State and Local Governments Action Plans
- Role of the Judiciary
- Traditionally very proactive tending to
judicial activism
7Current Policy Responses
- By Other Indian Stakeholders
- Private Sector
- Civil Society Organisations
- Research and Academic Institutions
- Media
8Climate Change (CC) concerns in Indian planning
9- Climate change integrated planning
- Planning process is guided by the principles of
sustainable development - Initiatives such as renewable energy
installations introduction of green / bio fuels
enhancing afforestation etc - India released its National Action Plan on
Climate Change (NAPCC) - India has been assessed as the Best CDM country
- Forest cover is increasing, by 0.8 million
hectares a year neutralizing 11 of Indias
annual GHG emissions - State of the Environment (SOE) Scheme
- Environment protection as monitorable targets
- Participatory management and Eco-development
(Peoples Biodiversity Registers, JFM,SFM)
10- Climate change integrated planning
- Extension of conservation and management
programmes to fragile or vulnerable ecosystems - Budgetary Regulations (indicator)
- Reforms in the energy and power sector
- Awareness, training, capacity Building, Research
- Development of Institutional frameworks
11Relative Expenditures on Major Adaptation Schemes
by Thematic Area
12Expenditure on adaptation to climate variability
Addressing Energy Security And Climate Change,
Ministry of Environment Forests Ministry of
Power, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Government of
India October 2007
13Thrust Areas of Policies
- Energy Security
- Access to Energy
- Energy Efficiency
- Diversification of resources
- Food Security
- Increased Production / Yield
- Integrated Farming Systems
- Efficient Irrigation Systems
- Weather / Crop Insurance
14- Natural Resource Conservation
- Afforestation
- Integrated Management of Resources
- Participatory
- Disaster Management
- shift from R R to mitigation and preparedness
- International Cooperation
- collaborative research
- mechanisms for technology transfer
15Policy implications of Climate Change
- Policy imperatives for the energy intensive
sectors such as, agriculture, industry, transport
- Inclusion of risk assessment and vulnerability
studies in national infrastructure planning - Integration of climate change scenarios into
decision making - at local, regional, and national levels
- Development of adaptation options such as
ensuring high design standards for new
infrastructure to protect against extreme events - Integration of emissions reduction and climate
change adaptation strategies into policies that
seek to promote industrial growth, urban and
rural development - Trade policy
- Alternate sources of energy
16National Action Plan on Climate Change 8
Missions, 2 of which are focus on Mitigation
and 5 on Adaptation
17Case Study MNREGA potential towards Climate
Change Mitigation Adaptation
Choice of works (in ) under NREGA from
initiation up till March 2007
Source nrega.nic.in/presentations/PMOprese20-07-0
7.ppt available as on 15 June 2010
18Various kinds of work under water conservation
under NREGA
Source Ministry of Rural Development available
19Post Kyoto 2012 Focus
- Energy Efficiency and Emission targets well set
to reach 25 target - NAPCC as a Key vehicle of NAMA implementation
- If designed and implemented well, a great
opportunity to realise policy to practice connect
20Actions taken to reach 25 target
- Renewable Energy Certificates Trading mechanism
- 5 trading sessions have taken place -
- Promotion of off grid renewables under RGGVY
- National Solar Mission call for batch 2 of phase
1 has been made. -
- Invited bids for 350 MW PV capacity under solar
mission -
- MNRE invited bids for the second batch of solar
power projects under the Phase I of the
(JNNSM). - Projects selection through reverse bidding
wherein developers shall offer discounts on the
base tariff of Rs 17.91 per kWh. -
21Actions taken to reach 25 targetcontd
- Role of technology,innovation international
regime - REC, JNNSM and PAT allow registration of projects
under CDM. - Feasibility Studies carried our for industries
and lighting (LED) using Japanese technology - Delhi Metro Project was financed by JBIC.
- - Mitsubishi was instrumental in supplying
technology for this project.
22Proactive Measures at National Level
- Indian Network of Climate Change Assessment
(INCCA) 127 labs on climate change impacts in
different sectors - Expert Group on a low carbon strategy and
inclusive growth to recommend for prioritized
actions in Electricity, Transport, Industry, Oil
Gas, Buildings and Forestry - Carbon Tax on Coal to fund Clean Energy
- Perform, Achieve and Trade Mechanism for Energy
efficiency - Assessment of Impacts of Climate Change on Water
Resources, Agriculture, Forests and Human Health - Bachat Lamp Yojana as CDM Program
- State level actions
23India Inclusive Innovation Fund (IIIF)
- IIIF will use Rs.5000 Cr to foster inclusive
innovation - Focus innovative models for poverty alleviation
- Priority areas
- - Health
- - Rural communications,
- - Agriculture,
- - Animal husbandry and
- - Green energy.
- - Should largely be invested in Gender
24 What is Inclusive Development ?
- Development that
- Reduces poverty
- Enables all groups of people to contribute to
- - creating opportunities
- - sharing the benefits of
development and - - participating in decision making
25Innovation to EmpowermentInclusivity
- Innovation to empowerment is not a natural
transformation. It requires - - strategic interventions
- - convergence of commitment
- - shift in paradigms
- - forging of new alliances
- - unleashing of innovations
- - an unprecedented opportunity is waiting
for new alliances -