Title: General inhalational and intravenous anesthesia
1General (inhalational and intravenous) anesthesia
2Phases of anesthesia
- Premedication
- Anesthesia induction
- Anesthesia maintainance
- Recovery phase
- Postoperative observation
3Goals of premedication
- Decreasing preoperative anxiety
- Decreasing secretion
- Potentiating of the hypnotic effect of narcotics
and analgetics - Decreasing PONV
- Amnesia
- Minimizing gastric content
- and increasing its pH
- Decreasing vagal reflexes
- Decreasing sympatho-adrenal reflexes
4The most important components of general
vegetative stability(muscle relaxation)
5Thus, the main groups of drugs used in anesthesia
- Sedato-hypnotics
- Inhalational, intravenous or both
- Goals
- Decreasing anxiety
- Providing sedation
- Amnesia
- Opioid analgetics pain killing
- Muscle relaxants, if necessary
- Inhalational
- Total intravenous
- Combined
- Intravenous induction
- Inhalational maintainance
7Inhalation anesthesia
8Physical properties
- Gas at room temperature nitrogen oxidul, xenon
- Fluid at room temperature aether, halothan,
enflurane, isoflurane, methoxyflurane,
sevoflurane, desflurane vaporizer is needed
10Site of action
- GABA-associated chloride channel stimulation
- Voltage-dependent Ca-channels (T, L and N type)
isoflurane - NMDA receptor nitrogen oxidul, xenon
- Muskarinic effect inCNS (memory and
consciousness) desflurane (M1), isoflurane (M1
and M3),sevoflurane (M1), halothane (M1 and M3) - Nicotinergic all
- Voltage-dependent Na-channel inhibition
halothane, enflurane, isoflurane, desflurane,
11Inhalation anesthesia
Inhaled gas mixture
Alveolo-capillary diffusion
Blood solubility circulation minute volume
12Distribution of inhalational anesthetics
Inspiratory concentration
Alveolar concentration
Vessel rich group (heart, brain)
13Determinants of inhalation anesthesia
- Partial pressure of the inhaled anesthetics
within the alveoli - Alveolo-capillary gradient (Oswald-ratio).
- Blood solubility
- Tissue perfusion.
14Minimal alveolar concentration (MAC)
- Reflects how strong the inhalational agent is
- MAC the alveolar concentration on which surgical
incision can be performed in 50of the patients. - Modified MACs
- MAC EI50 MACEI95 in 50, or 95 of the patients
laryngoscopy and intubation possible - MAC BAR50 and MAC BAR95 adrenergic reactions to
incision are blocked in 50, or 95 of the
patients -
15Factors infleuncing MAC
- Decreases combination with oher inhalationals,
hypothermia, hypothyreosis, gravidity, hypoxia,
hypotonia, anemia, sedatohypnotics,
tranquillants, neuroleptics, opioids
antihistamins, antihypertensives - Increases age (children), hyperthermia,
hyperthyreosis, sympathomimetics
- Reflects blood/alveolar gas distribution ratio of
the anesthetics. - Below 1 wrong blood solubility
- Greater amount is necessary from the lung to
reach the needed concentration - But if it is in the blood soluble form, the
diffusion to the tissues is easier - Above 1 better solubility in blood
17Oswald-ratio and MAC of some inhalational agents
18Blood solubility
- Henry-low the amount of anesthetic in solube
form is proportional to its partial pressure in
the blood. - Thus solubility can be increased by incresing
partial pressure. - The speed of narcotic effect is dependent on
blood solubility - Low solubility fast
- High solubility slow
19Distribution of the circulation minute volume
- 75 vessel rich group (brain and heart)
- 8-10 fat
- 15 muscle group
- rest vessel poor group
- Blood-tissue coefficient is different in the
groups. - Fat takes relative large amount of anesthetics ?
will be important in the recovery period.
20Uptake of inhaled anesthetics within the
different compartments
Vessel rich group
Vessel poor group
21Thus, what are our possibilities for influencing
inhalation anesthesia?
- Alveolar concentration
- Ventilation
- Circulation minute volume
- Duration of anesthesia
22Effect on alveolar concentration on anesthetic
- Alveolar concentration is proportional to partial
pressure of the gas within the brain - Low blood soluble anesthetics anesthesia ma not
be make deeper by increasing alveolar
concentration. - High blood soluble anesthetics narcotic depth
may be increased by increasing alveolar
23Effect of ventilation an anesthetic depth
- Low blood solubility altering ventilation has no
effect - High blood solubility Anesthetic depth may be
increased by increasing ventilation.
24Altering circulation minute volume
- Low blood solubility altering CMV does not
change depth of anesthesia. - High blood solubility depth of anesthesia may
be increased by increasing CMV
25Effect of anesthesia duration on recovery time
- Low blood solubility no effect
- Glood blood solubility recovery time increases
along with szer esetén az anesztézia hosszával
arányosan az ébredési fázis megnyúlik.
26Practical conduct of inhalation anesthesia
- Fast intravenous induction (barbiturate, BDZ,
propofol) - Muscle relaxation.
- Inhalational agent for maintainance.
- For analgsia nitrogen oxidul and/or opioid.
- Usually not used for inhalational induction
(except for Sevorane in child anesthesia)
27Anesthesia systems
- Open
- Semi-open
- Semi-closed
- Closed systems
28Open system
- Inhalational anesthetics enters the patient as a
transported gas by the room air - There is a continouos connection between patients
airway system and room air - Exhalation occurs into room air
- Balloon is not necessary
- For instance Schimmelbusch masc
29Semi-open system
- Narcotics is carried to the patient by fresh gas.
- Fresh gas and expired gas are divided , no
rebreathing is possible - Needs a valve to make rebreathing impossible
30Semi-closed systems
- A certain amount of exhaled gases will be
rebreathed, another amount will be removed - Advantage
- Less heat and humidity leaves the system
- Less fresh gas is necessary
31Closed system
- Exhaled gas mixture is given back in its total
amount to the system, after CO2-absorption. - Needed fresh gas flow only for the patients
metabolism O2 (4 ml/tskg).
32Intravenous anesthetic agents
33Classification of intravenous anesthetics
- Rapidly acting (primarly induction) agents
- Barbiturates methohexital and thiobarbiturates
- Imidazol compounds ethomidate
- Sterically hindered alkyl phenols propofol
- Slower acting (basal narcotic) agents
- Ketamine
- Benzodiazepines diazepam, flunitrazepam,
midazolam - Large-dose opioids fentanyl, alfentanil
sufentanil, remifentanil - Neurolept combination opioid neuroleptic
34Advantages for intravenous maintainance of
anesthesia (IVA)
- Minimal cardiovascular depression
- Rapid recovery profile (with propofol only)
- High oxigen concentration in some circumstances,
such as - One-lung anesthesia
- Severe trauma
- Some procedures (laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy,
electroshock) - Situations where avoidance of N2O is necessary
35Techniques of administration
- Intermittent injection large dose fluctuations
- Manual infusion techniques
- Target-controlled infusion techniques (TCI)
computer-based system. - Prevoius programming of the computer by
appropriate pharmacokinetic data - Closed-loop system TCI measurement of depth of
36Muscle relaxants
37Motor nerve membrane
Inhibited by Central muscle relxants Local
Voltage-sensitive Ca-channel opens
Ca-calmodulin complex
Cholinestherase metabolizes
Ach release
Negative feedback on production
Postsynaptic Ach receptor on ion channel
(2alpha, beta, gamma and delta subunits) (fetalis
and denervated different)
Depolarizing effect (agonistic)
Ach binding site on alpha subunit (Na- and Ca-
in, K- outflow)
Ach binding only to one alpha-subunit Non-depolar
izing agent
Ach binding to both alpha subunits
Forwarded action potential
Ca-outflow from horisontal tubuli of sarcolemma
Dantrolene blocks
Coffein, malignant hyperpyrexia stimulates
Ca-outflow from longitudinal tubuli
Action potential finishes
Anti-cholinestherase blocks
Ach release from binding site, cholinestherase
Depolarizing relaxant
Endplate-repolarisation (Na/K pump balance)
Ca gets back to longitudinal tubuli
Decrease in Ca-concentration CONTRACTION
39Depolarizing block (phase- 1 block)
- Agonistic effect on Ach receptors depolarisation
occurs - Double-phase effect
- depolarisation fasciculations (cranio-caudal)
- Relaxants remains at the site, therefore no
secondary stimulation is possible phase of
40Non-depolarizing block
- Competitive antagonistic effect against Ach at
the postsynaptic nicotinergic receptors, by
blocking one of the alpha-subunits
41Dual block
- If a depolarizing agent is given second times or
through infusion pump. - No depolarizing effect (fasciculation),
continouos relaxation
42Duration of action
43Depolarizing relaxants
- Succinyl choline
- Decamethonium
44Non depolarizing relaxants
- Bikvaterner benzil izokinolons
- Atracurium (Tracrium)
- Cisatracurium (Nimbex)
- Mivacurium (Mivacron)
- Rocuronium (Esmeron)
- Aminosteroids
- Pancuronium (Pavulon)
- Vecuronium (Norcuron)
- Pipecuronium (Arduan)
45Classification according to duration of action
- Ultrashort succinyl choline
- Short Mivacurium
- Medium Atracurium, Vecuronium, Rocuronium
- Long D-tubocurarin, Pancuronium, Metocurin,
Pipecuronium, Doxacurium
- Endotracheal intubation succinyl choline or
rapacuronium - Surgical relaxation
- Mivacurium shorter than 15 min.
- Vecuronium, atracurium, Rocuronium lt30 min.
- Pancuronium, Doxacurium, Pipecurium gt 90 min.
- ICU use
- Mechanical ventilation
- Decreasing shivering
- Epileptic status
- Natural opioids
- Morphin
- Codein
- Papaverine
- Tebain
- Semisynthetic
- Heroin
- Dihydromorphon/morphinon
- Thebain derivates (etorphin, buprenorphin)
- Synthetic
- Morphinan group levorphanol, butorphanol
- Diphenylpropilamin group methadon
- Benzomorphan group pl. pentazocin
- Phenylpiperidine group meperidin, sufentanyl,
fentanyl, alfentanyl, remifentanyl
49Classification according to effect
- Agonist able to produce all the characteristic
effects on a given concentration - Partial agonist does not cover the whole
characteristic spectrum - Mixed agonist-antagonist agonist on one
receptor, antagonist on the other - Antagonist no agonist effect
50Opiate receptors
- µmorphin
- ? deferens (vas deferens)
- ? ketociklazocin
51Effects of opioid receptor activation
52Depth of anesthesia
53The most important compnenents of general
vegetative stability
54Is it important to monitor depth of anesthesia?
- Intraoperative awarness, with recall 0,2-3
- In high risk patients 40
- Increased risk
- Polytrauma
- Cesarean section
- Cardiac surgery
- Hemodynamic unstability
- Consequences
- Anxiety, panic disorder,
- sleeping disturbance
- Vegetative distrubances,
- Hypertension
55How to monitor depth of anesthesia?
- Traditional (subjective) based on clinical signs
- Breathing
- Pulse rate and blood pressure
- Vegetative signs
- Reflexes (ciliary reflex)
- Level of consciousness
- Instrumental (objective)
- Superficial EMG
- Heartrate-variability
- EEG and derived indices (BIS, entropy)
- Evoked potentials AEP, VEP, SEP, AEI
56Correlation between electrical activity and brain
57Stimlus (click)
Early cortical
Late cortical
58AAI and depth of anesthesia
Superficial anesthesia
Surgical anesthesia
Deep hypnosis
100 burst supression