Title: Seattle Cosmetic Dentist Dr. April Ziegele, DDS
1(No Transcript)
2About Dr. Ziegele
Dr. April Ziegele graduated in 1997 from the
prestigious Loma Linda University, and has since
dedicated her practice to providing excellence in
esthetic dentistry. Dr. Ziegele is a member of
the American Dental Association as well as the
American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and
attends hundreds of hours of advanced education
every year to stay current with the very latest
materials and procedures available.
Dr. Ziegele has also had her research, which
pioneered changes in dentistry, published in the
Journal of the California Dental Association.
3Our Smile Gallery
Porcelain Veneers
Instant Orthodontics
Smile Design
4Our Smile Gallery
Tacoma Cosmetic Dentistry Non-metal Fillings
Dental Bonding
Dental Crowns
5Contact Us
Address 15324 Main St. Suite A Sumner, WA
98390. Phone 253.863.7500 Fax 253.863.0973
6Thank You