Title: Lexical and semantic change
1Lexical and semantic change
Historical Linguistics
2Recent loan words
Email Internet Event surfen joggen cool Hi
Sushi Djihad
Ein-Euro-Job Ich-AG Jamaika-Koalition Schwample öd
4Semantic change
Ein krasser Fall von Betrug Im krassen Gegensatz
zu Ein krasses Missverständnis
Krass! Das ist echt krass! Ein total krasser Film
5Sources of new words
6English loan words
Computer Desktop Mouse Email Bytes Keyboard Disk R
7Loan words from Old Norse (800-1050)
law leg neck bag cake egg fellow dirt anger k
nife skin give sister take
8Loan words from Latin
GERM OE ME EME wall noon history occurrence s
treet rule gesture expectation onion cap infan
cy insane church pear individual frequency
9Loan words from French (1100-1400)
action adventure age person bucket powder ca
rpenter river coast country cost usual clear
approach advice prefer enjoy air
10Loan words from other languages
moose native American tobacco native
American canoe native American curry East
Asian jungle East Asian mango East
Asian kangaroo Australia
11Loan words from other languages
banana Africa chimpanzee Africa zebra Afr
ica canyon Spanish taco Spanish angst G
erman kindergarten German
12What motivates borrowing?
- New things need new names
- Loan words are often trendy
- Language contact, bilingualism
13Loan Translations
Greek sym-pathia with-suffering Latin com-pa
ssion with-suffering German Mit-leid with-su
14Loan Translations from German
German English Übermensch superman Weltansc
hauung worldview Antikörper antibody Gedanken
experiment thought experiment Biergarten beer
15German loan translation
Skyscraper (Engl.) gt Wolkenkratzer Grand-mère
(Fren.) gt Großmutter Television
(engl.) gt Fernsehen
16Phonological treatment of loan words
Genre (French) gt genre (English)
Müsli (German) gt muesli (English) mysli mj
17Phonological treatment of loan words
Komputer Keyboard
Multimedia Microchip
London Arkansas
Restaurant Parfüm
18Old English v f
lUvU love fst fast fifta fifth
Offrian to offer Ovnas oven hrvn r
19Modern English v f
very voice virgin victory value vowel vine
few vs. view fat vs. vat rifle vs. rival str
ife vs. strive
20Developmement of Z
measure pleasure treasure leisure
Bet you!
b_at_t yU
camouflage garage massage genre
schmuck schlep schnoz spiel
schnapps schnauzer schnitzel schmaltz
shrink shred shrimp
22Morphological treatment of loan words
kindergarten kindergarten-s (kindergärten)
phenomenon phenomena criterion criteria datum
data hypothesis hypotheses
23German plural
Chip Chips Gang Gangs Freak Freaks Email E
Komputer Modul Maus/Mouse
24German genus
Die Band Das Buisness
Die Kapelle Das Geschäft
Check-in Black-out Hot Dog Email
25German verb inflection
ein-checken aus-checken an-törnen ab-fucken
Ich surfe Du surfst Er surft Wir surfen Ihr
surft Sie surfen
ge-surf-t ge-jogg-t ge-dance-t
26English verbal prefixes
inter- pre- re-
reiterate repeate reunion resign resist restrict
27Grammatical borrowing
The Balkan Sprachbund
28The Balkan Sprachbund
Rumanian om-ul man-the Bulgarian kniega-ta m
an-the Albanian mik-u man-the
I saw Peter leave. I saw that Peter left.
Periphrastic future
29Order adjective-noun
30Prepositions - postpositions
31Prefixing - Suffixing
33Tea cha - te
girlfriend soundproof ice cream jetlag lipstick
pre- -ness re- -ful anti- -ity non- -al ex
- -ize over- -er
36Zero derivation
bridge to bridge sandwich to
sandwich email to email
telephon gt phone gymnasium gt gym influenzia
gt flu
motor hotel gt motel smoke
fog gt smog channel tunnel gt chunnel
Acquired immune deficiency syndrom gt AIDS North
Atlantic Treaty Organization gt NATO Radio
detecting and ranging gt radar Strategic Arms
Limitation Talk gt SALT For your
information gt FYI
Sandwich Hamburger Kodak Xerox
41Word creation
blurb chirrup blatant pentium
42Semantic change
Meaning 1
Meaning 2
Meaning 2
Meaning 1
43Semantic change
to write From to cut, to scratch
timber Zimmer From word for building
44Metaphor and Metonomy
to kill to terminate to take care of to
eliminate to dispose of
drunk blasted ripped smashed wasted
tea evening meal head leader give me a
hand help me
45Widening and Narrowing
Dog Original meaning specific type of
dog Salary From Lat. salarium, i.e. soldiers
allotment of salt gt soldiers wages gt
pay Arrive Original meaning arrive by ship
Meat food including non-meaty
food Wife woman Deer animal Fowl bird
(cf. Vogel) Starve to die (cf. sterben)
46Degeneration and Elevation
Spinster older unmarried woman who
spins Mistress woman who has control over
household Peasant small farmer
Knight mounted warrior serving a king
47Traugott From concrete to abstract
felan (meaning touch) gt feel
(emotional) realize (make real) gt realize
(understand) see (visual) gt see
(understand) hot (temperature) gt hot
(sexually, etc.) shit (physical) gt shit
48Traugott From concrete to abstract
while (Da hwile De at the time that) gt
conjunction but (on the outside) gt
conjunction well (adverb of good) gt
discourse marker this/that (demonstrative) gt
complementizer there (demonstrative) gt
existential marker
49Traugott From concrete to abstract
Deontic modal verbs gt Epistemic modal verbs
She must go. gt This must be it.