Title: Coevolution, Mutualism, Parasitism Reading; Smith and Smith
1Coevolution, Mutualism, Parasitism
- Reading Smith and Smith, Chapter 17 (read),
ecological application 5 (after pp. 355, read.)
2- Coevolution occurs when one taxon exerts an
important selective pressure on another. - This causes an evolutionary response by the
second taxon, which in turn, exerts a selectiv
pressure on the first. - Gene per gene coevolution is coevolution in the
strictest sense, when it is possible to identify
particular alleles in one organism that exert a
selective pressure on particular alleles in
another. - Diffuse coevolution is the other extreme, when a
general group of organisms is thought to exert
selective pressure on another general group of
organisms example, bees and flowering plants
3- Example or Gene Per Gene Coevolution-Wheat
(Triticum aestivum) and Hessian Fly (Mayetiola
destructor). - This system has been studied extensively because
it is of tremendous economic importance. - The Hessian fly is an introduced species (which
was probably introduced by Hessian mercenery
soldiers during the American Revolutionary War).
- It is actually a gall midge (Cecidomyidae)-a
group of dipterans that induce tumors in their
plant hosts.
4- Life cycle
- There are two generations of Hessian flies per
year, one attacks seedling winter wheat, or
volunteer (weed) wheat. It overwinters in wheat
stubble, emerges in spring, mates, and attacks
wheat by depositing its eggs on the underside of
wheat leaves. The larvae grow and inhibit the
growth of the wheat by sucking sap and releasing
substances which suppress its growth.
5- Resistance
- Certain alleles in wheat confer a property called
antibiosis-toxic compounds within the wheat
specifically act to kill the feeding larvae. - This resistance occurs because of alleles at any
one of 28 loci (named H1H28). - New alleles confer very good protection against
the fly, but as they become more common in wheat
populations (via what strains farmers choose to
plant, this is not strictly natural selection),
they induce strong selective pressures on flies
to be able to detoxify whatever it is that the
wheat is producing to kill them. - Thus, Hessian flies ultimately evolve immunity to
whatever resistance alleles wheat evolves,
causing selective pressure on wheat to evolve new
6- Parasite-host systems show an amazing amount of
coevolution - parasites can inflect significant losses of
fitness on the host-this can cause strong
selection for resistance - a successful parasite produces a large number of
offspring despite the hosts attempts to stop
it-this causes strong selection for virulence - additionally, there is selection for parasites to
find new hosts - parasites are selected to modify behavior of the
host in such a way as to cause it to spread the
parasite - for some parasites, selection for increased
virulence is tempered by the fact that dead hosts
do not spread the disease
7Transmission Vectors
- Microscopic parasites and pathogens have an
amazing diversity in their modes of transmission,
and a corresponding complexity in their life
histories-each stage has special adaptations to
defeat the defenses of a particular host. - The mosquito, an insect ectoparasite, is the host
for certain stages in the life cycle for many
different parasites, including malaria
Presumably, these complex life cycles allow
parasites to exploit ecological niches that would
not be available to them of they simply went from
one host to a similar host.
- The guinea worm, Dracunculus madeninsis, exploits
two hosts during the course of its life cycle. - Larvae swim in freshwater and infect a freshwater
copepod. They feed within the still-living host,
until it is swallowed by a human. - In the stomach, acid dissolves the copepod, and
the larvae emerge.
Within about a year, it (the female) has grown to
a worm that can be three feet long, living within
an artery. It will bore a painful hole to the
outside, it releases huge amounts of eggs into
the water whenever the host bathes or gets wet.
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10Modification of Host Behavior
- We dont usually think of ourselves as slaves to
our illnesses, but in many ways, parasites modify
our behavior to increase the likelihood of
transmission. - A good sneeze removes the biofilm from our
respiratory tract and allows our immune system to
attack the function
But the bacteria that produced that biofilm were
selected to do so, and one reason was that
sneezes are excellent disease vectors.
11Host Resistance
- Hosts are not helpless when confronted with
parasites. Nearly every organism has evolved
sophisticated mechanisms to protect themselves. - Passive defenses are always operational,
frequently these guard against generalists - Induced defenses can be triggered by particular
parasites - For example, the human immune system has both
passive and induced defenses - Every successful defense causes strong selective
pressure on the parasite to beat the defense.
12Experiment-evolution of resistance to a
parasitoid by a sarcophagid fly
- Sarcophaga bullata is a blowfly that is the
preferred host of the parasitoid wasp Nasonia
vitripennis. - In populations of hosts that have never been
exposed to Nasonia, host mortality and the
reproductive rate of Nasonia are very high.
13- In a series of experiments conducted during the
1960s, David Pimentel showed that Sarcophaga
could evolve increased resistance to Nasonia in
response to selective pressure. - Treatment 1-remove all flies that survive attack
by Nasonia, add constant new flies. - Treatment 2-flies that survive attack are allowed
to reproduce, the rest are new
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15- Result-in the treatment where survivors were
allowed to reproduce, the reproductive rate of
Nasonia went from 135 offspring per female to 35,
with correspondingly high increases in the
survivorship of Nasonia. - How do insects defend against parasitoids?
- many insect larvae have special cells that can
encapsulate a parasitoid larva-they recognize the
attacker, and surround it with a layer of tough,
melanin-containing cells. - Some parasitoids beat this defense
- Ichneumenoid parasitoids have special polyDNA
viruses, harmless to the wasp, that concentrate
in their venom, and can destroy the potential of
the hosts to defend themselves. - A parasitoid is the ultimate transmission vector
for a virus, once the infected host is killed,
viruses enter the pupating parasitoid larvae, and
have perfect transportation to a new host!
16Other Forms of Parasitism
- Brood parasitism occurs when members of one
species rob members of another species of their
reproductive effort, rather than taking energy or
nutrients directly from the host. - It can be interspecific or
- intraspecific.
- Interspecific brood parasitism
- can be obligate or facultative.
- It is particularly common
- in birds, wasps, and bees.
Cuckoo wasp
17- Species of birds that suffer frequent brood
parasitism will eject strange eggs from their
nests. - Species of birds that have, historically, lacked
brood parasites, lack defenses. - Example-after millennia of isolation from
cowbirds, Kirtlands warbler (Dendroica
kirtlandi) lacks behavioral defenses against the
parasitic cowbird.
Brown-headed cowbird
Kirtlands warbler (50birds.com)
- Intraspecific brood parasitism.
- Certain females of the barn swallow (Hirundo
rustica) lay eggs in the nests of their
neighbors, rather than building their own nests.
Adult barn swallows may build nests, parasitize,
or do both. - Interspecific brood parasitism.
- Females of the cuckoo wasp, Trichrisius tridens,
enter the nests of bees and wasps, laying their
eggs on the provisions that have been provided
for the development of the nest-builders egg.
The T. tridens larvae hatches first and destroys
the larvae of the host, then devours the
provisions for itself. Cuckoo wasps have evolved
heavy armor to avoid being stung and killed by
their hosts. Some hosts dig false burrows to
deceive cuckoo wasps.
19Kleptoparasitism-is where animals steal some
important resource from each other.
- Example of intraspecific kleptoparasitism-Certain
females of the great golden digger wasp (Sphex
ichneumenoides) will enter the nests of
conspecific females, effectively taking them over
and saving the trouble of digging their own. - If they encounter the original female, the two
will fight ferociously. - Example of interspecific kleptoparasitism-Black
headed gulls (Larus ridibundus) parasitize flocks
of golden plovers (Pluvialis apricaria) and
lapwings (Vanellus vanellus) in the English
countryside. They harass unwary birds until they
drop the worms they have just extracted from the
20Slave-Making in Ants
- Slave making is an interesting form of parasitic
behavior among social insects, where it is the
lifetime effort of worker ants that is, in fact,
stolen. - If abducted and transported as larvae, worker
ants of most species will emerge as adults and
serve the colony into which they emerge, even if
it is a colony of a different species of ant. - Thus, an ant colony can increase its fitness (in
terms of the number of reproductives it produces)
by abducting workers of another species and
enslaving them.
21- Example Colonies of Formica sanguinea will raid
colonies of Formica fusca, and abduct their
workers for use as slaves. Colonies of
victimized species have evolved defenses against
slave makers, including abandoning nests and
moving the colony to avoid being victimized.
Formica sanginea, (which is also an aphid farmer).
Formica fusca
22- Similar behaviors are sometimes seen in bees and
wasps, but in those taxa, queens of a related
species will take over the entire colony of the
host species and enslave it, for instance,
Polistes nimphus is a parasitic paper wasp, which
will take over colonies of the closely related
Polistes dominulus. This is called social
Polistes dominulus
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24How important is parasitism?
- Parasites have a pervasive effect on the
populations of plants and animals. - A growing body of evidence supports the notion
that many parasites effective agents of
population regulation, acting in many of the same
ways as top predators, but more ubiquitous. - Parasite induced mortality may interact with
limitation of resources to produce population
control. Populations that are under nutritional
stress are frequently more susceptible to
parasite-induced mortality.
25- Microparasites which are transmitted from one
individual to the next typically require dense
populations of hosts to sustain themselves. - Hosts develop immunity to most microparasites.
This causes the disease to burn through its
supply of susceptible individuals in a local area
(it will grow exponentially, at first), and
unless it can infect a new area, it will go
extinct. - Long-term persistence is facilitated by
long-lived infective stages, by the physiological
ability to avoid inducing immunity in the host,
or by evolving so quickly that subsequent
generations of the parasite can attack previously
immune individuals.
26- The more virulent diseases spread more quickly,
but generally require denser populations of hosts
to persist-over time. - If a disease kills the host too quickly, that
population of the parasite dies before begetting
new populations of parasites. Thus, there is
interdemic selection in favor of reduced
virulence, but within hosts themselves, there is
selection for increased virulence, because
virulent individuals make more copies of
themselves. Thus, diseases frequently evolve a
balance, such that transmission rate is balanced
with virulence. - There is an old saying, a good parasite does not
kill the host. In fact, this is only true if
the parasite relies on living hosts for
transmission. - A good parasite does not kill the host before it
has infected more hosts.
27Example-the Black Death
- Historically, human populations have been kept in
check both by resource limitation and by disease. - In medieval Europe, circa 1346, populations were
close to an all-time high, and widespread famines
periodically killed thousands. - Filthy, crowded conditions combined with poor
nutrition to create perfect conditions for an
outbreak of Yersinia pestis, a disease that is
not primarily a parasite of humans. - In many places, the human population was reduced
from 40-65, and did not recover for centuries
because of repeated outbreaks. - The disease required dense populations of humans,
rats, and fleas, because it was both epidemic and
28- Yersinia pestis is a bacterium, normally a
parasite of rodents, especially rats and marmots. - It is transmitted among rodent hosts by fleas,
mostly the rat flea, Xenopsylla cheopis. - In Central Asia, in 1345, a particularly nasty
strain jumped from Marmots to Mongols. - The Mongols transmitted it to the Genoese, who
spread it to Europe. - In Europe, it went back in forth from rat-human
transmission, to a human-human form (pneumonic
plague). - Eventually, it ran out of human hosts, but
persisted in rodent populations, facilitating
later outbreaks
30- In general, macroparasites, which generally rely
on animal transmission vectors, and usually have
more complex life cycles, can parasitize
populations that are much less dense, and persist
exist at much lower population levels. - They require an efficient means of infecting each
host in their life cycle. - Because they rely on indirect transmission, they
do not burn through all the available hosts.
Instead, a few individuals harboring huge
parasite loads cause the parasite to persist in a
local are for large amounts of time. - Parasites survival depends upon keeping a few of
these disease bags around-which means prolific
31Effect of Parasite on Distribution of the Host
- It is thought that parasites have enormous
potential effects on the distribution of hosts,
though our reasons for thinking this are
indirect most of what persists today are
parasite-host systems that are coevolved and
permit the existence of both species. - Cases of introduced parasites suggest that
parasites can easily eliminate a host from major
areas of the range, or drive it entirely extinct. - Examples Dutch elm disease, chestnut blight
- Mutualisms are ecological interactions in which
both partners benefit (at least some of the time
at least), either in terms of an increased
potential for population growth, or because they
are able to live in environments that are
unavailable to them otherwise. - Mutualisms fall along a continuum from
facultative to obligate. - Mutualistic symbioses are mutualisms in which
both partners live in, on, or in very close
proximity to each other. - Mutualisms run the gamut from chance ecological
interactions, to interspecific interactions that
have coevolved over millions of years, in which
one partner cannot hope to survive without the
- One of the most ubiquitous and important
mutualistic interactions in terrestrial
communities involves animal pollination in
angiosperms. - Angiospersms are either wind pollinated (no
mutualism) or animal pollinated. - Animal pollination is generally mutualistic,
though it can be parasitic. - Animal partners include bees, butterflies and
moths, flies, beetles, thrips, hummingbirds,
bats, and occasionally other animals. - These mutualisms range from obligate to
34- Advantages to wind pollination-straightforward,
effective when plants grow in dense stands, range
of species is not affected by availability of
mutualist pollinators. - Disadvantages-uses a lot of pollen (energetically
expensive), can be unreliable. - Advantages to animal pollination-depending upon
pollinators, can be reliable over moderately long
distances, reduces amount of pollen plant needs
to produce and thus is easier on the energetic
cost of sex. - Disadvantages- requires the existence of a
pollinator, incentive must be provided to
pollinator for their services.
35Pollination Syndromes
- Pollinators fall into several general categories.
- The selective pressures exerted by these
pollinators causes flowers to evolve certain sets
of characteristics to attract the type of
pollinators most likely to increase the plants
This is an Indonesian corpse flower, the
worlds largest inflorescence (Amorphophallus tit
anum). It smells like dead people to
attract carrion beetles and flies
36Pentstemon digitalis, a bee pollinated plant.
Melittid bees are commonly specialized to feed
on Pentstemon, though the flowers will accept
any bee this is a Megachile bee.
Pentstemon barbatus This is a great hummingbird
plant. borderlandnews.com
37- Fungus gnats-smells like mushroom, flowers not
terribly showy - Moths strong smell, open at night, white
- Hummingbirds usually red, long corolla, exserted
anthers, dilute nectar - Short-Tongued Bees short corolla,
purple-yellow-bee purple, concentrated nectar - Long-Tongued Bees longer corolla,
purple-yellow-bee purple-white, landing platform,
concentrated nectar - Butterflies long corolla
- Bats-Big flowers, musky scent, dull colored, open
at night, copious dilute nectar - Carrion Beetles-smell like rotting flesh, weird
38Example-Melittid Bees
- The melittid bees are a family that includes
about 100 species worldwide. - Some are specialist pollinators (ie., obligate
mutualists, others are generalists-facultative
mutualism) - All melittids are solitary bees.
- Ecological specialized species have life cycles
timed to synchronize with the plants they forage
upon. The bees are inactive as resting pupae for
the rest of the year
Macropis steironematis from the UIC greenhouse,
foraging upon catnip Nepeta catara.
39Example Caullauthidium is a small solitary
bee. Males defend the flowers upon which females
specialize (Pentstemon).
40- Pentstemon flowers provide pollen, a rich source
of protein that the female bees use to provision
nests, and concentrated nectar, which is an
important food source for both adults and larvae. - Pentstemon also have eliaphores-which provide
energy-rich oils along with pollen as provisions
for developing larvae. - Most flowers in the genus are either white or
purple, a color which is attractive to bees.
Melittids are fairly large, generally, and
Pentstemon flowers have a landing pad to make
it easier to get in and get out. - In return for nectar and oil, the flower gets an
efficient pollinator. Melittid bees are very
active, and can fly great distances, and will
visit the same type of flower in search of
resources-thus ensuring efficient pollination. - On t
- I.
41- The mutualism is assymetric. Although
Callauthidium specializes in Pentstemon, Bee
pollinated species of Pentstemon will accept many
different floral visitors. - Other bees in the same family, such as Macropis,
will visit many types of flowers. - It is possible that the ecological specialization
of some species of bees results from
interspecific competition, - OR it is possible that the only way for a species
to carve out a particular ecological niche is to
specialize-specialists that are active only a
short period of time are not limited to habitats
where flowers are continuously available all
summer long. - Specialization is definitely a factor limiting
their range, since the right type of floral
resource must be present for the bee to occur.
42- On the flowers end, it is not likely that the
flowers evolved specialization per se, it is more
likely that the most effective pollinators exert
sufficient selective pressure that the flower
evolves certain traits that make it most suitable
for a particular species of pollinator. - Remember the bumblebee snapdragon study?
(Freeman and Herron, pp. 75) Note that the
yellow color was selected against and the white
color-spotted color scheme was favored. Bees are
especially attracted to flowers with patterns. - OR it is also possible that there is indeed
selection for specialization, to increase the
efficiency of pollination and avoid wasting
floral resources..
43Seed Dispersal
- A major class of plant/animal mutualisms involves
seed dispersal. Certain plants, with heavy
seeds, rely upon animals to disperse them. - There is a great section in your book on seed
dispersal (pp 328-330) - Why is Clarks nutcracker the only seed predator
that effectively acts as a mutualist to the
whitebark pine?.