Title: History of Evolutionary Thought
1History of Evolutionary Thought
- The Biblical Perspective
- 17th Century Theories of the Earth
- Catastrophism and Uniformitarianism
- Physics and the Age of the Earth
- Diversity
- Before Darwin
- Charles Darwin (1809 1882)
- Darwins Other Big Idea
- The Modern Synthesis
- X. Modern Genetics
2I. The Biblical Perspective (Genesis)
- Genesis Metaphoric until 17th Century
- Fundamentalist movement (early 1900s reaction
against materialism and Higher Criticism)
B. Creation account in Genesis 1 1-3
Day one Heavens and Earth light day and night
Day two the Firmament waters divided
Day three waters and dry land organized plants
Day four Lights (stars) in the Firmament
Day five Sea creatures and birds
Day six Land animals man and woman
Day seven Rest and blessing last day holy
3Second Account Genesis 2 4-25
4I. The Biblical Perspective (Genesis)
C. The Flood (Genesis 6, 7, 9) ca 2500 BCE
Before the Flood
After the Flood
- Diversity at Creation 30,000 Kinds
The passengers
Mt. Ararat
5II. Theories of the Earth
A. James Ussher (1581 1656) and the age of the
1. Based on Biblical chronologies and historical
2. 4004 BCE
B. Physical explanations for the Flood
1. Descartes Earth a dead star
- Flood from collapse of originally smooth surface
2. Newton flood from near collision with a comet
6II. Theories of the Earth
C. Theories on Fossils
1. Idealized forms
2. Mythological creatures
3. Organisms formed within the Earth, but didnt
make it
4. Sports of nature
5. Nicolas Steno (1638 1686)
7II. Theories of the Earth
D. Comte de Buffon (1707 1788)
1. Natural History
- Experimented with cooling of large spheres
- Calculated Earth to be 75, 000 years old
- Censured by the Church forced to recant
8II. Theories of the Earth
E. Stratigraphy
1. Three types of rocks
- Igneous from cooled magma
- Metamorphic transformed by pressure and heat
- Sedimentary from sediments
- Form in layers called strata
9II. Theories of the Earth
E. Stratigraphy
2. Strata (stratum)
3. Stratigraphy important for mining, canal
- Led to classification of different strata
- Principle of Superposition
10II. Theories of the Earth
E. Stratigraphy
4. Best method for identifying strata index
William Strata Smith (1769 - 1839)
11II. Theories of the Earth
E. Stratigraphy
1. Index fossils linked to Geologic Periods
2. Relative dating
12III. Catastrophism and Uniformitarianism
A. Catastrophism
1. Neptunists rocks formed from Flood
2. Georges Cuvier (1769 - 1832)
- Each extinction followed by new assemblage of
flora - and fauna
- Cuviers explanation new assemblage by migration
- Boundaries abrupt sudden extinction caused by
- catastrophes
- Others last extinction (Cretaceous Triassic)
was the caused by the Great Flood (not
necessarily worldwide)
- Vehemently anti-evolution
13III. Catastrophism and Uniformitarianism
B. Uniformitarianism
1. Landforms created slowly by forces observable
2. James Hutton (1726 1797)
no vestige of a beginning, -- no prospect of an
- Plutonist rocks formed from Earths hot interior
- Igneous rocks the starting
- point of the rock cycle
- Deist God is a perfect craftsman who designed a
- machine that could work forever
14B. Uniformitarianism
3. Charles Lyell (1797 1875)
- Abrupt transitions in fossil record due to
missing strata
15III. Catastrophism and Uniformitarianism
C. Modern View
1. Synthesis, but .
16III. Catastrophism and Uniformitarianism
C. Modern View
2. Plate tectonics and continental drift
- Alfred Wegener (1880- 1930)
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18III. Catastrophism and Uniformitarianism
C. Modern View
3. Extinction
- Biggest extinction Permian 250 million years ago
- 70 of land vertebrate species
19IV. Physics and the Age of the Earth
A. Lord Kelvin (1824 -1907)
1. Earth began as hot mass
2. Earth, at most, 25 million years old
B. Discovery of Radioactivity (1896)
1. Source of heat
20IV. Physics and the Age of the Earth
B. Discovery of Radioactivity (1896)
2. Radioactive decay
- Radioactive isotopes decay from one type of atom
to - another
Half- life 5730 years
21IV. Physics and the Age of the Earth
B. Discovery of Radioactivity (1896)
3. Absolute Time Scale (Geologic Time Scale)
4. Age of the Earth 4.55 billion years
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