Title: Coming in Fall '07...
1Coming in Fall '07...
2The goal of this idea is to provide a way for
everyone to
Okay, so thats fantastic. Now what?
4You see Every DUES PAID MEMBER (pay your
dues!!) starts out with an MRPerson!! It has
JUST a body and a face And a Club T-Shirt
(Everybody go pick a theme!!) Oh, and
pants And we assume undergarments, but
yeah So here are examples Im the guy And
then theres a random girl And her names
5So she gets Green Thumbs!!
Lets say Penelo goes to 3 Adopt-A-Creeks
6Lets say Louel goes to Care For the Elderly 3
He gets a cane!!
7And it just goes on from there!!!
Louel gets to Bronze!!
Penelo goes to various fundraisers!!
8Penelo goes to a K-Fam dinner!!
Louel goes to eat for service!!
9And then by the end of the Circle K Year,
everyone will be all decked out in their
individual Circle K accessories!! Like, OMG!!
10FTC Hair Dye!! ___
Childrens Festival Witch Hat!!
__ Cheer Training Shades!!
---Single Service Committee Tattoo!!
Karaoke ----- Social Mic!!
----- Leconte Tutoring Book!!
Public Relations --- Leg Bandage!!
Key Club Meeting Bear!!
ALS Walk Boots!!
11And then what?
- Well, youll get em in your progress reports!!
- AND theyll be accessible in the website!! ?
- Maybe we could even make actual dolls of these
guys for a small fee? Heh heh -P - Or MAYBE we could play strip poker w/ em!! The
more accessories, the more to take off!!
MWAHAHAHA!! Um Nevermind that. Tee-hee .
12BUT of course, MRPeople are still in the creation
phase... SoOoOoOoOo if you have any ideas or if
you even want to help with the creation
phase Send me an e-mail!! (poonerdumass_at_gmail.co
m) Or call me!! (775-450-3288) Or talk to me!!