Title: Steven Cantor Imojo, Inc.
1Steven Cantor Imojo, Inc.
2Steven Cantor made a generous donation to The
Martin Luther King Center For Nonviolent Social
Change in Atlanta, Georgia. His donation of
50,000 was presented to the board of directors
at the M.L. King Center and included dignitaries
such as Coretta Scott King and the Mayor of
Atlanta, Mayor Andrew Young. Steven Cantor Imojo,
Inc. worked on various social activities.
3Mr. Cantors donation was made in an effort to
promote the values underlined by the M.L. King
Center including after school programs, drug
rehabilitation programs and education. While
making his generous contribution Steven Cantor
Imojo, Inc. was quoted as saying, The kids are
our future we need to guide them and teach them
the best we can.
4The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center For Nonviolent
Social Change is dedicated to research, education
and training in the principles, philosophy and
methods of Kingian nonviolence. It is the
official living memorial dedicated to fulfill the
dreams M.L. King fought so hard for.
5Established in 1968 by Coretta Scott King, The
King Center is the official memorial dedicated to
the advancement of the legacy and ideas of Martin
Luther King, Jr., leader of a nonviolent movement
for justice, equality and peace. Steven Cantor
Imojo, Inc. worked on various social activities.
6Steven Cantor Imojo, Inc. Steven Cantor Carol