Title: Sunwrold Vanalika is a New Project in Noida
1Vanalika Noida
- Vanalika is a New High Class Apartments
2Overview Vanalika Noida
- Sunworld Group is listed amongst all well known
and highly acknowledged real estate companies
working entirely on the way to developing world
finest designed infrastructures. It is recently
launched its upcoming residential project named
as Sunworld Vanalika. This township has been
developed stupendously in the midst of serene
surroundings of Noida sector 107. Its provided
3BHK and 4BHK apartments. For more information
about Vanalika Noida you can contact us at
3Specification Vanalika Noida
- Open and covered ample parking space.
- Beautifully designed landscapes areas.
- Flower garden and Zen garden.
- Tennis and basket ball Coutts.
- swimming pool and kids splash pool.
- 24 Hrs. Water and Power Backup.
- Sit out for senior citizens.
- Shopping Complex and Commercial Space.
- Joggers track and Meditation hut.
- Built With Highly Insulated Wall and Roof.
- Water Efficient and Rain Water Harvesting.
- Landscape Garden and Green Buildings.
- Well ventilation and more natural light.
4Layout Plan Vanalika Noida
5Floor Plan Vnalika Noida
6Floor Plan Vanalika Noida
7Loacation Map Vanalika Noida