Title: Daycase Cataract Surgery Audit
1Daycase Cataract Surgery Audit
- 20th of April, 2004.
- Singleton Hospital.
- To compare post-operative refraction with
predicted refraction. - To assess visual outcome.
- 128 forms returned from Optometrists.
- Many incomplete.
- 104 considered for Biometry accuracy.
- 110 considered for visual outcome.
4Demographic detail
- Age mean 75 years (range 45- 91)
- Surgery June 2003- Jan 2004.
- Forms returned 46.1days (2-120).
5Refractive Outcome
6Refractive Outcome
7Refractive Outcome Predicted
lt0.25 D 21
lt0.5D 45
lt0.75D 65
lt1.00D 79
lt1.50D 90
lt1.75D 93
lt2.00D 97
8Refraction- more detail
- 79 within 1 Dioptre predicted refraction.
- Mean difference 0.37D.
- Range -2.22 to 3.88D difference.
- 21 patients (21) ? 1D outside predicted
refraction. - Most major studies 90 within 1 dioptre.
- National Swedish Register range difference up to
1.19D, mean 0.9D.
9Outliers gt1.50D
Predicted SE Actual SE (Difference)
1. -0.03 -2.25 (-2.22)
2. 0.0 -2.13 (-2.13)
3. -0.13 1.37 (1.50)
4. -0.08 1.50 (1.58)
5. 0.50 2.25 (1.75)
6. -0.40 1.38 (1.78)
7. 0.71 2.50 (1.79 )
8. 0.0 1.88 (1.88)
9. -0.19 1.75 (1.94)
10. -2.00 1.88 (3.88)
10Outliers gt1.00D
Predicted SE Actual SE (Difference)
1. 0.56 -0.63 (-1.19)
2. -0.30 0.75 (1.05)
3. 0.31 1.38 (1.07)
4. 0.04 1.13 (1.09)
5. 0.0 1.13 (1.13)
6. -0.38 0.75 (1.13)
7. 0.10 1.25 (1.15)
8. -0.05 1.25 (1.30)
9. -0.20 1.13 (1.33)
10. -0.32 1.13 (1.45)
11. -1.00 0.50 (1.50)
11Where are the outliers?
- 68 more ve (71)
- 29 more ve (31)
12More Detail Outliers
- AL -1 patient gt 24.5mm -2 patients lt
22.0mm - Keratometry -3 patients gt 1D difference
- Most patients no obvious cause for inaccuracy
- (Only 57 files available, 12 of 21)
13Method Biometry Outliers
14Visual Outcome
15Visual Outcome
16Visual Outcome
- Pre-op VA
- Mean 6/30 (0.70)
- Range 6/12 6/190 (0.25-lt1.50)
- Post-op VA
- Mean 6/9 (0.13)
- Range 6/5 -6/36 (-0.08- 0.78)
17Visual Outcome
- 91 had VA 6/12.
- No patient had VA lt 6/36 .
- National Cataract Audit 77 VA? 6/12 at
18Poor visual outcome
Co-morbidity 100
Amblyopia 4 patients
AMD 5 patients
POAG 1 patient
Myopic macular changes 1 patient
12 patients VA ?6/12 9 files looked at.
19How compare to 2003?
- IOL master used more 2004
- 2003- 85 ? 1D - range -2.42 to
1.37 - mean difference 0.64D
- Incomplete forms.
- IOL master more accurate?
- Use Hoffer Q etc.
- Personalise A constants.
- Cant account fully for unexpected results.
21Outliers (1)
- (1) O.G.
- AL 20.58mm OD (20.33mm OS). Ks 47.5, 48.0
- Aim 0.56 (difference 1.185), 6/9ua.
- (2) V.E.
- AL 19.99mm OD (19.72mm OS). Ks 44.47, 44.68
- Aim 0.08 6/12ua
- (3) B.Q.
- AL 21.98mm OS (22.06mmOD). Ks 44.53, 45.24
- Aim 0.38 (difference), 6/9ua
22Outliers (2)
- (4) D.J.
- AL24.88mm OS (24.99mm OD)
- (5) C.B.
- Ks gt1D difference (43.55,45.55)
- (6) H.W.
- Ks gt1D difference (43.35,45.06)
23Individual Results
24 Consultant (1) Visual Outcome
25 Consultant (2)- Visual Outcome
26 Consultant (3)- Visual Outcome
27 Consultant (4)- Visual Outcome
28 Consultant (1) - Accuracy Predicted Refraction
29Consultant (2)- Accuracy Predicted Refraction
30Consultant (3)- Accuracy Predicted Refraction
31 Consultant (4)- Accuracy Predicted Refraction
32 Consultant (5)- Accuracy Predicted Refraction
33Individual Surgeon Accuracy
- Consultant 1- 0.07 (n11)
- Consultant 2- 0.50 (n26)
- Consultant 3- 0.30 (n28)
- Consultant 4- -0.07 (n4)
- Consultant 5- 0.51 (n29)
34Individual mean SE
- Consultant 1- 0.02
- Consultant 2- -0.002
- Consultant 3- 0.19
- Consultant 4- -0.50
- Consultant 5- 0.05
35To Audit office and Ophthalmology secretaries
Thank You