Foreign Exchange Exposure - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Foreign Exchange Exposure


Price paid for Forward Contract = zero. ... Another application of Lego set. ... Example case: Yo quiero Taco Bell! 2nd Generation FX Options ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Foreign Exchange Exposure

Foreign Exchange Exposure
  • Cash flows of firm, ergo its market value, are
    affected by changes in the value of foreign
    currency, FX.
  • Transactions Exposure Explicit contractual
    amount denominated in FX.
  • Operating Exposure No contract exists yet FX
    exposure is present.

Two Methods of FX Quotation
  • Direct Quotation
  • Number of home (domestic, reference) currency
    units per unit of FX.
  • Direct quote is inverse of indirect quote.
  • Assumed in this course (intuitive).
  • Indirect Quotation
  • Number of FX units per unit of home (domestic,
    reference) currency.
  • Indirect quote is inverse of direct quote.
  • Not employed in this course (less intuitive).

Examples of Two Quotation Methods
  • For Canadian firm.
  • Direct quote on greenback, US C1.35
  • Indirect quote on greenback US US0.74
  • If FX appreciates (rises in value), the direct
    quote rises and the indirect quote falls.
  • If FX depreciates (drops in value), the direct
    quote drops and the indirect quote rises.

Transactions Exposure
  • First part of this four part course.
  • Exporter - receives a contractually set amount of
    FX in future.
  • Importer pays a contractually set amount of FX
    in the future.
  • Measure of FX exposure the amount of FX

Exporters Transactions Exposure
  • Canadian beef exporter will receive US1 million
    3 months from now.
  • S direct quote on the greenback, i.e. C/US, 3
    months hence. (Note / means per.) S is plotted
    on horizontal axis.
  • Exposed cash flow (ECF) S x US 1 million. ECF
    is plotted on vertical axis.

Exporters Risk Profile
Exporters Risk Exposure
  • Worried about depreciation in FX.
  • Forward hedge Sell FX forward. Arrange now to
    sell 3 months hence at price determined now, F
    (the forward rate).
  • Option hedge Buy right to sell FX, a put option
    on the FX.

Sell Forward Hedge
  • Commit now to sell U 1 million 3 months from now
    at forward price, F, determined now.
  • Price paid for Forward Contract zero.
  • Sell forward contract cash flow (F S) x U 1
    million where S is the spot rate 3 months hence.

Sell Forward Contract
Contract Cash Flow
Hedge with Forward Contract
Hedged Cash Flow
F x U1million
Hedge with Put Option
  • Put option is the right, not obligation like
    forward contract, to sell U 1 million 3 months
    hence at an exercise or strike price of X(C/US).
  • P, put premium, price paid now for option.
  • Put contract cash flow X S if SltX 0

Put Contract Cash Flow
Hedge with Put Option
Hedged Cash Flow
Which is better? Sell forward or Buy put?
B breakeven point SltB, sell forward better SgtB,
buy put better
Determination of B, breakeven FX Rate
  • B is point of indifference between sell forward
    and buy put as hedges.
  • SltB Forward is better ex-post
  • SgtB Put is better ex-post
  • B Forward rate Future Value of Put Premium
    where interest rate is hedgers borrowing rate.
  • B F FV(P).

Hedging a U Receivable
  • Canadian firm with U receivable due 6 months
  • F (6 month forward rate) C 1.35
  • X (exercise price) C1.32
  • P (put premium per U) C0.05
  • Borrowing rate 6 quoted APR
  • B (breakeven) C1.4015

3 Different Interest Rate Quotes
  • Borrow 1 for 6 months at 6
  • APR, annual percentage rate, FV 1.03 1 (1
    .06/2 )
  • EAR, effective annual rate, FV 1.02956 1 (1
  • CC, continuously compounded, FV 1.03045 1
    exp(.06 x .5)

Canadian Importer Problem
  • Has U 5 M payable due 6 months hence.
  • Two possible hedges buy U forward or buy call
    on U.
  • Buy forward Arrange now to buy U5M 6 months
    from now at a rate set now, F.
  • Buy call on U 5 M with exercise price X.

FX Payable
  • Worried about the FX appreciating

Exposed Cash Flow
-U 5 M
Buy U Forward Contract Cash Flow
Buy Call on U Contract Cash Flow
Hedged Cash Flows
Call Hedge
Forward Hedge
-F x U5M
B, breakeven FX rate between call and buy forward
  • B forward rate - FV of call option premium
  • FV (future value) uses the hedgers borrowing
  • SltB call option better ex-post.
  • SgtB buy forward better ex-post.

Buy forward versus buy call
Contract Cash Flows
Calculation of B
  • Canadian firm with U 5 M payable due 6 months
  • F C1.35 ( 6 month forward rate)
  • X C1.32 (exercise price of call)
  • C C0.10 (call premium per U)
  • Borrowing rate 6 quoted CC
  • B C1.247

Forward vs. Option Hedges Fundamental Trade-off
  • Forward no up-front outlay (at inception value
    of forward 0) but potential opportunity cost
  • Option up-front outlay (option premium) but no
    opportunity cost later, ignoring option premium.

Option hedge vs. Forward hedge vs. Remain exposed
  • Hedge FX liability.
  • Ex-post analysis S gt F, buy forward is best S lt
    F, remain exposed is best.
  • Option hedge is never best ex-post.
  • Option hedge is an intermediate tactic, between
    extremes of buy forward and remain exposed.

Option hedge vs. Forward hedge vs. Remain exposed
Remain exposed
Writing options as hedges
  • Zero sum game between buyer and writer.
  • Writers diagram is mirror image of buyers about
  • Writer receives premium income.
  • Write call to hedge a receivable, I.e., covered
    call writing.
  • Write put to hedge a payable.

Basic problem with writing options as a hedge
  • Viable if there is no significant adverse move in
    FX rate.
  • FX receivable viable if FX rate does not drop
  • FX payable viable is FX rate does not rise
  • The original exposure remains albeit cushioned by
    the receipt of premium income.

A Lego set for FX hedging
  • Six basic building blocks available for more
    complex hedges.
  • Buy or sell forward.
  • Buy or write a call.
  • Buy or write a put.

Application of Lego set
  • Option collar is an option portfolio comprised of
    long (short) call and short (long) put.
    Maturities are common but exercise prices may
  • What if there is a common exercise price F, the
    forward rate pertaining to the common maturity of
    the options?
  • Value of option collar must zero.
  • Option collar replicates forward contract.

Option collar (buy call, sell put common X F)
or Buy Forward
F defines a critical value of X
  • Another application of Lego set, option collars,
    and graphical reasoning.
  • If X F, C (call premium) P (put premium).
  • If Xlt F, C gt P.
  • If Xgt F, C lt P.

Salomons Range Forward
  • Another application of Lego set.
  • See Transactions Exposure Cases Salomon Contract
    to Aid in Hedging Currency Exposure.
  • Buying a Range Forward is an option collar where
    a call, with X upper limit of range, is
    purchased and a put, with X lower limit of
    range, is written.

Salomons Range Forward (specific numbers)
  • F 1/DM 2.58 U0.3876
  • Range Upper limit, U 1/DM2.50 U0.40
  • Range Lower limit, L 1/DM2.65 U0.3774
  • If S(U/DM) gt U0.40, US client buys DM at
  • If S lt U0.3774, US client buys DM at U0.3774.
  • If U0.3774 lt S ltU0.40, US buys DM at S.

Salomons Range Forward
Contract Cash Flow
Salomons Range Forward
FX Liability Hedged Cash Flow
To alternative ways of committing to buy (sell)
FX in future
  • Futures Contract
  • Traded anonymously on an exchange.
  • Marking to market there are daily cash flow
  • Assume futures rate forward rate.
  • Forward Contract
  • Deal directly with bank.
  • No cash flows until maturity
  • Empirical result For FX, futures rate forward
    rate on average.

Conditional (contingent) exposure
  • Whether or not you are exposed to the
    contractually specified FX depends on someone
    elses decision.
  • Situation where an option should be used, not a
  • Examples cross-border merger, bidding on a
    foreign construction contract, selling with a
    dual currency price list.

Telus Case
  • Dual currency prices C1,682 or Bh32,799.
  • Customer decides on currency.
  • Hedging the time span between sale and customers
    currency decision must be with a put option, not
    sell forward.
  • Defined implied spot rate, S C0.051

Telus Risk Exposure
Effect of dual currency prices
  • Client chooses to pay currency adjusted amount.
  • As if the following were true Telus demands
    payment in Cs but gives client a put option on
  • Since Telus issues a put option to the client, it
    must buy the same option to hedge.

Danger in hedging conditional exposure with a
  • Problem if Telus were to sell Bh forward Telus
    may not receive Bhs.
  • Client will choose to pay in Cs if the Bh
    appreciates beyond C0.051.
  • If Bh appreciates, Telus must satisfy the forward
    contract by buying the appreciated Bh on the spot

Telus hedged diagram if sell forward at F
Telus faces unlimited losses
Linkage between forward and options
  • Forward contract is an option collar.
  • Buy forward buy call, sell put with X F.
  • Sell forward sell call, buy put with X F.
  • Value of option collar 0.
  • What if X not F?
  • Put-Call-Forward Parity Theorem

Put Call Forward Parity (graph)
Put Call Forward Parity
  • C, P Call and Put premiums
  • R domestic risk-free rate

Put-Call Forward Parity Example
  • 1-year contracts on sterling, PS.
  • F C2.50 X C2.40 T 1 year
  • R (riskless Canadian rate) 5 quoted CC
  • Via equation, C-P C0.095
  • If P C0.05 then C C0.145.
  • If C C0.20 then P C0.105.

Value of buy forward contract post inception
Fs are forward rates, N new versus O
original. R is domestic risk-free rate, T
remaining maturity of forward at new
date. Another interpretation FN is prevailing
forward rate Fo is desired contractual rate.
Value of buy forward post inception
Post inception buy forward example
  • Bought 13-month sterling forward a month ago at
    then prevailing forward rate, F13 C2.40.
  • Now prevailing F12 C2.50 T 1year R
    (riskless Canadian rate) 5 CC.
  • Value of Forward contract now C0.095 versus at
    contract inception of 0.

Contractual F vs. Prevailing F
  • Contract. F that specified in the contract
  • Prevail. F that which renders the value of the
    contract zero.
  • Heretofore Contract. F Prevail. F ergo no
    money changes hands at inception
  • If contract. F not prevail. F, money changes
    hands at inception
  • Who pays whom? How much is paid?

2nd interpretation Buy PS 1-year forward
  • Prevail. F C2.50 per PS
  • Contract. F C2.40 per PS
  • Canadian interest rate 5 CC
  • Firm must pay bank upfront 0.095 per PS
  • The same formula has a different interpretation!

Value of sell forward post inception
New versus original forward rates
T time remaining until contract expiration at
new date R domestic risk-free rate Another
interpretation FN is prevailing forward rate Fo
is desired contractual rate.
Value of sell forward post inception
Post inception sell forward example
  • Sold13-month sterling forward a month ago at then
    prevailing forward rate, F13 C2.40.
  • Now prevailing F12 C2.50 T 1year R
    (riskless Canadian rate) 5 CC.
  • Value of Forward contract now - C0.095 versus
    at contract inception of 0.

2nd interpretation Sell PS 1-year forward
  • Prevail. F C2.50 per PS
  • Contract. F C2.40 per PS
  • Canadian interest rate 5 CC
  • Firm must pay bank C0.095 per PS upfront, i.e.
    bank must pay firm C0.095 per PS upfront.
  • The same formula has a different interpretation!

Coberturas Mexicanas
  • Forward contract on greenbacks denominated in
    Mexican pesos.
  • Price fixed in the contract is not the prevailing
    forward rate but the spot rate, So, at the
    contracts inception.
  • Since usually FgtSo, an up-front fee, of
    PV(_at_Rm)(F-So) is imposed for compra de cobertura
    (buy) contract.

Compra de Cobertura (example)
  • Buy U1,000 9-month cobertura.
  • F (9-month) MP10.
  • So (at contract inception) MP9.70.
  • Mexican riskless rate (CETES) 15EAR.
  • Up-front fee payable by firm to bank MP270 PV
    of U1000 x (10-9.7).

Venta de Cobertura (example)
  • Sell U1,000 9-month cobertura.
  • F (9-month) MP10.
  • So (at contract inception) MP9.70.
  • Mexican riskless rate (CETES) 15EAR.
  • Up-front fee receivable by firm from bank MP270
    PV of U1000 x (10-9.7).

Derivatives Pricing Problem
  • Case in Transactions Exposure.
  • Customer wants to sell DM125,000 5-month forward
    at rate of U0.36 when prevailing forward is
  • What price to charge customer? U848.
  • Price U(0.36-0.353)x125,000xPVfactor.
  • Riskless rate,7.5, is appropriate.

Derivatives Pricing Problem
  • Customer also wants to buy a put on 125,000 DMs
    5 month maturity.
  • Price of call with identical terms, C U0.01 x
    125,000 U1,250
  • Option collar (P-C), replicates previous forward
  • P U1,250 U848. Thus, P U2,098.

FX Bid-Ask Spread
  • Bank is willing to buy FX at Bid.
  • Bank is willing to sell at (is asking) Ask.
  • Terms adopt banks perspective.
  • Hedging firm must buy FX at higher Ask and sell
    FX at low Bid.
  • Buying one currency means selling the other
    currency. Implies Bid in one currency is the Ask
    of the other currency.

FX Bid-Ask Spread (transactions cost)
  • round trip cost (1-(bid/ask)).
  • Bid on U C1.48 Ask C1.51.
  • Implies Bid on C 1/C1.51 Ask 1/C1.48.
  • (1 (1.48/1.51) ) 2 (C1,000-C980.13)/C1,0
  • C1,000 to U662.25 (C1,000/C1.51)to C980.13

Case Options Trip Hiro Goto
  • Japanese exporter wanted to hedge U10M
    receivable via a put option.
  • Finance put premium by issuing a call.
  • 3CP CltP as FltXJY125/U I.e., market expecting
    U to drop below JY125.
  • Zero cost option hedge is an option collar with a
    twist due to different contractual amounts.

Hiros Hedge Options Collar
Buy put on U10M
Sell call on U30M
Hiros Hedged Cash Flow
What eventuated!
Gomenasai! (Sooo sorry!)
  • What Japanese exporter learned By setting up an
    option collar, the up-front hedging outlay was
    reduced to zero, but the potential for a
    down-the-road opportunity cost was created.
  • The potential opportunity cost eventuated! Pity!
  • Hiro insidiously shifted from an option hedge to
    a type of forward hedge.

Black-Scholes Model for Valuing FX Options
  • Applies only to European, not American, type.
  • Forward rate version employs forward rate with
    maturity same as that of option.
  • Spot rate version employs spot rate at time
    option is purchased. Also, foreign risk-free
  • Variables common to both models X, exercise
    price T, time to expiry RD, domestic risk-free
    rate volatility (standard deviation) of the
    continuously compounded rate of appreciation.

BS Model, Forward Rate Version
  • C Call premium P Put premium

N(d2) probability call exercised N(-d2)
probability put exercised
Use calculator to implement Forward Rate
  • Under calculators click options
  • Stock price Forward rate
  • Interest rate and Dividend yield both Domestic
    risk-free rate.
  • Exercise price, Time to expiry, and Volatility
    defined as given.

Forward rate model example
  • Value a call option on SFR (South African Rand) 1
    M with X C0.65, 1-year F C0.70, Canadian
    risk-free rate 10 CC, and volatility (standard
    deviation) 24.8.
  • value, C C84,000.
  • By selling SFR forward now can lock-in future
    profit of 50,000 (.70 - .65) 1M

BS Model, Spot Rate Version
  • C Call premium P Put premium

RF foreign risk-free rate, plays role of
dividend-yield of stock on which stock option is
Use calculator to implement Spot Rate
  • Under calculators click options
  • Stock price Spot rate
  • Interest rate Domestic risk-free rate Dividend
    yield Foreign risk-free rate.
  • Exercise price, Time to expiry, and Volatility
    defined as given.

Spot rate model example
  • Value a call option on SFR (South African Rand) 1
    M with X C0.65, S C0.68, Canadian risk-free
    rate 10 CC, SFR risk-free rate 7 CC and
    volatility (standard deviation) 24.8.
  • value, C C84,000.
  • Both BS models yield same value iff interest rate
    parity (to be discussed) holds.

Adjusting for BS in the BS model (or applying the
model to the real world)
  • BS model assumes no transactions costs (no
    bid-ask spread).
  • Thus, use average of bid and ask rates as the FX
    rate. This applies to both spot and forward
  • BS model assumes ability to borrow and lend at
    the same interest rate.
  • Thus, use average of deposit and borrowing rates
    as the interest rate. This applies to both
    domestic and foreign interest rates.

Interest Rate Parity Theorem
  • Based on financial arbitrage.
  • Assume 1 year period.
  • Domestic investment/financing (1RD).
  • Forward hedged foreign investment/financing
  • Equality must hold.

Interest Rate Parity Formulas
Interest Rate Parity Intuition
  • IRP a statement about what holds in equilibrium.
  • A high interest rate currency, FX, trades at a
    forward discount. Why? Otherwise, if it traded
    at a forward premium it would be an attractive
    investment for everyone.
  • A low interest rate currency trades at a forward
    premium. Why? Otherwise, if it traded at a
    forward discount it would be an attractive
    financing venue for everyone.

Interest Rate Parity Numerical Example
  • Current spot rate on greenback C1.35
  • 2-year forward rate on greenback C1.41 (this
    is usually the unknown)
  • R canadian 7 CC
  • R u.s. 5 CC
  • Greenback trades at a forward premium because it
    is the low interest rate currency.

Interest Rate Parity How many variables?
  • How many variables do you see?
  • In reality, 8 not 4!
  • Domestic borrowing, deposit rates.
  • Foreign borrowing, deposit rates.
  • Bid, ask spread on spot.
  • Bid, ask spread on forward.

Money market hedging
  • Application of interest rate parity theorem.
  • Synthesize a forward contract with 3
    transactions buy (sell) FX in spot borrow(lend)
    in domestic currency lend(borrow) in FX.
  • Why? May be able to enhance cash flows compared
    with outright forward contract.

Enhance cash flows?
  • If have an FX liability, may be able to buy FX at
    a lower rate than F, I.e., decrease outlays.
  • If have an FX receivable, may be able to sell FX
    at higher rate than F, I.e. increase inflows.
  • FX liability Borrow domestic, buy FX spot,
    invest foreign synthesizes buy outright forward.
  • FX receivable Borrow foreign, sell FX spot,
    invest domestic synthesizes sell outright

MMH 2 complementary interpretations
  • Create an offsetting FX cash flow if FX
    receivable, create FX outflow if FX payable,
    create FX inflow.
  • Advance FX transaction date instead of forward
    transaction, perform spot transaction now.

Money market hedge numerical example
  • Canadian firm will receive U1M 6 months from
  • S bid C1.38 F bid (6 months) C1.39.
  • U borrowing rate 8 APR
  • Canadian deposit rate 10 APR
  • If use outright forward will receive C1.39 6
    months hence. Can you enhance this?

Is a money market hedge better?
  • Borrow U1M/1.04 U0.9615M
  • Sell Us in spot, receive C1.3269M
  • Invest Cs at C deposit rate, receive after 6
    months C1.3269M x 1.05 C1.3933M
  • Payoff U loan U0.9615 x 1.04 U1M with
    projected receivable. Note U loan principal
    designed to achieve this.
  • Money market hedge superior by C3,300.

Money market hedge FX liability
  • Canadian firm has a liability of PS(sterling)1M
    due a year hence.
  • F ask (1 year) C2.40 S ask C2.30.
  • Canadian borrowing rate7 APR or EAR
  • UK deposit rate4 APR or EAR
  • Which is better? Buy outright forward or
    construct a money market hedge?

Buy forward or MMH?
  • If buy PS forward (outright), pay C2.4M a year
  • If construct money market hedge, pay synthesized
    forward rate, FMMH C2.37 per PS or C2.37M a
    year hence.
  • Save C30,000 by constructing MMH.
  • MMH steps borrow C, buy PS spot, invest PS.

MMH transactions FX liability
  • Now Borrow (2.3)PS1M/1.04C2.21M
  • Buy PS spot C2.21/2.3PS.96M
  • Invest PS at 4
  • After 1 year Close out PS deposit, obtain
    PS.96(1.04)PS1M this is used to meet liability.
  • Pay off C loan, i.e., C2.21M(1.07) C2.37M

Option collar as synthetic forward
  • Same exercise price for both put and call.
  • Buy put sell call synthesizes sell forward.
  • Sell put buy call synthesizes buy forward.
  • Foc synthetic forward rate
  • Apply buy low sell high rule.
  • Hedge FX receivable higher is better.
  • Hedge FX payable lower is better.

Forward rate synthesized with option collar
  • C, P call, put premiums with common X.
  • FV future value using domestic rate borrowing
    (if initial cash flow negative) or deposit (if
    initial cash flow positive).

FV calculation
  • Initial CF lt 0, use borrowing rate
  • Initial CF gt 0, use deposit rate
  • Rationale Same logic that applies to the use of
    WACC in investment appraisal (vide course
  • Notwithstanding that, in a specific year, may
    have abundant unused bank-borrowing capacity to
    finance project, must use WACC
  • Calculation procedures applied as long-term policy

Sell outright forward or option collar?
  • Canadian with U1M receivable due 6 months hence.
  • Canadian deposit rate 7 APR
  • 6-month forward rate on U C1.39
  • XC1.37 Per U P C0.09, C C0.14
  • FocC1.42 ergo rather than sell outright
    forward, Foc it!

Option collar transactions now
  • Buy put, -C0.09M
  • Sell call, C0.14M
  • Invest initial net cash flow of C0.05M in bank
    account, -C0.05M
  • Note If initial net cash flow is lt 0, must
    finance it. Ergo, use borrowing rate.

Option collar cash flows after 6 months
  • Receive exercise price, C1.37M, for sure either
    exercise put or the call gets exercised against
    you (Canadian firm).
  • Deliver U1M with projected receipt
  • Close out bank account, receive C0.05Mx(1.035)
  • Net CF C1.42M gt Foutright C1.39M

Hedging Protocol
  • Determine best forward hedge outright, MMH, or
  • Put your best forward forward.
  • Compare best forward hedge with option, I.e.,
    calculate B breakeven rate.
  • Example case Yo quiero Taco Bell!

2nd Generation FX Options
  • Designed to reduce up-front hedging cost
  • 1. Asian- underlying variable is not spot rate at
    a point in time in future by average spot rate
    over an interval of time.
  • 2. Barrier- barrier must be crossed for the
    option to be created or cancelled.
  • 3. Compound- option on an option or option
    conditional on some event.

Asian Options
  • Appropriate for a firm that receives or pays a
    continuous stream of FX cash flows.
  • E.g., firm receives an amount of FX monthly. How
    to hedge for one year?
  • 1. Twelve put options on the FX or
  • 2. One Asian put for the entire year.
  • Note lower volatility ergo lower premium, i.e.,
    hedge 2 is cheaper.

Pros Cons of Asian put hedge
  • Pro cheaper due to lower volatility of
    underlying asset. Reason law of large numbers.
  • Con the risk you are hedging against is not
    quite the same as the risk to which you are
    exposed. E.g. at end of Jan, you are exposed to
    SJan, but you hedge against risk of SAverage.

Why are Asian options European?
  • Asian options payoff depends on average spot
    rate during options life
  • Must arrive at expiration date of option to
    determine average spot rate
  • Cannot determine payoff until expiration date
  • Asian options are not American

Barrier Options
  • New parameter B, the barrier, is defined.
  • If B is crossed (spot rate B), the option is
    either created or cancelled automatically.
    Creation/Cancellation occurs only once during
    life of option.
  • Premium is lower than traditional option.
  • Why? Option may not exist initially or option may
    be prematurely cancelled.

Barrier Options
  • Up vs. down Will FX rate, S, rise or fall to
    barrier? Up So lt B Down So gt B.
  • In vs. out Will the FX option be automatically
    created or cancelled?
  • Put vs. call?
  • Total of 8 types but only 2 are viable hedges.
  • Down out puts, up out calls do not make
    sense. Why? Option is cancelled precisely when
    you need it!

Barrier Puts
  • B lt So Down in created when needed Down
    out cancelled when needed.
  • So lt B Up in created when not needed Up
    Out cancelled when not needed but exposure to
    zig-zag behavior remains.
  • Conclusion only Down In Puts make sense from a
    hedging perspective. Outs are out!

Hedging FX receivable with a barrier put
  • Down in puts are viable.
  • Lower premium compared to standard put.
  • Beware Up out puts! Why? Exposure to zig-zag
    behavior in FX rate.
  • If FX rate rises past barrier, the Up out put
    is canceled. If FX rate then drops, youre

Barrier Calls
  • B lt So Down in created when not needed Down
    out cancelled when not needed but exposure to
    zig-zag behavior remains.
  • So lt B Up in created when needed Up out
    cancelled when needed.
  • Conclusion only Up in Calls may sense from a
    hedging perspective. Outs are out!

Why are out barrier options not suitable for
hedging an FX liability?
  • Up out call hedge is cancelled precisely when
  • Down out call exposure to zig-zag behaviour in
    the spot rate remains, i.e., rate drops, call is
    cancelled, then rate rises.

Hedging FX payable with a barrier call
  • Up in calls are viable.
  • Lower premium compared to standard call.
  • Beware Down out calls! Why? Exposure to zig-zag
    behavior in FX rate.
  • If FX rate drops below the barrier, the call is
    cancelled. If FX rate then rises, you are

Compound Options
  • Option on an option call on call (for FX
    liability) or call on put (for FX receivable).
  • Event-contingent options option is created only
    if event occurs. Cross-border tender offer use
    takeover contingent FX call. Bid on foreign
    project use FX put contingent on bid winning.
  • Lower up front premium.

What compound options are appropriate hedges?
  • Situation submit a bid to construct expressway
    in Djakarta (Indonesia).
  • Buy call on a put on the Rupiah
  • Buy event-contingent put on the Rupiah where
    event is defined as your winning the contract.

Why are premiums lower for the two compound
  • Call on a put has lower value than the underlying
  • Premium on bid-contingent put is approximated by
    the following product (premium on traditional
    put) X (probability of winning the bid).
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