Title: Domestic Violence
1(No Transcript)
2 Should an abusers punishment be less harsh if
he grew up in an abusive household?
3Domestic ViolenceNo Excuses--- Do the Time If
You committed the Crime!
- Crystal Adams
- Senior
- North Lawndale College Prep Charter H.S
4One in every three women worldwide!
- Punching,
- Shoving,
- Slapping,
- Biting,
Philip Jenkins
5Environment Learning
- Probability
- Damage
- More than three million children
David Lawnson Dawn Berry
6??? ???
7- Men like to feel and be
- in charge.
Kathleen K. Furniss
- Religious traditions is justifications for male
dominance. - This perspective can lead to problems with power
and abuse of power.
Viviane Lerner
- Having the ability to persuade one into doing
something for your own benefits or pleasure.
Philip Jenkins
- Court of justice
- Penalty
- Incarceration
- Gain knowledge
- Accountability
- Illinois State Police
12 Not reported
- 70 of abusers are not arrested for their crime.
- Only 1/3 of men who commit acts of domestic
violence are punished and held accountable for
their actions
Don Faggiani
- 90 of victims had reported at least one prior
incident of abuse. - Women who leaves increase their chances to be
killed by 75.
Dawn Berry Phillip Jenkins
- Victim gets beaten worse
- Victims family is in danger
- Children are harmed
- Victim needs hospital care
- Victim dies
- Taken into custody
- Order of Protect
- Court day issued
- A warrant issued
- Prison time
Illinois State Police
15 Two sided
- Deeply rooted knowledge
- Taught that abuse is good
- Train up a child in the way he should go and
when he is old he will not depart from it.
- Stable home
- Abusive household
- Statistics say probability
- Free will Choice
Rev. Leon White Holy Bible
Richard Gelles Murray Straus
- An average student
- A bully
The Honeymoon
Craig Chalquist
18Treatment for all
- Victim, child and abuser treatment and
counseling better people
Craig Chalquist
19 Abuser
Child, Victim, And Abuser
20Work Cited
Berry, Dawn B. The Domestic Violence Sourcebook.
Los Angeles Lowell House, 2000. Chalquist,
Craig. "Therapy Programs for Batterers are
Effective at Reducing Domestic Violence."
Bledsoe, Marva. "Domestic Violence is a
serious problem." Jenkins, Philip. "The
Seriosness of Domestic Violence is
Exaggerated." Lerner, Viviane. "Patriarchy
Customs Cause Violence Against Women." Domestic
Violence Opposing Viewpoint. Ed. David M.
Haugen and Helen Cothran. Farmington Hills, MI
Greenhaven Press, 2004. Furniss, Kathleen K.
"Ending the cycle of abuse what behavioral
health professionals need to know about
domestic violence." Behavioral Healthcare 2nd
ser. 26 (2006) 32-4. Resource Center-Gold. Gale.
Feb. 2006. Collins High School. 9 Dec. 2008
ntentSetIAC- DocumentstyperetrieveuserGroupN
amecps1880version1.0gt. Gelles, Richard J.,
and Murray A. Straus. Intimate Violence. New
York Simon Schuster Trade Division, 1988.
Hirschel, David, Eve Buzawaa, April Pattavina,
and Don Faggiani. "Domestic violence and
mandatory arrest laws to what extent do they
influence police arrest decision?" Journal of
Criminal Law and Criminology 98th ser. 1
(2007) 255-44. Student Resource Center-Gold.
Gale. Fall 2007. Collins High School. 9 Dec.
2008 lthttp//find.galegroup.com/srcx/infomark.d
o?contentSetIAC- DocumenttyperetrievetabID
T002prodIDSRC- 1docIdA179455608sourcegale
"The Law on Domestic Violence in Illinois."
Domestic Violence. Illinois State Police. 9 Dec.
2008 lthttp//www.isp.state.il.us/crime/domestic
vio.cfmgt. Lawson, David M. "The development of
abusive personality a trauma response. (Trend).
(Statistical Data Included)." Journal of
Counseling and Development 79.4 (Fall 2001) 505
(5). Student Resource Center- Gold. Gale.
Collins High School. 5 Dec. 2008
ntentsetiac- documentstyperetrievetabidt002
prodidsrc- 1docida80531380sourcegalesrcp
White, Rev Leon. "Senior Project Domestic
Violence." Personal interview. 4 Jan. 2009.
21Thank You
- Special thanks
- Mr. Kelly,
- Mr. McRaith
- Rev. Leon White
22Questions and Answers