ECRN Packet: Disaster Activity Responsibilities of the ECRN - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ECRN Packet: Disaster Activity Responsibilities of the ECRN


If resources are unlimited, arrested patients may become a Red (in ... ED Charge RN. Makes assignment of on-duty and responding staff. Coordinates ED activity ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ECRN Packet: Disaster Activity Responsibilities of the ECRN

ECRN PacketDisaster Activity Responsibilities
of the ECRN
  • Condell Medical Center EMS System
  • Prepared by Sharon Hopkins, RN, BSN, EMT-P
  • EMS Educator
  • Information contribution Debbie Semenek, RN,
  • Region X Multiple Victims Mass Casualty Plan,
    July 2006

  • Upon successful completion of this module, the
    ECRN should be able to
  • Define the differences between the Multiple
    Victim Policy from the Mass Casualty Plan
  • State the responsibilities of the ECRN based on
    being an Associate Hospital (LFH) versus Resource
    Hospital (CMC)
  • Identify resources utilized in-house
  • Successfully complete the quiz with a score of
    80 or greater

Disaster Plans
  • Multiple Victim and Mass Casualty Plan
  • Local plan with local resources used
  • Resource Hospital for the fire department of the
    disaster site serves as communication link
  • Emergency Medical Disaster Plan
  • State response plan
  • POD hospitals serve as communication link
  • National Disaster Medical Systems (NDMS)
  • Large scale national response utilized

IDPH Regions
  • State of Illinois divided into 11 Regions
  • Geographically, Lake County is Region 10
  • 4 Resource Hospitals in Region 10
  • Condell Medical Center (CMC)
  • Highland Park Hospital (HPH)
  • St. Francis - Evanston
  • Vista Health East (Victory Memorial)
  • POD Hospital for Region X is Highland Park
    Hospital (for activation of State Disaster Plan)

CMC - As A Resource Hospital
  • Affiliated departments
  • Countryside ?Libertyville
  • Grayslake ? Mundelein
  • Knollwood Ambulance ? Round Lake
  • Lake Bluff ? Wauconda
  • Lake Forest Fire
  • Associate Hospital
  • Lake Forest Hospital

What Is A Disaster?
  • Difficult to use a number for declaring a
  • 15 patients at 2 pm may not be as big a problem
    as 15 patients at 2 am based on immediate
    availability of resources
  • A disaster is any incident that overwhelms your
    available resources at that particular time or
    for the particular circumstances of the disaster

Disaster Plans
  • EMS personnel need to declare and activate one of
    the plans early
  • Without early activation, hospitals have a hard
    time getting prepared hospitals feel behind the
    eight ball
  • It is easier to cancel additional help summoned
    than to try to work short handed


Multiple Victim Incident
  • Responding EMS personnel can handle the situation
    with adequate numbers of additional personnel and
    equipment available within a short period of
    time. Normal levels of care and transportation
    can be provided.
  • Attempts are made to evenly distribute patients
    to receiving hospitals by field personnel
  • Hospitals may need to activate their internal
    disaster plan

Multiple Victim Incident
  • Field application
  • triage tags are not required
  • if possible, one patient per ambulance (normal
    transport conditions)
  • radio report called to the receiving hospital as
  • run reports completed by the transporting
    ambulance personnel

Multiple Victim Incident
  • Note
  • The first critically injured victims most likely
    would be transported to the nearest, most
    appropriate hospital before or while the first
    communications are being established with the
    Resource Hospital
  • Bottom line
  • When you hear of a disaster in your region,
    prepare immediately as if you are receiving
    patients (because you just might be!!!)

Multiple Victim Incident
  • Radio reports must be given on all transported
  • This means every transporting ambulance will be
    communicating about their individual patient with
    the receiving hospital and this will take
    coordination between the field and the ED
  • With coordination from hospitals and field
    personnel, goal is to avoid overwhelming any one

Multiple Victim Incident
  • Think of these incidents as mini-disasters
  • similar to the busiest day you have had in the ED
  • just more patients with same or similar
    complaints are showing up within a tight time
    frame from of each other

  • MASS
  • PLAN

Mass Casualty Plan
  • Number of patients and nature of injuries make
    normal level of stabilization and care in field
    unachievable and/or
  • Number of EMS providers and ambulances that can
    be quickly brought to the scene is not enough
  • All attempts are to be made to evenly distribute
    the patients to receiving hospitals

Mass Casualty Plan
  • Practical application for a MCI
  • Triage tags will be used on all patients
  • Ambulances may transport more than one a patient
    at a time
  • No radio reports to receiving hospitals care is
    delivered via SOPs
  • Run reports are not necessary

Field Contact With Hospitals
  • Multiple Victim Incident
  • EMS to contact their specific Resource Hospital
    (CMC) ASAP
  • Mass Casualty Plan
  • EMS to contact their specific Resource Hospital
    (CMC) ASAP
  • Coordination of patient transportation will be
    done via the Resource Hospital

First Communications From Field
  • Radio report may be initially minimal
  • Type/nature of incident (MVC, explosion, building
    collapse, etc)
  • Incident location
  • Closest hospitals that could receive patients
  • Estimated number of victims categories (red,
    yellow, green)
  • Types of injuries/illnesses (blunt, penetrating,
    burns, etc)
  • Special needs (ie decontamination)
  • ETA for the 1st victims
  • Call back number name to contact the scene

The Green Disaster Victim
  • Important information to obtain from the field
    regarding the number of green patients
  • what number of green patients can be placed in a
    wheelchair or otherwise left sitting up
  • what number of green patients will need a cart
  • these patients are categorized green but may need
    transportation with a cervical collar and/or
    backboard due to the nature of their injuries

Activities In The Field
  • Field personnel performing
  • triage first
  • injuries sorted patient categories assigned
    (red, yellow, green, black)
  • followed by treatment
  • performed in the field in areas set up to provide
    treatment based on acuity levels (red is the most
    critical patient)
  • and finally transportation off the site

Triaging of Patients
  • Red - victims who are most critically injured in
    need of immediate care for life-threatening
    injuries or illness
  • Yellow - those less critically injured non-life
    threatening injuries
  • Green - those with injuries that are not life or
    limb threatening
  • Black - those who have died or whose injuries do
    not support survival

Disaster Tags - General Guidelines
  • Red
  • Treatable life-threatening illness or injures
  • Patient has a altered mental status - unable to
    follow simple commands
  • Carotid pulse present radial pulse absent
  • if both carotid radial pulses are present,
    categorized considering respiratory rate and
    mental status
  • Respirations lt 10 or gt 30

Disaster Tags - General Guidelines
  • Yellow
  • Serious but not life-threatening illness or
  • Delayed care
  • Patient is alert
  • Patient has a radial pulse
  • Respirations less than 30 per minute

Disaster Tags - General Guidelines
  • Green
  • Minor musculoskeletal injuries, minor soft tissue
  • Patient may or may not be able to walk
  • Patient is alert
  • Patient has a radial pulse
  • Respirations less than 30 per minute

Disaster Tags - General Guidelines
  • Black
  • Dead or fatally injured patients
  • Resources limited and cannot be devoted to these
  • If resources are unlimited, arrested patients may
    become a Red (in very unique situations would
    this occur)

Hospital Use of Disaster Tags
  • Disaster tag should become a permanent part of
    the patients chart
  • EMS and ED staff can use the tags to initiate
  • during Mass Casualty Plan, EMS run reports are
    not necessary so all the information from the
    field is most likely on the disaster tags

Resource Hospital Responsibilities (CMC)
  • Once notified, serves as medical control of the
  • Collaborate with field personnel to identify
    possible receiving hospitals based on
  • incident location
  • transport routes open
  • volume/acuity of patients
  • ECRN to notify Charge Nurse immediately of the

ECRN at Resource Hospital
  • Begin filling out Mass Casualty Incident Log
  • Establish inter-facility communication
  • describe nature location of incident,
  • approximate number of patients
  • acuity type of patients
  • Continually monitor receiving hospital
  • Resource Hospital also is a receiving hospital

ECRN at Resource Hospital
  • Assess receiving hospitals resources
  • ability to receive patients divided into the
    number of red, yellow, green that can be accepted
  • blood inventory
  • ability to decontaminate patients
  • ability to send medical personnel and supplies

ED Bed Capacity
  • All staff need to remember
  • This is a DISASTER.
  • This is a unique situation
  • It is a short term unusual operation
  • Take your numbers to the max - EMS in the field
    need all available beds, wheelchairs, hallways in
    order to transport patients off the scene

Excessive Casualty Load
  • ECRN must be prepared and anticipate notification
    of additional receiving hospitals when casualty
    load exceeds capabilities in closest receiving
  • May need to obtain status of specialized
    facilities as needed (ie burn units, pediatrics,
    etc) for additional transport of patients with
    special needs

Communication With The Scene
  • ECRN at Resource Hospital (CMC) stays in
    communication with scene contact (usually
    Transportation but could be Incident Commander
    or designee)
  • ECRN relays to the field the receiving hospitals
  • Assists with transport management
  • If casualties imply need for transfusions, may
    need to coordinate with lab to notify LifeSource
    for blood

Communication From the Resource Hospital (CMC)
  • Transportation communicates with ECRN at Resource
    Hospital (CMC)
  • ECRN at Resource Hospital (CMC) communicates with
    ECRN at Associate hospital (LFH)
  • ECRN at Resource Hospital (CMC) is the one
    communication link for all hospitals
  • Maintaining consistent ECRN at the radio
    minimizes lost information

Communication Pathway
  • Transportation Officer
  • ? ?
  • Resource Hospital (CMC)
  • ? ?
  • Associate Hospital (LFH)
  • Communication contact from the scene to the
    hospital is most often made with Transportation
    Officer at the site

Receiving Hospital
  • In Mass Casualty Plan, notification triggered by
    Resource Hospital (CMC)
  • Report to Resource Hospital (CMC) ability to
    receive what number of red, yellow, green
  • Need to think big
  • Doesnt help a mass casualty situation to say
    youll accept a small number of patients -
    everyone needs to think big and switch to
    disaster mode of operating/thinking/responding

Receiving Hospital
  • May need to activate internal plan depending on
    the situation
  • Maintain communication log with the Resource
    Hospital (CMC)
  • Report increases or limitations in capabilities
    to Resource Hospital (CMC) ASAP
  • Be prepared to send pre-assembled medical supply
    bags to the scene

Patient Flow
  • Most critical victims from the scene may be
    transported to closest appropriate hospital
    before sophisticated communication network
  • DO NOT attempt to stop patient flow from
    individual ambulances not associated with the
    disaster activity
  • These ambulances will carry on normal
    communication practices

  • All communication must go through the Resource
    Hospital (CMC)
  • Associate Hospitals (LFH) are not to contact the
    scene directly
  • Associate Hospitals (LFH) are not to divert
    individual ambulances
  • Associate Hospital (LFH) receiving 1st field call
    from EMS needs to direct EMS to contact the
    Resource Hospital (CMC)

Medical Personnel To The Scene
  • May be requested by Incident Command at the site
  • Team assembled based on need at the scene
  • Supplies specific to the incident should be
    brought with
  • Police escort to be provided
  • coordinated between Resource Hospital Incident
    Command (or designee) at the site
  • Team to report to Command Post for assignment
  • Should be uniformed for easy identification

Dispatch To The Scene
  • Self-dispatching of medical personnel to a
    disaster site is strictly prohibited
  • Causes additional chaos due to additional
    undisciplined and unmonitored persons congesting
    at the scene
  • For safety, need organized method to know who the
    rescuers are and where they are functioning

After Action Report
  • All hospitals and fire departments involved in
    the Region X multiple victim/mass Casualty plan
    to to complete a written report following any
    incident or scheduled mass casualty drill
  • Helps during the critique process

After-Incident ReportThe Critique
  • Form utilized for post-incident critiques by the
    Region X DMSC committee with intent of
    continually reviewing and improving the multiple
    victim/mass casualty plan as well as the
    education of fire/rescue/hospital and
    communication personnel

  • PLAN

Internal Hospital Plan
  • Better to call for additional help and turn them
    away than not to have them and wish you did!

Internal Disaster Plan
  • ECRN needs to coordinate with
  • ED MD
  • Administrator on duty
  • authorizes the activation of the internal
    disaster plan and authorizes the cancellation of
    the plan

Hospital Incident Command
  • Typical lines of authority in-house
  • Administration on-duty on-call
  • Nursing Supervisor on duty
  • ED MD
  • The identified person of authority makes and
    implements decisions to handle the situation
  • Often located in a Command Center manned by
    personal with phone access

Additional Resources
  • You need to know when to get help and where to
    find the help at your facility
  • Decontamination capabilities
  • Trained staff to man key areas of the ED or
    alternate treatment areas
  • will serve as a resource for float personnel
  • how will you identify an ED staff member?
  • ie vests, arm bands

Additional Resources
  • RNs - especially experienced or comfortable in
    the ED
  • MDs - based on nature of illness or injury
  • Support personnel - clerks/secretaries/registrars
  • Runners/transporters
  • Persons to man phones
  • Security - control flow of traffic

CMC versus LFH Disaster Plans
  • The following pages are more specific for CMC
  • The following information can be applied to most
    facilities any of us could be working at
  • LFH staff need to determine specific language and
    locations for their facility based on the
    information given in the following slides

Hospital Disaster Plans
  • Many principles and practices are generic across
    most hospitals
  • Know where your hospital manual resources are
    kept (usually close to the radio)
  • Where are your manuals and what do they look
  • When is the last time you opened looked at

CMC Paging of Disaster
  • Code Green External
  • influx of patients from external source
  • Code Green Internal
  • Need to recruit man-power for unusual activity
    related to unusual working conditions
  • power outage
  • lack of functioning emergency generators
  • evacuation is needed
  • need for all personnel on duty or off duty to be
    called in
  • damage to patient care areas (ie flood, fire,

Manpower Resource Center
  • Under direction of VP of Human Resources
  • Located in patient Registration waiting area off
    main lobby
  • Able to deploy staff to areas of need
  • If called from home, hospital personnel respond
    to this area (unless preassigned to respond
  • ED staff called from home respond to the ED
    Disaster charge nurse

Manpower Resource Center and Additional Resources
  • When you need additional help, you inform the
    charge person for your area
  • Charge person needs to contact Command Center for
    additional help
  • Additional help to be assigned as needed/requested

Responding Staff Members
  • If called from home
  • Respond to area assigned or Manpower Resource
    Center if none given
  • Wear hospital ID badge
  • If on-duty at time of disaster page
  • Return to your work unit
  • Await reassignment if necessary
  • Do not respond to an area unless assigned there
    adds confusion and does not help tracking of

  • To control access points and flow of traffic by
    foot and vehicle
  • onto the campus
  • into the facility
  • at key points within the building

Internal Communication
  • Walkie talkies are provided by Security
  • Key persons need to have easy and quick access
    for communication to each other
  • Communication support (ie walkie talkies) need
    to be requested through the Command Center

ED Charge RN
  • Makes assignment of on-duty and responding staff
  • Coordinates ED activity
  • Communicate need for additional resources to the
    Command Center
  • Need to continue to take care of non-disaster
    involved patients that will still be arriving by
    personal car and ambulance

ECRN Radio Nurse
  • Preferably have one person assigned to the radio
  • continuity of conversation decreases missed and
    mixed messages
  • Use runner to get messages to the Charge RN
  • Keep Charge RN apprised of incoming messages
  • Keep Triage RN apprised of incoming type and
    number of patients

Treatment Areas
  • Triage
  • At ambulance bay entrance
  • Patients assigned a location based on condition
  • Main ED
  • Red, critically ill/injured patients
  • Lower level dining room
  • Additional treatment area for yellow and green
    categorized patients

  • If 10 or less patients (lt10) can be provided in
    the ED decon room
  • If more than 10 patients (gt10) to be provided in
    the locker room at the Centre Club - Libertyville
  • Manpower Resource Center to disseminate supplies
    as needed

Infection Control
  • Remember to consider proper use of PPEs
    (personal protective equipment) based on the
  • If patients are coughing, think of an airborne
  • Provide and help place surgical masks on the
    patient (surgical mask helps contain spread)
  • The medical personnel should also put on a mask
  • The N95 mask will protect the medical provider
    from inhaling microscopic matter

Clerical Support
  • Assigned to areas of need
  • triage
  • patient registration
  • manning phones
  • Registrars have patient chart packets at main
    desk that need to be given out at Triage
  • Disaster log maintained

  • Public Relations personnel to serve as liaison
    between hospital and media
  • No staff member should provide ANY kind of
    information to any persons not privileged to have
    the information
  • Public Relations to coordinate with the Command
    Center information being provided
  • Goal - keep media as far away as possible from
    victims family

System Wide Crisis Preparedness
  • A Region X policy to enhance communication
    between EMS System Resource Hospital, Associate
    Hospital, EMS providers and community agencies
  • To be used for potential or actual area-wide
    crisis such as
  • overcrowding events for patients with same or
    similar signs and symptoms
  • weather related problems
  • special events

System Wide Crisis Preparedness
  • Purpose of activating this plan is to help all
    agencies involved be prepared for a crisis that
    may impact any or all parties
  • ie summer heat wave in Chicago resulting in
    large number of deaths
  • Any individual involved can identify a potential
    or actual crisis
  • The agencies supervisor is contacted
  • Resource Hospital EMS Coordinator or designee is

System Wide Crisis Preparedness
  • The decision is made to activate this policy
  • POD hospital is notified (HPH for this area)
  • POD hospital member will contact IDPH if
  • Communications continued between all applicable

Surge Capacity
  • Remember to anticipate a larger number of victims
    than you think you are getting
  • Not all patients come by ambulance where you
    receive an advanced call
  • Many victims will self-transport (ie private
  • Often, the worried well think they have
    symptoms that they want evaluated
  • How are you going to handle this surge?

  • SO,,,,

Example 1
  • Non-CMC sponsored fire department calls with
    information regarding a disaster in their town
    (ie Gurnee, Lake Villa, Highland Park,
  • The ECRN should direct the fire department to
    their Resource Hospital

Example 1
  • The respective Resource Hospital (ie Vista East
    or Highland Park Hospital) would call potential
    receiving hospitals (ie CMC, LFH) to report
    pertinent information

Example 2
  • LFH receives a call from Lake Forest Fire that
    they are responding to an incident involving 50
    plus students from a local school overcome with
  • LFH should direct Lake Forest Fire Department to
    contact CMC (Resource Hospital) with the
    information and assistance with patient

Example 3
  • Lake Forest Fire calls Lake Forest Hospital with
    report of 10 persons injured in a 2 vehicle
  • Lake Forest Hospital directs Lake Forest Fire to
    contact the Resource Hospital (CMC) to assist in
    patient distribution

Example 4
  • Grayslake Fire contacts CMC with information
    regarding an incident involving 30 persons
    injured in a bleacher collapse
  • CMC, as the Resource Hospital, will coordinate
    location of receiving hospitals
  • CMC will also function as a receiving hospital
  • Each hospital decides if they need to activate
    their own internal disaster plan for resources

Example 5
  • A mass casualty incident occurs in the southern
    end of Lake County
  • Highland Park Hospital (Resource Hospital for
    that fire department) will be the communication
    link between incident and receiving hospitals
  • HPH contacts CMC, LFH, and other indicated
    hospitals to determine patient capabilities
  • HPH does the communication to the incident site
    back and forth to hospitals

Example 6
  • Libertyville Fire Department responds to an
    incident on the tollway involving 7 patients
  • Libertyville Fire Department calls CMC
  • CMC can take all 7 victims
  • No additional involvement with other receiving
    facilities is necessary - CMC can handle all the
    injuries with minimal use of some additional
    resources in-house

Example 7
  • CMC receives a call from NWCH stating we are
    going to be receiving patients from an incident
    in Buffalo Grove
  • What is CMCs response?
  • CMC is functioning as a receiving hospital
  • Communication will occur through NWCH to the site
    and NWCH to the receiving hospitals
  • CMC does not function as a Resource Hospital
  • Communication to LFH would be from NWCH, if LFH
    would be receiving patients

Bottom line...
  • Know where your Disaster Manuals are and how to
    use them
  • Review the disaster manuals often enough to be
    comfortable to respond without much prompting
  • Be familiar with your own facilities resources,
    know who functions in the charge role, and know
    how to get the disaster response activated
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