Two Macao philosophers

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Two Macao philosophers


Two Macao philosophers (study for a novel in progress) Rejoic d they werena men but dogs; each took aff his several way, Resolv d to meet some ither day. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Two Macao philosophers

Two Macao philosophers (study for a novel in
  • Rejoicd they werena men but dogs
  • each took aff his several way,
  • Resolvd to meet some ither day.
  • Burns The Twa Dogs

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  • Corner of Patio da Dissumulacao and Rua da
    Felicidade. Somewhere in the endless season,
    which goes on for too long to all be called
    summer. Just when the sun begins to slink from
    the alleys. From the hot and humid air, snippets
    of a robust dialogue translated from the Mandarin
    and vernacular into English idioms of rough

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  • All men are bastards, how can you imagine there
    are exceptions?
  • I dont imagine, I know At every stage of my
    life there have been men who have shown me
    kindness, as well as the other kind. And now of
    course A kindly glance cast in the direction of
    the disreputable loiterer on the next corner goes
  • And which, one might ask, was the rule, and
    which was the exception?
  • I would say that the good were rule and the bad
    were the exception. Humans are basically good,
    even sometimes despite themselves.
  • Oh spare me, take off the rose tinted glasses.
    Occupation Lets see, youre profitably engaged
    in the business of bringing out the best in men?
    I suppose it was your idea to come here, your
    vocation of choice?
  • Well, it was me or my little sister and she was
    just too young...
  • I knew it. A martyr. Theres one on every
    street. The good prostitute! Doesnt it wear you
    out being a cliché?
  • Better a cliché than a monster.
  • I dont think were the monsters in this game.
    Wait on, heres a thirsty looking fish And
    instantly she is across the street accosting the
    pedestrian male, who could be an innocent
    tourist, a man looking for a girl in general or
    in particular, or on the one hand a third floor
    resident of the building opposite Only one way
    to find out.

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  • Anmo? Massagey. Do you want to go? Only a
    hundred for a short time Youre very handsome.
    You like massagey? Arm in arm until he forcibly
    frees himself and then our conversation can
    resume. While shes still half way across.
  • O.K., now so you tell me whos a monster and
    whos not, Im genuinely interested.
  • All right, so men are born with some monster
    business in them. Its how theyre made. Not
    their fault. Men need milking. Babies milk us and
    we milk men. Some girls arent very good at it or
    dont like it or are too busy and theres an
    opportunity for a girl in need who has time on
    her hands
  • Supply and demand?
  • Law of the jungle.
  • To be rich is glorious?
  • It would be too.
  • I see a ship about to dock, a rich cargo being
    loaded ashore.
  • Go, go, go. Hes yours.
  • Why did the chicken cross the road? Rhetorical
    question. But the others out of earshot now

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Same time the next day, the classical unities
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  • So, men are supposed to be benevolent and women
    are supposed to be obedient. Let me get this
    straight. As long as everyones sincere everyone
    can be happy After a sigh laden pause. I dont
    know about that obedience stuff, its a bit old
    fashioned these days. But theres a man over
    there whod agree with you I think. Head
    motioned sleepily in the direction of the pimp.
  • Hes not all bad you know. He has to make a
    living too.
  • As the meal said to the cannibal, this
    conversation is becoming one sided.
  • Im sorry, Im just a little sleepy thats all.
  • Too much action again? Milking all that human
    kindness. Its tough on a girl. But youre a
    regular Florence Nightingale, arent you girlie?
  • Couldnt you think of someone Chinese for me to
  • Youre Kungzi and Mengzi rolled into one. I went
    to school too, you know, Xunxis. But I do see
    where youre coming from. Do you know the story
    about the girl who was standing just where you
    are and the only reason she was here was to pay
    for the coffin to bury her father? Its true.
    Its true. Theres some filial piety for you. But
    how sincere do you think these men are being to
    their wives? Or do you think the problem is that
    their wives arent obedient enough at home or in
    bed or?

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  • I dont know what these men get up to or dont
    get up to with their wives. But I do what they
    ask me to do and
  • Keep that up and you might not be alive much
  • Most of their requests, dear, are not only
    reasonable, I would say that they are quite
    natural, even wholesome. A man has certain needs
    after all and if they cant be met somewhere then
    theyre bound to be met somewhere else
  • Pelease! Didnt you do any Marxism classes at
    school? Dont you know what capitalist
    exploitation is? Dont you realise sweetie that
    this is not a healthy occupation?
  • Shhh, pimps coming.

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  • Couple of philosophers are we? All this noise
    you girls are making. Its unattractive. You
    need to be as attractive as you can, and frankly
    girls, with faces like yours, youve just got to
    be trying a little harder You should look where
    youre painting, dear She winces as he touches
    her face. Thats come up nicely. But you should
    try with the eyeliner over the eye, leave the
    cheek out
  • You bastard! You know thats where you
  • Oh, little chickens getting all upset. Do you
    want me to make you symmetrical?
  • She simmers, bites lip, and through a superhuman
    effort, instantly comes off the boil.
  • Thats better, slut. Remember your place. And
    look at the way you stand. You want them to think
    you have tits, at least before you take them
    upstairs. No more fighting, OK? It will drive
    customers away. And you know what? That makes me
    unhappy. And when I get unhappy I can get ugly.
  • Well, you couldnt get much uglier than you
    already are.
  • You just couldnt hold your tongue, could you?
    How can a girl like you make a man happy. Its
    ten minutes work half the time, but youre just
    too proud
  • But this time she manages to say nothing.
  • Watch it bitch, Keep your big trap for special
    occasions. Ill save you for later, tonight.
  • Leers with much menace, stalks off to threaten
    some others.

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  • In a whisper at first.
  • Give me the told you so look, will you?
  • Well, its better to say nothing from the
    start. Can you deny it?
  • And men are basically good and the world will
    be fine if we do what they say?
  • Change what you can change.
  • Platitudes are great if youve got an office
    wall to hang them on.
  • Might be even more helpful if you dont.
  • How about some sympathy? Or is that only for
    members of your immediate family.
  • No, sympathys helping you not get hit.
  • Helping me to help myself, love my neighbour,
    turn the other cheek. Youre not a
  • Not at all. Im just a practical girl. I try to
    make the circs work.
  • The thing is

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  • Impatient now. The thing is what?
  • The thing is Id rather have it out, bring
    things to a head, be beaten senseless if
    necessary. I just dont want to rot in this
  • Just the one visa, right? We can rot somewhere
    else next?
  • Thats just it.
  • The thing is hell beat you senseless and then
    hell find some sicko bloke who can only do it
    with a girl someone else has beaten senseless.
    Dont you see, you can make it better or you can
    make it worse. Its the same when youre with
    them, every time
  • Thats right, because theyre all lambs arent
  • Most of them, most of the time.
  • Oh, I get it. Your face is so sweet you only
    get the wholesome types, the scumbags are all
    looking for a slut like me but every trick you
    perform is on some innocent hayseed who just
    happens to have won the village lottery and you
    just happened to be the prize
  • With that attitude you can get through life.
  • Please, Im going to throw up.
  • Youre just a drama queen. Tell me, whats the
    use of being the only revolutionary on the block?
    Didnt you learn anything in history classes?

Stalemate. Thus they fade with the street into
the dusk.
Twenty four hours later. One seated, one leaning
over. In a dark doorway, their shift of spruiking
done. The odd weary sigh from each.
  • Youve seen too much action, dear.
  • Thats it, action. Most of it up here. The mind
    is a maze. So much happening, the things they
    tell you. The things they want, different every
    time. It wears you out.
  • Different every time? Youre kidding.
  • No.
  • I mean, just take these men. Theyre all the
    same. You couldnt tell them apart.
  • Oh, I could.
  • Well dear, you dont know them to begin with, so
    how could you tell them from each other?
  • I could tell them from themselves.
  • Now that is cryptic. What on earth do you mean?
  • I mean take the regulars each is different
    every time.
  • I see. You cant sleep with the same man twice.
  • Exactly.
  • Wed have a hard time disproving that, wouldnt
  • It could kill some time.

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  • But its ridiculous.
  • More ridiculous than theyre all the same
    because you dont know them?
  • Touchée, my dear, touchée. And still I
  • Different every time?
  • Thats it Take me for example. A wig is
    removed revealing a short crewcut. Not what
    youd expect.
  • You dont have...?
  • Cancer, no nothing like that. Id be living it
    up, wouldnt I.
  • Would you?
  • Well, I dont suppose
  • Lacking the wherewithal?
  • Got me on the objective conditions?
  • No contradiction simpler than a man.
  • And none more easily resolved. Another wig
    comes off.
  • You?!
  • Well, now everythings out in the open

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  • Do you know I actually fancied you for a while
    back there.
  • The compliments mutual, Im sure.
  • Youre not?
  • Dont get me wrong, Ive got nothing against
    gays, but you know a wife and kids back in
    Guangxi and a girls got to make a living after
  • Too right. Cest la guerre.
  • My sentiments exactly.
  • You know, I knew we had something in common.
  • Is that right? That pimp, he doesnt know, does
  • No. Its amazing. But then how many of your
    clients ever twig?
  • Dont even have to be drunk.
  • Dark room. Reassuring voice. What would they
  • Really just a matter of not losing your nerve.
  • A girls got to do what a girls got to do.
  • You havent had any operations?
  • No, no. Nothing like that.

I have to tell you though, there are some days
when I dont know whether Im a man dreaming Im
a butterfly. And let me guess there are
other days you think youre a butterfly dreaming
youre a woman.
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Ladies spa of the Hotel Lisboa, later that
evening. Undressing, the philosophers bump into
each other, in what at first seems a coincidence
to both of them.
  • Now heres a horse of a different colour.
  • You know I really didnt expect to see you in
  • Likewise Im sure.
  • How can you afford it?
  • He had a few passes.
  • Right, thats me too.
  • He probably has some crusty old farts lined up
    for us as soon as we walk out of here.
  • Could be, could be. Must be something special
    to go to all this trouble. Nothing but the best
    for my girls.
  • When hes not starving you or beating you up.
  • There you go dwelling on the negatives again.
  • Meanwhile, youre game, sweetie.
  • I could say the same of you.
  • You know they look very realistic. I knew you
    were pretty flat.

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  • Yours are quite nice too. No injections or
  • No, no, nothing like that. Im a natural girl.
  • Me too.
  • Youre pretty well concealed down there. Just
    tucked away in the bushes, eh? Sure youve got
    kids? That wife of yours is into gadgets?
  • Youre shaved. I cant believe it. I dont mean
    to stare but special tape?
  • No. Nothing special. Think about it, sweetie,
    the doctors certificates, the passport,
    pre-menstrual tension, period pain, pretty
    realistic, wouldnt you say?
  • So in fact youre not really
  • No, not really. I was just pulling your leg.
    Taken in? Go on, admit it.
  • You were!
  • Well, I might have been for a bit.

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In the steam room, fits of giggling subside only
to be recommenced, the only others present being
speakers of Russian.
  • So why the short hair?
  • Lice.
  • Here? Now?
  • No. Back in Guangzhou. A gig a few weeks back.
  • Pause, head down. I guess I could say fashion
    or I like wigs but actually its chemo.
  • Shit, Im sorry to hear that. Pause. So
    youve got cancer and youre still doing this to
    send the money back to your folks in the
  • Fuck them. Im doing it to pay for a special
    herbal treatment a traditional remedy
    something you can only get in Macao. Thoughtful
    pause, languorous stretching. A few suggestive,
    if parodic, poses.
  • Like girls?
  • Mmmm. Never really...
  • Safer, no messIll take that for a yes.
    Holding hands.
  • Life is an experiment. Too short not to be.

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  • Do you know its just occurred to me that if we
    leave the wigs off, hell never notice us coming
    out, in fact hed never recognise us at all.
  • But hes got your familys address.
  • No, hes just got some bullshit I scribbled on
    a bit of paper.
  • But hes got your familys address?
  • Yeah, well fuck them. Theyre the ones who sold
    me to the miserable prick, didnt they?
  • You dont think we should try our luck on White
    Horse Street, do you?
  • Are you really sure theres such a street?
  • Well Im sure its there but Im not positive
    its a street.
  • Youre a dark horse, you are.

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  • fin

Kit (Christopher) Kelen is a well known
Australian writer and a doctoral student at the
University of Western Sydney. Kelen teaches
Comparative Literature and Creative Writing at
the University of Macau, in South China. The most
recent of his five published volumes of poetry
are Republics(2000) and New Territories (2003).
Apart from poetry he publishes in a range of
theoretical areas including writing pedagogy,
ethics, rhetoric, cultural and literary studies
and various intersections of these. Kelen is the
principal investigator in the University of
Macau's 'Poems and Stories of Macao Research
Project' and the editor of the universitys new
on-line journal Writing Macao creative text and
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