Title: Exotic: quark matter
1(No Transcript)
2Supernova explosion (Crab nebula)
Nuclear Pasta is at lower limit of inner crust ¼
½ km down.
Exotic quark matter?
Supernovae radiate 99 of their energy in
Chucks pasta simulations (in collab. with AVL)
3Behold the pentaquark
By Dr David Whitehouse BBC News Online science
Physicists have discovered a new class of
subatomic particle that will provide unexpected
insights into the fundamental building blocks of
5 quark particles may exist in black holes
4Evolution of the data p- p ! p-pp- p
E852 2003 Full sample
BNL (E852) ca 1985
Software/Hardware from past century is obsolete
5Science of Confinement
The spectroscopy of light mesons led to the
quark model and QCD mesons are quark-antiquark
color singlet bound states held together by
6P.Bowman,APC (submitted to Phys.Rev.D)
10 fm
10 fm
-10 fm
7Current computational needs (continuous usage)
A) Data analysis 30 CPU h
1. Detector simulations (pseudo-data generation)
4800CPh 2. Evaluation of theoretical amplitudes
100CPU h () 3. Partial wave analysis fits
150CPU h ()
In a single theoretical model
8B) QCD studies, e.g flux tube simulations, finite
temperature and/or density, spectrum and
decays 200CPU h
C) Chuck please add your stuff