Title: Ernest Hemingway 18991961
1Ernest Hemingway 1899-1961
Biographical Information
2sterility, sameness stagnancy, routine, taste of
licorice--the operation
fecundity,change, growth,beauty,life--the child
Par. 70
hills like white elephants
The baby for him The abortion for her
3Theme 1 for Hills Like White Elephants
Without unselfish commitment and mature
communication from both partners--especially
regarding significant issues--a lasting love
relationship may be impossible.
4A decision confirmed by a couple locked behind
bars of routineness and unable to communicate
maturely about its significance may lose the
chance to change direction--to move towards
growth in life--and may travel on a future course
marked for sterility and emptiness.
5 Theme for Hunters in the Snow
Some human beings, especially when isolated in a
natural, bleak setting, may shed their socially
constructed humane traits and become as primitive
and predatory as the most unevolved natural
creatures, forming symbiotic alliances--devoid of
charity or love-- purely to further their own