Telescope Basics Telescopes_v4.ppt - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Telescope Basics Telescopes_v4.ppt


Most people understand that to get the best views, most astronomers like clear and dark skies. ... Make sure your finder scope is co-aligned with your main scope. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Telescope Basics Telescopes_v4.ppt

Telescope BasicsTelescopes_v4.ppt
  • Elizabeth Warner
  • UM Observatory
  • 5 October 2005
  • For a copy of this presentation, email

Refractors (Dioptric)
  • Use lenses
  • first telescopes
  • Problems
  • chromatic aberration A lens will not focus
    different colors in exactly the same place
    because the focal length depends on refraction
    and the index of refraction for blue light (short
    wavelengths) is larger than that of red light
    (long wavelengths). The amount of chromatic
    aberration depends on the dispersion of the
  • spherical aberration For lenses made with
    spherical surfaces, rays which are parallel to
    the optic axis but at different distances from
    the optic axis fail to converge to the same
  • Special types
  • Achromatic telescope has been color-corrected
    with the use of multiple lenses and/or coated
  • Apochromatic corrected for both chromatic and
    spherical aberration

Reflectors (Catoptric)
  • Use mirrors
  • Problems
  • spherical aberration For mirrors made with
    spherical surfaces, rays which are parallel to
    the optic axis but at different distances from
    the optic axis fail to converge to the same
  • collimation alignment of the optics
  • Special types
  • newtonian
  • Herschelian
  • cassegrain
  • Dobsonian

  • Use mirrors and lenses
  • Problems
  • spherical aberration For mirrors made with
    spherical surfaces, rays which are parallel to
    the optic axis but at different distances from
    the optic axis fail to converge to the same
  • collimation alignment of the optics
  • Special types
  • Schmidt-cassegrain
  • Maksutov-cassegrain

Basic definitions
f focal length the distance it takes for
light to come to a focus after refracting through
a lens or reflecting off a mirror a
aperature the diameter of the main (objective)
lens or mirror (primary) magnification
fscope/feyepiece F/ratio f / a
Properties Resolving Power
  • The minimum angular separation two stars (or
    other features) can have and still appear as two
  • R 252,000 (?) / (D)
  • where ? is wavelength of light
  • and D is objective diameter
  • R will be in arcseconds
  • If you substitute 550nm for ?, and D is in cm,
    then you have Dawes Equation.
  • R 12/D
  • Very subjective
  • Depends on seeing (atmospheric condition)

Properties Magnification
Measure of how big something appears M
angular size with aid/angular size without aid In
optics, it is also expressed as M F/f Mmax
20 x D where D is in cm Unfortunately, most
department store telescopes will advertise that
the telescope is capable of 900x! With the
addition of some other optics (like a barlow
lens) that may be true. But what is the quality
of the view through that 2.5 scope? Well, a
scope of 2.5 aperture has a maximum
magnification of about 125x. Thats a far cry
from 900x! Think of it this way just because
your cars speedometer has 200mph on it doesnt
mean that the car can go that fast!!
Properties Light Gathering Power
Measure of how much light can enter a telescope
to be brought to focus LGP area of
objective/area of pupil (eye) If the human eye
opening with faint light is about 7mm, then LGP
D2/49 where D is the objective diameter in mm So
a bigger light bucket is better!
Seeing and Transparency
Most people understand that to get the best
views, most astronomers like clear and dark
skies. What does that mean exactly? Well, dark
skies mean skies that are free from light
pollution street lights, house lights, business
lights any light that is aimed at the sky rather
than at the appropriate target (street, your own
house or business). Basically, the contrast
improves if you have darker skies. But more
specifically, astronomers are concerned with
Seeing and Transparency which can be loosely
translated as how steady the air is and how clear
it is respectively. Weather wise, it might be
clear (no clouds) but it might be too hazy to
view some objects. And then sometimes, a slightly
hazy sky is an indicator of steady skies which is
very important for observing planets.
Properties Field of View
  • The region of sky that can be seen through the
  • (While there are formal methods to calculate the
    field of view, a much simpler method is to watch
    a star drift across your view.)
  • Select a star near the celestial equator
  • turn off any tracking motors so that the star
    drifts across the view
  • adjust the telescope so that the star drifts
    directly across
  • Place the star just outside the view and when it
    first drifts into view start a stopwatch or other
  • Stop the timer when the star leaves the view
  • The time may be several seconds to several
    minutes depending on the size of the telescope
    and eyepiece used
  • Knowing that the earth spins on its axis once
    every 24 hours or sees 360degrees of sky/24hours
  • 360deg 15deg 1deg 60arcmin 15arcmin
  • 24 h 1 h 4min 4min 1min
  • So if it takes 150 seconds (thats 2.5minutes)
    then the FOV is
  • 2.5min x 15arcmin 37.5arcmin
  • 1min

  • Telescopes must be supported by some type of
    stand, or mount -- otherwise you would have to
    hold it all of the time. The telescope mount
    allows you to
  • keep the telescope steady
  • point the telescope at the stars or other object
  • adjust the telescope for the movement of the
    stars caused by the Earth's rotation
  • free your hands for other activities (focusing,
    changing eyepieces, note-taking, drawing)
  • Alt-azimuth
  • basic camera tripod
  • dobsonian
  • Equatorial
  • German equatorial
  • fork
  • First, read the instructions that came with your
    telescope, but in general.
  • If you have a telescope on an altaz mount (ie,
    small refractor mounted on a camera tripod), then
    theres not much to do except to plop the tripod
    down and aim your telescope. You will need to
    learn how to read starcharts and to starhop.
  • If you have a telescope on an (german) equatorial
    mount, then things get a little more complicated!
  • 1.   Level the tripod.
  • 2.   Adjust the angle of the mount head to your
  • 3.   Point the RA axis (stem of T) to the north
    (and the dec axis or top of T runs east-west)
  • If you have a telescope on a fork equatorial
  • 1.  Level the tripod and attach the wedge.
  • 2.   Angle the wedge for your latitude.
  • 3.   Turn the tripod so that if you stuck your
    arm through the wedge from underneath, youd be
    pointing North.
  • 4. Attach the telescope.

Cleaning the Optics
  • DONT!!
  • You should only clean your telescope optics when
    needed but not much more than twice a year,
    remember less is more. To help keep optics clean
    always replace the telescope cover when not in
    use and put your eyepieces back in their
    containers. You can be creative here eyepieces
    can be stored in plastic sandwich bags and the
    telescope can be covered with a shower cap or
    those new food covers.
  • Never cover your telescope optics or eyepieces if
    they have dew(or frost) or condensation on them,
    instead use a hairdryer on low heat until they
    are dry then cover them.
  • If you must clean your optics, research what is
    the best method for your scope. Some telescopes
    require that you remove the main lens or mirror
    to clean them. Others can be cleaned in place.
    Never scrub optics as the abrasions will scratch
    your lens and mirror and can remove any special
  • Only the outer surface of the optics usually need
    to be cleaned so dont take apart eyepieces!
  • Eyeglass lens cleaners and general glass cleaners
    are NOT designed for the delicate optics of your
    scope. Find out what the manufacturer recommends
    but sometimes simpler is better. A very diluted
    mix of water and a mild dish detergent followed
    with a rinse with distilled water and isopropyl
    alcohol (99-97).
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//

Collimating your scope
  • Over time the alignment of the optical components
    will no longer be perfect and the image will
    appear fuzzy. Making minor tweaks (and sometimes
    major tweaks) to the alignment of the optics in
    relation to each other can drastically improve
    the performance of the telescope.
  • Collimating your telescope is not hard but it
    does require some practice. Collimating is
    important for newtonians, dobsonians and
    cassegrains. Refractors rarely need to be
    collimated because of the way the lenses are
    mounted in the tube. Here are several sites that
    have details for different telescopes.
  • Collimation procedures can vary slightly between
    the different types of reflectors. Be sure to
    find the right instructions for your telescope.
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//

Polar Aligning
  • As the world turns the stars will drift through
    your field of view. If you have your telescope
    polar aligned, you might just need to push your
    telescope in the RA axis to catch up (assuming
    you are on an equatorial mount). If your
    telescope is powered and polar aligned, then
    objects should stay centered in the field of view
    for quite a while. For most things, rough
    alignment is sufficient since most people only
    observe an object for a few minutes and it
    doesnt matter that the object drifts out after
    10 minutes. But if you plan on doing any
    astrophotography then this is a critical
    procedure to learn.
  • If you are on an alt-az mount and unpowered no
    GOTO then polar aligning is pretty much
    irrelevant for your situation.
  • There are several sites that give good
    descriptions of the rough alignment procedure as
    well as the more accurate star-drift method of
    aligning telescopes.
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//

Balancing your scope
  • Not often mentioned or covered, is how to balance
    your telescope. A small refractor on an alt-az
    tripod does not need to be balanced however, a
    refractor or reflector (newtonian or SCT) on an
    equatorial mount will have a counterweight shaft
    and need to be balanced for you to be able to use
    the telescope and for the tracking to operate
    optimally. Some fork-mounted scopes might also
    need to be balanced if you piggyback other
    equipment or attach heavy cameras.
  • http//
  • http//

Star Testing Your Optics
  • One way to find out the quality of your optics is
    to do a star test. The resultant image might show
    that you need to collimate your scope. Or it
    could reveal more fundamental problems such as a
    bad figure to your mirror. Interpreting the
    results takes some practice and experience. Dont
    be afraid to ask others for help!
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//

  • When my students complain that they cant see
    anything in the telescope, I check
  • the dust cover, make sure its off
  • the focus
  • where they are pointing
  • Usually, they are out of focus and not pointing
    at anything. Learning how to focus is simpler
    than learning where to look in the sky!
  • During the day, point the telescope at a very
    distant tree or lightpost.
  • As you watch through the low-power eyepiece, turn
    the focus knob first in one direction, and if
    nothing happens and it stops turning, turn it in
    the other direction. (You should end up halfway
    between the two extremes so if you count the
    number of turns) Eventually, you should see your
    target appear blurry then sharper as you improve
    the focus. Changing eyepieces will require that
    you change the focus but it should only be a few
    turns at most.
  • That night, point the telescope at a bright star.
    Hopefully, youll see a big blob (out of focus
    star), but you may either have to adjust the
    pointing or really turn the knob. If you have a
    newtonian or cassegrain the blob will actually
    look like a donut when it is way out of focus.
    Very dim stars pretty much disappear when they
    are out of focus so be sure you are looking at a
    bright star!

Actually Finding Objects
  • The telescope is aligned, balanced, collimated
    and focused, what should you look for??
  • The Sun (with proper filters!)
  • Moon
  • Planets
  • Asteroids and comets
  • Stars, binaries, variables, open and globular
  • Nebulae
  • and Galaxies, oh my!
  • Learn to read starcharts and to starhop. Even
    with an automated GOTO scope, you should have a
    rudimentary awareness of where certain
    constellations and stars are in the sky so that
    you can confirm the telescope is heading in the
    right direction.
  • Make sure your finder scope is co-aligned with
    your main scope. During the day, point at a
    distant pole top and center in the telescope
    field of view. Then adjust the screws holding the
    finder scope so that the object becomes centered
    in the finder. You should not be moving the scope
    to get the object in the center of the finder!
    Assuming that you dont knock the alignment
    putting the scope back into its case or carrying
    it out to the yard, if you point towards a star
    and get it centered (by moving the scope) in the
    finder, then it should be centered in the main

Actually Finding Objects, pt 2
  • So what can you look for? If you have a GOTO
    telescope, you can let it give you a tour. I
    personally dont find that very satisfying
    because for me, part of the fun is finding my
    target. Another common mistake of newbies, is
    that they look but they dont observe. In other
    words, theyll find an object, glance at it, then
    move on. Oftentimes, they miss the exciting but
    subtle details this way. To help slow yourself
    down when observing, try sketching the object.
    Once youve looked at the common objects like the
    Messiers and planets, check out the webpages for
    the Astronomical League. They have several
    Observing Clubs for which you can earn a
    certificate. Some of the clubs are easier and can
    be completed over a few weeks. But there are some
    that could take you years to finish!
  • You might also want to think about observing
    projects like tracking comets and asteroids,
    occultations, variable and binary star
    observations These are just a few of the areas
    where there are already professional-amateur
    collaborations. You the amateur can observe an
    object for a long time and the professional
    combines your data with data from big scopes (on
    which he might only have a few data points).
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • For a copy of this presentation, email
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