Title: A Fish Tale
1A Fish Tale
- The story of Hawaiis early childhood partners
2We all thought we were big fish . . .
3 until another fish came around.
4And then we realized we were not so big . . .
So, what could we do?
5- We could keep swimming in our own fishbowls and
forget our dreams of the ocean - Or keep pretending that were the big fish (keep
swimming around each other and hope we dont
bump) - Or go it alone . . . were too cool to school!
6No! We realized that if we didnt come together .
. .
- . . . we wouldnt get very far.
7But by getting together and swimming in the same
direction . . .
8We could be the biggest fish of all.
9We all want to come together to be a true voice
for families.
10We all want to catch the elusive worm.
- All of Hawaiis children will be safe, healthy,
and ready to succeed. - (Hawaii State Legislature, House Concurrent
Resolution No. 38, 1998)
11So we have agreed to swim together.
- Theres room in the pond for all of us
- and together well have the strength to reach
deeper water
12What are you waiting for?
13The End Inspired by the story Swimmy
by Leo Lionni
- Hawaiis Approach to Improved Outcomes for
15Hawaii State Vision
- State Legislature, House Concurrent Resolution
No. 38, 1998 - All of Hawaii's children will be safe, healthy,
and ready to succeed.
16Who we Are
- Deliana Fuddy, Title V Director, Family Health
Services Division Chief, ECCS Principal
Investigator, HCTF Advisory Board Chair-Elect - Lynn Niitani Parenting Support, a.k.a. Jennifer
Murphy, CBCAP/HCTF coordinator - Keiko Nitta, ECCS coordinator
17DOH Organizational Chart
18CBCAP/ECCS Why we work so well together
- Child Safety and Well-Being (DOH is lead for
Prevention of Child Abuse/Neglect) - Child Abuse and neglect prevention education is
part of healthy child development - Changes in early childhood practice could produce
results in preventing child abuse and neglect for
the youngest and most vulnerable children. - We share many of the same community partners.
19CBCAP Structure
20ECCS Structure
21ECCS Family Support
- All of Hawaiis young Children will have a safe
and supportive environment (from Hawaii ECCS
Expected Outcomes Indicators
Children are safe from unintentional injuries in their homes and communities Number and rate of child death due to unintentional injuries (Child Death Reviewfunded by PSSF/CAPTA)
Children are safe from intentional injuries and child abuse or neglect in their homes and communities Child abuse and neglect incidence rate 11.8 (HI) 12.3 (US)
Families are self-sufficient Number and percentage of children under age 6 living in low-income working families (below 200 poverty threshold) (Child Care Bureau)
22Where the Two Work Together
- Protective Factors (Strengthening Families)
- Child Safety Collaborative (systems public
awareness) - Zero to Three State Partnerships (training and
bridging two communities) - Parenting Support
- Collaborative Community Work
231. Use of Protective Factors (SF)
- Hawaii Childrens Trust Funds Grants had
Protective Factors as criteria for selection
on-going grantees receiving technical assistance
on protective factors working towards
identifying outcomes and indicators based on
protective factors. - Department of Health, Requests for Proposals
(RFP) now using protective factors to define
scope of work. - Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems core
components wrap around Protective Factors - Social Emotional Development/Nurturing and
Attachment - Parenting/Parental Resilience
- Medical Home/Knowledge of parenting and child
development - Early Care and Education/Social Connections
- Family Support/Concrete Support in times of Need
- Bridging understanding between the two
communities and developing common understanding
of the protective factors (CBCAP Nurturing and
Attachment vs. ECCS Social Emotional
24Child Safety Collaborative
- Mission
- To promote a safe and nurturing environment for
children and youth. - Safe was defined for the purposes of this group
to mean Free from environmental, physical or
emotional harm. The focus is on programs whose
primary goal is safety rather than health, school
readiness or education. - GOAL 1. To create an informed and educated
consuming public including policy makers and
funders around prevention issues. - GOAL 2. To have child safety systems that are
coordinated, effective and well funded.
253. Zero to Three State Partnerships for
- Partnership from federal level helps to guide
relationships at local level. - Infrastructure for training (continued training
from those trained). - Establishing relationships between two
communities - Supporting on-going training (targeted training
to contract providers, United Ways 211 staff,
Family Court, community colleges).
264. Parenting Support
- Link between CBCAP (strengthening families) and
ECCS (parenting) - Programs
- The Parent Line, warm line for parents.
- Mobile Outreach
- Children Exposed to Violence
- Respite
- Community-Based Parent Support Groups
275. Collaborative Community Work
- Cross-Community Sharing
- Winds of Change, Pinwheels for Prevention 2007
- Strengthening Families Day, 2008
- Community Based Coalitions
- Act 259 Early Childhood Task Force
- Child Abuse Prevention Planning Council
- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Task Force
- Blueprint for Change Policy Council
28Further Work Needed
- Policy development
- Needs assessment
- Coordinating/Maximizing Resources
- Clear Consistent Messaging.
29Policy Development
- CAPTA requirement to refer all children birth to
three with substantiated cases of child abuse and
neglect to Part C implemented statewide. - Child Welfare Services refers all children 0-3
with substantiated child abuse and neglect to
Department of Healths H-KISS (Hawaiis Keiki
Information Services System). H-KISS then refers
children to appropriate Part C services. - Use state warm-lines and hot-lines to provide
extended parent resource and referral. - The Parent Line connects with United Ways 211
PATCH (the states resource and referral) Hawaii
Families as Allies (Hawaii chapter of Federation
of Families for Children's Mental Health) H-KISS.
30Needs Assessment
- ECCS Needs Assessment, 2004
- CBCAP Needs Assessment, 2008
- Community needs assessment
- Data sharing.
31Coordinating/Maximizing Resources
- Financial Resources
- Sharing resources
- Human Resources
- Cross-Training Opportunities
- Dr. Stephen Bavolek, Nurturing Parents Program
- Promoting Social Emotional Competence (Center for
Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning) - Zero to Three
- Technical Assistance
- Theory of Change
- Communications Exchange
- Data Resources
- Data Book (List of Population-Based Indicators)
32Clear Consistent Messaging
- Community Café
- CSC reframed message, Safety, support, and love
are the blocks children use to build their
dreams. - Talking Points and Communication (responding to
current events).
33Thank you!
- Loretta Deliana Fuddy, loretta.fuddy_at_doh.hawaii.
gov - Lynn Niitani, lynn.niitani_at_doh.hawaii.gov
- Keiko Nitta, keiko.nitta_at_doh.hawaii.gov