Title: Laurina Bragdon Has Many Years of Professional Experience
1Laurina Bragdon Has Many Years of Professional
2Laurina Bragdon, a seasoned program manager and
analyst, has more than eight years of experience
in budgeting, program and financial management.
She has worked in government as well as the
private sector through the years and her
professional approach to her work has been
appreciated by her superiors and peers.
3Presently, she is serving as the Program Analyst
at Office of Management at a well-known
international organization. She is managing large
agency programs such as employee benefits,
management operations, federal occupational
safety and health and overseas voting assistance.
Along with the efficient management of these
programs, she also ensures that the programs are
compliant with federal laws and regulations.
4Her accomplishments with the organization have
helped her in cementing her worth as a valuable
professional. She has been recognized for driving
positive organizational and cultural changes,
timely stakeholder engagement and employee
program design. Through the years, she has shown
her ability to manage multiple projects and
implement decisions to achieve the organizations
short and long term goals.
5Laurina Bragdon has showcased her outstanding
leadership, negotiation and organizational skills
to complete projects on time and within the
budget, while focusing on the people issues
associated with technology implementations. Her
subject matter expertise in the field of program
and project management has impressed her clients
in different fields. She is proficient in
Microsoft (Word, Excel, Publisher, Outlook,
Project, PowerPoint and Visio) Adobe Creative
Suite CS Adobe Live Cycle Designer HyperText
Language and Oracle applications.
6Thank You!