Title: Decorating Your Home with Polywood Furniture
1The Amish known for their work with
2Amish Craftsmen now work with Polywood because
this material is
- Vibrantly colored
- Versatile
- Durable
3Polywood is right for almost any outdoor
furniture and decoration, including
Polywood chaise lounges and swivel bar chairs add
elegance and class to any outdoor environment.
5More Chairs
Best of all polywood chairs come in an array of
colors and they are built to be weatherproof.
6And tables of all sorts
Like our chairs, Polywood dining and outdoor
tables resist rain, sun, snow, and spills.
They will last through a lifetime of
get-togethers, birthdays and cherished events.
7Including matched pieces
Sofas, loveseats and chairs can be customized by
fabric and polywood stain.
8 9Add a picnic table!
Polywood picnic tables resist rot and rust.
Unlike wood tables, they do not need annual paint
jobs or any other weather maintenance.
10How about a sandbox for the kids?
Polywood sandboxes are not only splinter and mold
free. They come with covers to keep your
childrens play area safe when not in use.
11Or something for the birds?
Polywood birdhouses and bird feeders require
little maintenance besides occasional cleaning.
They are available in a variety of colors and
styles and can be mounted on a post or be hung.
12You can even add a lighthouse
- Our Polywood lighthouses are modeled after
historic lighthouses along the eastern shore.
They are customizable and make a charming
nautical addition to your garden or house.
13Polywood furniture is made from recycled material
- For every 100 lbs of polywood, 1000 milk jugs are
saved from the landfill.
- Little to no maintenance If needed clean with
soap and water.
- Polywood wont splinter, crack, warp and is
weather and pest resistant.
14Decorate your home with Polywood