Title: Active Appearance Models
1Active Appearance Models
2Active Appearance Models
- T.F.Cootes, G.J. Edwards and C.J.Taylor. "Active
Appearance Models", in Proc. European Conference
on Computer Vision 1998 (H.Burkhardt B. Neumann
Ed.s). Vol. 2, pp. 484-498, Springer, 1998 - T.F.Cootes, G.J. Edwards and C.J.Taylor. "Active
Appearance Models", IEEE PAMI, Vol.23, No.6,
pp.681-685, 2001 - G.J. Edwards, A. Lanitis, C.J. Taylor, T. F.
Cootes. Statistical Models of Face Images
Improving Specificity, BMVC (1996)
3Essence of the Idea
- Interpretation through synthesis
- Form a model of the object/image (Learnt from the
training dataset)
I. Matthews and S. Baker, "Active Appearance
Models Revisited," International Journal of
Computer Vision, Vol. 60, No. 2, November, 2004,
pp. 135 - 164.
4Essence of the Idea (cont.)
- Explain a new example in terms of the model
5So whats a model
6Active Shape Models
training set
7Texture Models
warp to mean shape
8Random Aside
- Shape Vector provides alignment
Alexei (Alyosha) Efros, 15-463 (15-862)
Computational Photography, http//graphics.cs.cmu.
9Random Aside
1. Warp to mean shape 2. Average pixels
Alexei (Alyosha) Efros, 15-463 (15-862)
Computational Photography, http//graphics.cs.cmu.
10Random Aside
more same original androgynous more opposite
D. Rowland, D. Perrett. Manipulating Facial
Appearance through Shape and Color, IEEE
Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 15, No.
5 September 1995, pp. 70-76
11Random Aside (cant escape structure!)
Antonio Torralba Aude Oliva (2002) Averages
Hundreds of images containing a person are
averaged to reveal regularities in the intensity
patterns across all the images.
Alexei (Alyosha) Efros, 15-463 (15-862)
Computational Photography, http//graphics.cs.cmu.
12Random Aside (cant escape structure!)
Tomasz Malisiewicz, http//www.cs.cmu.edu/tmalisi
13Random Aside (cant escape structure!)
100 Special Moments by Jason Salavon
Jason Salavon, http//salavon.com/PlayboyDecades/P
14Random Aside (cant escape structure!)
Every Playboy Centerfold, The Decades
(normalized) by Jason Salavon
Jason Salavon, http//salavon.com/PlayboyDecades/P
15Back (sadly) to Texture Models
raster scan
16PCA Galore
Reduce Dimensions of shape vector
Reduce Dimension of texture vector
They are still correlated repeat..
17Object/Image to Parameters
18Playing with the Parameters
First two modes of shape variation
First two modes of gray-level variation
First four modes of appearance variation
19Active Appearance Model Search
- Given Full training model set, new image to be
interpreted, reasonable starting approximation - Goal Find model with least approximation error
- High Dimensional Search Curse of the dimensions
strikes again
20Active Appearance Model Search
- Trick Each optimization is a similar problem,
can be learnt - Assumption Linearity
- Perturb model parameters with known amount
- Generate perturbed image and sample error
- Learn multivariate regression for many such
21Active Appearance Model Search
- Algorithm
- current estimate of model parameters
- normalized image sample at current estimate
22Active Appearance Model Search
- Slightly different modeling
- Error term
- Taylor expansion (with linear assumption)
- Min (RMS sense) error
- Systematically perturb and estimate by
numerical differentiation
23Active Appearance Model Search (Results)
24(No Transcript)