Module 7: Private LTC Insurance: Premiums, Underwriting, Claims and Consumer Tips

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Module 7: Private LTC Insurance: Premiums, Underwriting, Claims and Consumer Tips


'Class' may refer to age, state, tax status and benefit classification (e.g. ... Check company's financial rating and assets. How long has the company been in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Module 7: Private LTC Insurance: Premiums, Underwriting, Claims and Consumer Tips

Module 7 Private LTC Insurance Premiums,
Underwriting, Claims and Consumer Tips
Premiums Overview
  • Premiums are based on coverage you choose and
    your age when you apply
  • Designed not to increase
  • Rates do not increase based on age or health
  • Limited right to change rates on class basis
  • Class may refer to age, state, tax status and
    benefit classification (e.g., institution,
    non-institution, comprehensive)

Rate Increase History
  • Some earlier policies not priced adequately
  • Poor underwriting, or overly aggressive
    assumptions about interest rates or lapse rates
    as primary factors
  • Some companies have had significant rate
  • Rate increases among the top eight insurers
    (representing about 80 of covered lives) have
    been modest and infrequent1
  • 1Changes in Long-Term Care Industry No Cause For
    Alarm. Kiplingers Retirement Report, June 2000.

Consumer Protection Rates
  • Rate Stability Guidelines NAIC 2000 Model
  • Disclose history of rate increases
  • Certify adequacy of rates under moderately
    adverse circumstances
  • Difficult for insurers to raise rates in future

Advising Consumers Rate Increases
  • What options does the consumer have (e.g.,
    decrease coverage)?
  • How much is the increase and what is the rate
    increase track record of the insurer?
  • Before dropping coverage, find out
  • Are you still insurable?
  • How much new coverage would cost at your current
  • Do not drop coverage until you have an alternative

Buying Strategy
  • Cannot compare apples to apples when comparing
    LTC policies or rates
  • Many reasons for price differences between
  • Have more confidence in rates if insurer uses
    careful underwriting
  • Be wary of multiple rate classes
  • Rate increases are possible
  • Consider what you can afford today and if there
    is a rate increase in the future

Premium Discounts
  • Couples discounts
  • Helps sell coverage to couples, but also reflects
    lower risk when buyer is married
  • From 10 to 25 or more
  • Retain discount for life of policy
  • Usually when both have policies, but approaches
  • Domestic partners/household discount
  • Group discount (5 to 15)

Rate Classes
  • Many insurers have single rate class
  • Some have preferred rate for exceptional health
    (10 to 15 discount)
  • Some have substandard rate for people with
    high-risk conditions
  • Some insurers use these categories to expand
    access to coverage for people with health
  • Some insurers use substandard categories to
    make standard rates more competitive

Payment Options
  • Lifetime payment (until premium waiver)
  • Paid up at age 65
  • 20-pay
  • 10-pay
  • 5-pay
  • Single pay

Things to Consider
  • Limited pay options cost more
  • Limits exposure to future rate increases once you
    are paid-up
  • Not all insurers offer limited pay options
  • Some states do not like them because of sizable
    commissions on high premiums

Factors Impacting Premiums
Pricing structure varies by insurer
  • Features with greater impact
  • Comprehensive vs. Facility Only
  • Home care benefit amount
  • Inflation protection
  • Lifetime maximum
  • Daily benefit amount
  • Nonforfeiture
  • Features with less impact
  • Refund of premium on death
  • Elimination Period
  • Restoration of benefits
  • Spousal benefits

Impact on Premiums
  • May depend on issue age
  • Inflation protection has larger impact at younger
  • Changes in daily benefit amount are roughly
    proportional (10 increase in benefit 10
    increase in premium)
  • Home care benefit amount (50 vs. 100) has
    significant impact on cost

  • Criteria, Protocols, and Acceptance Rates

Purpose of Underwriting
  • Keeps insurance affordable and viable
  • Designed to accept as many applicants as possible
    without creating unstable risk pool
  • Risk pool must reflect morbidity and mortality
    assumptions underlying rates
  • Underwriting approach and acceptance rates vary
    by age

Underwriting Criteria
  • Specific to LTC risks, not acute care
  • Functional and cognitive ability more important
    than just medical condition
  • Look at combination of factors
  • A few conditions automatically exclude

Typical Uninsurable Conditions
  • Current or recent use of LTC services
  • Need help with ADLs
  • Height and weight outside acceptable ranges
  • Have any of the following conditions
  • Organic Brain Syndrome, Senility, Dementia, or
  • Metastatic cancer
  • Parkinsons Disease, Muscular Dystrophy, Multiple
    Sclerosis, Myasthenia Gravis, Amyotrophic Lateral
    Sclerosis, multiple strokes or Multiple
    Transcient Ischemic Attacks
  • AIDS or AIDS-Related Complex (ARC)

Differences Across Insurers
  • Criteria vary by insurer
  • Depend also on how many risk classes insurer
  • Conditions that are often treated differently
  • Cancer, diabetes, arthritis, wheelchair use or
    other devices and others

Underwriting Tools
  • Application
  • Medical Records or Attending Physician Statement
  • Phone History Interview (PHI)
  • Face-to-Face Assessment (F2F)
  • No medical exam (unless you have no physician
    visits within last 2 years)
  • No laboratory tests

Underwriting Requirements by Age
  • Attending Phone
  • Physician History Face-
  • Age Statement Interview to-Face
  • lt65 For specific All For specific
  • conditions conditions
  • 65-74 All All For specific conditions
  • 75 All No All
  • Company protocols vary but protocols above are

About the Attending Physician Statement (APS)
  • Insurer pays expense of obtaining information
  • Average turnaround time is 24 days
  • APS used in 78 of applications
  • About 75 of policy declines based on information
    from the APS
  • Important underwriting tool
  • Information in APS often differs from information
    provided on the application

About the Phone History Interview (PHI)
  • Newer feature, mostly used for ages 65-74
  • Takes about 20 minutes, conducted by trained
  • Confirms and expands on information from the
  • Asks about ADLs
  • Used by 80 of insurers, but only about 5 of
    declines are based on PHI
  • More often used to supplement other information

About the Face-to-Face (F2F) Interview
  • Trained nurse or paramedic, based on structured
    and tested questionnaire
  • Interviewer does not make underwriting decisions
    just collects objective information
  • Asks about ADLs, medications, medical history
  • Includes cognitive test (Delayed Word Recall)
  • Mostly used for 75 applicants
  • Almost all companies use F2F
  • About 12 of declines based on F2F, but it is
    critical in identifying early cognitive loss and
    avoiding costly claims

Acceptance Rates
  • Vary by age and insurer
  • Representative acceptance rates
  • lt 65 years 91
  • 65-74 years 79
  • 75-84 years 64

Preferred Risks
  • Many companies do not differentiate
  • Criteria that might make someone preferred risk
  • No uninsurable conditions
  • No use of mechanical devices
  • No help needed with household tasks
  • No medical condition with likelihood of
  • No tobacco use in last 1 to 5 years
  • Height and weight within preferred range

Sub-Standard Risk
  • Not all insurers have sub-standard risk
  • Substandard might mean coverage issued with
    limitations (e.g., 2 years maximum)
  • Or with added premium charge
  • Or (less often) both coverage limits and
    additional premium charge

Sub-Standard Risk (continued)
  • Conditions that might be accepted on sub-standard
  • Congestive heart failure, stable and controlled
    with medication
  • Angina, post heart attack but stable
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Seizure disorder, well-controlled
  • Lupus, in remission
  • Cirrhosis, mild/moderate, controlled on
  • Diabetes, onset less than 35 years, or greater
    than 10 years from first diagnosis
  • Malignant lymphoma, five years post-diagnosis

Employer Group Market
  • Different underwriting methods because of younger
    average age and actively at work population
  • Larger employer plans may be guaranteed issue
    for all employees actively at work
  • Many employer plans are modified guaranteed
    issue with only 2 to 5 underwriting questions

Employer Group Market (continued)
  • Some employer plans are short form applications
    with 5-10 underwriting questions
  • Most employer plans do not use phone history
    interview, attending physician statement, or
    face-to-face for employees
  • Underwriting for spouses of employees, retirees,
    and parents generally the same as in the
    individual market

  • Qualifying for Benefits

Qualifying for Benefits Benefit Triggers
ADLs Activities of Daily Living Bathing,
Dressing, Eating, Continence, Toileting,
Transferring, (Mobility)
Plan of Care
  • Developed by a Licensed Health Care Practitioner
  • LHCP physician, any registered nurse, or
    licensed social worker.
  • Freedom of choice
  • Not put into place unless you agree
  • Modified as your needs change

Claims Process
  • Process can vary from company to company
  • Usually starts with phone call to insurers claim
    or customer service line
  • Provide necessary claims form, medical records
    authorization, and/or plan of care as required by
    insurer/contract provisions.
  • You, your spouse, or legal representative can
    file a claim

Claims Process (continued)
  • Insurer gathers information needed to determine
    nature and extent of loss
  • Use medical records, information from care
    providers, or in-person assessment
  • Evaluate if services and providers are covered
  • Determine if deductible has been met
  • Process time can vary between 2 to 4 weeks
  • Benefit decisions can be appealed

Assignment of Benefits
  • Can pay benefits to you or your care provider
  • Can get help with bills and reimbursement from
    Care Coordinator
  • Good idea to review bills for accuracy

If a Claim is Denied
  • Find out why
  • Review policy language, definitions, and
  • Is the service/provider covered?
  • Has deductible been met?
  • Do you have the degree of loss required?
  • You have the right to get details on why the
    claim was denied, and the right to appeal
  • Important to read policy BEFORE you buy so you
    are not surprised to learn service or provider
    you use is NOT covered!

Most Common Reasons for Claim Denial
  • Most common reasons for denial of initial
    requests for benefit are
  • Do not meet definition of ADL or cognitive loss
  • Administrative reasons (e.g., coverage lapsed)
  • Most common reasons for denial of request of
  • Service received is not a covered service
  • Duplicate claim
  • Claim amount exceeds coverage amounts defined by
    the policy
  • Source LTCG claims database. May not be
    representative of industry experience.

  • Policy provision that allows coverage to be
    rescinded or benefits denied based on false
    information on the application
  • Within first 2 years, insurer must prove
    misrepresentation and an intent to deceive
  • After 2 years, only fraudulent misstatements
    shall be use to rescind the policy
  • Caution statement on application alerts
    consumers to this provision

Exclusions Limitations
  • Circumstance in which policy will not pay
    benefits even if you otherwise might qualify for
  • Most common exclusions
  • War, felony, riot
  • Attempted suicide
  • No expense is made
  • Care in government facility, paid by workers
    comp or similar
  • Medicare copays and deductibles (required as
    exclusion in tax qualified plan)

Exclusions Often Used (but not always)
  • Mental/nervous disorders (does not include
    Alzheimers and other biologically based brain
  • Alcohol/drugs
  • Care outside U.S.
  • Care provided by family

Mental/Nervous Disorder Exclusion
  • Does not exclude Alzheimers or similar disorders
  • Meant to exclude paying for psychiatric care when
    there is no ADL or cognitive loss
  • Difficult to distinguish between a person with
    cognitive loss or mental/nervous disorder

Pre-Existing Condition Exclusion
  • Often confused with underwriting, but not the
    same thing
  • Pre-existing condition clause allows insurer to
    delay paying benefits if LTC need emerges in
    first 6 months of coverage and is related to a
    pre-existing condition
  • Pre-existing condition is a condition for which
    medical advice was given or treatment was
    recommended by, or received from, a physician
    within 6 months before the effective date of

Outline of Coverage
Outline of Coverage What is it?
  • Brief description of policy benefits,
    eligibility, exclusions, and premiums
  • This is not the contract
  • Follows state-mandated standard format and text
  • Designed to help buyers compare policies
  • Delivered prior to presenting application

Whats Included?
  • Caution statement
  • Policy designation
  • Purpose of Outline of Coverage
  • Terms under which the policy or certificate may
    be returned and premium refunded
  • Medicare supplement insurance disclaimer
  • LTC coverage

Whats Included? (continued)
  • Benefits provided by this policy
  • Eligibility of benefits
  • Limitations and Exclusions
  • Pre-existing conditions
  • Relationship of cost of care and benefits
  • Terms under which the policy or certificate may
    be continued in force and is continued
  • Guaranteed renewable/noncancellable
  • For group, describe continuation/conversion
  • Describe waiver of premium or state there is no
    such provision

Whats Included? (continued)
  • Alzheimers Disease, other organic brain
  • Premium
  • Rider amounts shall be listed separately
  • Include statement of policy grace period
  • Texas Department of Insurances Consumer Help
  • Denial of application
  • Offer of inflation protection

Whats Included? (continued)
  • Offer of nonforfeiture benefit
  • Contingent benefit
  • Disclosure regarding federal tax treatment of
    LTC insurance
  • Additional features
  • Indicate if medical underwriting is used
  • Describe other important features such as
    unintentional lapse and reinstatement, etc.

Consumer Tips
  • Identify likely candidates for LTC insurance
  • Explain considerations before buying
  • Review important shopping tips
  • Buying LTC insurance
  • Selecting an insurance company
  • Help consumer determine why they want LTC
    insurance, how they will pay for it
  • Address commonly asked questions

Good Candidate
  • Has assets to protect
  • Can afford monthly premiums
  • Is unable or unwilling to pay for LTC
  • Healthy
  • Desires independence and control
  • Will not qualify for Medicaid

Unlikely Candidate
  • Has few or no assets to protect
  • Cannot afford insurance premiums
  • Unhealthy
  • Meets Medicaid eligibility limits
  • Can self-insure
  • No one to leave assets to

Before Buying LTC Insurance
  • What is need/motivation for LTC insurance?
  • How will LTC insurance be used (supplement
    informal care or total care)?
  • Is enough coverage being purchased?
  • Research and select appropriate features
  • Younger cheaper
  • Does it fit in the budget?

Shopping Tips
  • Ask questions
  • Comparison shop
  • Understand policy and premiums
  • Understand covered services and providers and
    find out if facilities you might consider are
    covered BEFORE you buy!
  • Do not be misled by advertising
  • Buy one policy
  • Understand importance of medical history
  • Do not pay in cash

Shopping Tips (continued)
  • Get agents/insurance companys information
  • Agent should ask you about your needs and
    circumstances before recommending coverage
  • Contact company if policy is not received in 60
  • Review policy during free-look period
  • Reread the application
  • Consider payment through automatic bank draft

Tips for Selecting an Insurance Company
  • Check companys financial rating and assets
  • How long has the company been in business?
  • How has the company grown?
  • What is the underwriting process?
  • What is the history of rate increases?
  • What options are offered if there is a rate

Commonly Asked Questions
  • Can the insurance company increase my rates?
  • How do I know the company will be there in the
  • I have never heard of this company, is it
  • How many times has the company increased its

Commonly Asked Questions (continued)
  • How much does the policy cost?
  • How many and what kind of complaints has the
    company received?
  • Do I have recourse if my claim is denied?
  • What procedure should I follow if I want to
    cancel my policy?
  • Should I switch policies?
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