Title: American Community Survey Update
1American Community Survey Update
- Prepared for the Joint State Data Center/Business
and Industry Data Center and Federal-State
Cooperative Program for Population Estimates
Session - March 28, 2006
2Overview of Session
- Updates on operations, research and evaluations,
user materials - Deborah Griffin - Weighting and estimation Alfredo Navarro
- Update on Data Products Doug Hillmer
- Your questions
3Data Collection Updates
- 2005
- Expansion to full housing unit sample in United
States and Puerto Rico - Challenges in Gulf Coast area
- 2006
- Introduced Group Quarters sample
- New translated materials
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5Interviewing ResultsPuerto Rico
- Low rate of mail and phone interviews.
- Reliability implications and deliverability and
mailability issues. - All results are weighted and estimate the
proportion of noninterviews and interviews by
mode out of the total eligible sample addresses
in the January through June 2005 sample panels.
Noninterviews 2
Mail 20
Phone 6
Personal Visit 72
6Interviewing Results United States
- Consistent with 2004 results prior to sample
expansion. - All results are weighted and estimate the
proportion of noninterviews and interviews by
mode out of the total eligible sample addresses
in the January through June 2005 sample panels.
Noninterviews 2
Mail 51
Personal Visit 38
Phone 9
7Data Capture and Data Processing Updates
- Testing image capture methods
- Processing of 2005 ACS data in spring 2006
- editing
- weighting/estimation
8Language Assistance Program
- Monitoring language needs in CATI and CAPI
- Translated additional materials currently
conducting cognitive testing of translations - Planning for testing of multilingual
92005 ACS Special Product for Gulf Coast Area
- Scope of devastation
- Standard 2005 ACS data products summarize annual
characteristics - Recognition that additional information needed
for LA, TX, AL, and MS
102005 ACS Special Product for Gulf Coast Area
- Special product will include two partitions of
the data - first 8 months of 2005
- last 4 months of 2005
- Consultations with SDCs and others on defining
geographic tabulation areas - Plan to release these products in May 2006
11Research and Evaluation Update Data Collection
and Capture
- Content testing
- Mail response improvement
- Language brochure and language assistance
- GQ and Puerto Rico operational evaluations
- Data capture methodology
12Content Testing Revised Wording of Current Topics
- Year built
- Number of rooms/bedrooms
- Complete kitchen/plumbing facilities
- Heating fuel
- Food stamps
- Value of this property
- Mortgage components
- Vehicles
13Content Testing Revised Wording of Current Topics
- Place of birth
- Citizenship
- Year of arrival
- School enrollment
- Educational attainment
- Residence 1 year ago
- Disability
- Veterans status, period of service
- Labor force status
- Work status
- Industry and occupation
14Content Testing New Topics
- Health insurance
- Marital history
- Service connected disability
15Content Testing
- Data collection completed
- Analysis underway
- Plan to make final decisions on the 2008 ACS
content in January 2007
16Mail Response Improvement
- Dependent on 2007 funding of methods panel
activities - Testing additional mailings to improve mail
response in areas with lowest levels of
participation by mail
17Language Assistance
- Testing mailing multilingual brochure to
encourage calls to language assistance lines - Developed set of translated materials in Spanish,
Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, and Russian and
currently conducting cognitive testing of these
18Operational Evaluations of Group Quarters and
Puerto Rico
- Includes evaluations of data collection methods
and data quality - Includes evaluations of addresses on the MAF for
Puerto Rico - mailability and deliverability
19Data Capture Evaluation
- Testing change from key-from-paper to image
capture and key-from image (KFI) technology - Evaluation underway to compare data capture error
rates and study respondent behavior in completing
KFI forms
20Research and Evaluation Update Weighting and
- Multi-year estimates
- Current residence rules
- Weighting research
- Alternative uses of housing and population
estimates as ACS controls
21Research on Multi-Year Estimates
- Production of series of 3-year and 5-year
estimates for the ACS test sites - Expect to produce datasets in December 2006 with
external release in early 2007
22Current Residence Rules
- ACS residence rules use concept of current
residence while population controls use concept
of usual residence - Evaluation will use ACS data to estimate the
number of geographic areas with large differences
in these populations - Preliminary data expected this fall
23User Materials
- ACS Design and Methodology report includes
detailed documentation of the full set of ACS
methods used in 2005/2006 - Expected release May 2006
- Plans for periodic updates
24Design and Methodology Report
- Program History
- Frame
- Sample design selection
- Content
- Survey rules, concepts definitions
- Data collection and capture
- Language Assistance Program
- Weighting and estimation
- Variance estimation
- Data products
- Data dissemination
- Sources and controls on nonsampling error
25User Materials
- Initial set of user guide training materials
developed that include series of Power Point
presentations on - Overview of the ACS
- Data products
- How to access ACS data
- Future products
- Expected release May 2006
26User Materials
- Additional materials needed
- Short brochure or manual as quick reference for
users on data products and how they should be
used - Detailed guide on interpretation of multi-year
estimates - Need your input on additional specific needs
27Weighting and Estimation
28Overview of Session
- Plan to cover broad set of topics, including both
technical details and specific examples - Weighting and estimation
- Use of population controls in production of
single-year estimates - Single-year estimation
- Multi-year estimation
- Weighting and estimation research
29Annual Weighting Process3 Major Components
- Initial weights to reflect the probability of
selection - Adjust weights of interviewed households to
account for noninterviews - Adjust weights to independent housing unit and
population estimates (controls)
30Initial Weight Probabilities of Selection
- Initial probability of selection is assigned as a
function of the sample design - Nonresponse follow-up (Personal Visit CAPI)
sample design
31Initial Sampling Rates
32Sub-sampling RatesNonresponse Follow-up
33Nonresponse Adjustment
- The weight of the nonrespondents is transferred
to the respondents - Nonresponse adjustment is carried out at the
census tract level for groups of households with
characteristics correlated with nonresponse
34Ratio Adjustments to Housing Unit and Population
- Intercensal estimates are produced by updating
the previous census results using various
administrative records data - In a multi-stage process, housing unit and
population adjustment ratios are applied to the
weights - Applied at the county (or group of counties)
level by race/ethnicity and age/sex groups
35Weighting and EstimationSingle-Year Estimation
- Estimates include
- population estimates
- rates
- means, medians
36Weighting and EstimationSingle-Year Estimation
- Percent foreign born population in year 1
37Both Single- and Multi-Year Estimates are Period
- 2005 single-year estimates are based on Jan 2005
Dec 2005 interviews (12 months) - 2005-2007 three-year estimates are based on Jan
2005 Dec 2007 interviews (36 months) - 2005-2009 five-year estimates are based on Jan
2005 - Dec 2009 interviews (60 months)
38Multi-Year Estimates
- Combining or pooling
- Population controls
- Tabulation geography
- Inflation adjustments
39Multi-Year EstimatesPopulation Controls
- Simple average of the set of population controls
for the years comprising the multi-year estimate - For example, for the 2005-2009 five-year
estimates, sum the controls released in 2010 for
2005, 2006,,2009 divided by 5 - Use the most recently released estimates for each
40Multi-Year Estimates Tabulation Geography
- Boundary changes can occur through annexations
during the multi-year period - Plan is to tabulate using the geography of the
most recent year in the multi-year estimate - For 2005-2009 estimates, tabulate using all
interviews for the period of 2005-2009 that were
conducted in blocks that define the area in 2009
41Multi-Year EstimatesInflation Adjustments
- The Consumer Price Index is used to compute
inflation factors - Dollar valued data items are inflation adjusted
to the most recent year of the period - For example, for the 2005-2009 estimates,
appropriate inflation factors are applied to
reported income values for 2005, 2006, ,2008 to
adjust to 2009 constant dollars
42Multi-Year EstimatesMedians
- Medians are produced using combined data records
from all years, not by averaging each years
median - A 3-year median household income estimate is
determined by combining the household records
from the 3 years into one data set and
determining the median from this combined
43ACS ResearchWeighting and Estimation
44ACS ResearchWeighting and Estimation
- Multi-year estimates
- Family equalization
- Use of alternative population estimates as ACS
45ACS ResearchMulti-Year Estimates
- Production of a series of multi-year estimates
for the ACS test sites (1999 2005) - The objective of this research is to assess
issues of stability and comparability - A secondary objective is gaining insights to
develop and improve user materials
46ACS ResearchFamily Equalization
- Assess impact of modifying weighting procedures
to ensure consistency of the following estimates - Households and householders
- Householders and spouses (and unmarried
partners) in married (unmarried) couple
(partners) households -
- Subfamily householders and subfamily spouses
47ACS ResearchUse of Alternative Population
- The quality of national and state level
population estimates is generally accepted. - The benefits of using of these controls by
several current surveys is well documented and
understood. - The quality of county level estimates, in
particular estimates of detailed demographic
groups, has not yet been determined.
48ACS ResearchUse of Alternative Population
- Define alternative population controls based on
geographic and demographic detail - Control to state level estimates by age and sex,
and race/ethnicity and county population total
only - Control to county population estimates by sex and
age and to place level total population
49Contact Information
50 Data Products Update
51Overview of Session
- Overview of data release schedule
- 2005 ACS data release schedule
- Geographic areas that will be covered
- Highlights of the new data products
- The 2005 ACS Special Product for Gulf Coast Area
52Overview of Data Release Schedule
- Data collection is closed out just after the
beginning of a calendar year - Single-year and multi-year data products start
to become available in the summer of the same
year and continue to be released for several
months - The cycle repeats EVERY year
53Data Release Schedule
542005 ACS data release scheduleFour data releases
in 2006
- Each release will emphasize a theme
- Demographic and social topics - MidAugust
- Economic topics - End of August
- Housing topics - October
- Selected Population Profiles for race, Hispanic
Origin, and ancestry groups - November
55Greater Sample SizesMore geographic areas can be
56ACS Geographic Hierarchy
57U.S. Counties Receiving Single-Year Estimates
58West Virginia Only 7 counties will receive
estimates from the 2005 ACS in 2006
59West VirginiaEach of the Census 2000 PUMAs will
receive 2005 ACS estimates in 2006
60Publishing ACS estimates each year for the Census
2000 sample PUMAs will also help data users
interested in urban areas. This map shows the
city of Los Angeles partitioned into the Census
2000 sample PUMAs. ACS will publish for each of
these PUMAs in addition to Los Angeles county
61Data Release Limitations
- Disclosure Avoidance
- Census Bureaus Disclosure Review Board (DRB)
must clear all data products prior to their
release to the public. - Statistical Reliability
- Applied only to the one-year and three-year data
products - Data users must be able to use ACS estimates as
official Census Bureau data. Thus, some rules
must be in place to ensure minimum reliability of
62Data Release Limitations
- Statistical reliability is assured by
- Population size thresholds below which estimates
are not released (65,000 for single-year
products 20,000 for three-year products) - Data release testing and collapsing of tables
that fail testing is based on a pre-determined
coefficient of variation value that cannot be
63Overview of ACS Data Products
- Examples will follow for
- Detailed Tables
- Data Profiles
- Ranking Tables
- Subject Tables
- Selected Population Profiles
- Other products
- Narrative Profiles
- Change (Multi-Year) Profiles
- Public Use Microdata Sample Files (PUMS)
64Detailed Tables
- Basic distributions of characteristics, similar
to SF3 Detailed Tables - The foundation upon which other data products are
built - Show estimates and their associated lower and
upper bounds of the 90-percent confidence
interval - Include distributions for more than 500
characteristics, over 300 race and Hispanic
Origin iterations, and 81 imputation tables.
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66Data Profiles
- Provide estimates of selected summary
characteristics and important derived measures
for each geographic area - Rely on data tabulated in the Detailed Tables
- Produced for four sets of characteristics
- General demographic
- Social
- Economic
- Housing
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68Ranking Tables
- Currently available for over 80 subjects
- Available for states
- Each subject includes a table and a graphic
representation, which shows the 90 confidence
interval for each estimate - Graphs and tables show survey estimates and
90-percent confidence interval
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70Subject Tables
- Derived from Detailed Tables
- Show more detail than is available in the
Profiles - For a given topic, present distributions for a
few relevant subgroups - Allow for other measures such as medians and
aggregates where appropriate - Include the imputation rates for relevant measures
71Sample Subject Table(selection from U.S. Subject
72Selected Population Profiles
- Idea is to quickly produce a report on a
population or housing group of interest - Examples
- Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islander Race
- Groups Children under 18
- The elderly (60 and over)
73Selected Population Profiles
- First Selected Population Profiles were published
in January 2006 - Over 100 different Race, Hispanic Origin, and
Ancestry groups
74Sample Selected Population Profile(selection
from iterated Selected Population Profile for
Mexican Americans
75Other Products
- Special Tabulations
- Done on a reimbursable basis similar to the
Special Tabulations based on the 2000 Decennial
Census - Disclosure Review Board has different rules
for these tables than for the standard data
76Other Products
- Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS)
- Created each year from the full ACS sample
- Size will be approximately 1 of the total
sampling universe - Recoding and other techniques applied to data
to protect confidentiality
772005 ACS Special Product for Gulf Coast Area
- ACS provides timely data for the population
living in this area - Interviewing in each county every month makes
this product possible - May release of products with 2005 estimates for
- January - August
- September December
782005 ACS Special Product for Gulf Coast Area
- Disclosure avoidance requirement county or group
of counties must have at least 300 person
interviews - Local officials assisted in defining meaningful
groupings of counties - The estimates from Sept-Dec. will have larger
variances, but no additional data release rules
(for reliability) will be applied
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802005 ACS Special Product for Gulf Coast Area
- Counties that are too small have been combined
Example St. James,St. John the Baptist, and St.
Charles parishes in Louisiana have been grouped
into the River Parish Region 560 completed
81Contact Information
- Doug Hillmer
- American Community Survey Office
- Douglas.W. Hillmer_at_census.gov
- 301-763-2994
82Your Questions?