PNEUMONIA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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* * * * * * * * * * * For more severe cases treated in hospital in addition to antibiotic therapy fluids should be given to avoid dehydration, care of the mouth and skin. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Definition
  • Pneumonia is an infection of the pulmonary
    parenchyma. Despite being the cause of
    significant morbidity and mortality, pneumonia is
    often misdiagnosed, mistreated, and
  • It is usually caused by bacteria.
  • Clinically it presents as an acute illness
    characterized in the majority of cases by the
    presence of cough, purulent sputum and fever
    together with physical signs or radiological
    changes compatible with consolidation of the

  • Classification
  • Pneumonia can be classified both anatomically and
    on the basis of the aetiology.
  • Anatomical classification
  • Pneumonias are either localized, with the whole
    of one or more lobes affected (lober pneumonia) ,
    or diffuse, when they primarily affect the
    lobules of the lung, often in association with
    the bronchi and bronchioles - a condition
    referred to as 'bronchopneumonia'.

  • Aetiological classification
  • An aetiological factor can be discovered in
    approximately 75 of patients.
  • The term 'atypical pneumonia' has been used to
    describe pneumonia caused by agents such as
    Mycoplasma, Legionella, Chlamydia and Coxiella
  • While these pneumonias can differ from
    pneumococcal disease, there is a considerable
    overlap in clinical presentation and as these
    agents account for almost one-fifth of the cases
    of pneumonia , the term 'atypical' has been

  • Pneumonias may also result from
  • chemical causes, such as in the aspiration of
  • radiotherapy
  • allergic mechanisms.
  • Precipitating factors
  • Strep. pneumoniae - often follows viral infection
    with influenza or parainfluenza.

  • Hospitalized 'ill' patients - often infected with
    Gram-negative organisms.
  • Cigarette smoking (the strongest independent risk
    factor for invasive pneumococcal disease).
  • Alcohol excess.
  • Bronchiectasis (e.g. in cystic fibrosis).

  • Bronchial obstruction (e.g. carcinoma) -
    occasionally associated with infection with
    'non-pathogenic' organisms.
  • Immunosuppression (e.g. AIDS or treatment with
    cytotoxic agents) - organisms include
    Pneumocystis carinii, Mycobacterium
    avium-intracellulare, cytomegalovirus.
  • Intravenous drug abuse - frequently associated
    with Staph. aureus infection.
  • Inhalation from oesophageal obstruction - often
    associated with infection with anaerobes.

  • Pathology
  • Classic pneumonia evolves through a series of
    pathologic changes.
  • The initial phase is one of edema, with the
    presence of a proteinaceous exudateand often of
    bacteriain the alveoli. This phase so rapidly
    followed by
  • Red hepatization phase. The presence of
    erythrocytes in the cellular intraalveolar
    exudate gives this second stage its name, but
    neutrophils are also present and are important
    from the standpoint of host defense. Bacteria are
    occasionally seen in cultures of alveolar
    specimens collected during this phase.

  • Gray hepatization, no new erythrocytes are
    extravasating, and those already present have
    been lysed and degraded. The neutrophil is the
    predominant cell, fibrin deposition is abundant,
    and bacteria have disappeared. This phase
    corresponds with successful elimination of the
    infection and improvement in gas exchange.

  • Resolution, the macrophage is the dominant cell
    type in the alveolar space, and the debris of
    neutrophils, bacteria, and fibrin has been
    cleared, as has the inflammatory response.
  • This pattern has been described best for
    pneumococcal pneumonia and may not apply to
    pneumonias of all etiologies.

  • Clinical features
  • The clinical presentation varies according to the
    immune state of the patient and the infecting
    agent. In the most common type of pneumonia -
    caused by Strep. pneumoniae - there is often a
    preceding history of a viral infection.
  • Symptoms
  • The patient rapidly becomes ill with a high fever
  • pleuritic pain
  • Dry cough. A day or two later, rusty-coloured
    sputum is produced and at about the same time the
    patient may develop labial herpes simplex.

  • Signs
  • high temperature (up to 39.5C)
  • Rapid and shallow breathing
  • the affected side of the chest moves less, and
    signs of consolidation may be present together
    with a pleural rub.
  • Investigations
  • Chest radiography
  • Plain, X-ray
  • - confirms the area of consolidation but
    radiological changes lag behind the clinical
    course so that X-ray changes may be minimal at
    the start of the illness. Conversely,
    consolidation may remain on the chest X-ray for
    several weeks after the patient is clinically

  • The chest X-ray usually returns to normal by 6
    weeks, except in patients with severe airflow
  • Persistent changes on the chest X-ray after this
    time suggest a bronchial abnormality, usually a
    carcinoma, with persisting secondary pneumonia.
    Chest X-rays should rarely be repeated more
    frequently than at weekly intervals during the
    acute illness and then at 6 weeks after discharge
    from hospital.
  • CT,chest may be needed .

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  • Gram's Stain and Culture of Sputum
  • The main purpose of the sputum Gram's stain is to
    ensure that a sample is suitable for culture.
    However, Gram's staining may also help to
    identify certain pathogens (e.g., S. pneumoniae,
    S. aureus, and gram-negative bacteria) by their
    characteristic appearance.
  • The sensitivity and specificity of the sputum
    Gram's stain and culture are highly variable
    even in cases of proven bacteremic pneumococcal
    pneumonia, the yield of positive cultures from
    sputum samples is 50.

  • Blood Culture in the presence of bacteramia .
  • Antigen Tests
  • Two commercially available tests detect
    pneumococcal and certain Legionella antigens in
  • Polymerase Chain Reaction
  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests are
    available for a number of pathogens. However, the
    use of these PCR assays is generally limited to
    research studies.

  • Serology
  • A fourfold rise in specific IgM antibody titer
    between acute- and convalescent-phase serum
    samples is generally considered diagnostic of
    infection with the pathogen in question, such as
    Coxiella burnetii.
  • Recently, however, they have fallen out of favor
    because of the time required to obtain a final
    result for the convalescent-phase sample.

  • Mycoplasma pneumonia
  • Mycoplasma pneumonia is relatively common and
    often occurs in patients in their teens and
  • Generalized features such as headaches and
    malaise often precede the chest symptoms by 1-5
  • Cough may not be obvious initially and physical
    signs in the chest may be scanty.
  • On chest X-ray, usually only one lobe is involved
    but sometimes there may be dramatic shadowing in
    both lungs. There is frequently no correlation
    between the X-ray appearances and the clinical
    state of the patient.

  • The white blood cell count is not raised.
  • Cold agglutinins occur in half of the cases.
  • The diagnosis is confirmed by a rising antibody
  • Treatment is with macrolides, e.g. erythromycin
    500 mg four times daily for 7-10 days.
    Tetracycline is also effective. Although most
    patients recover in 10-14 days, the disease can
    be protracted for weeks and relapses occurring.
  • Lung abscesses and pleural effusions are rare.

  • Viral pneumonia
  • Primary viral pneumonia is uncommon in adults,
    influenza A virus or adenovirus infection being
    the commonest causes.
  • It predisposes patients to bacterial pneumonia by
    damaging the respiratory epithelium and
    facilitating bacterial infection. Influenza A
    (HSNI) normally does not affect humans but
    recently has been transmitted from fowls (Avian
    flu), crossing the species barrier. Patients
    present with fever, breathlessness, cough and
  • Lymphopenia and thrombocytopenia are present and
    pulmonary infiltrates are seen on chest X-ray.
  • The mortality rate is high.

  • Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is due
    to a novel coronavirus. The incubation period is
    approximately 5 days with spread between humans
    mainly by droplet infection.
  • The outbreak in 2003 affected many healthcare
    workers. Fever, malaise, headache and rigors were
    followed in the second week by cough,
    breathlessness and diarrhoea.
  • Lymphopenia, thrombocytopenia and pulmonary
    infiltrates (mainly in the lower zones) occur.
  • At the end of the second week 20 of patients
    deteriorate, developing ARDS, and the mortality
    is high.

  • Haemophilus influenzae
  • H. influenzae is a frequent cause of exacerbation
    of chronic bronchitis and can cause pneumonia in
    COPD patients.
  • The pneumonia can be diffuse or confined to one
  • There are no special features to separate it from
    other bacterial pneumonias.
  • It responds well to treatment with oral
    amoxicillin 500 mg 4 daily.
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Staph. aureus rarely cause pneumonia except
    after a preceding influenzal viral illness.
  • The infection starts in the bronchi, leading to
    patchy areas of consolidation in one or more
    lobes, which break down to form abscesses.

  • These may appear as cysts on the chest X-ray.
  • Pneumothorax, effusion and empyemas are frequent.
  • Septicaemia develops with metastatic abscesses in
    other organs.
  • Fulminating staphylococcal pneumonia can lead to
    death in hours.
  • Areas of pneumonia (septic infarcts) are also
    seen in staphylococcal septicaemia. This is
    frequently seen in intravenous drug abusers.
  • Pulmonary symptoms are often few but
    breathlessness and cough occur and the chest
    X-ray reveals areas of consolidation.
  • Abscess formation is frequent.

  • Gram-negative bacteria These are the cause of
    many hospital-acquired pneumonias but they are
    occasionally responsible for cases in the
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae
  • Pneumonia due to Klebsiella usually occurs in
    elderly people with a history of heart or lung
    disease, diabetes, alcohol excess or malignancy.
  • The onset is often sudden, with severe systemic
  • The sputum is purulent, gelatinous or
  • The upper lobes are more commonly affected and
    the consolidation is often extensive. .
  • The organism can be found in the sputum or in the
  • Treatment is dependent on the sensitivity of the
    organism, but a cephalosporin is usually
  • The mortality is high, partly owing to the
    presence of the predisposing condition.

  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Pneumonia due to Pseudomonas is of considerable
    significance in patients with cystic fibrosis,
    since it correlates with a worsening clinical
    condition and mortality.
  • It is also seen in patients with neutropenia
    following cytotoxic chemotherapy.
  • The isolation of P. aeruginosa from sputum must
    be interpreted with care because may simply
    represent contamination from the upper airways.
  • Treatment with the 4-quinolone antibiotic
    ciprofloxacin (200-400 mg i.v. over 30-60 minutes
    twice daily) or ceftazidime (2 g bolus i.v.
    8-hourly). Ticarcillin (15-20 g daily i.v.
    infusion) and piperacillin are active against
    these bacilli. These penicillins are usually
    given in combination with an aminoglycoside, e.g.
    gentamicin, for maximum benefit.

  • Sputum and blood should always be sent for
    culture but antibiotic treatment should not be
  • Severe cases need to be admitted to hospital and
    a chest X-ray performed. Other investigations,
    e.g. blood gases, are useful to detect
    respiratory failure and provide a baseline for
    comparison if the patient deteriorates.
  • The choice of antibiotics is inevitably
    empirical, and is largely directed at Strep.
    pneumoniae infections.
  • There is no convincing evidence that newer
    antibiotics provide any significant therapeutic
    advantage over established therapies.
  • For treatment of mild community-acquired
    pneumonia, oral amoxicillin at a dose of at least
    500 mg 8-hourly. Oral erythromycin (or
    clarithromycin, which is better tolerated) is an
    alternative choice for those sensitive to

  • For more severe cases treated in hospital,
    combined therapy with amoxicillin and a macrolide
    (erythromycin or clarithromycin) is recommended.
    When oral therapy is contraindicated, parenteral
    ampicillin or benzylpenicillin should be combined
    with clarithromycin.
  • ForStaph. aureus infection intravenous
    flucloxacillin sodium fusidate should be added.
    Fluoroquinolones are recommended for those
    intolerant of penicillins or macrolides.
  • For severe cases, parenteral antibiotics should
    be given with the combination of a broad-spectrum
    lactamase-stable beta-lactam antibiotic
    (co-amoxiclav or cefuroxime) and clarithromycin.

  • Parenteral antibiotics should be switched to oral
    once the temperature has settled for a period of
    24 hours and provided there is no
    contraindication to oral therapy.
  • The choice of antibiotics may be narrowed once
    microbiological results are available but it
    should be remembered that up to 10 of pneumonias
    may have mixed infections. .

  • Criteria for the diagnosis of severe
    community-acquired pneumonia
  • Clinical features
  • Respiratory rate 30/min
  • Diastolic blood pressure 60 mmHg
  • Confusion
  • High mortality particularly in those gt 65 years
  • Co-morbidity

  • Investigations
  • Chest X-ray - more than one lobe involved
  • Pao2 lt 8 kPa
  • Low albumin (lt 35 g/L)
  • White cell count (low lt 109/L or high gt 20
  • Raised serum urea (gt 7 mmol/L)
  • Blood culture - positive

  • For more severe cases treated in hospital in
    addition to antibiotic therapy fluids should be
    given to avoid dehydration, care of the mouth and
  • Cough should normally be encouraged, but if it
    is unproductive and distressing, cough
    suppressants can be given.
  • Physiotherapy is needed to help and encourage
    the patient to cough.
  • Pleuritic pain may require analgesia, but
    powerful analgesia (e.g. opiates) should be used
    with care because they cause respiratory
  • severe hypoxia, oxygen therapy should be given.

  • Lung abscess
  • This term is used to describe severe localized
    suppuration in the lung associated with cavity
    formation on the chest X-ray, often with the
    presence of a fluid level.
  • Abscesses may develop during the course of
    specific pneumonias, particularly when the
    infecting agent is Staph. aureus or Klebsiella
    pneumoniae. Septic emboli, usually staphylococci,
    result in multiple lung abscesses.
  • Infarcted areas of lung occasionally cavitate
    and rarely become infected.
  • Amoebic abscesses may occasionally develop in the
    right lower lobe following transdiaphragmatic
    spread from an amoebic liver abscess.
  • The patient is often anaemic with a high ESR.

  • Empyema means the presence of pus within the
    pleural cavity.
  • This usually arises from bacterial spread from a
    severe pneumonia or after the rupture of a lung
    abscess into the pleural space.
  • Typically an empyema cavity becomes infected with
    anaerobic organisms and the patient is severely
    ill with a high fever and a neutrophil
  • Empyemas should be treated by prompt tube
    drainage or by rib resection and drainage of the
    empyema cavity under ultrasound control.
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