A simile is a comparison using the word like or as. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A simile is a comparison using the word like or as.


A simile is a comparison using the word like or as. Read the examples below. blind as a bat slept like a log thin as a rail as white as snow Write similes to complete ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A simile is a comparison using the word like or as.

A simile is a comparison using the word like or
  • Read the examples below.
  • blind as a bat slept like a log
  • thin as a rail as white as snow
  • Write similes to complete the following phrases.
  • as fresh as _________________________
  • as busy as _________________________
  • hurt like __________________________
  • smooth as _________________________
  • shone like _________________________

  • Below are two lists of words. Match each word on
    the left with a word on the right. Use the two
    words to write a simile.
  • hair -brick
  • smile -snow
  • puppy -waterfall
  • Car - tree
  • test -sunshine

  • Choose an object from the list below. Then write
    as many similes as you can about it. Try to come
    up with at least five.
  • pencil apple plant
  • book key lake
  • 1. _______________________________________________
  • 2. _______________________________________________
  • 3. _______________________________________________
  • 4. _______________________________________________
  • 5. _______________________________________________

Read these metaphors and copy down whichever ones
speak to you. Then explain what you think it
  • The ocean is a sound of joy, just like opening
    that first present on Christmas morning.
  • War is a play, but a play in reality.
  • Heaven is the opening you make no one is going
    to hold the door open for you.
  • 4. Television is ice cream you want more and

  • Imagine that you are an ant. Describe what life
    is like. Get as detailed as possible. What do you
    see? Smell? Eat? Think? Say? Do? What is your day

Read the paragraph below. Notice the authorsuse
of imagery.
  • The ground was rich brown and smelled of growing
  • In the round, stone-encircled garden bed, flowers
    in a dizzying
  • variety of colors waved in the gentle breeze.
    Lydia trod upon
  • the grassy, verdant pathway, pausing to look at a
    stand of cheery
  • yellow daylilies. Upon them shiny, red beetles
    swarmed, from
  • stem to petal.
  • Draw a picture, of what the paragraph describes.
    Compare your picture with that of a classmate.
    How do they differ?

Writers use imagery to give readers a sense of
ascene. To do this, they use words that give
lots of sensory detail, not just facts about the
  • Write three or four sentences to describe the
    appearance of someone you know. Your description
    MUST NOT use any of the words below.
  • tall -pretty
  • short -fair
  • fat -dark
  • thin -blonde
  • handsome -light
  • ugly -beautiful

The sentence below gives a straightforward
description of an event.Rewrite the sentence
five times, using words that appeal to each of
thefive senses hearing, smell, touch, taste,
and sight.
  • As the snow fell, she walked down the street with
    a cup of hot chocolate.
  • hearing _________________________________________
  • smell ___________________________________________
  • touch ___________________________________________
  • taste ___________________________________________
  • sight ___________________________________________

  • Referee is to football as umpire is to
  • Baseball is to ball as hockey is to
  • Baseball is to diamond as basketball is to
  • Basketball is to sneakers as hockey is to
  • Baseball is to inning as football is to

  • Bird is to fly as fish is to
  • Parrot is to feathers as bear is to
  • Fish is to gills as squirrel is to
  • Cat is to kitten as cow is to
  • Canary is to yellow as polar bear is to
  • Ant is to six legs as spider is to

  • Open is to close as near is to
  • Soft is to loud as slow is to
  • Little is to small as large is to
  • Dishonest is to honest as always is to

Write your own hyperboles using the words below
  • Example Im SO hungry THAT I could eat a horse
  • Tired
  • Bored
  • Thirsty
  • Happy
  • Angry

Figurative Language
  • 1.  The sentence, "The spicy spaghetti was simply
    delicious," contains an example of
  • A.  Personification B.  Alliteration C. 
    Personification D.  hyperbole2.  "Her teeth
    are pearls," is an example of A.  Metaphor
    B.  Simile
  • C.  Hyperbole D.  alliteration
  • 3.  Which of the following statements is an
    example of  personification A. The house had
  • B. Her eyes are like blue marbles.
  • C. The sun kissed the dew off the grass.
  • D. She's so tired, she could sleep for ten

Figurative Language
  • 1. Which of the following statements is an
    example of hyperbole?
  • A.  The winter was wicked.
  • B.  His hands are baseball mitts.
  • C.  The bird's legs are like sticks.
  • D.  I am so tired, I could sleep for a million
  • 2.  Which of the following statements is an
    example of a simile? A.  Go jump in a lake.
  • B.  She's as sweet as pie. C.  Sally sold
    seashells by the seashore.
  • D.  The sun smiled upon us.
  • 3. The cars danced across the icy road," is an
    example of A.  Personification B. 
    Hyperbole C.  Simile D.  Metaphor

Figurative Language
  • 1. "The witch's eyes looked like two brown
    swamps, is an example ofA.  Personification B. 
    HyperboleC.  Simile D.  Alliteration
  • 2. Which of the following statements is a
  • A.  Her fingers are like gnarly branches.B. 
    Sally is as sweet as sugar.C.  I like cheeseD. 
    His desk is a jungle.
  • 3. Which of the following is an example of
  • A. Jasper jumped along the road while eating
    beef Jerky
  • B. James went to the big country jamboree.
  • C.  Tiffani took ten times as many as she should
    have.D.  Tammy has a baby raccoon under her back

Figurative Language
  • 1) This type of figurative language is used when
    words imitate the actual sound(s) made by the
    action or event. Examples include "clang" and
  • A. Onomatopoeia B. simile
  • C. Metaphor D. personification
  • 2) The plates danced on the shelves during the
    earthquake is an example of what type of
    figurative language?
  • A. Simile B. personification
  • C. Alliteration D. metaphor
  • 3) Which of the following is a simile?
  • A. He has the eyes of a hawk. B. She
    sings like an angel.
  • C. The walls in the house shook D. The man
    is a rock.

Name that Figurative Language!
  • 1.  Sally is the sunshine.
  • 2.  Sally sells seashells by the seashore. 
  • 3.  I ran a million laps around the track. 
  • 4.  The rainbow frowned at the rain.   
  • 5.  John is as fast as lightening.                

Figurative Language
  • 1.I was so hungry that I even ate the plate. What
    type of figurative language is used in this
    sentence? A) personification B) metaphor C)
    hyperbole D) simile
  • 2.My father was the sun and the moon to me. What
    type of figurative language is used in this
    sentence? A) hyperbole B) simile C)
    metaphor D) personification
  • 3.The rain seemed like an old friend who had
    finally found us. What type of figurative
    language is used in this sentence? A) simile B)
    metaphor C) personification D) onomatopoeia

Figurative Language
  • 4."Smash", when the cup fell off the table. What
    type of figurative language is used in this
    sentence? A) metaphor B) onomatopoeia C)
    personification D) hyperbole
  • 5.He was a library of information about baseball.
    What type of figurative language is used in this
    sentence? A) metaphor B) personification C)
    simile D) hyperbole
  • 6.The curtain was waving to everyone every time
    the wind blew through the open window. What type
    of figurative language is used in this
    sentence? A) personification B) metaphor C)
    onomatopoeia D) hyperbole
  • 7.The tree shook its branches angrily. What type
    of figurative language is being used in this
    sentence? A) metaphor B) personification C)
    onomatopoeia D) hyperbole

Figurative Language
  • 1.Drip, Drop, Drip, Drop went the rain drops
    falling on the roof. What type of figurative
    language is used? A) onomatopoeia B)
    metaphor C) personification D) alliteration
  • 2.Her head was so full of ideas that it was ready
    to burst wide open. What type of figurative
    language is used in this sentence? A)
    alliteration B) metaphor C) hyperbole D)
  • 3.The baby was like an octopus, grabbing for
    everything in sight. What type of figurative
    language is used? A) metaphor B) simile C)
    hyperbole D) personification

Figurative Language
  • 1.Teddy tiger tried tying teepees together. What
    type of figurative language is this sentence? A)
    onomatopoeia B) idiom C) alliteration D)
  • 2.Silly sally sang a silly summer song. What type
    of figurative language is this sentence? A)
    hyperbole B) onomatopoeia C) alliteration D)
  • 3.I like pancakes so much I could eat a million
    of them. What type of figurative language is used
    in this sentence? A) idiom B) hyperbole C)
    alliteration D) personification

Figurative Language
  • Which of the following is an example of a
  • The wind grabbed my arm.
  • The water is shiny.
  • I have a million things to do today.
  • The vibrating washer caused the house to shake.
  • His legs worked like part of a well-oiled
    machine. Is an example of
  • simile
  • metaphor
  • hyperbole
  • personification
  • "But when the trees bow down their heads..." is
    an example of
  • hyperbole
  • metaphor
  • personification
  • simile

Figurative Language
  • Which of the following characters is NOT an
    example of personification
  • a. SpongeBob b. Bugs Bunny
  • c. Homer Simpson
  • Shine like the sun is an example of
  • a. Hyperbole b. Personification
  • c. Simile d. Metaphor
  • I was so angry I thought I might explode is an
    example of
  • a. Hyperbole b. Personification
  • c. Simile d. Metaphor

Match the bold words to their definitions
  • 1. Because hyperactive children are easily
    distracted, teachers should provide a calm
  • 2. Shes resilient, not weak.
  • 3.  That man is so vociferous. I wish he would be
  • 4.  England has a monarchy and Queen Elizabeth is
    its head.
  • 5.  Hes averse to my position. I wish he would
    support me.
  • A. capacity to recover strength
  • B. opposed
  • C. over active
  • D. rule by royalty
  • E. loud

Your friend Ryan has moved to a new country and
is learning a new language. Read what he wrote in
his diary and see if you can figure out the
meaning to the underlined words.
  • I overslept this morning. I had to eat my bowl
    of poof-poofs very quickly, and I almost missed
    the tramzam. When I got to school, I realized I
    had forgotten my zilgping . Luckily, Ms. Jutzi is
    very zoosh, and told me I could bring it
  • After school, some friends and I played
    plingming. Its a new game I am learning. We
    scored 7 points and they only scored 5 points, so
    we were the zoiters!
  • Dad says that next weekend were going to the
    fladder . I cant wait! I love to swim and play
    in the sand. I hope I dont get a sunburn though.
  • Well, I better go to bed soon. I dont want to
    wake up late again and miss my tramzam!

Choose the best meaning of the underlined word.
  • Her quiet, timid ways made us guess at her true
    feelings about the story because she kept her
    ideas to herself and never spoke in the
    class. a. shy b. boisterous c. kind d.
  • 2. He was found running down the street after
    curfew, and his parents were penalized. The
    ticket read "Illegally in the streets at
    100A.M." Now he would have to pay the ticket
    with his own money.
  • a. crooked b. fined c. delicate d. informed
  • 3. The woman crossed her fingers as her daughter
    did the cheer. She was hoping that everything
    would work out for her daughter as she vied for a
    position on the squad. Her daughter wanted to be
    a cheerleader. a. shouted b. enclosed c.
    expanded d. tried

Choose the best meaning of the underlined word.
  • 1.It was difficult to listen to Tommy speak
    because he droned on and on just like a buzzer
    that won't stop buzzing.a. ideal b. same
    tone c. lively d. scared
  • 2. Thomas went to the apex of the mountain, and
    because it was so high, he had to take a tank of
    oxygen with him.a. bottom b. breathe c. top
    d. clear
  • 3. The apparatus that Jill used to connect the
    fabric was similar to a sewing machine, but this
    one did all of the work while she just pushed a
    button.a. idea b. zipper c. instrument d.

Choose the best meaning of the underlined word.
  1. The frigid air seemed to suck his breathe away as
    he attempted to finish his first snowman of the
    season a. deficient b. sappy c. thick d. cold
  2. The boy knew that the lake was teeming, and
    overflowing with bass, so he brought a big net to
    help get the fish in the boat.a. rare b.
    enclave c. full d. sparse
  3. The lithe girl was perfect for the basketball
    team because she was all muscle and could play
    well.a. lean b. cubed c. thick d. eerie

Choose the best meaning of the underlined word.
  1. Tommy was a real avid baseball card collector. He
    inherited the desire to collect cards because his
    dad had a collection, too.a. eager b.
    careless c. apart d. fearful
  2. Her Christmas bills added up. After the holidays,
    her extravagance was going to take several months
    to pay off.a. economy b. praise c.
    external d. overdoing
  3. It was gratifying to see how she acted toward her
    grandmother because her grandmother was always
    kind to her.a. pleasing b. nervous c.
    aggravating d. unclear

Choose the best meaning of the underlined word.
  1. The boy was caught stealing from the store. His
    larceny caught up with him when the owner showed
    him a video tape. a. gift b. theft c. lawless
    d. honor
  2. The ideas she presented to the class were clearly
    an untested theory because there had never been
    any research done on it.a. magic b. brutal c.
    indictment d. belief
  3. His eternal light would shine on the people even
    after his death.a. temporary b. ethical c.
    reformed d. endless

Choose the best meaning of the underlined word.
  • He cut the paper precisely on the line, and it
    fit perfectly in the grooves of the picture
    frame.a. exactly b. embellish c. outer d.
  • 2. The boy tried to justify his actions to his
    mother by explaining the reasons why he did what
    he did.a. depend b. prove c. strict d.
  • 3. She did several backbends in a row to show how
    limber she was, so that she could be chosen for
    the squad.a. enthused b. responsive c.
    likely d. flexible

Choose the best meaning of the underlined word.
  1. He had tried to understand what had happened
    before it happened, but in retrospect he knows he
    could never have known the outcome.a. offer b.
    revolution c. reflection d. uphold
  2. There was so much time that elapsed between the
    two events that Shelia had enough time to eat
    lunch.a. detained b. disposed c. elaborate d.
  3. Her manners lasped for only a minute when she
    said something with food in her mouth. Of course,
    her mother saw her and said something.a.
    explained b. slipped c. tensed d. allergic

Choose the best meaning of the underlined word.
  1. . He felt very indignant after his father told
    him that he would not be able to drive his truck
    until his grades improved.a. angry b.
    ignored c. deceived d. martyred
  2. The monstrous and massive oak table had to be
    lifted by four men to move it into the dining
    room.a. huge b. pile c. peaceful d.
  3. The entryway had marble and gold from top to
    bottom and it appeared opulent and showy. a.
    example b. optional c. expensive d.

Choose the best meaning of the underlined word.
  1. He tried to have realistic ideas, but his mind
    wandered and he bagan to dream of making more
    money than his education would let him.a.
    sensible b. apparent c. incapable d. lost
  2. The warnings kept appearing on our T.V. screen to
    stay inside because severe weather was moving
    into our area.a. eclipse b. jealous c. aspect
    d. stormy
  3. The smell of her perfume was overpowering, and we
    had to leave the room so that we could take a
    deep breath.a. slothful b. too much c. exact
    d. vertical

Choose the best meaning of the underlined word.
  • The ghastly face of the dead man floated up from
    the bottom of the pool and scared us all.a.
    tamed b. fat c. horrible d. egoistical
  • 2. The generous man handed out 20 dollar bills to
    the homeless at Christmas time.a. ignorant b.
    rendered c. overcast d. kind
  • 3. The boy always minded his mother and father's
    rules, and they loved their obedient child. a.
    independent b. do what he's told d. quiet

Choose the best meaning of the underlined word.
  • The smells coming from the kitchen enticed the
    neighbors to come over and investigate.
  • a. chose b. persuaded c. threatened
  • 2. We knew to look for the rainbow after the
    ensuing rains.a. rearranging b. oblique c.
    following d. entity
  • 3. She has devoted her life to making sure that
    the children of her community were fed and had a
    chance to go to the doctor.a. met b. given c.
    recorded d. decreased

Choose the best meaning of the underlined word.
  1. The young man frequently reads new books.
    Yesterday he checked out five more.a. often b.
    logically c. delved d. developed
  2. The man grew up on a farm and went to school in
    the rural community of Marfa.a. suburb b.
    island c. country d. static
  3. There was much evidence that the burglar had been
    in their home because chairs were overturned and
    many items were broken.a. help b. support c.
    mess d. decision

Write whether the conflict is considered internal
or external conflict.
  1. A policeman arresting you.
  2. A fear of the dark.
  3. A desire to keep your friend from getting hurt.
  4. Getting into a fistfight.
  5. Painful memories of your Grandmothers death.

Character Vs ?
  • Two three-year olds fight over the same toy dump
  • 2. An 80-year-old wants to attend his grandsons
  • graduation in another state, but is afraid that
  • health wont take the stress of the trip.
  • 3. Two teens on a hike get lost in a blizzard.
  • 4.During World War I, a young man with religious
  • beliefs against fighting is drafted into the

Disney cartoons are known for having strong usage
of color symbolism.
  • What color is Mufasa? Describe.
  • What color is Scar? Describe.
  • 3. Considering the two lions are brothers,
    explain why you think there is a difference in

Name that point of view!
  • All the same, he's a good man, truthful, kind and
    remarkable in his sphere," Anna said to herself,
    going back to her room, as if defending him
    before someone who was accusing him and saying
    that it was impossible to love him.
  • I have never enjoyed dogs.
  • Bob stared and Anna passionately while Anna
    stared at Bob with contempt.

See if you can match up the six symbolic items in
the first box with what they represent in the
  • Sword
  • Light bulb
  • Moon
  • Owl
  • sign
  • Fox
  • Money
  • Cunning
  • War
  • Idea
  • Night
  • Wisdom

  • The sun was shining brightly as the young child
    skipped through the meadow of daisies. The
    childs white sundress blended in almost
    perfectly with the flowers around her. She
    continued on skipping only coming to a stop when
    she heard a strange noise in close proximity.
    Heart pounding the girl pushed aside a bouquet of
    flowers and then let out a peal of laughter
  • What objects were used to symbolize innocence?

  • 1. When he realized he was still in one piece,
    he knew that at the very least he must be
    completely flat, with his face peering out of his
    own bottom and his brains leaking out of his
  • The authors tone is
  • Terrified
  • Excited
  • Humorous
  • Devastated

  • Just look at the Titanic! The captain said.
    Even God cant sink this ship. Then, on the
    first voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, boom, it
    hit and iceberg and sank. And as soon as a
    daredevil utters the words piece of cake before
    attempting a stunt, he is doomed. Piece of cake
    becomes his famous last words.
  • The authors tone is
  • Happy
  • Depressed
  • Unbiased
  • Sarcastic

Point of View
  • Then he looked behind him and saw that no land
    was visible. That makes no difference, he
    thought. I can always come in on the glow from
  • First Person Third Person Limited Third
    Person Omniscient
  • He gripped the dollar bill tightly. You cant
    have it, he told her.
  • First Person Third Person Limited Third
    Person Omniscient

  • Right now Jason was playing right field. He
    really wanted to play third base. Earlier this
    year, coach had put him in left field and second
    base in a game, but never at third base. Once in
    practice, coach let him play third base, but he
    kept missing ground balls. When he did stop one,
    he made a bad throw to first base. Maybe if he
    kept practicing, Jason would be good enough to
    play third base. That was his dream.
  • The Summary of this passage isA. Jason really
    wanted to play third base.B. Jason was the best
    player on his team.C. Jason had trouble catching
    ground balls.D. Jason was too lazy to practice.

Identifying the author's purpose. Read the
following passages and answer the questions.
  • 4. The day began like any other school day,
    except she really wanted to run to the bus and
    get to school. She had a feeling that she was
    going to be named homecoming queen.
  • a. entertain. b. persuade. c. inform.
  • 5. One of the most harmful creatures on earth is
    the fly. Flies spread harmful diseases. They pick
    up germs with their hair, spreading their germs
  • a. entertain. b. persuade. c. inform.
  • 6. Wouldn't you like to feel safe in your
    neighborhood? Please join our watch group. We
    need volunteers to protect our streets and report
    suspicious activity. a. entertain. b.
    persuade. c. inform.

Identifying the author's purpose. Read the
following passages and answer the questions.
  • Lisa always looked forward to the fall because of
    the Harvest Festival. Of course, she loved the
    rides, but she really enjoyed the shows. This
    year would be the best. Lisa had a special
    opportunity to perform in the talent show.
  • a. entertain. b. persuade. c. inform.
  • What do you do with aluminum cans? Do you throw
    them in the trash, or do you recycle when you are
    finished with them? At the rate we are filling
    our landfills, we will not have anywhere else to
    put our trash. If you recycle, you will help the
    environment. The next time you throw away your
    Coke can, think about putting it in a recycling
    bin. Your effort will help save your community.
  • a. entertain. b. persuade. c. inform.
  • Tomatoes were once considered poisonous. Some
    brave people finally took a bite of a tomato, and
    they survived. Now, we use tomatoes in our salads
    and sandwiches. Do you ever use tomato sauce or
    ketchup? These products are made of tomatoes. If
    it weren't for these brave individuals, you might
    not be able to enjoy ketchup with your
  • a. entertain. b. persuade. c. inform.

Jewelry is one way that people show their love
for gemstones. One of the most popular gemstones
is the blue topaz. Topaz comes in several
different colors after it is heat-treated, but it
starts off as a clear stone. It is mined from the
earth, and it comes out as a plain, clear stone
called white topaz. To get the light blue and
dark blue colors, the white topaz is "heat-
treated." The stones are placed in extreme heat
to turn them blue. The light blue stone is called
"Swiss blue topaz." The darker, deeper blue stone
is called the "London blue topaz." There is
another topaz is that is heated and makes a
kaleidoscope of colors called "mystic blue
  1. You can tell that a. the color of the stone
    determines what the stone will be called.b. the
    London blue topaz is the most popular gemstone.
    c. for the topaz to turn colors, it has to be
    heat-treated.d. the blue topaz is very expensive
    because it has to be heat-treated.
  2. The author suggests thata. many people have not
    heard of the blue topaz.b. topaz is found in the
    mountains of Peru.c. topaz starts off
    colorless.d. it takes a very long time for a
    topaz to turn colors.

Horses were his life. He was hoping that he would
get a horse for Christmas, but he knew his family
couldn't afford one. He had been working at the
local barn taking care of others' horses and
saving his money. He knew he didn't have enough
money to buy a horse. Daydreaming and dragging
along to work on Saturday morning, he stumbled
into his boss. That was odd, James didn't know
why his boss was there. The boss rarely worked
with horses since he had a lot of paperwork to
do. Just then, his parents drove up along with
the owner of his favorite horse, Oreo. His boss
began to explain that Oreo's owner had to move
out of state and couldn't take his horse with
him. James stood there shocked and bewildered as
they told him that Oreo would be his if he wanted
him. Oreo's owner said, "I think you'll need
this," as he handed him Oreo's saddle.
  • You can tell that Jason's bossa. knows that
    Jason deserves the horse.b. doesn't like Oreo's
    owner.c. works in stalls with Jason most of the
    time.d. wants Jason to take better care of Oreo.
  • 2. When the owner gives Jason Oreo's saddle, you
    can infera. that the owner wants Jason to saddle
    the horse, so the owner can ride him.b. that
    Oreo has not been trained with a saddle.c. that
    Jason has enough money to pay for this saddle.d.
    the owner wants to give Oreo to Jason.

Editing How many mistakes can you find?
  • Pumpkin Patch
  • Yesterday Erica whent two a pumpkin patch with
    her family. she picked out a huge, orange pumpkin
    to tak home It weighed ovr 15 pounds? Erica
    stumbled as she were carrying it to the car. Do
    you know what happened next. She dropped it
    pumpkin and it splattered all ovr the grownd.
    Erica yelled, Oh no!

Editing How many mistakes can you find?
  • Candy Shop
  • Jennifer Megan and Sarah whent to the candy
    shop. Jennifer bought a small bocks of fudge.
    Sarah paid fifty sents for a bag of jellybeans.
    Megan bought sum Twizzlers. The grls all walked
    to the park where they eated their candy.

Editing How many mistakes can you find?
  • Miniature Golf
  • Phil Matthew, and Andrew played miniature golf.
    On the first hole, Phil got a hole-in-one! At
    another hole, Matthew's Ball went into the water
    The best golfur of the day was Andrew who
    finished with a score of 28. Everyone had a grate

Editing How many mistakes can you find?
  • Camping
  • i went camping with my family. We whent fishing
    and I caught a big fish. I also whent Swimming
    with my brother. We hade a camp fire every night.
    The camping trip was lots of fun

Editing How many mistakes can you find?
  • Fish Tank
  • I have a really cool fish tank lots of excitin
    things inside. There is guppies, tetras, and a
    tiny shark inside. Also, their are three snail
    that climb up the glass walls. They eate the
    green algae and keep the tank clean A frog named
    flipper also live in the tank, but he usually
    hide under the rocks. Its fun to watch all the
    different creatures in mi tank.

Editing How many mistakes can you find?
  • Pet Shop
  • Nick and Jess and Monica went to the pet store.
    Nick bot a big bag food for his dog. Jess looked
    at the turtles and sade, I wish I could take one
    home! Monica was feeding crackers to scarlet, a
    red parrot that talked. Before they left,
    everybuddy went over to play wiff the tiny

Find ten capitalization errors and five spelling
errors in the letter below. Rewrite the letter
with the errors corrected.
  • deer Student,
  • Welcom to my Class and to Charlotte Cove middle
    school. Like you, im looking forward to an
    Exiting year togehter. To help me get to know
    you, please write a letter telling me a bit about
    Yourself. Hand in final draft by next tuesday.
  • sinserely,
  • Mr. Klepp

Read the following groups of words. Write S if
it is a sentence.Write F if it is a fragment.
  • 1. Kim took her drivers test yesterday.
  • 2. She failed.
  • 3. Will take it again next month.
  • 4. She is extremely disappointed.
  • 5. Practice makes perfect.
  • 6. Making left-hand turns.

Turn the following fragments into sentences.
  • 1. the chicken in your salad
  • 2. from one place to another
  • 3. the soccer ball in the goal
  • 4. with my mother
  • 5. to pick up some milk

Read the following sentences. Rewrite those that
contain double negatives so that they contain
only one negative.
  • 1. You dont need no shoes.
  • 2. We never catch nothing when we go fishing.
  • 3. Nobody ignored the fire alarm when it sounded.
  • 4. We didnt have none of the new uniforms for
    our game.
  • 5. Theres hardly any time left for questions.

Write the name of your favorite food in the
middle of the circle and an adjective that
describe that food on each of the spokes
Describe the picture with as many descriptive
words as possible
Choose an object that can be found in your
classroom. Describe the object, using the
headings below.
  • Object youve chosen
  • Size
  • Shape
  • Color
  • Smell
  • Taste
  • Texture

  • How would you describe your house to someone who
    has never visited there before?

Describe the picture with as many descriptive
words as possible
Describe the picture with as many descriptive
words as possible
Describe the picture with as many descriptive
words as possible
Identify whether each group of words is a
complete sentence, fragment, or a run-on.
  • 1. Yellow is a soothing color. a. sentence b.
    fragment c. run-on
  • 2. Catching the school bus. a. sentence b.
    fragment c. run-on
  • 3. Before she left for school. a. sentence b.
    fragment c. run-on
  • 4. The crowd cheered. a. sentence b.
    fragment c. run-on
  • 5. Today is a beautiful day there is no chance of
    rain. a. sentence b. fragment c. run-on
  • 6. The boy plays soccer, his best friend is on
    the team. a. sentence b. fragment c. run-on

Write an introduction for the following prompt
  • What do you think about people who are
    inconsiderate of others?

Write an introduction for the following prompt
  • What is your favorite month? Why?

Write an introduction for the following prompt
  • Which quality best describes your life--exciting,
    organized, dull--and why?

Write a conclusion for the following prompt
  • Where would you prefer to be right
    now--mountains, desert, beach--and why?

Write a conclusion for the following prompt
  • What is your favorite song and why?

Write a conclusion for the following prompt
  • Which is least important to you--money, power,
    fame--and why?

Identify whether each group of words is a
complete sentence, fragment, or a run-on.
  • 1. Karen plays the drums, she practices
    everyday.a. Sentence b. fragment c. run-on
  • 2. That I remember when I was a child.a.
    Sentence b. fragment c. run-on
  • 3. If it is raining, we will not be able to go
    outside.a. sentence b. fragment c. run-on
  • 4. Listening to the speaker, I started to
    daydream.a. Sentence b. fragment c. run-on

Identify whether each group of words is a
complete sentence, fragment, or a run-on.
  • 1 . Which was built in 1950.a. sentence b.
    fragment c. run on
  • 2 .Needed the materials for the science
    project.a. sentence b. fragment c. run on
  • 3 . Bertha gave me a computer game for my
    birthday last week.a. sentence b. fragment c.
    run on
  • 4 . Talking on the phone for a couple of hours
    last night, i forgot to do my homework.a.
    sentence b. fragment c. run on
  • 5 . When we adopted the cutest puppy at the
    animal shelter.a. sentence b. fragment c. run

  • 1. We (is, are) going to go to the movies today
    after school. 2. The tables (was, were) loaded
    down with food during the holidays. 3. Several
    of the children (was, were) painting the wall
    with their fingers.
  • 4. Some of the cake (was, were) left on the
    table.5. Some of the boxes (was, were) opened
    and thrown in the trash.

  1. Nobody near the trees (likes, like) the new game
    that they are playing.
  2. Few of the apples (is, are) still hanging on the
  3. James and Sally (is, are) going to find the new
  4. Tilda (seems, seem) to think that Tom was not at
  5. J.J. (is, are) the neighbor's really sweet dog.

  • 1. Sally is older than Tommy, but she is youngest
    of Sally.a. Sally is older than Tommy, but she
    is younger than Sally.b. Sally is the oldest of
    Tommy, but she is youngest of Sally.c. Sally is
    older than Tommy, but she is young of Sally.d.
    No error
  • 2. There are six of the finest kittens that you
    will ever see.a. There are six of the finer
    kittens that you will ever see.b. There are six
    of the fine kittens that you will ever see.c.
    There are six of the fines kittens that you will
    ever see.d. No error
  • 3. I looked out the more better classroom
    window.a. I looked out the most better classroom
    window.b. I looked out the best classroom
    window. c. I looked out the bestest classroom
    window.d. No error

  • 1. I have a problem with that work it is more
    harder than the other.a. I have a problem with
    that work it is hard than the other.b. I have a
    problem with that work it is hardest than the
    other.c. I have a problem with that work it is
    harder than the other.d. No error
  • 2. She was more friendlier than her sister.a.
    She was friendlier than her sister.b. She was
    more friendliest than her sister.c. She was
    friendly than her sister.d. No error
  • 3. I sang the loudest in the crowd of merry
    people.a. I sang more loudly in the crowd of
    merry people.b. I sang more loud in the crowd of
    merry people.c. I sang loudlier in the crowd of
    merry people.d. No error

  • 1. Sugar is the sweeter of the two sweeteners.a.
    Sugar is the more sweeter of the two
    sweeteners.b. Sugar is the sweetest of the two
    sweeteners.c. Sugar is the sweetlier of the two
    sweeteners.d. No error
  • 2. Tanya is the nicer of the five girls.a. Tanya
    is the most nicest of the five girls.b. Tanya is
    the more nice of the five girls.c. Tanya is the
    nicest of the five girls.d. No error
  • 3.Jay is the smartest of the two boys.a. Jay is
    the smart of the two boys.b. Jay is the most
    smartest of the two boys.c. Jay is the smarter
    of the two boys.d. No error

Combining Sentences
  • 1. Policemen and firemen protect citizens
    everyday we should respect them.A. Policemen
    and firemen protect citizens and respect them.B.
    Policemen and firemen protect citizens everyday.
    C. Policemen protect citizens everyday.D. No
  • 2. Veronica bought flowers. She planted flowers
    to landscape her yard.A. Veronica bought flowers
    to landscape her yard.B. Veronica bought and
    planted flowers to landscape her yard.C.
    Veronica bought flowers and plants.D. No error

Combining Sentences
  • The storm approached. The fisherman in the shrimp
    boat had to go back to shore.
  • A. The storm approached the shore the fisherman
    had to go back.B. The storm approached the
    shrimp boat.C. The storm approached the
    fisherman in the shrimp boat had to go back to
    shore.D. No error
  • 2. Alex wants to make the marching band. Troy
    wants to make the marching band.A. Alex and Troy
    want to make. B. Alex, and Troy want to make the
    marching band. C. Alex and Troy want to make the
    marching bandD. No error

Combining Sentences
  • We made brownies and cookies with walnuts in them
    for the bake sale.
  • A. We made brownies for the bake sale.B. We
    made brownies and cookies with walnuts in
    them.C. We made brownies and cookies for the
    bake sale.D. No error
  • The mouse searched for cheese. The mouse scoured
    the house.
  • A. The mouse searched the house.B. The mouse
    searched and scoured the house for cheese.C. The
    mouse searched for cheese.D. The mouse scoured
    the cheese.

Combining Sentences
  • I want to buy a French-English dictionary and a
    camera before we go to France.
  • A. I want to buy a French-English dictionary,
    and a camera before we go to France.B. I want to
    buy a French-English dictionary and a camera.C.
    I want to buy a French-English dictionary before
    we go to France.D. No error
  • 2. We went to an art museum, and zoo for our
    field trip.
  • A. We went to an art museum and zoo. B. We went
    to an art museum and zoo for our field trip. C.
    We went to the zoo for our field trip.D. No error

Combining Sentences
  • The girl's, and boy's choir did well at the
    concert last night, and they received high
  • A. The girl's and boy's choir did well at the
    concert last night, and they received high
    awards.B. The girl's choir did well at the
    concert last night, and they received high
    awards. C. They did well at the concert last
    night, and they received high awards.D. No
  • Mark washed the outside of the car. Matt washed
    the outside of the car.
  • A. Mark washed the outside of the car and
    Matt.B. Mark washed the outside of the car. C.
    Mark and Matt washed the outside of the car.D.
    No error

  • 1. The donkies' saddle was placed on the ground
  • A. The donky's saddle was placed on the
    ground. B. The donkey's saddle was placed on the
  • C. The donkies saddle was placed on the
    ground. D. No error
  • 2. The ladies dress was hung on a hanger in her
    closet. A. The ladys' dress was hung on a hanger
    in her closet. B. The ladies' dress was hung on
    a hanger in her closet. C. The lady's dress was
    hung on a hanger in her closet. D. No error

  • 1.The woman's coat was found on a chair . A. The
    woman coat was found on a chair . B. The womans'
    coat was found on a chair . C. The womans coat
    was found on a chair . D. No error
  • 2. The childrens' ideas were put on paper . A.
    The children's ideas were put on paper . B. The
    children ideas were put on paper . C. The
    childrens ideas were put on paper . D. No error

  • 1. Johns red truck was found on the side of the
  • A. Johns' red truck was found on the side of the
    road.B. John's red truck was found on the side
    of the road.C. John red truck was found on the
    side of the road.D. No error
  • 2. He shouldnt have told too many people that
    story.A. He shouldn't have told too many people
    that story.B. He should'nt have told too many
    people that story.C. He shouldnt' have told too
    many people that story.D. No error

  • 1. Please hand the girl's paper to her. A.
    Please hand the girl paper to her. B. Please
    hand the girls' paper to her. C. Please hand the
    girls paper to her. D. No error
  • 2. Its' of little or no concern of hers. A. Its
    of little or no concern of hers. B. It's of
    little or no concern of hers. C. Its it is of
    little or no concern of hers. D. No error

I Vs. Me
  1. The present is for my wife and (me, I).
  2. John asked Tom and (me, I) to go with him to the
  3. The photographer came to take a picture of Tom,
    Susan and (me, I).
  4. You can give the check to Bob or (me, I).
  5. Through the forest Tom and (me, I) ran.

I Vs. Me
  1. Give the ball to (me, I), for I am the leading
  2. Coach yelled at Rick, Tim, and (me, I) for not
    paying attention.
  3. When returning the book, Tom and (me, I) had to
    pay a late fee.
  4. If it were (me, I), you wouldnt get paid at all.

  1. When conditions are right that horse can run just
    like its father.
  2. His four favorite artists are Monet Renoir Degas
    and Manet.
  3. Let Warren and Andrea our most skillful speakers
    present our proposal.
  4. Long regarded as a leading newspaper the
    Washington Post boasts an outstanding staff of

  1. Students without funds for example may now borrow
    money easily.
  2. I enjoy reading stories about athletes who
    competed during the late 1950s.
  3. Both Francis Bacon the philosopher and Francis
    Bacon the painter have contributed to mankind.
  4. Carl Monroe the chairman of the board of
    directors was once a well known television

  • Milo, Phoebe, and I (was / were) offering our
  • Neither of you (jump / jumps) to conclusions. 
  • Some say the Indians (has / have) been treated
  • There (was / were) only two choices on the menu.
  • 5. Rudy as well as his cat (like / likes) milk. 

Double Negatives
  1. We barely had (any, no) money.
  2. William (could, couldnt) hardly wait.
  3. Jim was not carrying (no, any) packages.
  4. The tear in his shirt (was, was not) barely
  5. The lecturer did not say (anything, nothing)

Correct me
  1. The students desks are lined neatly in a row.
  2. She doesnt hardly get any sleep at night.
  3. Their are too many cooks in the kitchen.
  4. I watched a presentation by senator Kerr.

First Person Point of View Pronouns
Definition Example sentence
Second Person Point of View Pronouns
Definition Example sentence
Third Person Point of View Pronouns
Definition Example sentence
Third Person Limited vs. Omniscient Pronouns for
both Definition for limited Definition for
omniscient Example of limited passage Example
of omniscient passage
Parts of Speech
  1. Do you want to come to the playground with us? A
    NounB VerbC AdjectiveD Adverb
  2. Mandy was so happy she skipped down the street.
    A NounB VerbC AdjectiveD Adverb
  • 3. We hung shiny decorations on our Christmas
  • A NounB VerbC AdjectiveD Adverb
  • 4. Carlos can run faster than anyone in our
  • A NounB VerbC AdjectiveD Adverb

  • "I don't want a babysitter. I am eleven years
    old. My babysitter is only three years older than
    I am," she loudly yelled to her Mom. Now, she
    really wished she had somebody with her as she
    heard the clicking, scratching noises outside of
    the living room window. "This is silly. It's
    probably the storm," the girl said. She regretted
    watching the horror show she had been tuned into
    for the last half hour. As she searched for the
    remote to turn off the vampire movie, the front
    door blew open with a thunderous noise. Carla
    whirled around to see a dark image.

1. Carla didn't want a babysitter because A. She
believes she is old enough to take care of
herself. B. She wants to watch scary movies. C.
Carla's mother leaves her alone all the time. D.
Carla's babysitter is only three years older than
Carla. 2. What made Carla turn around? A. The
dark image that appeared at the door. B. The
front door blew open. C. Carla's babysitter
appeared at the door. D. Carla couldn't find the
remote control.
  • James licked the final square, posted it at the
    top corner of the envelope and dropped it in the
    large blue box. He hoped it would get there in
    time. Nobody likes a late birthday message.
  • What is James doing?
  • 2. I just cant figure them out. Sometimes I get
    so frustrated. Like when I ask the file to save,
    and I come back and hour later and it has erased
    my paper. Those are the things that just
    irritate me. I also cant stand all these goofy
    names, mouse, web surfing, who ever made up
    such nonsense.
  • What is frustrating this man?

  • 1. He loved all the characters. That was the
    best part of the show. Homer, Marge, Bart, they
    all made him laugh. It was nice to sit down,
    smile, and not worry about a thing after a long
    day of working.
  • What show does this person watch to relax?
  • 2. To be or not to be, that is the question, he
    would recite those famous words from his favorite
    playwright. He loved Hamlet, and Mac Beth, but
    his favorite, well his favorite had to be A
    Midsummer Nights Dream.
  • Who is this persons favorite playwright?

Facts or Opinions?
  1. NASA's films of the Moon are poorly done.
  2. Hollywood makes really believable space movies.
  3. In the astronaut Moon pictures, there are no
    background stars.
  4. In space, astronauts are exposed to radiation.
  5. There are Moon rocks in museums.

Authors Purpose
  • 1. The easy Chopper 3 will chop your vegetables
    for you in about 30 seconds. It is easy to use
    and you can use any vegetable. The cost is
    29.95. Order yours today!
  • The author's purpose of this writing is to
  • 2. Abraham Lincoln's birthday is on Feb. 12th. He
    was a great President of the United States. He
    was our 16th President. He is remembered for
    freeing the slaves.
  • The author's purpose of this writing is to

Match the symbols to what they symbolize
  1. dove
  2. spring
  3. water
  4. winter
  5. eagle
  6. skull
  7. rose
  8. crown
  9. wedding ring
  10. cross bones
  11. sunrise
  12. full moon
  13. autumn
  • Peace
  • Death
  • youth, birth, life
  • middle age, maturity
  • love, beauty
  • love, commitment
  • death, danger
  • danger, weirdness
  • new start, beginning
  • wealth, royalty
  • freedom, liberty, strength
  • death, dying, old age
  • birth, rebirth

  • Write a few sentences from the point of view of a
    dog on a walk with a HAPPY tone
  • Now rewrite those sentences with an angry tone

  • Write your own paragraph that contains symbolism
    of danger

  • When some people think about Texas, they
    think of cowboys on the open range-herding cattle
    up a dusty trail. However, Texas has much more
    than open prairie with large herds of cows. There
    are the mountains of West Texas, the piney hills
    of east Texas, and the emerald waters off the
    coast of Padre Island. Texas also has large
    coastal harbors with numerous sailboats,
    powerboats, inland lakes, rivers, swamps of
    southeast Texas with alligators and other exotic
  • The Summary of this passage isA. There are a
    lot of cows in Texas.B. There are many
    different, varied parts of Texas.C. Texas is one
    of the biggest states in the United States.D.
    There are alligators in the swampland of
    southeast Texas

  • Tomorrow is Jill's birthday. She is excited
    because she gets to pick where she will eat
    dinner. Will it be Mexican food at the Big
    Enchilada House? Or will it be fried chicken at
    the Chicken Shack, or a big cheeseburger at Al's
    Hamburger Palace. She just couldn't decide. Then
    there was always the Pizza Shop with that great
    pepperoni pizza. How would she ever decide? Maybe
    she would just flip a coin.
  • The Summary of this passage isA. Jill has many
    restaurants to choose from for her birthday.B.
    Jill loves Mexican food.C. The Pizza Shop has
    the best pizza in town.D. Jill will choose a
    place by flipping a coin.

  1. A notebook and a pen (is, are) lying on the desk
    in the library.
  2. My son, along with two friends, (is, are) coming
    for the weekend.
  3. Sitting on the sofa (was, were) two students from
  4. Either the workers or the manager (is, are)
    coming to the conference.
  5. Not only the students, but also the teacher (has,
    have) been unhappy.
  6. Everybody (hate, hates) to take tests.

Double Negatives
  • 1. She couldnt eat (anything, nothing).
  • 2. I didnt see (nothing, anything).
  • 3. We (could, couldnt) hardly see through the
  • 4. She did not have (anything, nothing) to read.
  • 5. I could not see (no, any) way to help.

Write a paragraph about this astronaut, in third
person p.o.v.
Write a paragraph about this girl in first person
Write a paragraph about this dog in second person
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