Title: 081207A
1 2Ephesians 44-6
There is one body and one Spirit, just as you
were called in one hope of your calling one
Lord, one faith, one baptism one God and Father
of all, who is above all, and through all, and in
you all.
3The Unity of the Spirit
- Undenominational (One Body)
- Living by the Word (One Spirit)
- Spiritual Kingdom (One Hope)
- Authority of Word (One Lord)
- Absolute Truth (One Faith)
- True Salvation (One Baptism)
- True Worship (One God Father)
4Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
Most denominations play instruments of music in
their worship services (organs, pianos, harps,
even bands or orchestras).
5Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
- Why dont we use musical instruments in our
worship to God? - NOT BECAUSE
- We dont like it
- We cant afford it
- Weve never had it
6Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
Offering Worship to God that is Acceptable to
Him (Lawful, by His Authority). The Priority of
Preserving Unity Among Gods People.
7Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
Do the NT Scriptures teach us to praise God with
musical instruments, or do they teach us to
simply sing (vocal music)?
8Acceptable Worship
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Matthew 2630 Mark 1426 Acts 1625 Romans
159 1 Cor. 1415 Ephesians 518-20 Colossians
316 Hebrews 212 1315 James 513
What Has God Said?
9Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
Not even one time do the New Testament scriptures
indicate, either by command or example or
implication, that God wants us to use musical
instruments in worship to Him.
10Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
Ephesians 519 be filled with the
Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and
hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making
melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks
always for all things to God the Father
Our Lord SPECIFIED the instruments of music He
wanted His church to use in worship to Him The
human voice and the human heart.
11Acceptable Worship
Testimony of History
- New Testament Christians sang but DID NOT use
mechanical instruments in their worship
assemblies. - For nearly1,000 years after the death of Christ,
Christians worshipped God without the use of
mechanical instruments. - Music in the assembly came to be known as
acappella music, that is, music according to
the chapel music using only the human voice in
praise of God. - From the 1500s until the mid-1800s, Protestant
churches DID NOT play instruments of music in
worship to God.
12Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
1 Theyre just Aids or Expedients.
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
13Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
BIG DIFFERENCE between Aid Addition An AID
helps without changing An ADDITION changes /
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
14Command Aid Addition
Gopher Wood
Trays, Cups
Bread Fruit of the Vine
Play an Instrument
Song books, PowerPoint, 4-Parts
15Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
2 God didnt say we couldnt use them.
16Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
The question is not Where did God exclude, but
Where did God INCLUDE instrumental music?
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
17Respecting Gods Authority
- When God SPECIFIES what He wants, it
automatically makes anything ELSE in the same
18Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
3 They were used in the worship of the Jews in
the Old Testament. If God was pleased then, He
will be pleased now.
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
19Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
- Are we authorized to
- offer animal sacrifices?
- burn incense?
- observe the Sabbath Day?
- wear priestly garments?
- enforce tithing?
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
20Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
We live under the New Covenant Col. 214-17
Heb. 109-10 Old Law has been replaced by the
Gospel of Christ.
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
21Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
4 - The Greek word psallo in Eph. 519 means
singing AND playing.
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
22Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
23Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
One hundred and forty-eight scholars who
translated the King James Version and American
Standard Version have said with one voice that
psallo in the New Testament means sing, not
sing and play.
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
24Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
- Psallo
- Originally meant to touch, feel, or pluck
anything then to pluck a harp. - Then to sing psalms, with or without the
accompaniment of the harp. - In NT times to sing a hymn, to celebrate the
praises of God in song (Thayer) to sing a
hymn, sing praise (Vine). - Compare the word gay today to its use prior to
the mid-1900's.
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
25Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
- Psallo
- Lyric originally meant that which pertained to
a lyre, a musical instrument like a harp. But
today the lyrics are the words of a song, which
cannot possibly be played on any instrument. The
word changed meaning due to its usage. Originally
it referred to an instrument, but now it refers
to vocal music and has nothing to do with
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
26Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
Even if psallo did include the idea of plucking
in New Testament days (it didnt), the instrument
to pluck is specified by the Lord Eph. 519
making melody with the heart
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
27Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
Surely if PSALLO/PSALMOS in the New Testament
included musical instruments, the early church
would have so understood and would have used
instruments. But history unanimously tells us
they did not. Why not, if these words include
their use?
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
28Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
5 - Harps are portrayed in the worship of God
in heaven. Revelation 58
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
29Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
- Revelation is a book of symbols based on OT
imagery. - Does heaven actually contain golden bowls of
incense? - a Lamb with 7 horns and eyes? palm branches? a
red dragon? a river of blood? HARPS?
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
30Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
If the book of Revelation authorizes instrumental
music in worship for Christians, then it
authorizes all of the Old Testament worship
practices for Christians.
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
31Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
6 God gave us our musical talents we should
use them to glorify God.
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
32Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
- What about others with talents?
- Basketball in worship
- Art in worship
- Cooking in worship
- Woodworking in worship
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
33Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
7 It makes the singing more beautiful.
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
34Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
- Beautiful for whom?
- What is beautiful to God?
- Beautiful sound?
- Beautiful heart?
- Worship is not to be judged by how much man is
pleased. 2 Cor. 59
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
35Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
8 We use them in the home so we can use
them in the church!
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
36Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
In the home we can do many things that would
not be right to do in the worship of the
church! 1 Cor. 1133-34
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
37Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
Question If God does not authorize musical
instruments in worship, what gives us faith to
believe that playing or listening to so-called
Christian music outside the assembly is
pleasing to God?
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
38Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
9 We can bring in a bigger crowd people
like this kind of music.
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
39Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
- Could do many things to get a bigger crowd.
- Give away money
- Give away a new car
- John 626
- Our purpose is to please God, not get a crowd.
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
40Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
- Aids or Expedients?
- God didnt say No?
- Used in OT worship?
- Psallo singing AND playing?
- Harps in heaven?
- Talents glorify God?
- More beautiful singing?
- Use in home use in church?
- Bigger crowd?
Arguments For Instruments Of Music
41Acceptable Worship
Music In NT Worship
Everyone agrees that the NT authorizes SINGING.
Will we PLAY and HOPE that God will accept our
worship? Isa. 558-9 Prov. 1412 Matt.
721 Will we cause divisions among brethren?
Psa. 1331 Prov. 619
42Will You Become A Christian?
Hear the Gospel (Rom. 1017) Believe that Jesus
is the Son of God (Mk. 1616) Repent of Your Sins
(Acts 1730) Confess Jesus as Lord (Rom.
109-10) Be Baptized for Forgiveness of Sins
(Acts 238) Live Faithfully until You Die (Rev.