Title: Diamond Crystal Growth
1Production of nano-thin graphite films by
CVD A.N. Obraztsov1,2 , A.V. Tyurnina2, E.A.
Obraztsova2, A.A. Zolotukhin2, K.N. Eltsov3, B.V.
Andryushechkin3 1 University of Joensuu, Joensuu
801101, Finland 2 Moscow State University, Moscow
119992, Russia 3 General Physics Institute,
Moscow 119991, Russia ABSTRACT Nanometrically
thin graphite films were obtained on Ni
substrates by chemical vapor deposition in DC
plasma activated mixture of hydrogen and methane.
The graphene layers in the film conformed the
substrate surface except ridges of a few tens
nanometers in height. The STM study shown an
atomically smooth graphite surface with a
typical hexagonal order in between the ridges.
The supposed origin of the ridges is the
difference in thermal expansion of nickel and
graphite at CVD growth process. The film
thickness is estimated to be in the range of 1
to 10 nm using Auger and Raman spectroscopy
2CVD process (carbon vapor deposition)
900 1100 єC
3SEM images of films deposited on Si (a) and Ni
(b, c) substrates with identical conditions of
CVD process. The image (c) obtained with sample
tilt of 75.
4 STM images of surface of graphite film grown on
Ni corresponding to atomic arrangement of ideal
graphite single crystal (a) and with graphene
layers stacking fault producing the moirй (b).
5Raman spectra of CVD films obtained on Si (curve
1) and Ni (curve 2) substrates. Spectrum 1 is
presented after subtraction of PL.
6Schematic presentation of three stages in
deposition process of graphite film on Ni
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