Title: LifeCell Corporation
1LifeCell Corporation
- Branchburg, NJ
- www.lifecell.com
- 1994 Commercial introduction of AlloDerm
- gt 40,000 patients treated to date
- Currently 120 employees
2LifeCell Corporation Financials
- Operating Income
- 2001 (1.52M)
- 2002 1.40M
- 2003 2.08M
- Product sales
- 2001 26.6M
- 2002 24.3M
- 2003 28.0M
- Stock price
- 6/30/99 4.125
- 3/00 12.62
- 4/01 1.25
- 4/1/03 8.50
3One year performance vs. NASDAQ
4AlloDerm Tissue Processing Technology
- Begin with donated skin purchased from tissue
banks - Processing to remove epidermis (12 hours in 1 M
NaCl) - Processing to remove all cellular components (1
hour in 0.5 SDS) - eliminates the immune response in the patient
5AlloDerm Tissue Processing Technology
- Result matrix of collagen, elastin, intact
basement membrane, glycosaminoglycans (proteins) - Matrix is then freeze-dried without damaging the
matrix protein structure - cryoprotectant dextran, sucrose, raffinose
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7AlloDerm for grafting
Click to view actual size Product Code Size Thickness Thickness
1000th/inch mm
(No image available) 101010 nonmeshed 7-20 0.18-0.50
101510 premeshed 11 7-20 0.18-0.50
Order by size (total cm2 required) Order by size (total cm2 required) Order by size (total cm2 required) Order by size (total cm2 required)
102009 2 cm 4 cm 6-12 0.17-0.29
102010 2 cm 4 cm 13-24 0.18-0.62
102020 3 cm 7 cm 20-29 0.50-0.73
102025 4 cm 5 cm 7-24 0.18-0.62
8General Use of AlloDerm
- Scaffold for growth of new tissue
- Patients cells repopulate and lay down their
matrix - Vasculature grows in
- Graft becomes incorporated into surrounding
tissue and is eventually indistinguishable from it
9AlloDerm Structure
10 Day 1 Day 7-10
11 Day 45 Day 90
12Third Degree Burn Treatment
- Dermis is damaged (does not normally regenerate -
is replaced with scar tissue) - Standard treatment - full thickness graft from
unburned part of body (often meshed) - Creates donor site wound that is as bad as (or
worse than) the burn site
13Burn Treatment with AlloDerm
- Use AlloDerm in place of full thickness graft
- Still requires an ultra-thin autograft (epidermis
only) from the patient - 0.006 vs. 0.014
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15Results with AlloDerm
- Over time, graft is repopulated with cells and
blood vessels and becomes part of surrounding
skin - Excellent cosmetic appearance
- Excellent range of motion - used especially at
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172.5 years post-op
18Other Uses Currently Approved
- Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- some ethical issues
- Periodontal Surgery
- replaces gingiva rather than dermis
19Regulatory Status
- Considered by FDA to be a banked human tissue -
not regulated by FDA - Regulated by AATB - much easier
- Some new applications are being considered
devices by FDA - these will be regulated
20Other Products
- Repliform in urogynecology
- Incontinence treatment
- Bladder sling - lift and support the neck of the
bladder and provide urethral support - Pelvic floor reconstruction
- Partnership with Boston Scientific
- HUGE Market
21Other Products
- Cymetra
- Powdered form of AlloDerm that can be
administered by injection - Plastic surgery applications - acne scar revision
- Incontinence treatment
22Near Future Products
- Vascular grafts
- Treat harvested arteries using the AlloDerm
process - develop an acellular, freeze-dried
tissue tube - Used in coronary artery bypass surgery replacing
autografts (from leg veins) - In large animal study phase (looks good)
- HUGE market - no good alternative
- Wright Medical Technologies
- Graft Jacket?
- Repair or replacement of damaged or inadequate
periosteum - Also for diabetic foot ulcers
- Stryker Corporation
- AlloCraft? DBM
- Bone graft