Conserving time while teaching and other hints for new faculty

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Conserving time while teaching and other hints for new faculty


If you've gotten someone else to love you, that's quite valuable. ... 3) Retain copies of letters of recommendation for easy modification when ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Conserving time while teaching and other hints for new faculty

Conserving time while teachingand other hints
for new faculty
  • Sarah Keller
  • Associate Professor of Chemistry
  • University of Washington, Seattle

Warning The following slides are too dense with
information. I think thats OK. Most of the
information will be useful to you after you are
hired, rather than before. I want this document
to serve as a self-contained resource online when
you (and others who were not accepted to this
conference) need it in the future. - SLK
Yes! We are hiring in the Chem. Dept. at UW
Seattle! We typically have 2 openings every
year. Please apply!
  • We receive gt300 applications for 2 advertised
  • Step 1 Sort and File. A secretary punches holes
    in the top of your pages, binds them in a folder
    so absent-minded professors dont lose them,
  • reads your cover letter, decides whether you are
    a physical/organic/inorganic/
  • materials/analytical/OTHER chemist and puts
    your file in that box.

Advice at Step 1 1) State your subfield clearly
in your letter so your file doesnt end up in the
wrong box. If you are interdisciplinary, state
what youd teach. (Example Within your
department, I would teach physical chemistry, so
would fit in your P-chem division, even though my
closest research colleagues are in your division
of inorganic chemistry.) 2) Leave big margins at
the top of all pages. Do not print doublesided.
  • Step 2 File the letters of recommendation. As
    your letters arrive,
  • a secretary binds them on top of the materials
    already in your folder,
  • and checks off a list of how many of your 3
    letters have arrived.

Advice at Step 2 1) Call the secretary to verify
that all of your letters have arrived. Letters
do get lost in the mail. A committee member may
assume that a writer doesnt like you if his/her
letter if it is missing. Sometimes it is true!
You want to find out early if one of your
writers has not been forthright with you, and you
need to ask a different writer. 2) Your letters
of recommendation are on top. Faculty tend to
read them first. Do all you can to help your
writers produce a good letter for you. Provide
them with a list of talking points (and address
labels). 3) It is often the third writer who
impresses the committee. Your Ph.D. advisor
probably loves you. Your postdoctoral advisor
probably loves you. If youve gotten someone
else to love you, thats quite valuable.
  • Step 3 A single faculty member can read on the
    order of 100 folders, then winnow out the top 20,
    and also probably note the top 10.
  • Advice at Step 3
  • By the 99th application, that faculty member is
    really tired.
  • Dont send us every paper youve written.
  • We dont want to read 20 pages at 10-point font
    in your research proposal.
  • Hopefully youve written your research proposal
    very clearly. Dont just describe how
    interesting your field is, but tell us exactly
    what you will do. For UW, this document should
    be gt3 pages 5 is good 10 is longish.

1) Outline what your first experiments will be
something that a beginning grad student or
postdoc can do to produce preliminary results, an
early publication, and subsequent funding. 2)
Outline the eventual experiments you will do to
address a big, sexy, important problem, that is
not just an extension of your previous work
backed up with lots of references. 3) Diagrams
outlining your research plan are helpful.
  • Got lots of other interviews? Great! Mention
    them in conversation.
  • During your talk, use the microphone. Use big
    font. Invest in a powerful laser pointer. Older
    faculty may have poor eyesight and poor hearing,
    but lots of clout in hiring decisions. Dont
    rely on confirmation from the grad students in
    the back that they can see/hear you.
  • When it is your work, say I, not we.
  • Your interview talk is not the place to be
    modest. What did YOU do?
  • Budget Be prepared to talk at the end of your
    interview about roughly how much startup youll
    need, and what equipment that entails.

If you are asked to provide a budget before your
interview, a good response is that you cant
provide one without being able to see the
resources available at that institution and
whether you would be able to use those resources,
or would need to build your own.
daycare in a university facility?
The wait list for daycare at many universities
can easily be 2 years. At some institutions you
can negotiate to be at the front of the list. UW
is very egalitarian, and this is not possible.
In what year/month will your appointment begin?
Are you in the middle of a fabulous postdoc
project and getting data? Ask to defer your start
date. The search process is so painful for
departments that theyd prefer late than never.
I deferred 6 months.
On what day will your appointment begin?
At some institutions, health coverage begins on
the 1st of the month, so that is the day to
  • Preparing a new course consumes a great deal of
    energy. Can you secure a commitment in writing
    that you will be able to teach the same course
    for several years in a row? Of course, the chair
    may need to cancel this commitment in case of
    emergency (e.g. if a faculty member dies, etc.).
  • What will you teach? The opportunity to teach a
    special topics course is often offered as a favor
    to new faculty. In most departments this
    opportunity will not arise again for several
    years. Evaluate
  • 1. Is it being offered without strong
    departmental need for your course?
  • 2. Will it save you time, because youll use
    it to train students?
  • If not, consider delaying the special topics
    course. To amortize your effort, your course
    should be so good that students demand for it to
    be taught again.
  • Many departments offer a lighter teaching load
    during your first year. You may have flexibility
    in which term is light. If you are waiting for
    lab equipment to arrive, you may want your
    heaviest teaching load your 1st term.

Faculty reflect on their first year as the
busiest, most stressful year of their lives.
(R.J. Boice Higher
Education 2004, 62, 150)
In 2006, a friend (Andri Smith, Quinnipiac) and I
compiled hints we thought might make the lives of
first-year faculty a bit better. S.L. Keller and
A.L. Smith, Advice for New Faculty Teaching
Undergraduate Science J. Chem. Ed., (2006) 83,
If you want a copy and cant find one in your own
library, contact me slkeller (at) chem (dot)
washington (dot) edu.
  • Encourage students to use office hours (or those
    of your TA).
  • Schedule one office hour directly before or after
    your class.
  • Your head will already be in the material. Your
    day will not be fragmented.
  • Hold office hours somewhere other than your
  • Fewer students will stop by your office just to
  • Encourage drop-ins to make an appointment.
  • Undergraduates have little understanding on the
    requirements on professors outside of class
    contact hours. They respond well if you cast the
    task you are doing (e.g. preparing for another
    class, writing a grant, working on research,
    performing university service) in terms of
    something that will improve the quality of their

  • For uninterrupted time, work away from your
  • CONSERVING YOUR TIME - Reserve Your Time
  • Paperwork expands to fill all available time.
    Try to relegate it
  • to a certain time of day.
  • CONSERVING YOUR TIME - Hold weekly optional study
    sessions in a classroom. You can use it as your
    office hour.
  • -Students who have previously been frustrated by
    their competitive
  • pre-med peers particularly appreciate working
  • Arrive late.
  • Let students know you will arrive by as much as
    1/2 hour late to the study session and that they
    should use the time to work together.
  • 1) Students will answer each others easy
    questions first.

  • CONSERVING YOUR TIME - Online threaded
  • Many universities host websites that allow one
    student to ask a question
  • and another to comment on the topic.
  • 1) Students answer each others questions.
  • 2) Bounce questions that come to you by e-mail to
    the website where either you or other students
    can provide an answer for the whole class to
  • 3) Caveat The site needs to be monitored
  • to stop the propagation of wrong answers,
  • but not monitored so much that it is a
    time sink.
  • -Contact publishers for free copies of textbooks
    and CD-ROMs.

Including images from the CD-ROM in your lecture
may (or may not!) save preparation time.
  • 1) Turn off your computers audible e-mail
  • 2) Keep text files of common responses to copy
    and paste. (e.g. what students should do when a
    class is missed, what you require for a letter of
  • 3) Got TAs? Enlist their help!
  • Forward appropriate student questions to
    your TA.

CONSERVING YOUR TIME - Letters of Recommendation
  • 1) Decide beforehand what your policy will be.
    Will you write a letter for every student who
  • 2) Astonishingly, students need to be told to
    fill out all forms, to give you addressed stamped
    envelopes, to tell you which term they took your
    class, etc. Send them a form letter.
  • 3) Retain copies of letters of recommendation for
    easy modification when students ask for future

CONSERVING YOUR TIME - Enlist aid from TAs, staff
and faculty
  • 1) If you have TAs, have them keep track of hours
  • 2) Ask your TAs if there is something simple you
    can do to help them. In return, they can spend
    more time debugging your exams, writing exam
    questions, or covering office hours.
  • 3) Nominate great TAs for awards, and theyll
    want to work with you again.
  • 4) You probably arent used to having a
    secretary. Think about how he can help you. I
    use the criterion that if it will take me just as
    long to do it myself as to explain it to him,
    then I should have him do it. Inevitably some
    snafu happens and the task takes longer than I
  • Your assistant will appreciate it if you
    can give him a specific estimate of your deadline
    required on your job. No rush means different
    things to different people. Try to be specific
    and to say I need this in X weeks/months.
  • 5) Your faculty colleagues are often happy to
    share notes, syllabi, and exam questions. Ask

EXAMS - Notecards Allow students to bring a page
of equations to the exam
  • 1) Students perform their own review to compile
    the equation list.
  • 2) Reduces student anxiety
  • 3) Students think you are nice

EXAMS - Student-written questions As a homework
question, ask students to write an exam question
  • 1) Sometimes a student produces a clever,
    well-written question
  • that you can actually use after the
    student graduates.
  • 2) Students have little conception of how hard it
    is to write exam questions until this exercise.
    They suddenly appreciate your work.
  • 3) For ideas on how to implement this, see The
    Hidden Curriculum Faculty-Made Tests in College
  • S. Tobias, J. Raphael eds., Plenum Press
    NY, 1997.

EXAMS - Formatting
  • At the bottom of each exam page, draw an answer
  • in which students must place their
  • Dont rely on students to box their own
  • Label the box Put your answer in the
  • This saves immense time in trying to
    figure out which number is supposed to be the
    answer amidst a page of incorrect work.
  • On the exam include a summary score sheet listing
  • the points available on each question.
  • - Now you do not have to draw one on each
    exam you grade.
  • - It notifies students which questions are
    more valuable.
  • - Place this on the exam so that you can
    fold back the face page of the exam and still see
    the summary chart (e.g. on the back of the 1st
    page, or on the 2nd page). Folding the first
    page back helps convince students that you grade
    fairly, without looking at student names. It
    also enhances student privacy when exams are
    returned, only the students names - and not
    their grades - are visible for other students to

EXAMS - Regrades
  • Require written requests for regrades to be due
  • within one week.
  • Set a regrade limit, at maximum 5 of the overall
    exam score.
  • - Require students to dispute at least the
    number of points
  • in the regrade limit in order for a
    regrade to be considered.
  • - This is particularly useful in classes
    with a heavy pre-med enrollment. Large numbers
    of students will argue vociferously
  • for an inconsequential change in their

EXAMS - Final Exams
- Consider not returning your final exams to the
class (although students should be allowed to
view exams). If your exam has not made it to
a student file somewhere, you may be able to
reuse some questions. If you implement a new
teaching method, you can gauge the
performance of two groups of students on
identical tests.
  • Students should collect graded homework in a
    place physically apart from your office, even if
    it is just down the hall, to reduce
  • Make your first homework assignment a non-graded
    self-test of the prerequisite material. Make it
    due quickly.
  • Unprepared students who have not taken the
    pre-reqs will drop your course, instead of taking
    your time to teach them course material from
    another class. The students who are on track
    will benefit from the review.
  • Many colleagues and I maximize our TA support by
  • 1) Some (small) number of multiple choice
    questions on every exam.
  • 2) Partial grading of homework.
  • To see how this is done, and for references to
    materials on hints for writing good multiple
    choice questions, see our paper (Keller and

  • TEACHING - Student Happiness
  • Freshmen often dont understand grading curves.
    Make exams worth more than 100 points (e.g. to
    produce a grade of 80/120 rather than 40/60)
  • in order to decrease frantic distress.
  • - Pass out teaching evaluations before the last
    week. Evaluation scores correlate with students
    estimates of their grades. Some students who
    blow off class all term show up the last week.
    When they realize that they should have done more
    work, they give you a bad evaluation. Rumor has
    it that it is better to start off with mediocre
    evaluations and improve than the opposite.
  • TEACHING - Awkward Situations
  • Do not post student names or full IDs to comply
    with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act.
    Instead, post the last 4 digits of the ID .
  • At UW we are not allowed to send grades to
    students via e-mail either.
  • If a student collapses from illness, call 911 on
    a cell phone (yours or a students). In 2007 I
    had a weird experience Students noticed that a
    male grad student was taking notes on a female
    undergrad. Dont wait to talk to your chair
    call the police. All was OK. Both students were
    part of an approved research project, but did not
    inform class instructors as required.

  • TEACHING (continued)
  • - Decline requests by students who want to make
    announcements during your lecture. If you set up
    an online threaded discussion, students can make
    their own announcements online without seeming to
    be endorsed by you.
  • Explicitly define cheating/plagiarism in your
    syllabus, and what your reaction will be.
    Incoming students are often confused. For
    example, can text be shared for lab reports?
    Will you give a 0 for an exam with cheating?
  • Will you forward all cases to the disciplinary
    committee? UW has a faculty handbook on grading
    that addresses to assign grades and how to speak
    to students who may have cheated
  • If you think a student has copied from another,
    do not return their exams - make copies. A
    common cheat is revision of exams before a
  • Make a pdf of exams before returning them. Or
    instruct graders to make a line at the end of the
    student work and on page backs. Regrade requests
    for new work that appears below the mark have
    violated rules for cheating.
  • - Students will ask you to grant them special
    grades due to extenuating circumstances (e.g. an
    incomplete or a withdrawal). Do not agree to
    anything. Do not even say Ill have to ask or
    Ill think about it by e-mail. Talk to
    someone. There are usually rules about when you
    can grant these things. At some point, a student
    with a low grade will e-mail you saying that your
    grading is unfair. Respond politely that this is
    an important matter, so you are forwarding
    correspondence to your chair for undergraduate

colleagues ask do you want to have lunch? say
yes whether or not you eat lunch. It is your
opportunity to ask questions and bring up
concerns. When faculty get busy and forget to
drag you out of your office to lunch, invite them
instead. - It is worth figuring out who will be
on your tenure committee, and spending time over
lunches to educate them about your research.
JOIN (Both the number and the time
commitments) - If you have the luxury to choose
your committee assignments, select one or two
that you feel are important, for which your hard
work will produce satisfying results for both you
and your department.
  • If you are paid on a 9-month salary, you may
    need to budget to receive no summer paychecks,
    depending on how your institutions accounting
  • If you have funds from your 9-month salary put
    away for the summer, it may have tax consequences

  • Your university probably maintains many software
    licenses (e.g. MS Office).
  • You may not need to buy these programs.
  • Helpful book At the Helm A Laboratory
  • - HHMI lab management safety
  • Ask for discounts or quotes. Bid companies
    against one another.
  • List price is rarely the actual price.
  • At UW there are three magical numbers. Find out
    the s at your institution.
  • gt 1000 may be exempt from state sales
  • gt 2000 may be equipment instead of
    supplies, and no overhead.
  • gt 3000 may be subject to bid unless you
    can produce a convincing
  • sole source letter
    saying you need that one specific model.
  • Get help from other
    faculty to write this letter for your

  • First, get help on your budget from a staff
  • What is the internal deadline? Your department
    may need to approve your finished proposal as
    early as 3 weeks before the official due date.
  • With the NSF, you submit electronically through
    Fastlane, and you need an account. Work with
    your department. For the NIH, you need an
    eCommons ID (ask about it). The software hoops
    that you and your secretary will need to jump
    through to submit and NIH proposal are daunting.
  • Some faculty will let you borrow their proposals.
    If a colleague knows about your field, he/she
    might actually read your proposal and give you
  • After you submit your proposal, you may get a
    call from the NSF/NIH program manager asking Can
    you write me a new budget for your submitted
    proposal? I think you really need X thousand
  • Be happy they are about to fund you!

  • Are you even thinking about having kids? Apply
    for daycare now. Yes, do it now. Now! You do
    not need to have a kid in hand or to even be
    pregnant to get on many wait lists.
  • You may get a break from teaching if you (or your
    spouse) has/adopts a child.
  • - There may be rooms around your campus equipped
    with breast pumps. Ask.
  • - If you are paying for child care for a kid
    younger than 13 (I think), your university may
    have a dependent care assistance program, which
    allows you to pay for daycare and/or afterschool
    care with pretax dollars. Ask your HR person.
    You can opt either for this or the IRS tax break
    for child care, but I believe that you cannot do
    both. See here http//
    03.pdf. If you file taxes separately (rather
    than jointly), you are not eligible for the IRS

  • - Show a distinction between your postdoctoral
    and faculty work.
  • When you collaborate, make it clear who did what.
  • Grants are also important.
  • - You will write up a little narrative describing
    what effect your work has had on your field. For
    example, perhaps you were the first to discover
    something or demonstrate some effect. Ask if
    faculty who have just gone through tenure will
    let you borrow their package so you can see what
    this looks like.
  • - Both teaching and service are important for
    being a good departmental citizen. Do it, and do
    it well, but dont go crazy at the expense of
    your research.
  • - After your department votes on your tenure
    case, your case grinds through the university
    bureaucracy, up to the president who informs you
    that you have been approved for tenure. You get
    a raise when tenure finally happens (which is
    probably about a year after your department
    vote). Throw yourself a party.
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