Title: J2EE Security
1J2EE Security
- J2EE Security Goals
- JAAS and Application Server Security Setup
- Security Layers
- Web Applications
- Web Service Clients
- EJB Security
- EAR Security
- External EJB Clients
3J2EE Security Goals
- Lessen burden on application developer
- Container can provide security infrastructure
- Deployer and system administrator define security
policies - Avoid hard-coding security policies in component
implementations - Portability among servers that use different
security mechanisms
4J2EE Roles and Security
- Application Assembler defines security roles for
an application - web.xml
- ejb-jar.xml
- Deployer maps principals (or groups of
principles) in an operational environment to the
security roles defined by the application
assembler - Component implementer may implement security
policies in code (Avoid if possible)
5Security Points
Security Infrastructure (App Server may use
JAAS to access)
Business Logic (Vendor A)
Web Tier (Servlets/JSP)
Resource Tier
BASIC, Form, Mutual-SSL
new InitialContext(props) JAAS
Business Logic (Vendor B)
OMG CSIv2 Level 0 SSL/TLS Security Info in
IOR Security Context in IIOP Message
6Security Infrastructure
7Security Points
Security Infrastructure (App Server may use
JAAS to access)
Business Logic (Vendor A)
Web Tier (Servlets/JSP)
Resource Tier
BASIC, Form, Mutual-SSL
new InitialContext(props) JAAS
Business Logic (Vendor B)
OMG CSIv2 Level 0 SSL/TLS Security Info in
IOR Security Context in IIOP Message
8Security Infrastructure
- J2EE specs dictate little concerning actual
security implementation. - Many implementations possible
- X.509 Certificates/LDAP/etc.
- Kerberos
- Application server is responsible for adapting
the security infrastructure in the deployment
environment to the J2EE applications needs - Every App server does this differently
9Weblogic Security Infrastructure
- Server
- Users and Groups configured using console or
Mbeans - Defines Service Provider Interface so various
security implementations can be overridden - Authentication
- Identity Assertion
- Authorization
- Auditing
- Adjudication
- Role Mapping
- KeyStore
- Credential Mapper
10WL Security Infrastructure (Cont)
- Contains an embedded LDAP adapter
- Usage similar to old File Realm provider used for
a default security implementation - Adapters to most commercial LDAP servers also
- Can define advanced policies for access to
resources - times of day, from where, etc.
11Adding Groups using Console
12Adding a User from the Console
13Assigning User to a Group
14Adding Users/Groups with MBeans
runtime.properties WLS_ADMIN_USERSjim,dan WLS_ADM
IN_GROUPWLSAdminRole corej2ee.bash tools
addUserGroups mysite.propertiesC\cygwin\home\jcs
taff\mysite.properties Buildfile
tfiles\tools.xml _addGroup_ executing
addGroup group WLSAdminRole added _noPassword_ n
o -DuserPasswordltpasswordgt supplied, using
15Adding Users/Groups with MBeans
_addUser_ executing addUser user jim/password
added _noPassword_ no -DuserPasswordltpasswordgt
supplied, using default _addUser_ executing
addUser user dan/password added _addGroupMember_
executing addGroupMember added jim to group
WLSAdminRole _addGroupMember_ executing
addGroupMember added dan to group WLSAdminRole
16WL Security Setup Summary
- Realms have configured implementations for each
required security component - Possible to write custom security implementations
- Default implementation utilizes embedded LDAP
server, user names/passwords, and certificates - Realm used is selected in web.xml deployment
17JBoss Security Infrastructure
- Uses JAAS heavily
- Quick JAAS Overview
- Example Using a Database Login Module
- Keeps users/roles in database tables
- Can develop login modules for any desired
security implementation - LDAP and property file implementations provided
in JBoss distribution
18Java Authorization and Authentication Service
- Two purposes
- Authentication Determine WHO is executing the
code - Authorization Verify user has permission to
access the resource - Part of J2SDK, v 1.4
- Support mandated by J2EE specification
- Weblogic uses JAAS for authentication. A
proprietary mechanism is used to implement an
extendable app server security infrastructure - JBoss uses JAAS for authentication and a
pluggable application server security
infrastructure JBossSX
20JAAS Components
2. Check configuration for Client login module
1. LoginContext lc new LoginContext(Client",
new MyCallbackHandler())
Login context
5. lc.login()
4. initialize
Configuration implementation maps the login
context name to a login module implementation
3. new Subject()
6. login
Client Login Module
8. Populate with principal
Callback Handler
7. Ask for information e.g. password
Note commit() details omitted
21JBoss JAAS Configuration
- Server (Users/Passwords in Database)
- Define Oracle Data Source (OracleDS)
- deploy/oracle-service.xml
- Copy classes12.jar to lib
- Create/Populate user database tables
- Update login-config.xml
22Server deploy/oracle-service.xml
.. ltattribute name"JndiName"gtOracleDSlt/a
ttributegt ltattribute name"ManagedConnection
FactoryProperties"gt ltpropertiesgt
ltconfig-property name"ConnectionURL"
type"java.lang.String"gt jdbcoraclethin_at_linux1
ltconfig-property name"DriverClass"
type"java.lang.String"gt oracle.jdbc.driver.Oracl
ltconfig-property name"UserName"
ltconfig-property name"Password"
rtygt lt/propertiesgt
lt/attributegt ..
23Server Database Tables (Principal)
CREATE TABLE principal_Principal ( id
VARCHAR2(32) NOT NULL, password
VARCHAR2(128), principalType CHAR(1),
firstName VARCHAR2(128), lastName
VARCHAR2(128) ) CREATE TABLE principal_Principal
Group ( principalId VARCHAR2(32) NOT NULL,
groupId VARCHAR2(32) NOT NULL,
roleName VARCHAR2(32) )
24Add Some Users (principal_data.ddl)
INSERT INTO principal_Principal VALUES ('DAN',
'DAN', '1', 'Dan', 'Weimer') INSERT INTO
principal_Principal VALUES ('JIM', 'JIM', '1',
'Jim', 'Stafford') INSERT INTO
principal_Principal VALUES ('GROUP1', 'XXX', '2',
'G', '1') INSERT INTO principal_PrincipalGroup
principal_PrincipalGroup VALUES ('DAN', 'GROUP1',
'USERS') INSERT INTO principal_PrincipalGroup
25Server conf/login-config.xml
ltapplication-policy name"coreDB"gt
ltauthenticationgt ltlogin-module
ginModule flag"required"gt
ltmodule-option name"dsJndiName"gtjava/OracleDSlt/m
odule-optiongt ltmodule-option
ngt ltmodule-option name"principalsQue
ry"gtselect password from principal_Principal
where id?lt/module-optiongt
ltmodule-option name"rolesQuery"gtselect roleName,
'Roles' from principal_PrincipalGroup where
lt/login-modulegt lt/authenticationgt
26DtD for login-config.xml
27JBoss Security Setup (Cont.)
- Login Module utilized by the server is configured
in the jboss proprietary deployment descriptor
for J2EE components - Servlet and EJB examples shown later
28Web Application Security
29Security Points
Security Infrastructure (App Server may use
JAAS to access)
Business Logic (Vendor A)
Web Tier (Servlets/JSP)
Resource Tier
BASIC, Form, Mutual-SSL
new InitialContext(props) JAAS
Business Logic (Vendor B)
OMG CSIv2 Level 0 SSL/TLS Security Info in
IOR Security Context in IIOP Message
30Web Tier Security
- Authentication
- Form
- Client X.509 Certificate
- Confidentiality and Message Integrity
- Can require communication to take place over SSL
with lttransport-guaranteegt element
31Web Tier Security Configuration (web.xml)
Name a set of pages to protect
ltsecurity-constraintgt ltweb-resource-collect
iongt ltweb-resource-namegtAdmin
ltauth-constraintgt ltdescriptiongtPages for
admin onlylt/descriptiongt
lt/auth-constraintgt ltuser-data-constraintgt
gt lt/user-data-constraintgt
State what roles can access these pages
Do requests for these pages need to be made over
SSL? Not in this example
32Security Configuration (Cont)
ltsecurity-constraintgt ltweb-resource-collecti
ongt ltweb-resource-namegtAdmin SSL
ltauth-constraintgt ltdescriptiongtPages for
admin over ssl onlylt/descriptiongt
lt/auth-constraintgt ltuser-data-constraintgt
uaranteegt lt/user-data-constraintgt
Have to use SSL to access these pages
33Security Configuration (Cont) (web.xml)
Use HTTP BASIC to collect users name and password
ltlogin-configgt ltauth-methodgtBASIClt/auth-metho
dgt ltrealmgtmyrealmlt/realmgt lt/login-configgt
ltsecurity-rolegt ltrole-namegtadminlt/role-namegt
lt/security-rolegt lt/web-appgt
Have to list all security roles
mentioned previously
34Setting up Security (weblogic.xml)
lt!DOCTYPE weblogic-web-app PUBLIC "-//BEA
Systems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 7.0//EN
-web-jar.dtd"gt ltweblogic-web-appgt
ltdescriptiongtWebLogic Descriptorlt/descriptiongt
lt/security-role-assignmentgt ltiweblogic-web-appgt
Have to map logical J2EE roles to a group
configured in Weblogic
35Setting up Security (jboss-web.xml)
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt lt!DOCTYPE
jboss-web PUBLIC "-//JBoss//DTD Web
Application 2.3//EN" "http//www.jboss.org/j2e
e/dtds/jboss-web_3_0.dtd"gt ltjboss-webgt
ngt lt/jboss-webgt
Matches an application-policy in login-config.xml
36Web Demo App
- No constraints on the 1st link
- Second link requires login by user in the admin
role - Third link will fail because link is not SSL
- Fourth link uses SSL link. If user is not
already authenticated, challenge box will appear
37FORM-based authentication
- Allows custom application form to be used to
collect user credentials - Can look better than browser pop-up box
Changed BASIC to FORM
ltlogin-configgt ltauth-methodgtFORMlt/auth-metho
dgt ltrealm-namegtmyrealmlt/realm-namegt
ltform-login-configgt ltform-login-pagegt/login
.htmllt/form-login-pagegt ltform-error-pagegt/e
lt/form-login-configgt lt/login-configgt
Our pages that look more like our application
ltform action"j_security_check" method"POST"gt
lttable border"0" width"30" cellspacing"3"
cellpadding"2"gt lttrgtlttdgtltbgtUser
Namelt/bgtlt/tdgtlttdgt ltinput
type"text" size"20" name"j_username"gt
lt/tdgtlt/trgt lttrgtlttdgtltbgtPasswordlt/bgtlt/td
gtlttdgt ltinput type"password"
size"10" name"j_password"gt
lt/tdgtlt/trgt lttrgtlttdgtltpgtltinput
type"submit" value"Login"gtlt/tdgtlt/trgt
lt/tablegt lt/formgt
40Custom Challenge Box
41Programmatic Security
42Servlet with Programmatic Security
public class SecureServlet extends HttpServlet
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest
request, HttpServletResponse
response) throws
IOException, ServletException PrintWriter
pwresponse.getWriter() pw.println("ltHTMLgtltH
pw.println("You are an admin user")
else pw.println("You are not an
admin user") pw.println("lt/BODYgtlt/HTML
ltservletgt ltservlet-namegtsecurelt/servlet-name
gt ltservlet-classgtcorej2ee.examples.web.Secure
Servletlt/servlet-classgt ltsecurity-role-refgt
ltdescriptiongtservlet checks for this role
lt/security-role-refgt lt/servletgt
ltsecurity-rolegt ltrole-namegtadminlt/role-namegt
We did an isUserInRole for this role in our code
App Server please map this to the overall admin
logical role defined for the application
44Web Services Security
45Web Services Security (Cont)
- Web Services for J2EE still being defined
- JSR 109 (http//www-3.ibm.com/software/solutions/w
ebservices/pdf/websvcs-0_3-pd.pdf) - HTTP Basic Auth and Symmetric SSL
- Access to JAX-RPC web service endpoints is based
upon the servlet/JSP security model - Still immature
- No Support for credential propagation within a
SOAP message i.e. no message-level security
46EJB Security
47Security Points
Security Infrastructure (App Server may use
JAAS to access)
Business Logic (Vendor A)
Web Tier (Servlets/JSP)
Resource Tier
BASIC, Form, Mutual-SSL
new InitialContext(props) JAAS
Business Logic (Vendor B)
OMG CSIv2 Level 0 SSL/TLS Security Info in
IOR Security Context in IIOP Message
48EJB Security
- Authentication
- validates the identity of the user
- implemented through username/password logins, ID
Cards, security certificates, etc. - Technique used not covered by EJB Specification
- Authorization/Access Control
- controls what a user can and cannot do within the
system - Secure Communications
- ensuring the privacy of a communications
- implemented through private communication
(infrequently) channels or (more commonly)
encryption - not covered by EJB Specification
- EJB external clients
- Specify principal and password properties when
creating JNDI initial context (deprecated and
proprietary) - JAAS with a client-login module
- Web Clients
- Authenticated with FORM, Basic, or certificates
- EJB Spec requires that every client access be
associated with a security identity - user or role
- getCallerPrincipal always returns a valid
principal - User logs into EJB System and authenticated
through an implementation-specific method - EJB Server passes security identity along with
method invocation - EJB objects or EJB homes check access
- Authorization required to invoke bean methods
- Declarative
- Configure container to perform security checks
- Controlled by deployment descriptor
- Programmatic
- Programmer assumes responsibility for security
- Security Identity represented as
javax.security.Principal - ejb-jar.xml contains tags that declare the roles
that can invoke certain methods at runtime - role are mapped to real-world users/groups in
server-specific deployment descriptor(s)
53Authorization role/method specification
- ejb-jar.xml
- ltsecurity-rolegt
- ltdescriptiongtlt/descriptiongt
- ltrole-namegtAdminlt/role-namegt
- lt/security-rolegt
- ltmethod-permissiongt
- ltrole-namegtAdminlt/role-namegt
- ltmethodgt
- ltejb-namegtRegistrarEJBlt/ejb-namegt
- ltmethod-namegtaddPersonlt/method-namegt
- lt/methodgt
- lt/method-permissiongt
Only a user in the Admin role can invoke the
addPerson method on the Registrar EJB
54Authorization role/principal mapping
- weblogic-ejb-jar.xml
- ltsecurity-role-assignmentgt
- ltrole-namegtAdminlt/role-namegt
- ltprincipal-namegtWLSAdminlt/principal-namegt
- lt/security-role-assignmentgt
We have configured a group named WLSAdmin
in Weblogic/Security Infrastructure. Map the
logical Admin role to this group
55Authorization role/method specification
- ejb-jar.xml
- ltsecurity-rolegt
- ltdescriptiongtlt/descriptiongt
- ltrole-namegtReadOnlylt/role-namegt
- lt/security-rolegt
- ltmethod-permissiongt
- ltrole-namegtReadOnlylt/role-namegt
- ltmethodgt
- ltejb-namegtRegistrarEJBlt/ejb-namegt
- ltmethod-namegtgetPersonlt/method-namegt
- lt/methodgt
- lt/method-permissiongt
56Unchecked (Cont)
- Security Permissions are not checked before
method is invoked. - Any authenticated client can invoke these methods
- Unchecked overrides any other assigned method
57Authorization Unchecked Methods
- ejb-jar.xml
- ltmethod-permissiongt
- ltunchecked/gt
- ltmethodgt
- ltejb-namegtRegistrarEJBlt/ejb-namegt
- ltmethod-namegtgetPersonlt/method-namegt
- lt/methodgt
- lt/method-permissiongt
- ltmethod-permissiongt
- ltrole-namegtAdminlt/role-name/gt
- ltmethodgt
- ltejb-namegtRegistrarEJBlt/ejb-namegt
- ltmethod-namegtlt/method-namegt
- lt/methodgt
- lt/method-permissiongt
Unchecked specification overrides wildcarded
58Exclude List
- Methods that are not callable by a client
ltexclude-listgt ltmethodgt
lt/methodgt lt/exclude-listgt
59Assembly Descriptor Layout
- Security Roles
- Method Permissions
- Container Transaction
- Exclude List
60 ltassembly-descriptorgt ltsecurity-rolegt
ltdescriptiongtAn Admin Userlt/descriptiongt
lt/security-rolegt .. ltmethod-permissiongt
ltmethodgt ltejb-namegtSecureEJBlt/ejb-namegt
lt/methodgt lt/method-permissiongt ..
61 ltcontainer-transactiongt ltmethodgt
ltmethod-namegtlt/method-namegt lt/methodgt
lt/container-transactiongt ltexclude-listgt
ltmethodgt ltejb-namegtSecureEJBlt/ejb-namegt
lt/methodgt lt/exclude-listgt
62Specifying Methods (ltmethod-namegt
- Can use an to signify all methods in the
beans home and remote interfaces - No other wildcards defined as of EJB 2.0
- Naming specific methods
- ltmethod-namegtspeaklt/method-namegt
- This is all speak methods taking in any arguments
- Naming a specific method when methods are
overloaded - Specify ltmethod-paramsgt
63Specifying Methods (Cont)
- Methods in home and remote interfaces
- Can pick methods that are in a specific interface
by using the ltmethod-intfgt element - Best to keep method names different in your home
and remote interfaces, though.
- Specifies identity for bean to use when accessing
resources and methods of other beans - not necessarily the same identity as caller
- ltsessiongt
- ltsecurity-identitygt
- ltrun-asgt
- ltrole-namegtAdminlt/role-namegt
- lt/run-asgt
- lt/security-identitygt
- lt/sessiongt
- ltsessiongt
- ltsecurity-identitygt
- ltuse-caller-identity/gt
- lt/security-identitygt
- lt/sessiongt
65run-as (Cont)
- Message-Driven Beans and beans that implement the
TimedObject interface must use run-as - They have no client context !
66Weblogic principal
- Needed when ejb-jar.xml run-as property does not
map to a single principal (e.g., a group
specified) - ltweblogic-enterprise-beangt
- ...
- ltrun-as-identity-principalgt
- dan
- lt/run-as-identity-principalgt
67EJB Authorization
- Declarative
- Coarse-Grained security
- Container checks identity of caller and test
against required role to invoke bean method - Throw RemoteException if not authorized
- Programmatic
- Fine-Grained security
- getCallerPrincipal()
- isCallerInRole()
68Programmatic Access Control
- Code can check security authorization of caller
- in addition to container checks. May want to do
bean instance specific security checks - Query EJBContext to determine identity of caller
69Identity Deprecated
70Programmatic Access Control
public class TellerBean public void
closeAccount(int accountID) throws
InvalidAccessException if(
if( !ctx.isCallerInRole(managers))
throw new InvalidAccessException(Mgr
Access Required) //
Close the account. Tellers can close all but
special accounts ...
71Security Declarations
- Bean provider must declare all security role
names used in bean code - ltsecurity-role-refgt
- isCallerInRole() used in the code
- Application Assembler
- logical security view of the application
- ltsecurity-rolegt
- method permissions for each security role
72Linking Programmatic Security Roles
- ltenterprise-beansgt
- ltsessiongt
- ltejb-namegtTellerBeanltejb-namegt
- ltejb-classgtMyTellerBeanImpllt/ejb-classgt
- ltsecurity-role-refgt
- ltdescriptiongt special account maint.
lt/descriptiongt - ltrole-namegtmanagerslt/role-namegtlt!--
used in EJB code --gt - ltrole-linkgtsupervisorslt/role-linkgt
lt!-- defined in ejb-jar.xml--gt - lt/security-role-refgt
- ltsessiongt
- lt/enterprise-beansgt
We used managers in the code
Treat as supervisors
73Linking Programmatic Security Roles
- ltassembly-descriptorgt
- ltsecurity-rolegt
- ltrole-namegtsupervisorslt/role-namegt
- lt/security-rolegt
- ...
- ltmethod-permissiongt
- ltrole-namegtsupervisorslt/role-namegt
- ltmethodgt
- ltejb-namegtTellerBeanlt/ejb-namegt
- ltmethod-namegtlt/mehtod-namegt
- lt/methodgt
- lt/method-permissiongt
74EJB Security Summary
- Security is role-based in EJB
- Declarative and Programmatic
- Roles defined for
- bean developer
- application assembler
- deployer
75EJB Security Examples
- secureDemoApp secureEJB
- Has various speak() methods that can be called
by - Someone in an Admin role
- Someone in an Application role
- (corej2ee.bash secureDemoApp addAppUser)
- An unchecked speak method
- An excluded speak method
- secureDemoClient
- corej2ee.bash secureDemoClient javaclient-nouser
- corej2ee.bash secureDemoClient javaclient-admin
- corej2ee.bash secureDemoClient javaclient-applicat
76EAR Security
77EAR Security
- application.xml contains a security-role element
ltsecurity-rolegt ltdescriptiongtthe gold customer
rolelt/descriptiongt ltrole-namegtgold_customerlt/rol
e-namegtlt/security-rolegtltsecurity-rolegt ltdescri
ptiongtthe customer rolelt/descriptiongt ltrole-name
gtcustomerlt/role-namegtlt/security-rolegt These
roles define security roles global to the
application. Not much else implemented in this
78External Client Authentication
79Security Points
Security Infrastructure (App Server may use
JAAS to access)
Business Logic (Vendor A)
Web Tier (Servlets/JSP)
Resource Tier
BASIC, Form, Mutual-SSL
new InitialContext(props) JAAS
Business Logic (Vendor B)
OMG CSIv2 Level 0 SSL/TLS Security Info in
IOR Security Context in IIOP Message
80End-User Authentication
- JAAS (typically)
- InitialContext with user name/password
- Proprietary and Deprecated
81Using JNDI Properties (WL/Deprecated)
import javax.naming.InitialContext import
javax.naming.Context import java.util.Properties
... String userName ... String password
... Properties properties new
Properties() properties.put(Context.SECURITY_PRIN
CIPAL, userName) properties.put(Context.SECURITY_
CREDENTIALS, password) Context jndi new
82Weblogic Client using JAAS
83JBoss Client Authentication
- Deferred for now uses JAAS
84JBoss Client Application Notes
The ClientLoginModule is an implementation of
LoginModule for use by JBoss clients for the
establishment of the caller identity and
credentials. This simply sets the
to the value of the NameCallback filled in by the
CallbackHandler, and the org.jboss.security.Securi
tyAssociation.credential to the value of the
PasswordCallback filled in by the
CallbackHandler. This is the only supported
mechanism for a client to establish the current
thread's caller. Both stand-alone client
applications and server environments, acting as
JBoss EJB clients where the security environment
has not been configured to use JBossSX
transparently, need to use the ClientLoginModule
85JAAS Client Login Module
ltpolicygt ltapplication-policy name
"client-login"gt ltauthenticationgt
ltlogin-module code "org.jboss.security.ClientLog
inModule" flag "required"gt
lt/login-modulegt lt/authenticationgt
86Accessing J2EE Resources
87Security Points
Security Infrastructure (App Server may use
JAAS to access)
Business Logic (Vendor A)
Web Tier (Servlets/JSP)
Resource Tier
BASIC, Form, Mutual-SSL
new InitialContext(props) JAAS
Business Logic (Vendor B)
OMG CSIv2 Level 0 SSL/TLS Security Info in
IOR Security Context in IIOP Message
88Resource Manager Factories
- Creates connections to a resource manager
- Factory method is specific to resource type
- Configured in JNDI and made available relative to
javacomp/env to container components - Examples
- Data Sources
- JMS Connection Factories
- Java Mail Connection Factories
- URL Connection Factories
- JCA Resources
89Acquiring a Data Source Connection
public void someMethod() try
dao_ new AccountDAO()
InitialContext jndi new InitialContext()
ds_ (DataSource)jndi.lookup("javacomp/env/j
dbc/mydb") conn_ds_.getConnection()
catch (Exception ex)
throw new EJBException(ex)
Component (EJB) code
ltreference-descriptorgt ltresource-descriptio
ngt ltres-ref-namegtjdbc/mydblt/res-ref-namegt
ndi-namegt lt/resource-descriptiongt
ltresource-refgt ltres-ref-namegtjdbc/m
ydblt/res-ref-namegt ltres-typegtjavax.sql.D
ataSourcelt/res-typegt ltres-authgtContainer
lt/res-authgt lt/resource-refgt
90Resource Shareability
- Connections to a resource are shareable across
components in the same transaction context - Default
- Optimizes connection usage and transactions
- Usually the desired option
- Can be marked Unshareable in deployment
descriptor with ltres-sharing-scopegt
91Associating a principal with resource manager
- Deployer
- Can set up principal-mapping or resource manager
sign-on information - Component code uses no-argument factory method to
obtain connection e.g. ds_.getConnection() - Component
- Signs on in bean code
- ds_.getConnection(user, password)
- ltres-authgt tag specifies Container or
92Principals and Resources (Cont)
- It is expected that a J2EE application server
will provide a mechanism to propagate the
principal invoking the EJB through to the
resource automatically - Details not specified
- Misc. JBoss Issues
- Problem with Struts 1-1b2. Need to download a new
struts-validator.jar - http//jboss.org/forums/thread.jsp?forum50thread
25378 - jsp.directive page import syntax difficulties
- getOutputStream() multiple calls
- Not entirely working yet