The Age of Nation Building - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Age of Nation Building


The Age of Nation Building Politics, Diplomacy and War Louis Napoleon as President Winning Support After his election, Louis Napoleon was still dismissed by many as a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Age of Nation Building

The Age of Nation Building
  • Politics, Diplomacy and War

Louis Napoleon as President
  • Winning Support
  • After his election, Louis Napoleon was still
    dismissed by many as a nonentity, whose only
    success was due to his name
  • However, Louis Napoleon was a clever politician,
    he understood the popular forces of his time, and
    he was patient
  • Seizure of government (1 December 1851) and
    election as president for 10 years
  • Election as Emperor
  • A year later on 21 November 1852, Louis Napoleon
    again returned to the people to ask for a
    restoration of the Empire
  • 97 voted yes, and Louis Napoleon assumed the
    title Napoleon III, instituting the Second Empire

Second Napoleonic Empire Government
  • The government was clearly authoritarian
  • As chief of state, Napoleon III controlled the
    military, police, and the civil service and only
    he could declare war and introduce legislation

Second Napoleonic Empire Government
  • The Legislative Corps (Parliament) gave a
    semblance of representative government as its
    members were elected by universal male suffrage
    to 6 year terms
  • However, they could not initiate legislation nor
    affect the budget

Second Napoleonic Empire Government
  • Stimulating the Economy
  • The first five years of Napoleon IIIs reign were
    very successful as he and France reaped the
    benefits of worldwide economic prosperity as well
    as his own economic policies
  • Napoleon believed in using the resources of
    government to stimulate the national economy
  • Rebuilding Paris
  • One of Napoleon IIIs great contributions was the
    rebuilding of Paris
  • Purpose

Second Napoleonic Empire Liberalization
  • By the 1860s opposition to Napoleon began to
    grow and in response he liberalized his regime
  • Her reached out to the working class by
    legalizing trade unions and granting them the
    right to strike
  • Reforms to elections and the Legislative Corps
  • Napoleon even proposed a new constitution in May
  • However, failures in foreign policy and the war
    with Prussia brought down the Second Empire
    before any reforms could be instituted

Foreign Policy and the Crimean War
  • Weakening of the Ottoman Empire The Eastern
  • Declaration of war October 1853 and March of
  • Why war? - To protect the balance of power
  • Course of the war
  • Results of the Crimean War

Unification of ItalyThe House of Savoy
  • In 1850, Austria was still the dominant power in
    Italy, but many Italian nationalists were placing
    their hopes in Piedmont
  • Piedmont, under Charles Albert, had tried during
    1848-49 to unify Italy but had failed
  • They would again assume a leadership role under
    King Victor Emmanuel II and his PM Camillo di

Camillo di Cavour
  • Liberal minded nobleman
  • Appointed PM in 1852
  • Pursued a policy of economic expansion that would
    strengthen Piedmont and its army
  • However, he realized that he could not take on
    Austria alone so he made an alliance with France
    in 1858
  • Confident of success, Cavour provoked Austria
    into declaring war in April 1859

Camillo di Cavour
  • In the subsequent fighting, it was the French who
    were responsible for defeating the Austrians and
    Magenta and Solferino
  • However, the French also made peace with Austria
    without telling their Italian ally - why?
  • With French withdrawal, Piedmont only got
  • Cavour was furious, but events soon change to the
    benefit of Cavour how?
  • Napoleon agreed to the annexations and received
    Nice and Savoy

Garibaldi and His Red Shirts
  • Meanwhile, a new leader of Italian unification
    came to the fore, Giuseppe Garibaldi
  • He was a dedicated Italian patriot who had
    supported Mazzini
  • Garibaldi, the Red Shirts, and Sicily (May to
    September 1860)
  • At this point, Cavour reentered the stage as he
    knew Garibaldi was marching on Rome

End Game of Italian Unification
  • Unification (1861)
  • Piedmontese forces moved into the Papal States to
    meet Garibaldi, who, as a patriot, yielded to
    Cavour rather than provoke a civil war
  • Formation of the new kingdom of Italy centered in
    Piedmont (17 March 1861)
  • Rome (1870)
  • However, Italian unification was still not
  • Venetia was only added after Austrian defeat in
    the Austro-Prussian War of 1866
  • Addition of Rome (20 September 1870)

German UnificationPrussia as the model
  • German nationalists, in the wake of the failure
    of Frankfurt, soon saw Prussia and the key to
    German unification
  • Prussia and the Zollverein (1834)
  • Politically, Prussia had a constitution with the
    appearance of a constitutional monarchy with a
    bicameral legislature
  • Problem Strong monarchy

German UnificationWilliam I
  • Came to the thrown in 1861 and began a policy of
    strengthening the army
  • Conflict with the legislature and rejection of
    Williams budget

Otto von Bismarck and Realpolitik
  • In response, William appointed Otto von Bismarck
    as PM and he would remain so until 1890,
    dominating both German European politics
  • Characteristics of Bismarck
  • In 1862, he resubmitted the budget, but it was
    again defeated

Otto von Bismarck and Realpolitik
  • He then went ahead and collected the taxes and
    reorganized the army blaming the liberals for the
  • Parliament did nothing and because of their
    opposition, Bismarck pursued an active foreign
    policy that resulted in three wars and German
    unification under the auspices of Prussia

Wars of UnificationDanish War (1864)
  • Arose over the Danish annexation of the duchies
    of Schleswig Holstein
  • Bismarck persuades Austria to join Prussia in
    declaring war and quickly defeat the Danes
  • Bismarck realizes that Prussia cannot expand its
    power with Austrian interference
  • He creates a friction over the duchies and with
    Austria politically isolated goads her into war

Austro-Prussian War (1866)
  • Many expected a quick Austrian victory, but after
    only six weeks of fighting, the Austrians are
    defeated at the battle of Königgratz
  • Results and consequences of the war
  • More importantly, Prussian success brings the
    liberals to Bismarcks side and they pass a bill
    of indemnity legalizing all that Bismarck had done

Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871)
  • The final step was France
  • Bismarck knew he would have to deal with her as
    Napoleon III would not be willing to see a strong
    Germany on her borders
  • The fuse was over the succession to the vacant
    Spanish throne
  • The Ems Telegram
  • Course of the war
  • Battle of Sedan (September of 1870)
  • Fall of Paris (January 1871)
  • Peace Treaty, May of 1871

Unification (1871)
  • Before the war had ended, the south German states
    agreed to join the NGC
  • On 18 January 1871 in the Hall of Mirrors at
    Versailles, William I is proclaimed Kaiser of the
    Second Reich

Unification (1871)
  • German unity had been achieved through Prussia
    and its army, and in reality Germany had been
    merged into Prussia
  • Germany was now the strongest nation in Europe
    and a new European balance of power was at hand

Nation Building and Reform Austria
  • Francis Joseph and Dual Monarchy
  • After the Revolutions of 1848-49, Austria
    dismantled the liberal gains and resorted to
    authoritarian government
  • However, with each Austrian defeat, changes were
    made to the government
  • The greatest came in 1866 after defeat against
    the Prussians - the Ausgleich
  • Domination by Germans and Magyars
  • The Ausgleich only enabled each of the dominant
    groups (German Magyar) to dominate the
    minorities, especially the Slavs, in each state

Imperial Russia
  • Alexander II and the Emancipation of the Serfs
  • Defeat in the Crimean War forced her to look at
    her deficiencies
  • Alexander II turned his energies to reforming
    Russia and Russian society
  • Emancipation of the serfs (3 March 1861)
  • Other Reforms
  • Zemstvos Assemblies
  • However, Alexander was not able to control all
    the forces unleashed by his reforms as he is
    assassinated in 1881
  • His successor, Alexander III resorted to more
    autocratic means

Britain's Victorian AgePalmerston's
  • Britain was able to escape most of the tumult of
    1848 because of her stability, especially in the
    person of Queen Victoria (1837-1901)
  • The major figure of the period was Henry John
    Temple, Lord Palmerston
  • PM from 1855-1865
  • Although a Whig, he crossed party lines regularly
    and thus could make political compromises
  • However, he was no reformer and resisted any
    extension of the franchise

Move to Reform
  • With Palmerstons death in 1865, the movement to
    increase the franchise only intensified
  • Although the Whigs (now the Liberals) talked
    about increasing the franchise, it was the Tories
    (now the Conservatives) who actually carried it

Disraeli and the Reform of 1867
  • Benjamin Disraeli and the Conservatives
  • Reform Act of 1867
  • Lowered the monetary requirements for voting,
    enfranchising nearly all urban male workers
  • However, the new voters favored the Liberals and
    produced a huge victory for them in 1868

Gladstone and the Liberal Party
  • Liberal victory in 1868 brought William Gladstone
    to power, and during this first Liberal
    administration instituted many reforms
  • Legislation and government orders opened civil
    service positions to competitive exams rather
    than patronage, introduction of a secret ballot
    for voting, and abolished the practice of
    purchasing military commissions
  • The Education Act of 1870 attempted to make
    elementary schools available for all children
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