Title: Process NMR Applications
1Process NMR Applications
2Applications Distinct NMR Analyzer Features
- Non-invasive analytical
- technology
- Electronic, not optical
- Absolute measurement
- technique, no zero or
- referencing
- Ability to analyze dark and
- opaque samples
- High temperature/wide flow-
- through probe for highly
- viscous samples
- Limited filtering of sample
- required
- Robust models due to highly resolved
- quality spectra, structural information
- Limited calibration data short time-to-profit
- No moving parts inside reduced
- maintenance
3Todays markets for process NMR
Oil and Gas
Water Utilities
Metals Foundry
Mining Minerals
Life sciences
Food Beverage
4Future new markets for Process NMR
Oil and Gas
Water Utilities
Metals Foundry
Mining Minerals
Life sciences
Food Beverage
5Process NMR applications in the refinery
6Crude Feed and Distillation
Key application Crude feed distillation
7Why measure crude ?
- In the past...
- Little variation, constant supply of
- same crude
- Refineries were designed for
- stable feed
- Advance control mainly on the
- CDU run-down products
- feed-back control only
- The market today
- Increased competition drive
- to maximize profits
- Buying of low-cost crude
- (heavier types)
- Buying on spot markets
- High variability in offered crude
- quality
- Refineries today must cope with
- this variation in order to ensure
- profitability
8Effects of crude change
Crude feed API variation
Final product upsets
9Effect of crude quality variation on CDU
- Optimal cut points affected
- Product quality control risks
- Feed rate is slowed down and not maximized
- Energy consumption not optimal
- Risk of violating the process equipments
10CDU transition issues
- With each crude transition, crude feed rate is
reduced due to - Column flooding issues
- Heat shock risks on exchanger
- Allow feedback control
11CDU Feed variability Control strategies
- Feed Switch Control
- Avoid unit upset whenever crude transition occurs
via process control compensation - Crude Feed Blending
- For those refiners having access to constant
crude supplies from fields via pipeline / large
tank farms - Blend crude to a constant or known feed
12Traditional Crude CDU control
laboratory TBP analysis 1/day
Crude-Assay information
On-line model
Gas / LPG / Gasoline
Off-line planning model
Light Naphtha Heavy Naphtha Kerosene Light Gas
Oil Heavy Gas Oil
Online inferential feedback every 15 minutes
13Crude Assay Data
- Crude has a wide range of properties/qualities
- API Gravity
- Sulfur
- Pour points
- Water, nickel, vanadium, salts
- API gravity is not the only factor affecting
crude processing behavior. It can also be
affected by other parameters. - (low API Gravity crude with low wax content
and vice versa) - The quality of crude of the same name can vary
over time. -
14Problems with crude assay data
- The crude assay data may be old
- Every crude tank has a heel of mixed crudes
received earlier - Crude in a tank will settle
- Compatibility
- Solubility
- Stratification
- A crude switch (normally 7 to 8 hours) results in
an unknown blend of the old and new crude in the
15CDU feed/distillation optimization control
- Cut point optimization
- Product quality control
- Feed rate maximization
- Optimize energy consumption
- Avoid the risk of violating the
- process equipments constraints
Real time crude feed NMR data allows the
optimizer to determine APC set-points for
16CDU feed/distillation real time NMR data
- Distillation streams
- Octane (RON,MON)
- Specific Gravity _at_ 15C
- Density
- Naphthalene Content
- Viscosity
- Pour Point
- Cetane Index
- Flash point
- Cloud point
- Freeze point
- Distillation
Feed API Gravity TBP Sulfur Content Water TAN Ar
omaticity API Pred.Yields
17Benefits from real time CDU NMR data
- Commercial benefits
- Supply chain optimization
- Expand flexibility in feed stock selection
- Crude purchasing agents can strategically buy
feed stock on the spot market - Crude Assay correction for refinery accounting
- Operational benefits (0.06 savings per barrel
client documented) - Feed-forward control for distillation column
controller (APC, RTO) - Improved higher value product yields
- Maximizing unit throughput - 70 recovery of
potential lost throughput due to instability - Improved performance of downstream units
- NMR analyzer benefits
- Improvement in analyzer availability
- Reduction in maintenance costs
- Reduce number of analyzers
- Unique ability to provide all control/APC
properties with one analyzer
18Crude NMR spectrum variability
19Crude Oil chemometrics
20Crude Feed and Distillation
Key application Crude oil blending
21 Crude blending controls goals
- Accurate monitoring of different crude feed
blending-streams - composition allows precise and ultimate crude
blend - Expensive good crudes can be mixed with cheap
low quality - crudes and still achieve desired properties or
quality - Maximizing profit
22Benefits of crude blend control
- Improved CDU stability and throughput
- Improved overall refinery throughput
- Better performance of downstream units
- e.g. P/A ratio effect on BTX CCR output
- Final product quality improvement
- Reduction energy costs
- Better crude change management
- 2-3 refinery operating margin gain
23 Crude Blending real time NMR data
- Crude
- API Gravity
- Water
- Viscosity
- Sulfur
- API Predictive Yields
24Crude Feed and Distillation
Key application FCC Feed and distillation
25FCC Feed why measure ?
- Why perform FCC measurement online?
- Critical to success of closed-loop
- real-time optimization projects.
- Feed characterization is critical in
- determining
- Catalyst coking rate
- (coking precursors)
- Sulfur constraints
- Potential catalyst poisons
- Today, FCC feed becomes variable in quality
and has regular quality shifts - Varying crude gives varying FCC feed
- Crude moves towards heavy and less sweet
- Can the VDU provide enough feed ?
- Is it more economical to buy feed on the open
market ? - If well controlled, the FCC is the biggest money
maker - However, reliable online measurement on FCC feed
was traditionally not available !
26FCC Feed variability effects
Variable FCC Feed Atmospheric Residue Vacuum
Gasoil Visbreaker VGO Coker VGO
Distillation Products C3/C4 Gasoline Heavy
Naphtha Light Cycle oil (LCO) Heavy Cycle oils
Varying FCC Feed qualities can influence
Filling of plant constraints Product
quality Product yields Unit throughput
Regenerator operation Wet gas compressor
operation Energy consumption
27FCC Feedstock variation vs coke yield
28FCC NMR Solution
29FCC Feed real time data and control benefits
- FCCU controls and optimization include feed
preparation, the reactor/regenerator, the main
fractionator, the wet gas compressor, and the
downstream gas plant. - Typical operating objectives are
- Maximizing unit capacity
- Maintaining product quality while maximizing
yields of most valuable products - Optimizing energy utilization
- Controlling conversion
- Improving safety and reliability via
operational stability - Total economic benefit can approach 0.30/bbl
30Crude Feed and Distillation
Key Application Catalytic Reformer
31CCR Effect of feed variability
Variable Feed Hydrogenated heavy naphtha from
CDU Coker Hydrocracker Catcracker spirits
C4s and lighter
- Feed variability influences
- Reaction severity
- Benzene precursors (cyclohexane)
- Coking rate
32CCR Constraints and control strategy
Variable Feed Hydrogenated heavy Naphtha From
CDU Coker Hydrocracker Catcracker spirits
C4s and lighter
- Product constraints
- Octane Number
- Aromatics
- Benzene
- Control Strategy
- Maximize Octane
- Reduce variation in Octane and RVP
- Maximize catalyst life (coking rate )
- Push against units constraints
- Minimize energy cost
33CCR NMR solution
Multiple Feed Hydrogenated heavy Naphtha From
CDU Coker Hydrocracker Catcracker spirits
C4s and lighter
- Feed
- Distillation
- API Gravity
- S.G.
Reformat RON MON Benzene Aromatics RVP
34Benefits of CCR Application
- Operational benefits
- 0.04 per barrel client documented
- Benefits of NMR Analyzer technology
- Reduce number of analyzers
- Reduce maintenance costs
- Reduce product giveaways
- Minimal Modeling effort application
- Fast online time
- Simple integration
- When coupled with APC / RTO
35Crude Feed and Distillation
Key application Hydrocracker feed
36Hydrocracker Control goals and parameters
- Control goals
- maximize profits by making best ratio of
gasoline/distillate production (season dependent) - maximize throughput with minimal energy
- Control parameters
- Heater controls
- Charge and conversion control
- (bed temprature and hydrogen )
- Fractionator control
- H2 purity and H2/Oil control
- Benefits reported up to 30 c/bbl
37Real time NMR data for control
Parameter API Gravity TBP Viscosity Sulfur Anilin
e point Carbon Residue Nitrogen
Control input Yield potential Sulfur
constraints final product Crackability Coking
rate control Catalyst poison
38Crude Feed and Distillation
Key application Product blending
39Product blender control
- Feedforward control for component quality
variation - Feedback control for product quality variations
- Quality integration of product and component
tanks - Projected product qualities at blend header
Digital Blender
40Product Blending Analysis
Digital Blender
- D86
- E200 E300
- Aromatics
- Benzene
- Oxygenates
- Methanol
- Ethanol
- API Gravity
- Flash Pt.
- Cloud Pt.
- Pour Pt.
- Freeze Pt.
- Cetane Index
- Viscosity
41Benefits of NMR in product blending
- Significant reduction in maintenance costs by
replacing multiple analyzers - Eliminate operator bias and errors in lab
sampling - Minimal Modeling effort application
- Linear models allow extrapolation
- Simple integration and quick results
42Naphtha Cracker FeedApplication
43Naphtha Cracker Why measure feed ?
- Naphtha quality variability
- Crude changes in refinery
- Spot-market opportunity naphthas
- Changes in the refinery processes
- Potential benefits of real time data
- Allow real feed-forward control
- Keep furnaces and coils at optimal severity and
production - Operate close to plant constraints
44Application Naphtha Cracker Feed
Naphtha Feed PIONA Distillation Sulfur API
Gravity Specific Gravity Density Detailed
Hydrocarbons Cyclopentane Cyclohexane
- Methyl-cyclopentane
- Methyl-cyclohexane
- Benzene
- Toluene
- Ethylbenzene
- Xylenes
- Hydrogen
- Viscosity
Cycle time 2 min
45Naphtha cracker feed analysis benefits
- Increase throughput and push for equipment
constraints - Better naphtha feedstock management
- Increase yields on higher valued olefins
- Reduce energy consumption
- Modeling benefits for RTO
- Increase furnace run times (coking)/manage
46Analytical benefits
- Single instrument for multiple components
- Fast response time (2 min)
- Low maintenance
- Non-optical and non intrusive
- No regular solvent cleaning
- Absolute measurement, no zero, no referencing
- Robust models based on linear response and good
spectral resolution - No-moving parts
- Wide 7 mm flow-through cell
47NMR Analyser users
48Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Online Analysis
49The NMR Analyzer advantage - control
- Real time, accurate stream analysis
- Reduction in response time from Lab allows
tighter control (e.g. PIONA in seconds) - Multi-property analysis and increased information
regarding stream matrix to allow better
management decisions (molecular management) - Avoid errors in stream analysis
- Measurements are reliable and done online in real
time - Eliminates data entry errors from Lab input
50The NMR Analyzer advantage - analytical
- Simple sample conditioning required
- No water removal
- Coarse or limited filtering to protect valve
seats - Linear Spectral Response across broad range
- Models can be extrapolated accurately
- Multi-property analysis replaces conventional
analyzers and provide much faster results - Minimal maintenance required
- No moving parts in sensor
- Fast track project execution with conceptual
study, basic design and reduced client risk - Useful initial results after commissioning
- Project payback in less than one year
51Thank you!
- Contact us
- QUALION NMR ANALYZERS Advanced Technology
CenterBuilding 22, P.O.B. 15017 Haifa 31905 - Israel Tel (972) 4-855 1161Fax (972)
4-855 1162Email info_at_qualion-nmr.comWeb