The Somali population in Columbus, Ohio - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Somali population in Columbus, Ohio


... 2004 WASHINGTON -- A Somalia native living in Ohio as a refugee allegedly plotted with an Al Qaeda cell to blow up a Columbus-area shopping mall, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Somali population in Columbus, Ohio

The Somali population in Columbus, Ohio
  • A presentation by Students for Community Cultural

Introduction to the Organization
  • Students for Community Cultural Awareness was
    formed this year
  • Its purpose is to raise cultural awareness about
    immigrant populations in the Columbus community
  • Currently the organization is focusing on the
    Somali population as it is the largest
    immigrant/refugee population in Columbus.
  • The organization has held events such as movie
    discussions, informational presentations such as
    this one, and two Conversation Nights aimed at
    promoting inter-cultural communication

Historical Context of the Somali Immigration
The Somali Population in ColumbusIntroduction
  • The Somali population began to come to Ohio in
  • Since 1994 the yearly number of Somalis
    immigrating has continued to increase.
  • Issues facing Somali refugees in Columbus
  • Diaspora
  • Prejudices or Discrimination, especially in the
  • Language barriers
  • Religious intolerance
  • Lack of services- housing, education, ESL classes

The Somali Population in ColumbusBasic Statistics
  • Columbus is the countrys second largest
    settlement of Somali refugees. Minnesota is
    first and Seattle is third.
  • According to the Somali Community Association of
  • 35,000 Somali refugee/immigrants live in
  • 7 of Somali persons speak English well enough to
    get a job
  • 75 of Somalis are eligible for citizenship
  • 15 have become citizens
  • 99.9 of Somalis are Muslims
  • 80 of Somalis live with their families
  • A large amount of families are headed by women

History of the Immigration MovementWhy did
Somalis leave Somalia?
  • In 1991, the president of Somalia, Siad Barre was
    ousted from the position by a militant, Mohamed
    Farah Aideed.
  • Aideed formed a pseudo-government with eight
    ministers who essentially became warlords of
    their areas and caused a civil war
  • The UN came into Somalia in response, but their
    efforts were seen as damaging and Somalis became
  • Since 1991, 350,000-1 million Somalis have been

Somali Refugees
  • Somalis have left their home country due to
    political and civil unrest in their country.
  • There are 350,000 Somali refugees in the world
  • Somali refugees are resettled in Kenya, Yemen,
    United Kingdom, United States, Ethiopia and other
  • In 2005, 30,000 Somali refugees came to the
    United States

Why Columbus?
  • When Somalis first began immigrating to the
    United States the main two states were Virginia
    and Minnesota.
  • Somalis who were living in Virginia began to look
    for a new place to live because the cost of
    living was so high and there were few jobs.
  • Several Somalis moved to Columbus because of the
    availability of warehouse and factory jobs.
    Also, rent prices were much cheaper.
  • Word spread through families and friends and soon
    Columbus became one of the foremost destinations
    for Somali refugees.

Basic Social and Cultural Norm Information
  • A lot of the social and cultural norms of the
    Somali population comes from being Muslims which
    I will discuss later
  • Social and Cultural Norms
  • Opposite-sex contact
  • Emphasis on family unit, care for extended family
  • Hard work, sending money to family in Somalia

Current State of Affairs
  • Employment, Health, Education, City Adaption

  • A major issue for Somali refugees is finding
  • Many Somalis own their own businesses or work at
    warehouse jobs in Columbus
  • Global Mall on Morse Road
  • Some people in the community are concerned that
    the Somali population is taking all of the
    available jobs in Columbus
  • In 2006, Franklin Countys unemployment rate was
    4.8 (at the time the states unemployment rate
    was 5.1)

Health Care
  • Many Somali refugees are unable to receive the
    medical attention that they need due to the high
    costs of health care and the lack of culturally
    competent services
  • Columbus Hospitals and Health Care facilities
    have begun to address the need for translation

  • Columbus Public Schools have been overwhelmed by
    the increase in Somali students over the past
    several years
  • Nearly every school in Columbus has an ESL class
    that serves Somali students
  • According to Columbus Public Schools website 3
    of students parents speak another language
    besides English (around 2000 students)
  • Many ESL teachers do not speak Somali and are
    forced to teach the students without any use of
    their primary language

City Adaption
  • Mayor Coleman has created the New American
    Initiative under the Community Relations
  • According to its website the purpose of the
    initiative is to give all immigrant and
    refugees living in Columbus access to city
    services and programs to help improve their
    lives.  This initiative gives equal opportunity
    to all refugees and immigrants and allows them to
    become responsible, productive residents of
  • The commission is looking at problems with
    housing, language barriers, health care,
    education, and discrimination
  • This is the first city wide initiative to look at
    problems facing Somali refugees in Columbus

Columbus Perception
  • Events and attitudes that have shaped the current
    perception about the Somali population

How are Somalis seen in Columbus?
  • Two Sides to the Issue
  • Most Columbus residents are welcoming and
    accepting of the Somali population.
  • However, there is a significant amount of the
    population who does not want the Somali
    population to live in Columbus.
  • This may stem from misconceptions about public
    assistance, job opportunities, and cultural and
    social norms.
  • The next several slides focus on the negative
    occurrences that have happened in Columbus but it
    is important to look at the attitudes of Columbus

Somalis in ColumbusWhat is the public perception?
  • Somali accused of plot to blow up Ohio mall
  • By Charlie Savage, Globe Staff    June 15, 2004
  • WASHINGTON -- A Somalia native living in Ohio as
    a refugee allegedly plotted with an Al Qaeda cell
    to blow up a Columbus-area shopping mall,
    according to an indictment unsealed yesterday and
    announced at a news conference here by Attorney
    General John Ashcroft.
  • Mentally ill Somali immigrant fatally shot in
  • Associated Press Dec. 30, 2005 1200 AM
  • COLUMBUS, Ohio - A deputy shot a mentally ill
    African immigrant to death when he lunged with a
    knife at officers who had come to take him to a
    psychiatric center, authorities said.
  • Black Hawk Down
  • This movie is about the UN American Troops who
    were killed in Mogadishu (the capital of Somalia)

Quotes from an Online Forum
  • The somalis hunt in the city parks and have
    killed the deer and roasted them in the shopping
    center parking lot, over an open fire.
  • The deadly, cancerous African gene pool slowly
    and steadily continues to spread everywhere
  • Will someone please tell me how are these
    people coming here? Who is paying their way here
    and who decides who comes, how many and where
    they go? Where they should go is Manhattan Island
    and all the plush towns in the smug Northeast
    where they think mass immigration and diversity
    is great. Bob L.

Why do these opinions matter?
  • The racist and misinformed quotes from the online
    forum are hurtful, but they also demonstrate the
    work that needs to be done in Columbus to promote
    cultural awareness and understanding.
  • Without acknowledging that many Columbus
    residents are unhappy with the Somali population
    living in Columbus then we cannot properly
    address the needs of the population

  • As stated previously, Somalis are 99.9 Muslim
  • For Americans it is hard to understand fully the
    importance of Islam to Muslims because of the way
    that we view religion as a separate part of our
  • However, for most Muslims there is no separation
    between their religion and their sense of self
    and culture.
  • Islam has very set rules and duties that Muslims
    must follow

5 Pillars of Islam
  • Shahadah Its basic tenet is "ašhadu 'al-la
    ilaha illa-llahu wa 'ašhadu 'anna muhammadan
  • This means I testify that there is none worthy
    of worship except God and I testify that Muhammad
    is the Messenger of God."
  • Salah Ritual prayer that must be made five times
    a day facing Mecca
  • Zakat Giving to those in need
  • Sawm Fasting during the month of Ramadan
  • Ramadan occurs once a year and the month and day
    varies from year to year. The sight of the
    crescent moon marks the start of Ramadan. In
    2007, Ramadan will be in September.
  • Hajj It is expected that all Muslims make the
    pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their

Why is Islam a factor in the Cultural
Understanding of Somalis?
  • One of the largest components of cultural
    awareness of the Somali population is their
  • Many people are unaware of the religious
    practices such as praying five times a day which
    has led to some problems
  • After September 11th many Americans placed the
    blame on Muslims and because of their close
    proximity, Somalis in Columbus were sometimes
  • The Islamic Center in Columbus has never gone
    more then two weeks before some sort of vandalism
    has occurred on their property.

Ohio States Role
OSUs Involvement and Reaction
  • Currently estimates of the number of Somali
    students attending OSU are 200.
  • Estimates of Columbus States Somali student
    population are around 2,000.
  • The African Language department this year began
    to offer Somali language courses on a limited
  • Few departments and centers on campus have
    organized programming or services to specifically
    address the Somali population
  • Research has also been slow to start regarding
    the Somali population

Why is Ohio State behind?
  • Compared to the University of Minnesota and
    Columbus State, Ohio State is behind in
    addressing the needs of Somali students and
    recruitment of Somali students to attend.
  • Why?

OSU Students Involvement
  • I believe that a lot of the lack of services and
    programming at Ohio State stems from students
    having a low interest in the population.
  • Prior to the creation of this student
    organization the only organization that was
    looking at issues of immigrant populations in
    Columbus were individual ethnic groups such as
    the Somali Student Association
  • Why doesnt the average OSU student care about
    the Somali population?

Why do OSU Students have a lack of interest?
  • Many students are flat-out unaware of the
  • Most of the Somali population lives in Northeast
    Columbus and if students are not driving to these
    areas they might not be aware
  • Stemming from the lack of awareness, there are
    few University sponsored programs and information
    given to OSU students about the Somali population
  • Some students may not realize the significance of
    the population, i.e. that the population will
    most likely be a part of their future if they
    chose to remain in Columbus

Students for Community Cultural Awareness
  • I created this organization this year to address
    these concerns.
  • Many OSU students are interning, working, and
    volunteering in Columbus and are unaware of the
  • SCCAs purpose is to promote cultural awareness
    of the Somali population for several reasons
  • Promoting cultural diversity and tolerance
  • Increasing the professional development of OSU
  • Increasing OSUs attractiveness for Columbus
    immigrant/refugee population high school students

What Next?
  • Next year SCCA will be hosting the following
  • Autumn Quarter- Film screening series during the
    months of September, October, and November,
    membership drives
  • Winter Quarter- Working with Somali refugees,
    professional development conference
  • Spring Quarter- What does it mean to be a
    refugee? Informational session
  • Fundraising for the Friends of Dadaab

The Big Picture
  • The purpose of SCCA is to increase cultural
  • The only way that can be achieved is by having
    students, faculty, and staff work together to
    ensure that Ohio State values immigrant
    populations in Columbus and is working on
    promoting cultural awareness as well as increased
    access to OSU
  • What can you do to help?
  • Join the SCCA
  • Attend New American Initiative programs
  • Encourage OSU to welcome the population

Thank you for your time!If you have any
questions or feedback please do not hesitate to
  • Contact
  • My e-mail address
  • Organizations address
  • Organizations web-site
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