Title: China Club
1China Club
2What do we do?
At China club we do many activities like singing
Chinese songs which are very fun. Our teachers
are Miss Chan and Mrs Axon they are really cool
teachers because they are not grouchy and
horrible. We also learn how to speak and write
Chinese which is quite relaxing. We also
celebrate Chinese celebrations if there is one
like when we had the moon festival we ate moon
cake which is delicious. Chinese food is yummy I
know this because Ive tasted it at China club.
China club starts at 315 and ends at 415. There
are many more things about China club but there
are too many to tell you.
3Rebecca Stocks
Cameran Housen
Tia-Rose Shaw
Mathew barnes
Georgia Palmer
Harry Charge
Danni-Lee Radford
Joe brown
Lucy Taylor
Laura macdonald
Thomas Kirk
Emma Roberts
Nikita Cooper
4China work in class
We dont just do Chinese stuff at China club we
also do Chinese lessons and we celebrate Chinese
new year on China day.